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  • What methods of signaling other troops will there be implemented in the game. eg. do you need a radio operator alive in your squad to communicate with other squads?
  • If implemented, Straw's curfew will allow adults to evade taking responsibility for the welfare of future generations.
  • Error prevention features cannot be implemented easily without bidirectional connectivity.
  • Without a developed national debt market, the central bank cannot utilize open market operation to adjust monetary supply efficiently and the fiscal policy also cannot be implemented successfully .
  • The way targets are being implemented is also having perverse effects. Times, Sunday Times
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  • By parallelizing the requirements to the developed system and the possibilities of the existing client database, we can say that some key basic features already are implemented, except the client per-user name indexing.
  • There shouldn't be another lap of anything run until some safety rules are implemented.
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.
  • At regular shire and hundred meetings royal orders were implemented and local affairs, including the administration of justice, transacted.
  • Meera, I made sweet shankarpalis and the dough made me think of cookies, my son also carried few to his playschool n when back told me 'aatik poora cookies khaya' :D I just got the thought..what if I had baked you hv implemented it! Baked ShankarPale
  • Jakarta's instructions are implemented with great reluctance by provincial civilian and military leaders, who have not changed their old ways.
  • If this technology was implemented in a fuel cell vehicle, it would cost about $200, as opposed to using carbon nanotube tanks (which cost about $5.5 million) or metal hydrides (which cost about $30,000). Chicken Feathers May Fuel Hydrogen Cars in the Future | Inhabitat
  • The services in the PC Recycle System are implemented by Web Services.
  • Certainly, and some of them very good ones," said the lawyer; "as in the common case of an heir of entail, where deed of provision and tailzie is maist ordinarily implemented by taking up name and arms. St. Ronan's Well
  • Dr. James Ogwang, a biocontrol entomologist with the Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization, and his colleagues, implemented a successful program that rid Lake Victoria of the weed. Biocontrol of Invasive Water Hyacinth Contributes to Socioeconomic Improvement | Impact Lab
  • He implemented a new economic plan
  • As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide.
  • Much of a council's work is implemented by a communal board composed of members appointed to reflect the council's political party composition.
  • He presents an analysis of how public policy in relation to drug-driving might be developed, co-ordinated and implemented.
  • The figures were expected by most experts, since May was the first month that the new prudential and restrictive monetary measures were implemented.
  • I think the key issue to examine on these platforms is the application framework being supported and how it is implemented. Like Google, Salesforce Is Pushing Its Platform for the Enterprise
  • This is a formidable new agenda to be imposed - and implemented within a very short time-scale - on top of the existing programme.
  • So I have subclassed Module::Build and implemented my own install action. 11 « February « 2008 « everything e-diotic
  • Let the plan's authors insist that the government clarify threshold issues before the laws are implemented.
  • Quick Street implemented a new residents permit scheme last year, which has caused all sorts of aggro.
  • They may also be implemented in the context of broader economic issues, such as shifting the tax burden from labour to non-renewable resources through an ecotax at the national or multinational level (see chapter 11). Chapter 9
  • But I'll tell you this, sir, that those units that have been extended here for 15 months, I applaud what their commanders and senior non-commissioned officers have done, because they've implemented what we refer to as a fighter management program, which provides for the maximum extent possible every bit of rest and recovery we possibly can for our troopers before we push them back out in the streets. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2007
  • What bothers me about remarks like Baucus's was that the Canadians had much the same type of deal going on as we have now when they implemented single-payer back in the 1970s, along with similar issues (i.e., how to implement the system within a federalistic system of government, etc). The American Prospect Articles
  • In recent years two thirds of reports have been implemented or accepted. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am sympathetic to arguments that Kyoto, as implemented, is not the most effective means to accomplish its stated aims. Global Warming, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But if implemented it would have represented a dangerous exercise in arbitrary power. Times, Sunday Times
  • A physician in England implemented the concept of a safety-net antibiotic prescription.
  • The new International Rules of Yacht Racing, covering the triennium 2001-2004, were implemented for the first time in an Optimist regatta in Asia and the race organizers watched with great interest.
  • The central castings warehouse location is very efficiently maintained via chaotic warehousing and WLAN forklift terminals which are implemented in abas ERP. - Business News
  • A hierarchical inventory management system and a company - wide order processing system are implemented using our framework.
  • If anyone thought that the manner in which the USPTO Appeal Brief Rules were implemented was, well, a bit "askew", there appears to be evidence that your instincts were correct. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Israel has implemented a scorched earth policy and uprooted nearly 400,000 olive, citrus and almond trees.
  • Each stand was prepared with options and their periodic timber outputs were implemented by their initial status and growth and thinning models.
  • Particulars regarding the age from which the scheme can be implemented must be discussed and confirmed by a panel of educationists, teachers and child psychologists.
  • Where, in the case of certain exhaustible natural resources, conservation is a prime desideratum, the benefit principle could be implemented through a severance tax in lieu of at least part of the land value tax.
  • The masses want an eye for an eye, the Law of Moses, implemented post-haste.
  • The following year I implemented this regime and the absences reduced to two days in a whole year.
  • Isn't technology always developed years ahead of when it is implemented on a mass scale?
  • This is implemented by allowing the solver to specify priorities.
  • After an elephantine period of gestation the scheme in its present form was implemented as and when each public entertainment licence came up for renewal after March 1998.
  • No personnel lay - offs are planned but a recruitment freeze has been implemented.
  • To facilitate this, a chat function has been implemented that sends readable text to friendly units, and presents an incomprehensible alphanumerical stream to foes.
  • Parallel to the wage freeze, the government has implemented a programme of public spending cuts unprecedented in the history of the Netherlands.
  • Guo Shuqing, chairman of China Construction Bank (CCB), revealed in a recent interview that the bank's employee stock ownership plan is likely to be implemented before the end of this year.
  • All that happened was that the solicitor did nothing at all for a period of time, with the result that the testator died before his new testamentary intentions could be implemented in place of the old.
  • This year he also implemented a controversial policy of free school meals for all city children.
  • In addition, current literature on known methods of sterilization, such as gamma irradiation, demonstrates efficacious employment, demanding that standard protocols be implemented for all tissue banks.
  • It tends to be the complex IT implementations that are badly procured or badly implemented that become visible. Computing
  • If they've implemented the microphone function, they can listen to whatever they want and exfiltrate the audio data. What Your iPhone Apps Know About You
  • One suggestion already implemented was adding a subject line to the organization's internal messaging system.
  • They built a system that implemented “checkpointing,” a way for the index to hold its place if a calamity befell a server or hard disk. In the Plex
  • A scheme which would, if implemented, bring the Seven into direct confrontation with the House.
  • But Rick, that would seem to me that some of those cost savings are going to come sooner rather than later, kind of lumpier maybe up front, if you've already implemented some of these workforce reductions. Home Page
  • However, according to the BBC report, the review's recommendation for two separate bodies to replace the commission, will not be implemented.
  • Under the condition of given data statistical distribution, a new algorithm for statistical classification and quick sorting was implemented.
  • Experience tells me, though, that learners certainly opt out of various media when they're poorly chosen (inappropriate for the learning), poorly implemented (talking down, lecturing, fatuous), or poorly administered (mindless administrivia, useless recordkeeping, or mandatory sheep-dip). Same old story
  • , the RID_BIT equals predicate is implemented as a new direct access method in order to efficiently locate the row.
  • Such communities have suffered through the policies implemented by this government.
  • For instance, a String attribute of an entity could be implemented as a CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT type of column.
  • The methods described and implemented are not only applicable to on-line cursive script recognition.
  • Thus, the harbinger would conclude that in general terms, if the tie were to be fairly implemented and other elements of the relationship were equally scrutinised to the benefit of long term symbiotic operational harmony, neither party would complain in the most part. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • On detailed analysis of the movement model of Horizontal Shaper, simulation software is implemented under OpenGL.
  • In usual spatial-time processing for diversity reception of UWB pulses, the channel delays are not easy to be implemented accurately.
  • One international agency has implemented an age-old idea to empower people in new ways. IOM Suggestion Box Gives Haitians Outlet for Frustration
  • It is shown that permitted load curve must be implemented in choosing crank press.
  • While the generals debated how to mandate a revolution, the captains and majors quietly implemented one.
  • Because of Darren's innocent actions, major league baseball implemented an age requirement of 14 for batboys.
  • His policies for achieving this aim must be implemented quickly, and effectively.
  • We also implemented a new information campaign in our waiting room aimed at alerting young people to the danger of infection.
  • These deal with how EU policies should be implemented, and with a range of general provisions for treaties.
  • For me the ban, when implemented, will represent a step towards a more humane treatment of wild animals.
  • The General Group OAS has implemented such functions as E-mail, management of receiving and sending document, session management, callboard and so on.
  • A provincewide ban to be implemented later this year is expected to drain at least $50 million annually.
  • Until an accurate means of counting both sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons is implemented nationwide, we won't have any way of assessing who is chronically homeless and if and how they are being helped.
  • The unprecedented economic boom has overtaken the entire infrastructure implemented by the city planners.
  • With just a fortnight to go before it will be implemented, the Scottish Executive is desperately trying to dampen down public expectations.
  • The government of South Africa has implemented market-oriented food policies and has liberalized trade.
  • What initiatives has the Government implemented to build capacity in the Maori tourism business sector?
  • This'll aid future refactoring, because methods that are not public or semipublic can be reimplemented at will as long as the test suite still passes.
  • The central bank has used about half its foreign reserves since 2011 to prop up the pound and implemented strict restrictions on hard currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nature of the decision implemented by the one-House veto in these cases further manifests its legislative character.
  • The programme also gives bosses opportunities to hear how existing businesses have implemented forward thinking, strategy and visioning to achieve success, and how they should prepare for the future.
  • Critics argue that up to 4,700 fewer crimes will be detected each year if the proposals are implemented. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Treasury Department announced Thursday it has implemented new requirements intended to restrict firearm purchases by foreign visitors.
  • The applicability of the light scattering technique would be greatly expanded if it could be implemented using adherent cells.
  • Three fourths of the states had implemented, or were planning to implement, incentives to increase employer involvement.
  • In an attempt to stave off a crisis, California has implemented some dramatic initiatives to conserve cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • At its simplest, social protection has been implemented as welfarist support to poor people, mainly in countries that have limited capacity to deliver comprehensive social welfare programmes. Social protection: from handouts to social justice | Stephen Devereux
  • The free market program implemented by successive governments has widened social inequality to an unprecedented degree.
  • First, the 2-D IDCT is transformed into two cascaded 1-D IDCT. Then 1-D IDCT can be implemented by multiplication and addition of matrix according to butterfly computation.
  • The final part of the plan was never fully implemented primarily due to the speed of the Russian advance.
  • He said all government-sponsored schemes would be implemented at the grassroots level.
  • But there again, we have seen similar measures implemented in dentistry and prescriptions, and if the Tories obtain office, then it is quite possible these insensitive proposals may turn into fabrication. A snapshot of a future Tory health service… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • Boiling water reactors normally have load - following capability, implemented by varying the recirculation water flow.
  • At regular shire and hundred meetings royal orders were implemented and local affairs, including the administration of justice, transacted.
  • Meanwhile, the right-wing daily Le Figaro concentrates on the security measures implemented in France.
  • Ministers admitted that more work would have to be done on how the measure would be implemented. Times, Sunday Times
  • He believes that he has been involved in perhaps a couple of situations where remedial ties had to be implemented.
  • Even the scientists who advocate for that protocol recognise that it will not make one jot of difference, even if it is fully implemented.
  • The city also several years ago implemented "predevelopment" meetings to help everyone understand what is expected, she said. The Daily News - News
  • Those using leaked keys will be needing a new one, and if lockouts are implemented in the shipping product then they'll also face the inconvenience of a reinstall.
  • These cancer surveillance programmes are now widely implemented despite not having been subjected to clinical trial.
  • As a measure of self-protection for itself and as a service to taxpayers, a system of clearer, more intelligent, relevant benchmarks should be implemented.
  • The authors concluded that it was imperative that current road safety programmes, including random breath testing, be fully implemented.
  • High-profile cases have highlighted the business risks inherent in badly or inadequately implemented IT projects.
  • This is one reason why Wing is supportive of proposed changes in diagnosis, to be implemented in 2013, which will assimilate Asperger's syndrome and several of the confusing autism sub-groups childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, for example into one definitive diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. Autism: a mother's labour of love
  • This package provides a metaclass that allows classes implemented in extension modules to be subclassed in Python. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • However, unexpectedly, the highest ranking US diplomat did not come to make demands that Resolution 1559 be implemented.
  • Thus ideas have come out of academe and are being implemented in the clinic.
  • The catalog service was then implemented by a service controller, and this controller accessed the legacy catalog application to provision the catalog data required by the catalog service.
  • In the private sector, decision making can be guided and implemented by considerations that are subject to reasonably accurate escalation.
  • The logic transaction tier of J2EE is implemented by the reusable component of EJB.
  • We implemented our scatter/gather I/O server in Simula-67, augmented with opportunistically pipelined extensions. Archive 2005-04-01
  • If this were to be implemented, it would strike fundamental blows to British science.
  • It seems unlikely that these reforms will be implemented very soon. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a great system and/or argument for wine nerds who might actually talk about a wine's residual sugar, acidity, etc. in numeric terms, but in a consumer-driven industry that has a great deal of subjective loyalties, analysis, and opinions, I really don't see how this system could be implemented. International Riesling Foundation: What's the Point?
  • Proposed new technology to be implemented includes intelligent transport systems such as message signing, active traffic management techniques and information systems.
  • Various ideas were proposed and implemented - though most did not work well - to synchronize clocks within cities and thereby eliminate annoying discrepancies between different city clocks.
  • The proposed protocol is based on CSMA/CA basis. The dynamic channel selection scheme is implemented and the number of the data channel is independent of the network topology.
  • Quick ESA has been implemented in PASCAL on PC 586.
  • He said there was no problem in closing the shop if the orders were implemented in uniformity throughout the town.
  • Implemented a mechanisms to provide for more freely given consent of the governed i.e. democracy, and attempted to protect the citizens of that country from those who would attempt to resubject them through even more violence from that violence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Antiwar Libertarians and the Reification of the State:
  • If the pilot is successful, the program could be implemented nationwide within three years.
  • In the Ministry of Finance we have implemented a document management system and reorganized the central archive.
  • The Final Solution, as the Nazis called it, was originally only one of the exterminatory projects to be implemented after a victorious war against the Soviet Union. Holocaust: The Ignored Reality
  • Significant technological hurdles remain, however, before thin-film technology could be implemented as the primary power source for spacecraft.
  • Certainly “bin Ladenism” seemed to share some commonalities with the Nazis and the Soviets: their anti-Semitism; their antiliberalism and general contempt for Enlightenment values; their cultlike embrace of charismatic leaders; their deft exploitation of modern propaganda methods; and their bogus promises of utopia here on Earth if their programs were implemented. The Longest War
  • Piano rolls are of course much too bulky and not terribly sturdy for use in a combat situation, so Hedy's invention, which she had patented in 1942 for use in WWII, was not implemented until 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis, once solid-state technology had finally caught up with the amazingly innovative Hedy Lamarr. Hedwig Kiesler is a Stone-Cold BADASS
  • This will allow residents to look at detailed plans for the proposals and speak to council officers about how they will be implemented.
  • While it may work briefly, it destroys the incentive to innovate and ends up costing more and more in stagnation every year that it is implemented. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • No strategies have been implemented by the municipal government to discourage auto transport and promote public transit.
  • One of the crucial flaws in this scheme was that it was only implemented in part. A Channel of Peace
  • In contrast to the Lisa approach, the Macintosh team implemented its interface issues on an ad hoc basis.
  • After prevention strategies are formulated and implemented, they must be evaluated for effectiveness.
  • The proposed changes were never actually implemented.
  • The reformed Swiss drug policy implemented in the 1990s is characterized by a fourfold approach, including elements of prevention, law enforcement, therapy, and harm reduction.
  • As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide.
  • Aristotelian, it drives toward simplification of all knowledge through a kind of noetic bookeeping, anti - iconographic and diagrammatic in form, implemented by the new art of typography. RAMISM
  • The plan was in the process of being implemented and an enormous amount of work had been undertaken.
  • It has introduced a new code of practice for its journalists and implemented new policies to eliminate conflict of interests.
  • The report had not taken local circumstances into account, however, nor those steps already implemented by the SAP to irradicate shortcomings. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Regulations were to be interpreted consistently with the Directive which they implemented. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two weeks prior to my January visit, Internationals, Israeli's and locals implemented a creative challenge to the status quo imposed by the Israel government for the times they keep 'changin': the Billin'ers erected their own outpost. Nonviolent Solidarity : Sometimes we win, sometimes we die
  • Critics argue that up to 4,700 fewer crimes will be detected each year if the proposals are implemented. Times, Sunday Times
  • The signed framework agreement would be implemented gradually over ten years. Times, Sunday Times
  • And efforts to frustrate remedial measures that should be implemented must not be countenanced.
  • He rejected nationalism and instead advocated a state which based its legitimacy on Islam and implemented sharia.
  • One pilot project is to be implemented in Jobcentre Plus offices. Times, Sunday Times
  • As one would expect in a prospectus, the document also cautioned potential investors that there could be no assurance that the project would be implemented.
  • EDID and HDCP are implemented by storing pertinent information on a chip in the monitor, which information is then communicated to the computer to which the monitor is connected via a "DDC" wire in the video cable. HomeToys News
  • To recoup the upkeep, a pay-and-display ticketing system should be implemented for those who want to sit on the grass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Basically, value-excerption in hCard got implemented in parsers globally, so we're trying spec it more fully to reflect that. Ben Ward
  • The DA objected to adjustments resulting from cost-saving implemented by the provincial Treasury as part of its belt-tightening measures.
  • Rectangles connected by two arrows indicate methods that can be implemented as supervised or unsupervised.
  • Our study showed just how much impact a home safety scheme can have if implemented correctly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because CAD/CAM and PDM applications are tightly integrated, they are likely to be implemented by an individual enterprise or software vendor in, for example, CORBA or EJB.
  • The House may recall that, in 1998, I had announced that zero duty regime on IT products would be preponed and implemented by 2003.
  • Sheffield Council said staff were expected to be appropriate and professional, but no list was implemented.
  • If Micheál Martin (who's on a bit of a personal crusade against fags) had successfully implemented his ban, would this hung over and rather lairy crew have forsaken their twenty packs?
  • All the different elements must be brought together to ensure that policy is devised and implemented in a coherent fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now he is leaving before his plan can be implemented properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his first ministry from 1868 to 1874, Gladstone implemented many government reforms.
  • I was recently convinced that 3D, when implemented from the ground up, can be used in great ways. Mia Wasikowska Cast as Alice in Tim Burton's Wonderland «
  • Moosa told journalists he believed the new policy, once implemented, would "stifle" the crime syndicates behind the poaching. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Their role was to provide clear jurisdictional lines to ensure that forest management plans could be implemented.
  • A character recognition system for tire code is implemented by the digital image processing technology.
  • Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the "implementation" column.
  • These reforms have now been widely implemented in schools.
  • For example, the studio said that it has already implemented a community idea, an arrest / capture system; is considering stealth systems; and has rejected the idea of selectable classes such as Detective or SWAT. Edge Online - Interactive Entertainment Today
  • A version of a project proposed in the stakeholder workshops - a safety rating system for logging trucks - has since been implemented.
  • I shall also begin to sketch the model that will be implemented within the Chart architecture.
  • [6], [8], [59], US may be able to confer a spatial resolution similar to those achieved by currently implemented neuromodulation strategies such as vagal nerve stimulation and DBS, which have been shown to possess high therapeutic value PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A microprocessor-implemented voice band data modem for the general purpose is one of the developmental trends in modern digital communication.
  • The costs were massive and new procedures were often overtaken by events even before they were implemented.
  • So far, the project, which targets rural communities in poor areas of urban centers, has been implemented in three districts.
  • Using complex QR decomposition and Householder transformation , the algorithm can be recursively implemented.
  • He particularizes the murders, by way of quotation from actual historical documents, fragments, poems -- the narrative is organized like bits and pieces of a documentary -- and by way of his own imagining of how the Communist takeover of Estonia was implemented. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The signed framework agreement would be implemented gradually over ten years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The memory cell may be implemented in an array of cells to perform a method of creating a reverse breakdown condition in an array of memory cells arranged in columns and rows in the array.
  • The central bank has used about half its foreign reserves since 2011 to prop up the pound and implemented strict restrictions on hard currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even valuable shellfish beds around the coast are in danger because the Government has not implemented proper programmes to reduce pollution.
  • Improved computer-editing proceedings have been developed and implemented in the surveillance system which identify measurements that may contain errors.
  • ‘For a recommendation to be implemented, it has to be supported by a trust or other body with influence,’ he said.
  • Policymakers need to ensure that macro-prudential policies in differing countries -- when designed and implemented -- do not contradict or offset each other. John Lipsky: Macro-Prudential Policies: Putting the 'Big Picture' into Financial Sector Regulation
  • The proposition was deemed unconstitutional and was not implemented.
  • By utilizing the type III extreme pathways, the loop law can be implemented in flux balance without needing to perform a bilinear optimization.
  • Principles of equity, protecting home industries, directional procurement and reciprocity should be implemented for the choice of suppliers.
  • The board implemented a hiring freeze and deferred cost-of-living raises for its staff.
  • If on the other hand you said a cost of 100 million for a system 5 times bigger than turlough hill, I could see that being implemented but I would not be happy. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • The plan should be fair, transparent, land-based and implemented in a fair manner.
  • The present research was implemented as a pilot study to test feasibility and examine preliminary evidence of program effectiveness.
  • This agreement, made in secret and implemented autocratically, tramples underfoot the democratic rights of refugees.
  • What I'm saying, in the end, is that e-voting must be implemented properly, overcautiously, overzealously guarded and protected. CTV News RSS Feed
  • Instead, many countries are intervening quietly - and unilaterally - in forex markets, and some are already toying with capital controls, which Thailand and Malaysia implemented in the past to stem the tide but with mixed results. Asian currency tensions simmer as dollar sinks
  • Now he is leaving before his plan can be implemented properly. Times, Sunday Times

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