
How To Use Impolite In A Sentence

  • Yeah, the adverb problem has bitten me in impolite places a hundred times and they’re usually the first to go when the story gets passed around my friends. Dialogue is a dance « Write Anything
  • He doesn't mean any of us impoliteness, but he needs a bit longer to warm to us.
  • They sat in silence, and with tireless patience watched our every motion with that vile, uncomplaining impoliteness which is so truly The Innocents Abroad
  • Let him cool his heels for a while: that'll teach him to be impolite.
  • The 'American Empire' of the late 20th century, which Luce more politely referred to as the 'American Century', and of which no presidents since Eisenhower and JFK ever whispered the word 'Empire' while it actually existed, was already body-snatched by the time anyone other than Chomsky and Chalmers Johnson impolitely called it by its real name. Barack Obama: Manchurian Candidate Version 2.0
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  • It's impolite to challenge their integrity, the veracity of their self-expression.
  • It is impolite to butt into other people's conversation.
  • I know that I might seem a little bit impolite, but we really must be going.
  • That will mean taking some of the points made politely in this speech and making them very impolitely. Obama's Iraq address
  • It's impolite for petitioners - or novices or even journeymen - to question their masters. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Chase is weird… that would be impolite… unmannerly.
  • Instead, these people are just as selfish and impolite as any ordinary person, but are more convinced that they have a right to behave that way.
  • The Spenser sisters giggled and whispered most of the time, which I thought was very impolite and immature. WEB OF DREAMS
  • It is impolite to leave the table before everybody has finished the meal.
  • What others might term impolite was merely Ken's shorthand. Floating City
  • But Stanley Patterson had impolitely forgotten to listen. THE KANAKA SURF
  • She had spoken without being asked a question, which was improper and impolite.
  • On a site discussing technical issues, the worst anybody can expect is strong disagreement - even if it is posed impolitely, or abusively.
  • When did our leaders become so gauche, impolite, rude and downright insensitive?
  • Agreed, but I'll have to impolitely disagree with him on The Blues Brothers. Gary Mulholland, Popcorn: Fifty Years of Rock 'n' Roll Movies (2010)
  • Unhappy at her placing, she returned to the stage and gestured impolitely at the judges, thus receiving a two-year suspension.
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • She might have added, that she, being a fair mind-reader herself, knew this from having lived with him, but that would have been impolite. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Improper position or display of the feet is always considered impolite.
  • On the contrary, if a person behaves roughly and impolitely people will frown on him.
  • But people writing impolite comments online are rarely in delicate situations; they are merely thrilling to their own indelicacy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Last week, a lawyer from Chile wrote me congratulating me for my journalistic work and informing me about the presence of so many Israeli soldiers which he encountered while in the south, whom he describes as impolite and rude. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • Yet Sophie, the woman who managed the wineshop it would have been impolite to query her other commercial interests, had taken pity on them. The Mistaken Wife
  • I knew it was rude and impolite but I was too distressed to be thinking of manners.
  • It's nice to see that what was once considered to be an impolite and undiplomatic term has now been so widely accepted by its targets.
  • For example, in Singapore, it would be considered impolite to use the horn, even though it may not be illegal.
  • She might have added, that she, being a fair mind-reader herself, knew this from having lived with him, but that would have been impolite. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • In Vietnam, for example, a direct refusal or negative answer is considered impolite and crude.
  • I had assumed that the book was about being a domestique for Lance Armstrong, but it turns out the author actually spent time working at a bunch of jobs that are, to put it impolitely, really crappy. Bottoms Up: Sloganeering and Engineering
  • So detailed investigation content this above criticism, but I should say impolitely , in contemporary undergraduate, a few people can have whole issue omit the ground to answer come out?
  • Hara kiri is an impolite way of saying the Japanese word “seppuku” which means, literally, “belly splitting.” 21 Amazing Facts About Nintendo
  • Although the impolite host wound up abruptly canceling the bonfire, there are several lessons one could garner from the barbecue that wasn't. Jorge A. Rey: Lessons From the Barbecue that Wasn't
  • I believe that you were impolite and disrespectful to your host.
  • One needs something effective to say to all these impolite people.
  • He was rude and arrogant and completely impolite and I hope I never have to see him ever again.
  • I smiled to myself, and then realized my impoliteness.
  • I wasn't being deliberately impolite; I was simply expressing confusion.
  • Food and drink are immediately offered when one enters a Croatian home, and it is considered impolite to refuse.
  • It's impolite to mutter to one another in class.
  • I could always keep myself occupied snooping around the desk, but it was impolite to do something like that.
  • In developmental psychology it's considered impolite even to mention it, let alone test it.
  • he treated her impolitely
  • If you don't mind my asking a perhaps impolite question: Do you believe in God?
  • As far as I know, he's managed to keep his distance without ever uttering an impolite word. HEAVEN, TEXAS
  • Well, I couldn't take her impoliteness to mean she was undereducated - except in the manners department.
  • The Spenser sisters giggled and whispered most of the time, which I thought was very impolite and immature. WEB OF DREAMS
  • Gretchen, though she rejects Faust's first advances curtly enough to be called impolite, nevertheless ardently returns Faust's kiss on her first meeting with him in the garden, and already at the second A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • It's impolite for petitioners - or novices or even journeymen - to question their masters. THE BROKEN GOD
  • This is the final straw, and, much out of character, I launch into a tirade against these annoying, impolite, uncivil people.
  • I am sorry, but that's real wishful thinking, or as Bill Clinton would impolitely say "a biggest fairytale". Poll: National Race Tightens; Majority Says Obama Flip-Flopped On Key Issues
  • The manager, in a very impolite manner, told them to leave the bar and never come back.
  • The voice was tired and bored, but not impolite.
  • As far as I know, he's managed to keep his distance without ever uttering an impolite word. HEAVEN, TEXAS
  • It wasn't really impoliteness or maliciousness, just a practiced logic.
  • As it happened, impoliteness came naturally to Robert Byron, and he employed it frequently in his masterpiece, "The Road to Oxiana. Five Best: Larry McMurtry
  • In another subsequent speech he said, ‘Some worry that it is somehow undiplomatic or impolite to speak the language of right and wrong.’
  • These children all live in my apartment complex, where it is safe for them to wander alone, but I'm not sure how to deal with outright insults like the messy house comment, or impoliteness like not saying thank you. Miss Manners: Halloween's etiquette imps
  • Psychologists have already determined that computer/games/cellphone type equipment is highly addictive to certain personalities, and, as I noted earlier, instant communications seem to foster a rather wide range of behaviors that are either impolite, unethical, counter-productive, or just plain illegal. Is There A "Tools" Fallacy? « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • This genteelism is creeping in all over the place, as if the word ‘me’ has suddenly become impolite.
  • Many a door has been slammed in our faces, impolitely, Chicago style. Learning to Die in Miami
  • The first people into the stores of Little Gnawing were now carefully filing out, anxious not to hurt anyone or even impolitely push past them in the crowd.
  • You have acted impolitely, and there's no excuse for it.
  • In a penitent mood - and partly to kill time - Burnell decided to apologize to Squire for his impolite behaviour. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • It & ; am # 39 very impolite to interpose in such a formal seminar.
  • It is thought impolite to accuse voters, sometimes called people, of having in any way failed.
  • She had a certain consciousness – or fear – that it would not be understood, and she would be laughed at – not openly, for Dr. Sandford was never impolite; but yet she shrunk from the cold glance of unbelief, or of derision, however well and kindly masked. Melbourne House
  • It's impolite to gibe at a foreign student's English.
  • He went out of his way to be just as impolite and insolent as he could be.
  • It's impolite for petitioners - or novices or even journeymen - to question their masters. THE BROKEN GOD
  • However, Amy's ‘please forgive me’ face stopped Catherine and made her regret her impoliteness.
  • I especially like the idea that waste, impoliteness and overpopulation become "abominations," although I'm not sure recycling one's aunt will ever truly catch on. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • Associated Press Steve Martin It's always entertaining when polite society unravels impolitely. Battling Boredom the Wrong Way
  • She ordered that impolite fellow out.
  • Perhaps we should open a new front on "impoliteness" and try to encircle 'em from the rear. Think Progress
  • In-flight refuelling ," I pointed out, mouth impolitely full. NIGHT SISTERS
  • It's impolite to make a tardy appearance.
  • Well, I couldn't take her impoliteness to mean she was undereducated - except in the manners department.
  • He went out of his way to be just as impolite and insolent as he could be.
  • The Spenser sisters giggled and whispered most of the time, which I thought was very impolite and immature. WEB OF DREAMS
  • It's impolite to gibe at a foreign student's English.
  • I was impolite and I do beg your pardon.
  • It not only deems it impolite to insult directly, but also can include an obvious, but easily retractable accusation.
  • In Asian countries, for example, it is considered impolite to say no, maillot de bain femme, so Asians may answer affirmatively if only to mean "yes, I heard you.
  • As somebody commented above this it was not only "impolite" for google to do that update. Use Group Policy Editor To Customise Or Disable Google Update | Lifehacker Australia
  • Is it considered impolite in the US to eat from someone else's plate?
  • During the confrontation, the teacher apparently overacted by pushing the students and acting impolitely.
  • It's impolite to stare at a girl.
  • In terms of the historical record, Royall's personality and hilarious, though often caustic and "impolite" attacks on religious figures--both right and left, from Protestant fanatics of the Jacksonian era like Ezra Stiles Ely to New England abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher and his sister Harriet Beecher Stowe--as well as the corrupt political stalwarts of all persuasions, have unfairly dominated and often biased her portrayal in many histories. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • A blessed bird-lover from elsewhere in Canada who adores feeding stray pets, pigeons, and pooping seagulls (also known in impolite circles as the ‘trash cans of the cosmos’).
  • Western influence has made Chinese people feel that it is impolite to ask a person's age.
  • Most allegations relate to incivility, impoliteness and intolerance (32%) – essentially allegations that officers were rude and impolite. “Two Years” for Jon Harper Killer « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The supplier should do their best to meet the order of the deeler and should not refuse it impolitely.
  • He ignored her, turning his head away impolitely.
  • Brighton has the shops and the crowds, but not the hassle of impolite, inconsiderate and downright ignorant London shoppers.
  • Will this move them to improve behavior the poll characterized as impolite, prone to loud carping and inattentive to local customs? Top Stories
  • They answered some questions in advance via e-mail, including my unusually impolite inquiry about whether the “rustic” of their title could properly be considered a code word for “ugly”. Rustic Fruit Desserts
  • Although it was impolite to stare, she could not help gawking at him.
  • ‘You have a strange name,’ I informed him impolitely.
  • They also complain that Junie is often impolite, hoggish, and generally a poor role model -- again, like an enthusiastic but not very advanced kindergartner. “Young People Don’t Want to Read About Characters Their Age”
  • Brighton has the shops and the crowds, but not the hassle of impolite, inconsiderate and downright ignorant London shoppers.
  • Worsel contemplated a delicate thought on different frequencies directed at his new friend or perhaps a sudden boltlike thrust as a test just to see Kallatra's response, but he dismissed such ideas as crude, impolite and undoubtedly worthless. The Dragon Lensman
  • The tennis prodigy offers a refreshingly impolite blast to his critics from the US Open before heading home.
  • Because it would be error; it's the worst kind of impoliteness to treat anybody that doesn't ask you to; but I've got to know every minute that her belief is a lie, and that God doesn't know anything about it. Jewel's Story Book
  • As far as I know, he's managed to keep his distance without ever uttering an impolite word. HEAVEN, TEXAS
  • In terms of the historical record, Royall's personality and hilarious, though often caustic and "impolite" attacks on religious figures -- both right and left, from Protestant fanatics of the Jacksonian era like Ezra Stiles Ely to New England abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher and his sister Harriet Beecher Stowe -- as well as the corrupt political stalwarts of all persuasions, have unfairly dominated and often biased her portrayal in many histories. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • She taught Harvard medical students, some of whom impolitely called her "Auntie Gedda" behind her back and went on to greater fame. We Remember - Gertrud C. Reyersbach, 1907 - 1999
  • Notice how some clever perpetrators of downright rudeness can make you feel as though you are the impolite one.
  • He stared at her, somewhat impolitely, but Demora ignored it. Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
  • Blaming snow for being ignorant and careless and impolite, is like blaming a dog for barking. Think Progress » Snow Defends Use Of The Term ‘Tar Baby,’ Claims Critics Don’t Understand ‘American Culture’
  • In Vietnam, for example, a direct refusal or negative answer is considered impolite and crude.

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