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How To Use Implacable In A Sentence

  • Later she took the impenitent young 'duffer' a tea cunningly designed to appeal to his rebellious heart, and spread it neatly on the big dimity-covered box in his bedroom; but Dick was implacable. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind. Flowers in the Desert
  • Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.
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  • Willoughby's boast of his implacable character was to blame.
  • Mr. Klein plays Fender Rhodes, but it's hardly what you'd expect on your usual four-handed keyboard duo, even on the two duets, "Airport Fugue" and "Implacable. Friends, Sisters, Countrymen
  • an implacable enemy
  • Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity.
  • Briefly, in this man of culture and refinement, in whose own mysterious life one might perhaps have found various crimes but not a single act of base improbity, one could divine an implacable, obstinate theoretician, who was resolved to set the world ablaze for the triumph of his ideas. The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete
  • Throughout the grim tower blocks and porridge-grey council estates an implacable culture of cronyism, corruption and omertà rules.
  • This resulted in her family changing from implacable opposition to her seeking employment to pride at her prestigious position. Critical Social Research
  • The clamor of controversy sometimes provoked the emperor to exclaim, “Hear me! the Franks have heard me, and the Alemanni;” but he soon discovered that he was now engaged with more obstinate and implacable enemies; and though he exerted the powers of oratory to persuade them to live in concord, or at least in peace, he was perfectly satisfied, before he dismissed them from his presence, that he had nothing to dread from the union of the Christians. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He sounds weary but implacable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
  • Nikiya, the temple dancer heroine of Petipa's La Bayadère Thu to 13 Aug, pits her passion for the warrior Solor against the implacable powers of religion and royalty. This week's new dance
  • The movie's pace is as relentless and implacable as its villain.
  • The worthless overture of the 'Prophete,' disfiguring this fine ensemble, had been hissed by some students of the Conservatoire, and, accustomed as I was to the blindness of the general public, knowing its implacable prejudices, I trembled for the fate of the magnificent septuor about to follow. The Great Italian and French Composers
  • For veteran IM Banks readers there are a lot of allusions to his Culture novels and their themes, and you will re-encounter Diziet Sma's arguments with Zakalwe about the "morality of intervention vs non-intervention" from Use of Weapons, or GCU's Grey Area' sense of justice and its implacable execution from Excession as well as quite a few other similar tidbits. Archive 2009-09-01
  • He saw the two implacable eyes of it staring and her finger whitening on the trigger. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Is it a scared refusal to see Islamist terrorism for the implacable, irrational enemy it is?
  • The man who is supposed to be protecting them is somehow their fiercest and most implacable enemy.
  • It shall be my resolve, lastingly, I hope, to endure until it pleases the implacable Parca: to break the thread. Beethoven the Man and the Artist as Revealed in his own Words
  • He accurately intuited that all power is essentially implacable and malign.
  • His face was implacable and the steely blue eyes had no sparkle. Times, Sunday Times
  • However fine lines can rapidly break down, and that implacable enemy of the woodcut, the woodworm, leaves its mark in the small white circles which often denote later impressions of an old cut.
  • I'm sure they even managed to help some of the regulars shake off their seemingly implacable offseason sopor. Pounding The Rock
  • I am an implacable opponent of most of what this government does.
  • An image of power as a self-sufficient engine: implacable, incomprehensible, inviolate. EVERVILLE
  • Yet the market remains implacable - febrile and unknowable.
  • For Katz's Jewish paternal forebears, who'd been driven from shtetl to shtetl by implacable anti-Semites, as for the old Angles and Saxons on his mother's side, who'd labored to grow rye and barley in the poor soils and short summers of northern Europe, feeling bad all the time and expecting the worst had been natural ways of equilibriating themselves with the lousiness of their circumstances. Franzen On The Book, The Backlash, His Background
  • In more civilized times even the most implacable enemies were treated with dignity.
  • It is a high vantage point overlooking the town, a place where a murderous diabolist could hide from the implacable huntress on his trail and from which he can watch and direct his unliving army.
  • If yesterday I spoke to someone softly-softly and he did not understand, then next day I have to be strict and implacable.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Rationally, most people understand that civilised life in this country faces a heartless and implacable foe who is prepared to strike as often and as cruelly as possible.
  • Previously implacable enemies in the US political leadership have reached a bipartisan agreement on $150 billion of emergency tax cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe they see insects as implacable foes, sure to strike fear in the hearts of enemies.
  • The nuns do not, as a matter of religious conviction, use such modern conveniences, but city bureaucrats were implacable.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Therefore also dikē is the implacable foe of that peculiar trespassing of the bounds of propriety which the Greeks called hybris (W. & D. 213, 238-39; Archilochus, frag. 94), and even though hybris may degrade dikē to violence in the Iron Age (W. & D. 190-93; cf. Theognis 'complaints at 44-45 and 291-92), dikē will win out in the end Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • These are beyond the scope of this paper, but the key point here is that the conduct of gender comparison research necessitates constant vigilance given ‘the implacable fact of an androcentric cultural context’.
  • Firedrake: Brooding atmosphere stoic figure still upon a throne implacable and imovable but wringing with a potential for violence (see chain sword!) ... suggestive of inhuman power ebon skin and glowing eyes, but, a hint of humanity remains. Book Cover Smackdown! 'Zoo City' vs. 'Plague Year' (Czech) vs. Firedrake
  • This autumn, America is being asked to choose between two implacable opponents. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new party chief for Moscow was Boris Yeltsin, a combative apparatchik in his previous post as head of the Sverdlovsk party organization, but soon showing himself as an implacable enemy of the deep-seated corruption he found in Moscow.
  • There was still one battleship in service, the Vanguard, a turreted shape I can just remember seeing through a North Sea mist, but the biggest surprise was the number of aircraft carriers: Ark Royal, Eagle, Indomitable, Illustrious, Implacable, Indefatigable, Formidable … their bulldog names went on over two pages. A British fleet with no aircraft carrier. Unthinkable!
  • Fire suppression builds up an unnatural accumulation of fuel that creates conflagrations far more implacable and catastrophic than nature's fire.
  • The rage in Trae's eyes was like a silent and contained explosion; the implacable quality of it reduced the hatreds of lesser races like humans, Klingons, or Kzinti, to mere short-term pyrotechnics. Ishmael
  • Note, A great deal of disquiet is often given to the world by the restless ambition and implacable resentments of proud princes. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Representatives of the licensed trade, previously regarded as the most implacable opponents of the ban, indicated that they were reconciled to its eventual implementation.
  • There were the floating, pale - grey clouds; and the immitigable tree; the implacable tree with its greaved silver bark. The Waves
  • The implacable Destiny which consigns the brothers to mutual enmity and mutual destruction, for the guilt of a past generation, involving a Mother and a Sister in their ruin, spreads a sombre hue over all the poem; we are not unmoved by the characters of the hostile Brothers, and we pity the hapless and amiable Beatrice, the victim of their feud. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
  • And the achievement — the glottal suspense of "Beat It," the aspirated frenzy of "Dont Stop 'til You Get Enough," the roiling, implacable funk of "Billie Jean," the impregnable position of "Thriller" as the greatest novelty single of all time — was, even as my taste in pop became more jaded and skeptical, persistently superb. Archive 2009-06-01
  • In both cases, what has really been accomplished is the birth of a new generation of implacable enemies, and the perpetuation of a state of fear that hard liners on all sides manipulate for their own aggrandizement. And the Winner Is … - The Caucus Blog -
  • In a powerless agricultural student all this might have been merely comical; but in an implacable empire-builder it proved lethal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the implacable standards of a department store floorwalker who insisted on being addressed as "Captain". David Croft: farewell to a cherished voice of Britain and lost Empire | Observer editorial
  • The heavily voluted cumulus clouds lower gloomily and threateningly; they wear that implacable look which I have sometimes noticed at the outbreak of a great storm. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • The host's pretentious huffiness assures you that the blindfolded lady holding the scales is not only implacable and inescapable but - by gad, sir!
  • An image of power as a self-sufficient engine: implacable, incomprehensible, inviolate. EVERVILLE
  • Implacable DCI Burke chief grump since the death of Mark "Jim Taggart" McManus in 1994 verbally debagging joyless DI Reid over a misplaced lever arch file, before storming off to interrogate someone called Rab. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • Like Meryl Streep, she can convey the turmoil beneath an implacable surface, and when Cathy's calm and control desert her she is devastatingly believable.
  • He had an implacable self-belief that could be imposed on inferior opponents, and an icy calm in the heat of battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the others were converted but I was to remain an implacable and unpersuadable disbeliever in mesmerism and hypnotism for close upon fifty years.
  • The Times has probably become his most implacable critic.
  • My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind. Flowers in the Desert
  • This madness is the implacable and relentless determination to kill insight and awareness, even at the expense of destroying the island they depend on.
  • Powers sets up the story as a tragic drama played out between Crazy Horse, the heroic and implacable Indian leader; Crook, the antagonist with a flaw - a few of them, actually; Frank Grouard, the ethnically vague, self-promoting scout; Little Big Man, the friend who betrayed the chief; and jealous rival chiefs such as Red Cloud and Spotted Tail. Tricked, trapped and defeated
  • What unifies the collection is a subtle but implacable rhythmic momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact the tension between Weil's revulsion toward and attraction to violence informs, indeed propels, the essay (in her first paragraph she describes the implacable power of force in sexually submissive terms, and avers that for those perceptive enough to place violence at the center of human history, "the Iliad is the purest and the loveliest of mirrors"). The Lost Crusade
  • Your nation endured the blitz to prevail over an implacable foe.
  • While the implacable opposition of Gen Aoun is the main obstacle in his path, there are plenty of other difficulties.
  • There was always a bright, implacable intelligence just under what Matt Comfort called Sister's froufrou. DOWNTOWN
  • The bombings and attempted bombings in London have brought home to the American public that we face implacable enemies unwilling to be appeased by even the most emollient diplomacy.
  • We have, as a nation, taken the news of our impending doom with implacable calm and forbearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • What he may not survive is the implacable demands of the dining clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was Mulligan Jacobs; and he picked his way back across the wreck of the bridge where the fore-topgallant-yard still lay, and came up to me unafraid, as implacable and bitter as ever. CHAPTER L
  • No one can say that implacable biology ordains failure, that gay social organization is fixed, promiscuous, and doomed.
  • But the implacable hostility of the settlers made it impossible for any agreement to be reached which might have safeguarded their future. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its confrontational tactics and its implacable opposition to abortion under all circumstances.
  • He had been its implacable scourge, its unbending critic, preaching and practising austerity and revenge.
  • More than a building, though not quite a personage in the novel, the mosque functions more as if it is an implacable yet silent deity imparting sentences on lives sometimes benefic, at other times malefic, but always of life-determining circumstance. G. Roger Denson: The Beauty We Fear: The Mosques of Secular Muslim Writers
  • He felt a mixture of anger, frustration and hopelessness at fighting against a seemingly implacable system.
  • There were the floating, pale - grey clouds; and the immitigable tree; the implacable tree with its greaved silver bark. The Waves
  • But his hostility to the devil is implacable, utter, and steely.
  • What he may not survive is the implacable demands of the dining clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • What he may not survive is the implacable demands of the dining clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • And what he saw inspired in him a deadly, implacable hatred.
  • Sacrifice, patience, understanding and implacable purpose may be our lots for years to come.
  • By adopting a close-up, frontal viewpoint that monumentalized the object against a white ground, Warhol clearly took on the tradition of still-life painting, but he combines the implacable objectivity of the Soup Cans with an impenetrable graphic style, tracing his images directly from photographs or used stencils in order to facilitate the precise mechanical mode to which he aspired. Antique News News!
  • They pray and they hope and not one of them can tell me why the Burmese turned on them with such implacable violence and hostility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Implacable," the first of several Klein compositions on the album, starts with an ostinato on Rhodes piano by Mr. Klein. Ralph A. Miriello: Aaron Goldberg and Guillermo Klein Join Forces to Create the Compelling Beinestan
  • A wave, higher than any they yet had had to ride, came boiling down upon them ... and twisting, writhing, upcasting imploring arms to the elements -- the implacable elements -- a girl, a dark girl, entwined, imprisoned in silken garments, swept upon its crest! The Yellow Claw
  • Her attitude to the new contracts remained implacable.
  • He was conscious though, and gave her a glare of implacable hatred.
  • * the great Colossus POV as it spies on Forbin, especially in the more titillating sections and all of that visual flamboyance is coupled with the magnificently chilling audio centerpiece: the Voice of Colossus and its horrifying implacable tone. Show #29: Pre-show Discussion : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • Jack, resolute, determined, implacable, was never much for glad - handing.
  • It is time to recognise our flexible friend has become our implacable enemy, and change our spending habits fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soelle's animus toward the church is just as implacable.
  • Threats of terror and death can only be met with an implacable and resolute show of force.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Across that implacable distance a train carrying a message would crawl with the slowness of a beetle.
  • All you need is a pair of implacable foes, ideological conflict and a covetable land mass: it works for any age in any place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hardly a week goes by without some industry organisation stating its implacable opposition to the idea.
  • It is easy dealing with an implacable enemy.
  • But he also was an implacable pacifist and refused a baronetcy from a monarch he disapproved of. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this would also be a process in which constitutional nationalism adopted a harder and more implacable position.
  • Do they imagine that the timely renunciation of resolve can placate an implacable foe?
  • At times the road seemed to be no more than a tenuous interface between massive swells of two very different natures - implacable ocean and eternal earth.
  • Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.
  • English fortresses fell one by one before his implacable determination.
  • It is this that rouses against us their implacable and truceless war. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • The term anti-Semitism had not been coined yet, so it is best to call it what it was: raw and implacable Jew hatred. Emancipation
  • Investigations by The Sunday Times indicate that he will face implacable opposition from every Premiership club.
  • Scotland being again rescued from the vengeance of her implacable foe, the disaffected lords in the citadel affected to spurn at her preservation, declaring to the regent that they would rather bear the yoke of the veriest tyrant in the world, than owe a moment of freedom to the man who (they pretended to believe) had conspired against their lives. The Scottish Chiefs
  • The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
  • Here there is, as I find, no such opposition and certainly no implacable hostility on mother's part.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • As a former trade union convenor, Ferguson has always had a developed sense of his own worth financially, but in Edwards he found an implacable adversary.
  • Angel was willing to hear his argument but she could feel Athena forming in her bones, armored, of the piercing brow, implacable. VAPOR TRAIL
  • He sounds weary but implacable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monmouths, and Shaftesburys, and Argyles are gone; their Dutch sanctuary is at an end; Heaven has made way for their destruction, and if we do not close with the Divine occasion we are to blame ourselves, and may remember that we had once an opportunity to serve the Church of England by extirpating her implacable enemies, and having let slip the minute that Heaven presented, may experimentally complain, _Post est occasio calva_. Political Pamphlets
  • Today's enemy, however, is not a philosophy that condemned millions, but an implacable, unappeasable, pitiless fanaticism that exists on the very fringes of humanity.
  • At 50, Sachs has a boyish thatch of brown hair and an expression of implacable earnestness.
  • Whereas dubstep tended to loiter without much palpable intent, Grime has an implacable Terminator-focus, a stalker's unwavering sense of purpose.
  • The most detailed of dossiers can only circle around an activity as concentrated and implacable as it was obscure in its ends.
  • Implacable exotic pests like the cassava mealybug, gray leaf spot and witchweed claim up to half the harvests in the poorest countries, posing a "serious threat to life and livelihood" with "enormous economic and political ramifications," says Guy Preston of the Working for Water program, a South African government initiative dedicated to preserving fresh water. Attack Of the Aliens
  • The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
  • Here, a distinction needs to be made between our concepts of what ordinary reality is, our preconceptions and wishful thinking, and its raw, implacable facticity.
  • He looked up into the implacable face of the Marquess of Stoneville and then lower to the barrel of a Manton breechloader aimed right at his head. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • At 50, he has a boyish thatch of brown hair and an expression of implacable earnestness.
  • These hard-won, fond, wearisome, and implacable wives were, after all, just temporary makeshifts.
  • She was born Tatyana Auguschewitsch in Ekaterinburg (now Sverdlovsk) in Siberia on June 30, 1904 (June 17 according to the Russian calendar), to Jewish parents who had officially converted to Christianity because of the implacable antisemitism of Russian laws. Tatyana Grosman.
  • The unanswerableness of Mr. Ryan's words, and the implacable certainty which forced itself into every heart, that he spoke but the truth, did not, however, make the company less inclined to oppose the utilitarian view he took of the tragedy. Muslin
  • Previously implacable enemies in the US political leadership have reached a bipartisan agreement on $150 billion of emergency tax cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Implacable malice will justly be punished with irreparable ruin.
  • Such an elegiac tone, whilst being, as all retrospective accounts of one's past are, self-serving, at least reminds us that the young Freud did not metamorphose directly into the implacable patriarchal disapprover of Grosskurth's somewhat barren imagination. Schadenfreud
  • All the others were converted but I was to remain an implacable and unpersuadable disbeliever in mesmerism and hypnotism for close upon fifty years.
  • Young and old saw in him an implacable opponent of apartheid.
  • I never liked the expression stiff-necked, but yes, as I conceded to Chloë’s mother in the course of what I now realize had been planned as a goodbye and good-riddance tea, we were an implacable people. Kalooki Nights
  • Jennings knew that Stringer was a vital ally and suspected too that he might be an implacable enemy. Man of Honour
  • The fusion of silica, heat and glaze transforms the once implacable grey matter into an object d' art.
  • But in forging his cat's-paw, he seemed to have imbued Parker Wheatley with a fixed conviction that the Sidhe were the implacable enemy of humanity and must be destroyed, and apparently Wheatley didn't intend to abandon his mission just because he'd lost his insider position in Washington. Music to My Sorrow
  • And yet, as my intelligencer acquaints me, her implacable relations are resolved to distress her all they can. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Your nation endured the blitz to prevail over an implacable foe.
  • It dwarfs all the other buildings in the area and exudes an air of bureaucratic intransigence and implacable arrogance.
  • What anchors us against the implacable tides of a terrifying, wondrous world in which anything can happen? Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts to introduce a new price structure have foundered on the implacable opposition of Norwegian-controlled companies.
  • When the young girl refuses, the two become implacable opponents.
  • He had an implacable self-belief that could be imposed on inferior opponents, and an icy calm in the heat of battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is as implacable in giving life as he is in taking it; as responsible for the exhilaration of sexual passion as he is for its diminution and loss.
  • Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.

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