
How To Use Implementation In A Sentence

  • In other respects, however, the implementation of the peace plan was proceeding well, according to the report.
  • Karam also highlighted the authority's implementation of surface-to-surface communications applications and upgrading from Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) system to Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS). AME Info Latest News
  • Now sadder but wiser, we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business.
  • The IIG will ensure speedy conclusion of loan agreements and implementation of infrastructure projects.
  • This implementation of the principle of least privilege helps contain security breaches arising from buggy code, malicious code, user error and malicious users.
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  • Designed for senior college management it dealt with the design and implementation of internal quality assurance systems for colleges.
  • The implementation of protocol conversion was described.
  • Andy Nichols, who led the campaign for Prop 204, says the state is working out details on implementation.
  • Furthermore, such an object can be instrumented to record all GUI-implementation interactions.
  • Background/rationale: One of the most important changes to managed care payments in the BBA was the required implementation of risk adjustment. Presidential Plan To Modernize And Strengthen Medicare A
  • Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
  • And if there is a way for someone to be logged into their Google account from an application then the label completion could extend to even application implementations of Oplop. Coder Who Says Py
  • It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received.
  • The user group with an inherently greater potential for implementation is the more privileged section of the society.
  • As shown in Figure 10, a dotted line with a closed, unfilled arrow means realization (or implementation); as we saw in Figure 4, a solid arrow line with a closed, unfilled arrow means inheritance.
  • With the implementation of the new curriculum, more and more studies are on class predetermination and generation, but few systematic studies are used in chemical disciplines.
  • The second approach to prevention is the implementation of educational programmes aimed at modifying the attitudes of young people to attempted suicide.
  • Community plans, future urbanizing area plans, suburban cities' general plans are nearly all written and waiting for implementation.
  • That implementation of course will be a fait accompli, which is my biggest concern. Dispassionate Liberal
  • Presumably preliminary consultation by conservation agencies and institutional involvement of local people in plan formulation and implementation would avoid these clashes.
  • Installing new unproven software posed unacceptable risks to Pearl's tight implementation timetable.
  • He is too committed to his reform package to be able to make changes as flaws become apparent during implementation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ease of using Mathematica is the result of 20 years of careful, integrated design and implementation of things like symbolics, numerics, graphics, and dynamic behavior. Wolfram Blog : Always the Right Time for Mathematica…
  • The vote came after majority Nationalist Party officials said today the party would use parliamentary procedures to block implementation of the bills.
  • What specific provisions for the adjustments to tax accounting are given by the Implementation Regulations?
  • But he stopped short of setting a timetable for full implementation of new clinical guidance, despite the fact it would cost just £85 million.
  • In board meetings all across the nation, many are discussed, but few are ever chosen for implementation.
  • Implementation next year will save considerable administrative effort at head office.
  • Firstly, this paper gives a framework of the remote experiment system, and then presents the design and implementation of the background control subsystem in detail.
  • Top Management must be actively involved in the development, implementation, and review of QRM systems, because Quality lays the foundation for the organizational and individual success.
  • It declares a generic getInstance() method that accepts a configuration object and a configuration interface T, and it returns an implementation of that interface.
  • Booth Recoding multiplier is adopted to further improve the hardware implementation efficiency.
  • A further important consequence was the more rapid implementation of planned petrochemical projects in response to sharp rises in oil production and oil prices.
  • Designed for hardware implementation, its operation is relatively fast and works well for large bulk documents or encryption.
  • This paper also studied the implementation technique , system framework , industry chains , running mode and payment method of mobile payment.
  • Design and implementation of a data distributor for multidimensional parallel sparse matrix on distributed - memory computing environments.
  • Whatever , it is a contribution to design and implementation of function library of special processor.
  • We also underline the importance of an early entry into force and implementation of the Treaty on Open Skies. 13.
  • However, on Oct. 2 some 200,000 people gathered in New Delhi to demonstrate against recommendation of the Commission's implementation.
  • Dane Swango, a predoctoral fellow at Stanford University currently working on his Ph.D. dissertation at UCLA, answers questions after his presentation about the goals, design, implementation, and limitations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) at a luncheon seminar at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies on January 27, 2009. - Articles related to Russia and US on brink of deal to cut nuclear arms
  • According to Network Appliance, FAServer is the first implementation of a new direction for network file servers called file server appliances.
  • The sorting office had been the target of much criticism in recent months, following the implementation of a single-service delivery system.
  • Any balanced budget amendment has to have some exceptions and some implementation provisions.
  • Delays in implementation deadlines have, however, produced a lukewarm response from campaigners.
  • Hey there, Now that Java is also running on Google App Engine, would that be possible to see such an implementation of a CDN, in Java, on GAE? Java: Coming Soon to Google’s App Engine
  • For her, continuance of her government is not important but the implementation of her agenda.
  • The FPGA implementation scheme of LPT is also discussed in the paper.
  • It is planned that the advisory council will meet twice a year and, according to Thwala, the first week of July is diarised as the implementation date of the fast-track investment programme.
  • Postponing implementation is a budget gimmick used to keep the cost artificially low (if you only show expenditures in five years out of a ten year budget window the program will appear cheaper than it really is). Archive 2009-09-01
  • This paper focuses on the resolution of quantifier - induced scope ambiguity by Prolog implementation.
  • However, had an explicit return type of Seq been declared, which is a parent for both Array and List, then the implementation change would not have forced a recompilation of the client.
  • These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT, respectively.
  • The tax was scrapped the following year because of public opposition and implementation problems.
  • This lack of foresight and thoughtless preparation for implementation can clearly have a negative impact on teachers and students, as demonstrated in this study.
  • We acknowledge that political compromise may indeed explain the typical process surrounding the implementation of major change in most organizations.
  • ‘The French videotex system Minitel: A successful implementation of a national information echnology infrastructure,’ MIS Quarterly, volume 18, number 1, pp. 1-20.
  • The jitters sent through the government by recent protests are leading to the implementation of even more intrusive and innovative censorship and control tools.
  • But when I spend half an hour looking up a cross-platform method to get contents of the last key the user pressed (and two of the sites that purport to show how to do so have examples that don't work in Firefox), don't tell me that the implementation is all that. Penguicon: The Rough Schedule
  • There are rare cases where software patents make sense, primarily in assembly code areas that are directly linked to hardware and architectural implementations. Paul Graham on Software Patents, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The result has been a form of social constipation, a culture of non-performance in regard to expeditious implementation.
  • What should be transparent is the decision and its implementation. Matthew Yglesias » Transparent Negotiations
  • createDFA() is a direct implementation of the DFA construction algorithm discussed in the previous column.
  • Until now, few scholars have specified the role of the ideology of privatism in determining the programmatic shape and local implementation of urban renewal or have examined the impact of the program on metropolitan development.
  • Simultaneously, in order to resolve the questions of real-time data processing, implementation of shared memory communication tasks is also given here.
  • The first article explores the struggles associated with the implementation of acquisition policy.
  • Obviously, the implementation of a successful breeding program will require correct pedigrees.
  • The task is to develop models for implementation that are sound, sustainable and appropriate.
  • The design and implementation method of a mobile robot control system for extra-high voltage power transmission line inspection is given.
  • With the first major implementation target met, Pearl is turning its attentions to further developments.
  • Flackware's Zmodem is simply the best implementation we have seen of this powerful file transfer system.
  • Delhi: Four years after the RTI Act came into force, lack of mandatory monitoring mechanism for its implementation remains an important "lacunae" while government agencies are shying from disclosure of subsidies data worth several crores of rupees, vice president Hamid Ansari said - Articles related to Ansari for better safety in mines
  • The implementation of that policy will now be the responsibility of the regional health authorities.
  • Cost control of the project is that the cost management starts from the construction tender price until the completion of the project, throughout the total implementation of the project.
  • Thirdly, except for considering uncertainty of the coefficients of a linear optimization model, we also incorporate implementation error of the obtained solution into the model.
  • When it comes to environmental change, the implementation of the Three Gorges dam and reservoir is the great granddaddy of all changes.
  • Where the implementation of such strategic highs is in question the centre will limit the action space around interpretability and local discretion.
  • Any balanced budget amendment has to have some exceptions and some implementation provisions.
  • What we are really witnessing is an abdication of responsibility on the part of European governments for the implementation of a potentially beneficial technology.
  • Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
  • What this will do - and I hate to use the word culminate - but this will culminate in a strategic plan and then go into an implementation phase. Sand Mountain Reporter: News
  • The achievement of such a role requires a set of well-established system of government procurement policy, including the location, organization, implementation and coordination of policies.
  • Field engineer looking into consideration the safety and quality of project implementation.
  • Common errors arise from authoritarian implementation.
  • Embracing third-party servicers such as Pythian "is a statement of confidence in that they're having enough successful implementations. Computerworld News
  • He is ready to proceed with the implementation of the President's directive about nonsegregation down to the platoon level, and proposes to initiate this in the three cavalry regiments and the AA battalion up north, but does not want to do it if it is premature. "[ Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965
  • What is characteristic of both locales is the de-democratization of policy formation and implementation.
  • Through analyzing the structure of the leading areas of magnetic disc it is to provide an assembly language implementation method of multi-operating system guides.
  • This structure would be responsible for implementation of a long term reparation process, and serve as the responsibility for all outstanding reparations e.g. community, symbolic, administrative and legal, following the life of the Reparations Committee. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Backed by official government data and using media savvies, these 34 NGOs are forcing brand-conscious global IT corporations to face up to the discrepancy between their glorified "Supplier Code of Conduct" and actual implementation on the ground. Xiu Min Li: China's IT Poisons
  • Public Service Commission shall ensure provincial representation in national processes while simultaneously ensuring that there is full and direct accountability at provincial level for the implementation that takes place at that level*. Building a United Nation
  • … [T] he information concerning the results of the implementation of juvenile curfews in other municipalities is equivocal at best and does not establish the necessary relationship between the ordinance and the goals of reducing juvenile crime and victimization. Criminal Law
  • It tends to be the complex IT implementations that are badly procured or badly implemented that become visible. Computing
  • Managing the implementation of Search Engine Optimization principles with content created by PR firms or internal PR staff involves the creation and maintenance of keyword glossaries from which to pick phrases for optimization as well as best practices applied to content creation processs. Online Marketing Blog
  • The procedure, today much used in computer implementations, enumerates the cosets of a subgroup of finite index in a finitely presented group.
  • But a ministry spokesman says April remains the target for implementation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
  • This paper introduces the design and implementation of the video phase locked synchronism system for CCD color camera.
  • Exactly how to manage that diversity, the challenges of implementation, was a dilemma.
  • While the arguments for implementation of e-voting in a country that has a perniciously rose-coloured view of its technological status in this tattered chapter of the Celtic Tiger, the practical difficulties are actually quite large.
  • The Society, Mr. Haley, does not find the origin of the state of necessity in the unwillingness of bishops to incardinate its priests; it finds the origin in the state of the Church following the implementation and/or misimplementation of Vatican II. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • The confluence of these changes has engendered much planning and implementation activity within the financial industry.
  • The performance improvement suggestion derived from best and most improved performers was implementation of an institutional policy for phlebotomists to refuse to perform phlebotomy on a patient without a correct wristband.
  • Gane and Sarson suggest that the techniques can be used to specify the system design and help in the implementation process.
  • With an abstract data type we cleanly separate the programming tasks of implementation and usage: we are well on our way to decompose a large system into smaller modules.
  • The implementation of policy and objectives should then be left to the executive parts of the organization. The Prisons We Deserve
  • We read Jeri Laber's article "Witch Hunt in Prague" [NYR, April 23] with great interest while we were in Prague studying the implementation in Czechoslovakia of the screening law, the so-called "lustration" process, for the British Helsinki Human Rights Group. Human Rights in Prague
  • Long-term implementation in high-tech aspects of U. S. export control policy is considered to be "Cold War" mentality of the product.
  • Congress began on March 24 its debate on the plan, whose implementation would require several amendments of the 1988 constitution.
  • The implementation of the 1996 act will continue to preoccupy Powell for the duration of his time as commissioner.
  • It follows that policies for rural housing do not consider the social implications which might result from their implementation.
  • The implementation of more intensive and modernised farming encountered the problem of land shortage. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • Their implementation may have been chaotic and disorganized, but they were carried through with remarkable goodwill and even enthusiasm considering the multitude of vested interests they threatened or damaged.
  • BBC claims angry iPlayer plugin mob 'conflated' open source term Hardware attack on RSA implementation "Researchers at the University of Michigan have succeeded in accessing the private RSA key used by an embedded processor by manipulating the power supply to the processor
  • It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received.
  • Assistance has been made conditional upon the implementation of macroeconomic stabilization programmes.
  • Existing research focuses on the generation and implementation of information technology, on gender and technology and on industrial innovation.
  • Meanwhile, on June 13, a five-judge panel of the SAC issued an interdict against the preliminary implementation of the contract pending a court decision.
  • This book demystifies enterprise architecture and helps organisations recognise real business value through effective implementation.
  • We acknowledge that political compromise may indeed explain the typical process surrounding the implementation of major change in most organizations.
  • A illogical resolvent or implementation method of privilege management often make MIS complicated or inflexible.
  • We will follow the process of search, formulation and implementation of technological change.
  • The guidelines would serve "as a guide rather than prescript" for magistrates in their implementation of the 1998 Domestic Violence Act. @ FLOODS-KZN ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The rest of this article explains how these technologies interact so you can make sense of the underlying path, from service call to an invocation of a business method in an implementation.
  • If the question of control shifts from project planning to implementation, however, the federal role appears to be greater.
  • These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT, respectively.
  • The longer-than-expected lead-in time will allow employers time to prepare for the full implementation of the regulations.
  • These may, from time to time, make policy formulation and implementation a complicated business.
  • I always thought a physical implementation would sound like “click clack click click click clack clack clack clack …” Kind of like the mechanical crossbars, kind of like the big alphanumeric flippy displays at railroad stations and airports. Intro to Rod Logic « The Half-Baked Maker
  • Dennis Mseleku and senior managers in the department to look at ways of "intensifying" the implementation of health programmes. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The UN is to supervise the implementation of the peace treaty.
  • She has grandiosely announced that the National Advisory Council headed by her will monitor the implementation of the Government's governance charter.
  • After a brief description of error correcting code of applied digital video signals in H. 263, this paper focuses on the design and implementation of BCH(511,493) error correcting code.
  • Different font implementations, even for ostensibly identical fonts, often produce subtly different spacings. The Volokh Conspiracy » Massive Problems with Anti-Obama Allegations That Have Been Making the Rounds Recently
  • Governor Fauzi Bowo said Monday the administration was still discussing the implementation of the 2005 bylaws on air control and designated nonsmoking areas with stakeholders, such as antismoking NGOs, building managements, as well as the association of retailers. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • These include improvements that result in significant and sustained enhancement in the attractiveness of public transport, land-use planning to reduce the need for intraurban trips, and implementation of policy tools such as time-of-day, congestion, and central-zone pricing. Chapter 8
  • Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
  • We present our implementation or realization of interactive multimedia educational software to develop readiness of speech for helping the therapy within the frame of scientific works.
  • Detailed implementation of the plans was left to the regional offices.
  • Here is one of the fronts in this new foreign policy, strengthened by Obama's pressure for expeditiousness (once a decision has been made) that is already transforming the implementation of policy. Mayhill Fowler: Did President Obama Bend History in Oslo?
  • The organizational complexity of such a state necessarily complicates the implementation process.
  • The implementor must take care to provide both forward and backward compatibility to avoid problems with the courses that will be used in the LMS, but the most complicated part of the implementation is the task of interpreting the specification itself. Reflective Surface - Implementing SCORM: Building the API
  • This state intervention has entailed detailed "dirigiste" planning and implementation of comprehensive development programmes, fully accepting the concept of a developmental state. ANC Today
  • That's a lot of things to keep consistent for a single call -- the interface, the asynchronous interface, the actual implementation, and the module file.
  • Any application you choose to deploy onto the provided server should be free of vendor-specific code, because you might end up with an application server implementation that you weren't expecting.
  • An extensive discussion has also been provided of the extent to which implementation requires interagency co-operation.
  • The ministry is committed to timely implementation of eXtensible Business Reporting Language, and finalizing its taxonomy and business rules will help crystalise the initiative," said D.K. Mittal, secretary of the corporate affairs ministry. Ministry to Issue Details of Financial Reporting Soon
  • Several generator types of increasing complexity are explained in detail and sample implementations are provided and annotated.
  • Besides , the result of design should satisfy the nonfunctional requirement, implementation environment and efficiency requirement.
  • User interfaces should be based on user mental models rather than implementation models.
  • Such as: the establishment of databank, category analysis and management, data mining and implementation, integration "between proscenium and tiring-room" of Digital Marketing etc.
  • Flying Lotus has been subtly vying for the role of leader of the West Coast future-hop revolution, amassing an army of like-minded experimental producers for his digital label hilariously badass video for "Parisian Goldfish," which features the utilitarian implementation of cartoon genitals. Flavorpill Los Angeles Events
  • The ANC would therefore, as part of its work to deepen popular participation, "popularise" the elements of the initiative among the people and mobilise communities to participate actively in its implementation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Based on the MPC8260 together with the RTOS of VXWOKS. the embedded system can provide more credibility implementation of the data link protocol for the signalling system.
  • Besides , the result of design should satisfy the nonfunctional requirement, implementation environment and efficiency requirement.
  • The practical implementation of the regulations proved difficult.
  • To execute Ashland's customer service standards, export order processing procedure, and support the implementation of SAP.
  • Preliminary implementation high yield is concentrated develop simultaneously and produce unifinication supply and marketing benign loop.
  • She later backed off that statement, but state attorneys are still working out the details for implementation of the law.
  • These developers, unfamiliar with the intricacies of Web services technology and development, rely on tools for most of the service code implementation.
  • The Java package com. sun.javafx.geom.*, which is part of the implementation, is actually nothing more than a portable version of the familiar java. awt.geom.* package, exorcised of its external AWT dependencies. Sun Bloggers
  • Simultaneously, in order to resolve the questions of real-time data processing, implementation of shared memory communication tasks is also given here.
  • Several local governments started issuing forest concession licenses since the implementation of regional autonomy last year as part of efforts to boost their revenues.
  • There is a ten year time frame for the implementation of the new policies.
  • Planned change as a mode of strategy formulation and implementation implies that the organization is operating in an environment in which the future may either be predicted or created.
  • The convenor of the sangarsh samiti, Advocate Leela Karan Sharma, on Saturday demanded immediate implementation of the agreement signed between the State Government panel and the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board last month. First day of shut down passed off peacefully in Jammu
  • To achieve implementation of the programme is a long, slow task.
  • The organizational complexity of such a state necessarily complicates the implementation process.
  • Adopting principal modes of group play therapy from abroad can inspire its implementation and theory research in kindergartens and primary schools in our country.
  • Erwin said his government had noted the concerns of the Italian government about the use of the word grappa on South African-made products but said he did not believe these could stop or delay the implementation of the agreement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ‘Our route salesmen have benefited from the implementation of new route accounting software complete with new hand-helds for the drivers,’ says Erickson.
  • Key stakeholder participation is vital to successful implementation.
  • The rest of the tree will be created during the Render Response phase, when the JSF implementation calls the renderView() method of the view handler.
  • Hence, if you are going to spend $1 million on license and maintenance over a 36-month period, then you should budget an additional $2 million for implementation costs.
  • Strict and complete operation procedures are set up to instruct job implementation, making the company's operation under reasonable and scientific mechanism.
  • In the meantime, Robert Gates, US defence secretary, has been anything but patient, branding the Futenma relocation non-negotiable and demanding its swift implementation.
  • It may sometimes be worth forming a special unit to support the creation, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of the policy.
  • All of the implementations of these security measures construct the security platform fore - government system.
  • Anyhow, the lags stem from things like product-replacement cycles for durables, and the time taken from planning a project to the time of its implementation.
  • One problem with FAT maintenance is the proliferation of implementations that should be supported under Linux.
  • I think the number of cyclists in this area of the city fully justifies the implementation of these additional measures.
  • The implementation of very strong environmental protection legislation in the USA provoked a strong backlash.
  • The Taleban did, at least initially, gain the trust and support of peace thirsty Afghans, and members of the international community were also 'romanticized' by the Taleban's approach for bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan - although the Taleban's methods for bringing stability included the implementation of a very harsh form of Sharia Law. Michael Hughes: No Peace without Justice and Equality in Afghanistan
  • Japan is seeking to prevent the implementation of a Russia-South Korea fishing agreement on the fishing of saury off the South Kurile shores. Oyashio Current large marine ecosystem
  • To achieve implementation of the programme is a long, slow task.
  • More generally, the Santa Monica Diamond Lane demonstrated the crucial importance of the implementation subprocess in the innovation process. Diffusion of Innovations
  • Triumphs are claimed, disasters are someone else's concerns, and if there's trouble, there are union rules or some of the other impedimenta to the full implementation of ideas such as disclosure, transparency and responsibility.
  • I'll exploit this natural mapping in my implementation of filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dest).
  • Other concerns expressed by ABC when it requested an extension to the treatment implementation was the managing of the anticipated bumper crop of 1. 33bn pounds, supplying the inshell and raw food markets, managing untreated carry-in inventory, and complying simultaneously with new aflatoxin measures for almonds shipped to the European Union. FoodNavigator-USA RSS
  • Entrepreneurial strategies - as distinct from their managerial implementation - centre on investment, marketing and the form of company organisation.
  • Over the past three years, policy formation and implementation became extremely technicist in character. Editorial
  • Implementation highway construction invests system diversity, the development that stimulative highway builds.
  • This rhetoric offers both a posthoc justification for the changes, and a rallying cry for implementation.
  • Arranging for placement on building exteriors or roofs was either impossible or would have added to the implementation time.
  • To avoid affecting the exercise of jurisdiction over the prosecution of the civil implementation of the act to define the scope and methods of supervision is particularly important.
  • Human problems are surrounded by great uncertainty in the nature of problems, implementation of solutions, and evaluation of outcomes.
  • That the problems continue shows incomplete and inadequate system planning and implementation.
  • The government is keen to find a way to separate the agencies that spend the money from the agencies that monitor the implementation to bring in greater answerability.
  • The initiation and implementation of economic development projects also provides government with opportunities to gain political support from a diverse constituency.
  • In a real implementation, each event would include some type of patient identifier that would be used to find the doctor's e-mail address from an external data source.
  • The researching and development of multimedia database attach more importance to the technology of implementation.

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