How To Use Impish In A Sentence

  • In the Allegro assai moderato we have an impression of impish playfulness that is very much akin to Gade's own inventiveness.
  • Unfortunately, Reg Holdsworth is getting a bit too romantic the bespectacled romeo should get back to his impish, eccentric ways.
  • With a schlubby, mustachioed Matt Damon and his part-trivial part-fantasy deadpan voiceover, Soderbergh is putting the impishness of his title character front and center. Damon is best thing about “The Informant!” » Scene-Stealers
  • Unfortunately, Reg Holdsworth is getting a bit too romantic the bespectacled romeo should get back to his impish, eccentric ways.
  • Gillespie is well known for his impish sense of humour.
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  • Provided," she added with an impish expression, `that the next person is me, of course. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • He may be absolutely mild-mannered (even meek and wimpish) in most respects, but no original thinker or doer gets anywhere in any field without aggression and stupendously high self-regard.
  • His persona there is what I suppose you would call roguish, impish, twinkling or some similarly emetic term and he simply cannot afford to get Private Eye involved in anything remotely controversial or interesting because of the danger that his mainstream audience would drop him as fast as Gerald Ratner's customers dropped him if they found out that he was mixed in in any real world nastiness like proper investigative journalism. Iain Dale's Diary
  • She dismissed his apology with an impish smile, ‘Nothing I haven't heard before.’
  • Ishmael's reply was in that very formal tone that masked what in anyone else might have been termed impishness. Ishmael
  • Allen was never a pretty picture, but his famous nebbish looks and wimpish physique did convey a certain elfish charm.
  • What we have called the impish daring and resource of Cochrane is shown in this strange fight. Deeds that Won the Empire Historic Battle Scenes
  • she asked him impishly to come in
  • Only he kept mounting higher and higher, till at last his impish tormentors -- _impish_, I said -- dared follow him no farther. Children of the Wild
  • But spend enough time with him, and you might start to feel that he did it out of sheer impishness, a desire to change something simply because it could be changed. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • The impish smile that had not left his face for the past hour melted away.
  • Even in the poems written in the last, ailing years of his life, you sense a schoolboy's impish hunger for plunder: Auden was forever on the lookout for another unviolated orchard from which he could pilfer a couple of apples, a glowing orange. Keeper of the Affirming Flame
  • In greedy desperation, Oberon plans to distract Titania by having his impish henchman Puck (the hirsute Stanley Tucci) slip her a mickey, causing her to fall in love with something repulsive.
  • I began with one of the joggers and was immediately surprised at how enormously blimpish her tummy was.
  • This ironical sequence of things angered him like an impish trick from a fellow - creature.
  • Gathering his slight person together, P. Sybarite crouched, quivered, jumped for glory and the Saints -- and all but brained himself on that impish and trickish grating. The Day of Days An Extravaganza
  • However, its latest enterprise, a 2.2 million extension to the grandstand, has been undermined by blimpish bureaucracy. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they neared the entrance to the ballroom she paused with a new kind of impish smile. Robin
  • Looking round my rooms one day and noting the amount of royal prints and portraits he said, ‘I don't approve of hereditary institutions’ and then somewhat impishly he added ‘except for baronets.’
  • That dimpled, smiling, impish face belongs on a baby.
  • America did not gain its preeminent status in the global economy by putting its tail between its legs and wimpishly absquatulating into the cozy embrace of socialism every time a foreign competitor offered lower cost or greater quality.
  • Her face was impish, elflike, and her ears appeared large, even for a Vulcan. Mind Meld
  • Thinner, his voice reedier from damage to vocal cords caused by a breathing tube, he still carries on his face a familiar, smart-aleck impishness. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The girl grinned impishly, her hazel eyes sparkling with mischief.
  • It's wimpishness, pure and simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • He nodded his agreement once again, and Drake thought he detected an impish twinkle dancing in his eyes.
  • I like the overdog," Rushdie replied with an impish grin. Baseball
  • And then I, in my Impish way, would offer to fight them too, resenting their scurril nicknames, and telling them that I had but one name, which was Jack Dangerous. The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 2 of 3 Who was a sailor, a soldier, a merchant, a spy, a slave among the moors...
  • Dealing with a bully without becoming a thug yourself is not wimpish, negative passivity.
  • Best known as the impish Master of Ceremonies from "Cabaret"-Walter Kerr described him, in 1966, as "sin on a string"-Grey is still, at seventy-nine, one of Broadway's most beloved character actors. The New Yorker
  • He takes an impish delight in shocking the press.
  • We meet her three children -- an impish third-grader, quiet 8th grader, and seemingly camera-shy older teen -- and watch as they go through the predictable frustrations and challenges of modern over-scheduled kids: along with soccer practice and tutoring, there are breakdowns and headaches and much anxiety. Linda Flanagan: Race to Nowhere?
  • Affectionate and devoted to their owners, they exhibit a healthy dose of impishness, a penchant for instinctual problem solving, and a finely developed sense of humor.
  • Mr. Baron, for whom the word "impish" must have been coined, built up his production gradually, starting at 300 or so cases and now holding steady at about 4,000. Stalking the Wines of Washington
  • In the Allegro assai moderato we have an impression of impish playfulness that is very much akin to Gade's own inventiveness.
  • Debbie has some fine Augustan echoes: rolling decasyllabic lines though with impish breaks that propel semantic leaps, as in the first few lines! Erin Moure reads Lisa Robertson
  • 'It makes life much more interesting, big brother,' she said with an impish sort of grin. THE TREASURED ONE
  • If you'd like to save a few trees and join me in honoring a foresighted teacher and impish free spirit, now is the time to store the Christmas cards on your mantel for re-use next year. Peter Y. Sussman: Get the Christmas Cards Ready
  • But every minute, an impish sprite takes one ball back out, always extracting the lowest-numbered ball in the bucket.
  • Immediately Tudor's monkey-like impishness left him, and he was once more the cool, self-possessed man of the world. Chapter 26
  • But all the hot air served was to point up the hyper-inflation football elite's smug self-importance and, at the same time, demonstrate what a blimpish dirigible of bluster FIFA's chief Sepp Blatter truly is.
  • This ironical sequence of things angered him like an impish trick from a fellow - creature.
  • He looks like he should be a fag at a public school with those impish, worried looks.
  • The joys of the story -- Aang's impish capriciousness, Katara's valiance, Soka's buffoonery, even Uncle Iroh's avuncular charm -- have all been el […] (author unknown) 2010 May 06 « Monster Scifi Show Blog
  • Over the past decade, however, under the blimpish leadership of Brian McMaster, the visual arts have been progressively sidelined.
  • Tad sighed as Aubri went through the whole of his dry, impish, "absentminded" routine, first scratching his rusty-brown headfeathers meditatively (which made more dustmotes dance into the light), then staring up at the ceiling of the dwelling he shared with Judeth. The Silver Gryphon
  • It didn't help that half my face was swollen to blimpish proportions, either.
  • It would be blimpish to suggest that building flats has done nothing to enhance northern towns and cities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The male was no longer tiny (kittens grow quickly) but he would still have the impishness and activity level of a kitten.
  • Gillespie is well known for his impish sense of humour.
  • Just cut out any new canes that appear to be too short, thin or wimpish to have any likelihood of bearing fruit and even if that leaves a dozen canes shooting from the ground, let them be to bear next year's fruit.
  • This trick invested his handsome face with a kind of impish fastidiousness. The Nursing Home Murder
  • Karen, as far I could make out, was a lovely girl, very kind, but with a cheeky, wicked sense of humour that matched the impish glint in her eye.
  • As they neared the entrance to the ball room she paused a moment with a new kind of impish smile. The Head of the House of Coombe
  • Familiaris, though they attained great dignity of conception, and were the centre of the family life, and to some extent of the family morality, never quite rose to the position of full-grown gods; while among the spirits of the field the wildness and impishness of character associated with Faunus and his companion Inuus -- almost the cobolds or hobgoblins of the flocks -- reflects clearly the old 'animistic' belief in the natural evilness of the spirits and their hostility to men. The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • Thus, we are trained to swallow impish notions that to cease making one abysmal mistake after the next is "cutting and running" or "giving up" or forefend, "quitting. James Campion: Afghanistan: The Original Quagmire
  • She had a short dark hair cut framing a face that remained impish despite her age.
  • We may never know if the poem is, in fact, slander or is evidence of some hidden impishness on Milton's part. John Lundberg: Scholar Unearths a Dirty Milton Poem
  • Out of all the nations that make up the Union of Great Britain, England, at times, shows the most self-deprecating, wimpish and rudderless sense of national pride one could imagine.
  • That momentary impishness, that glimpse of the old Avy, disappears. Famous
  • Classmates found him impish and approachable one day, icy in his dignity the next.
  • Liverpool, then, seemed to be growing in confidence, Luis Suárez - booked early on for a kick out at Michael Dawson - beginning to work his fleet-footed, impish magic, nutmegging opponents, his electricity jolting the Kop awake. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • But true or not, it nowadays seems blimpish and offensive to many people. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Provided," she added with an impish expression, `that the next person is me, of course. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • John is a lonely gay man with a father fixation and a forbearing best friend (played by John Cardone with impish charm) who worries about the approach of middle age in the form of his 40th birthday.
  • Laughter peals through Taipei's Great Tranquility Park as the play's hero, the deliciously impish King Monkey, contorts his face with mirthful delight at the havoc he has inspired.
  • Went to a pub across from the Cavalry club, there two men (One was bald on top but looked impish) ran in, with a camera, and hid downstairs for a bit, before surfacing with ‘Aye Frankie man s awright, dinnae worry, cmoan’.
  • Two very different comedians, two towering influences the impish Carson and the caustic Pryor, passed away in 2005.
  • But for sheer blimpish offensiveness nothing compares with his remarks about a father who forgave the killers of his daughter who was murdered during the Enniskillen Cenotaph bombing.
  • She nodded, responding to the impish challenge, the childlike glee in his face. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • She nodded, responding to the impish challenge, the childlike glee in his face. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • 'It makes life much more interesting, big brother,' she said with an impish sort of grin. THE TREASURED ONE
  • Hassett, an intelligent man and under-stated captain, used to be dubbed impish, and it fitted him. Sport news, comment and results |
  • I worry that the two Wife co-stars could cancel each other out, but Cumming has the showier role, so it could come down to him against the most significant scene-stealer on this list, Thrones' impish Dinklage, the best shot HBO's lavish fantasy has at a major prize. Emmys: Who Will and Should Win
  • Edmund looked up with an impish grin.
  • The Beatles replied in 1968 with their own pop hit “Back in the USSR,” impishly reminding audiences that sexy girls could also be found in enemy territory, and that snuggling up in the Soviet snow may be just as delightful as frolicking half-naked in the Orange County surf. The English Is Coming!
  • Certainly there is something youthful in the image posterity holds of both composers: Mozart's impishness, Schubert's ardent drama.
  • He had a delightful impishness which was to be a hallmark of his character throughout his life.
  • Both men like to engage audiences wider than the nearest senior common room; both have a pronounced impishness; and neither shirks from controversy Guha has described the polemics of Arundhati Roy as "ventures into social science … self-regarding and self-indulgent … and also self-contradictory". In praise of … Ramachandra Guha | Editorial
  • teasing and worrying with impish laughter
  • Stanley Cavell sees (hears) Poe's prose as "a parody's of philosophy's" (111) in just this respect, its iterative paranoia and "impish" wordplay as the mad antithesis of any overcome skepticism about the credited and signified world. Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • I noted early on Jeffress often has a kind of impish jocularity with a William H. Macy face. Pachacutec: Patrick Fitzgerald's Closing Argument
  • Chang alightweightas the wimpish Sun, and Taiwanese super - model Lin Chi - ling mostly decorative as Zhou's wife.
  • unseelie" does not me impish prankster. your unseelie red cap should be eating babies. your unseelie sluagh should be creeping out of the closet to bring terror to children- absolute, psyche scarring horror. your unseelie pooka should be telling the kind of lies that wreck a marriage, that cause a massacre. Mordicai: crown me king!
  • Lisa has a certain impishness to her character that explains the smirks quite sufficiently on its own.
  • Bob proved a handful of impishness and contrariety, and he tried out his rider as much as his rider tried him out. Chapter XI
  • But he did it not from hauteur but from impishness. Daredevil
  • Both men like to engage audiences wider than the nearest senior common room; both have a pronounced impishness; and neither shirks from controversy Guha has described the polemics of Arundhati Roy as "ventures into social science … self-regarding and self-indulgent … and also self-contradictory". In praise of … Ramachandra Guha | Editorial

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