
How To Use Impetus In A Sentence

  • The impetus was provided by the Baath regime's decision to nationalise the oil industry.
  • In the mid-1830s the Kendall settlers gave impetus to the westward movement of Norwegians by founding a settlement in the Fox River area of Illinois.
  • First, research on technological evolution suggests that technological discontinuities may provide an impetus that transforms networks.
  • The treaty gave fresh impetus to trade.
  • The impetus is not the fact that the pastor wants it but rather that growth is demanding it. Christianity Today
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  • The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade.
  • The original impetus was that of return, and reversing the so - called loss of Arab land and patrimony, rather than a fulfillment of post-colonial self-determination via the statehood route; a complot designed after 1967 as a new Palestinian identity with at its core the notion of the armed struggle as a galvanizing force. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Because of this, the impetus to engage in violent fantasy, even of those whom we most righteously despise, is not something to be encouraged. Movie Reviews: Whiteout the Inglourious Lying | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • In the front matter of Moby-Dick, William Paley's Natural Theology is quoted: "The aorta of a whale is larger in the bore than the main pipe of the water-works at London Bridge, and the water roaring in its passage through that pipe is inferior in impetus and velocity to the blood gushing from the whale's heart. Stefan Beck: Beaches: Bergman's The Seventh Seal & the Wellfleet Oyster Festival
  • Its role is defined by the first indent of Article 4 TEU: it shall provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development and shall define the general political guidelines thereof.
  • With the asymmetric, twisting, flailing impetus of Petronio's signature style dialled right up, they often appear to be battling the elements: they're hurled across the stage in whirling, lop-sided turns or jagged leaps. Stephen Petronio Company – review
  • The rapid scale development of the broadband market and the endless emerge of new services represented by IPTV will give an impetus to the development of broadband access technology.
  • The expanded literature search was very coincident with the initial search, providing most of the same reasons, purposes, and impetuses for developing peer institution selection systems.
  • The renewed impetus is already yielding results. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.
  • Bruce threw his infantry reserve into the battle, the arrows of the English archers wounded the men-at-arms of their own side, and the remnants of the leading line were tired and disheartened when the final impetus to their rout was given by the historic charge of the "gillies," some thousands of Scottish camp-followers who suddenly emerged from the woods, blowing horns, waving such weapons as they possessed, and holding aloft [v. 03 p. 0355] improvised banners. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • One of the most interesting points to emerge is a recognition that with hindsight, European radicalism has once again written itself as a form of diffusionism, its sources and impetuses exclusive unto itself.
  • However, science springs ultimately from the human urge to truth, and dogmatism eventually gives way under this impetus.
  • In the US, however, the European pastoral ideal, rooted in Virgil's bucolic visions of an unchanging Arcadia of shepherds and shepherdesses, has been transmuted by the capitalistic impetus.
  • The treaty will give an impetus to trade between the two countries.
  • Given that impetus, the Jets went on to whomp the Packers and gain the coveted spot in the playoff.
  • This may lessen the impetus to aggressively seek medical help. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recognising the importance of advertising a public event became the impetus for two simultaneous activities.
  • Lola's desperate and often ludic attempts to exact revenge on Ricardo and Wendy provide the central narrative impetus.
  • They also gave renewed impetus to the production of deluxe illustrated manuscripts of secular texts.
  • The women, in terms of their spinning and weaving, obviously, would find a new impetus in working with the produce of their own sheep.
  • Religious instruction formed much of the early impetus for the creation of Renaissance art.
  • The movement is steadily gaining impetus.
  • The rise in house prices is thus given further impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, it was inspiration from the patchwork quilts in 1952 which had proved the original impetus for the whole company.
  • Therefore, neoteric peasant movements are the major impetus of Chinas earlier modernization.
  • But then, unfathomably, their impetus went "phut". Cricinfo news from Cricinfo
  • Matilda the book is a marvellous oddity to which the musical gave a new shape and impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The good news is that this move seems to have provided the impetus for an alliance between tenurial and contract faculty. More on the Attack of the Deans
  • The main impetus behind the move west was to find gold and other minerals.
  • But the hui gave impetus to a new approach where services would be devolved - delivered by locals, for locals.
  • Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
  • And the third movement sprinted and sparkled with colour in the clarity of its chording and its restrained impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bolt of blasterfire licked out at them, adding impetus to their pace. The Wizard Of Karres
  • First, what are the impetuses for conducting institutional comparative analysis?
  • His punishment was fittingly double, for not only did the referee see and declare the foul, but the big Palatine came with such impetus that he knocked Heady galley-west. The Dozen from Lakerim
  • One was that such cheap labour would add new impetus to the expansion of the colony.
  • It can provide the impetus for change and give us the motivation and insight into things that are bothering us so that we can take action. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Second is their superior customer service and training which is really the impetus for them gainings in new large customers during the quarter, and third is the addition of some new standard and high-tech products into their portfolio of products and just during this quarter, we can see evidence of that as they picked up a new line of modular component tree which is already starting to help with their book of business. Home Page
  • The popularity of rap and hip-hop with young white provided further impetus and black directors were suddenly in demand.
  • Monk and mystic, monastic theologian and papal counselor, hagiographer and polemicist, a renowned preacher in the cloister and beyond it, Bernard was the single most important impetus for the spread of the Cistercians.
  • The impetus for this renewal of purpose has arrived in many guises. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
  • The impetus for this renewal of purpose has arrived in many guises. Times, Sunday Times
  • With this fresh impetus, the total edible oil processing capacity, including vanaspati, is expected to cross 20 million tonne per annum.
  • Or it may provide a site that, with the impetus of competition and showmanship, encourages inutile and obsessive activity.
  • This view received added impetus from the proposal to construct the Trans-Siberian Railway.
  • The main impetus for change was the response of the parties to the collapse of communism.
  • This impending drift of national policy now received a powerful impetus by an act of the third cooerdinate branch, the judicial department of the government. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • Largely under the impetus of the odd order theorem, there was an awakening interest in finite group theory.
  • Detectives are reported to be hoping the letter will add fresh impetus to the investigation.
  • The positive clinical results, together with our previously published mechanisms of gene expression modulation related to key metabolic pathways in lipid metabolism, provide impetus for much larger clinical studies. Meat and mortality | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • This tragedy has provided the impetus to hire more school counselors, psychologists, and social workers.
  • It was given an impetus by the first Palestinian intifada, or uprising, which started in 1987.
  • If policies are underused, administrators have little impetus to expand them.
  • As a freshman Congressman, he was appointed to the Brown Commission which provided the main impetus for efforts to recodify the criminal laws of the United States. Biography Of Abner Mikva New White House Counsel
  • In the third movement, Tennstedt found a certain sense of formal rhythm that is in perfect balance with the drive and impetus that he generates in the fourth.
  • Possibly that alone could provide the extra sales impetus it's looking for. Times, Sunday Times
  • This combination of higher self-esteem and greater safety created a powerful impetus toward greater intimacy.
  • As the impetus for group forming matures from Justin Bieber fan clubs and funny kitty videos to more serious-minded groups of craftspeople, office workers, skilled laborers and temp workers, watch out. Tom Hayes: Will Facebook Replace Labor Unions?
  • His impetus was seeded by an art teacher who believed art history began in 1960 with Vito Acconci, a New York-based experimental artist.
  • They were married in the abbey and his wife added fresh impetus to his ministry. Times, Sunday Times
  • For most American slaves, forced relocation south was anathema and often the first impetus for their flight to Canada.
  • The recent publicity surrounding homelessness has given fresh impetus to the cause.
  • The impetus for this came from a decade-long boom in capital investment, technological progress, and spillovers from improved business processes.
  • It's a constant delight and stokes the impetus to discover the next staggering vista. This week's new games
  • The expanded literature search was very coincident with the initial search, providing most of the same reasons, purposes, and impetuses for developing peer institution selection systems.
  • The Prime Minister's support will give added impetus to the campaign against crime.
  • The impetus fur any step, pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet.
  • By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
  • The dissolution of the Jesuits also gave impetus to reformers in Charles III's Spain, where secondary schools, such as the Madrid seminary of the nobility, were created to educate the hidalgos.
  • The impetus fur any step, pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet.
  • At the end of them a ruthless villain had smashed beyond mending the remains of the useless hand and had galvanised me into a resurrection of the spirit and the impetus to seek what I'd had since, a myoelectric false hand that worked on nerve impulses from my truncated forearm and looked and behaved so realistically that people often didn't notice its existence. Come To Grief
  • The result indicates that the supersaturation caused by the temperature grades between main flow and the pipe wall is the inherent impetus of salt-out in green liquid.
  • Send us your gladiators with herpes, and your perdurable impetus. Blawg Review #228 : Law is Cool
  • By altering the tactics and formation, he provided his side with added attacking impetus and by half-time they had scored twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The visit by the mission is expected to eventually pave the way for the Japanese government to offer aid to the hibakusha in North Korea and also to give impetus to stalled normalization talks between the two countries.
  • They were losing momentum, impetus and rhythm as the seconds ticked away on the giant clock. The Sun
  • The Surgeon General's speech will give new impetus to the anti-smoking campaign.
  • Artists should actively answer the impact of informatizational tide, give an impetus to the China traditional arts renaissance of the new century with a new thinking.
  • And I believe that these new leaders add a new impetus to the situation.
  • This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.
  • The recent publicity surrounding homelessness has given fresh impetus to the cause.
  • The work will give strong impetus to the growing interest in the history of patristic exegesis in the English-speaking world.
  • Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
  • In the first part, the author will cast a general glimpse of Drabble's life, and education which serves as the impetus and provides rich material for her literary creation.
  • The Prime Minister's support will give added impetus to the campaign against crime.
  • He said the results should add impetus to campaigns encouraging people to use transport other than cars. The Sun
  • The power of the Western media in lending impetus to a popular cause is palpable.
  • The JFK audio tapes suggest strongly that early on JFK was the main impetus behind putting Apollo on the fast track. New York Times Weighs In on Bolden - NASA Watch
  • Condom use was equally low among all types of monogamists, suggesting that self-definition, rather than relationship length or number of partners, was the primary impetus for abandoning condom use.
  • And the key impetus for growth will be product innovation and customer orientation.
  • This may lessen the impetus to aggressively seek medical help. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main impetus behind the move west was to find gold and other minerals.
  • The DVD quality is fine, with enough extra content to add even more impetus for purchase.
  • Dr. Hendrix, the chief astrogator and the main impetus in Max's training, dies of a heart attack and his replacement, Simes, mismanages the next transition through a congruency.
  • She is mining from a rich vein of traditional heritage in the Erris region and adding a new impetus along the way.
  • The report may provide further impetus for reform.
  • Celtic soon lost their impetus and had the look of a jaded team.
  • A ball rolls slowly into the frame, its impetus unseen.
  • Einstein's so-called "geometrization" of gravitational force in 1915 gave the geometrization program its first, partial, realization as well as its subsequent impetus. Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity
  • The coalition gave this renewed impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Camillus returns with ointment, (p.  119) and they proceed to some horseplay which Joannes resists (Compesce eius impetus et ut equum intractatum ipsum illum constringe). Life in the Medieval University
  • Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
  • The allowance of farangs, or foreigners, into Bangkok for trade was an impetus for the construction of new buildings and roads.
  • The term butterfly effect comes from chaos theory, where final outcomes can be completely unexpected given a very small initial impetus. Daily News & Analysis
  • We have given a new impetus to our ability to make France shine in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, I told the reporter that most of the girls I interviewed sought a new kind of empowerment, and that religion wasn't the main impetus behind what she dubs the modesty "backlash. Mail Call: Going Where No Man's Gone Before
  • The report may provide further impetus for reform.
  • The fear component is important, but really funtions as a subfield of the larger impetus toward government growth in our representative democracy. Fear Factor, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • That gave Rovers renewed impetus and Baggio nearly scored a brilliant goal with a thunderous drive that bounced back off the crossbar.
  • With parity restored, Ireland set about the task of building on their impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slope added impetus to his speed.
  • "Used to Think " takes its impetus from the guitars, utilising a stuttering riff reminiscent of the Who.
  • The Surgeon General has provided the impetus for health prevention programs.
  • Hollywood had the talent pool and financial impetus to justify cranking them out in large numbers.
  • If there is a winner it will give this team a big impetus and a massive lift going into the final four games.
  • The external stimulus provides the impetus to move forth from the inspirational quarter of the lunar cycle into the action quarter.
  • But what they end up with, after all the reserve they impose (and which curtails their creative impetus) is merely anecdotal.
  • The process of integration has interacted with, and received much impetus from, developments at the global level.
  • But the temptation must have been great for the philosopher to hypostatize this hope, or rather this impetus, of the new science, and to convert a general rule of method into a fundamental law of things. Evolution créatrice. English
  • The Surgeon General has provided the impetus for health prevention programs.
  • Flash impetus and adopting projection anulus controlling upsetting, steady speed flash and quality of butt welding point is well.
  • Motivation provides learners with the impetus andintentions and goal - seeking acts.
  • Association everywhere gives the first impetus to [apperceptive] combinations. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • His horrible system might have been given a new impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • One new tendency -- that which insists more passionately than ever on order and organization -- merely continues the impetus given by Cézanne and received by all his followers; but another, more vague, towards something which I had rather call humanism than humanity, does imply, I think, a definite breach with Cubism and the tenets of the austerer doctrinaires. Since Cézanne
  • Experts express that the development of tourism will give an impetus to the rapid development of related industries and aviation tourism will gain momentum of good development.
  • With the new name has come a renewed creative impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The research shows that increased investment from the Government in the last three years has revitalised and reinvigorated the theatre industry, giving organisations a new impetus to develop and succeed.
  • Rightly orienting the commodity export strategy, realizing the export's persisting impetus to economic rising.
  • Later in the 19th century a fresh impetus was given to the sport with the arrival of Prince Albert.
  • While progress derived its main impetus from the sex-passion, and the highest emotions were those that held us together in the family relation, such education and such surroundings as fostered and intensified these emotions were naturally the best. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • I can't give detail on that I think we just encompassed in our health science, it is growing at a nice clip, as I said and that was the impetus for us to even get more synergies out of it by taking what heretofore had been disbud business groups and bringing in more commonality. Home Page
  • The insistent organizing of veterans also provided the impetus for systematic psychiatric research. Trauma and Recovery
  • Their distinctive approach emphasized balance rather than excess, with plenty of motivic and rhythmic impetus infused with coloristic splendour. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He does concede that these scandals added impetus to the process.
  • The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.
  • This has rightly been seen as an impetus towards the fusion of legacy and trust.
  • The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.
  • Certainly the present attempts to discover that law, however fatuitous they may seem to many, are neither illogical, nor, judging by the impetus already given to biology, or the science of life, labor altogether spent in vain. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • The great resurgence of regional writing in England, accompanied by regional acting, gave sudden impetus to this kind of quasijournalistic expression, often coarse in texture and therefore seemingly accurate to the ignorant, but since I could at the best of times play no part in this intimist revival, An Autobiography
  • The Sept. 11 attacks have been cited by the government as the main impetus for its warrantless surveillance efforts.
  • Bank policymakers have warned that an acceleration in pay demands could give extra impetus to inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Renaissance science also received added impetus from the increased transmission of knowledge between east and west.
  • Instead of a moment remembered from her past or a meaningful interaction at the market, the impetus for Mariyah to dismantle her bomb is a completely random event. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • However, while the younger man's motivator is religious zeal, Larry's impetus is a need to land the client.
  • Above all a renewed impetus to international collaboration is required. Times, Sunday Times
  • This destroys your impetus and your courage to confront your fears.
  • Each new rumour added fresh impetus to the smear campaign.
  • Greed is the impetus of corporate fraud, integrity, justice, limpidity and responsibility are basic to corporate sustainable growth.
  • The Silicon Valley netroot community, a very powerful community, a very important constituency to this administration, is strongly, almost religiously committed to this issue in a very coordinated way and that provides a lot of power and impetus to keep this issue moving and to push the more extreme versions of net neutrality," Powell said. Former FCC Chairman Criticizes 'Religious' Commitment To Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
  • The impetus for AICC ' s creation was a July 2009 proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to reduce Medicare ' s payments for radiological services. A Device to Kill Cancer, Lift Revenue
  • The movement is steadily gaining impetus.
  • The fact that other economies are expanding adds an external stimulus to any internal impetus provided by reflation.
  • And weather and climatological data sources provided the impetus for another column.
  • Littera sera quidem, studiis exculte Suilli, huc tua peruenit, sed mihi grata tamen, qua, pia si possit superos lenire rogando gratia, laturum te mihi dicis opem. ut iam nil praestes, animi sum factus amici 5 debitor: et meritum uelle iuuare uoco. impetus iste tuus longum modo duret in aeuum, neue malis pietas sit tua lassa meis. ius aliquod faciunt adfinia uincula nobis The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Ironically, this impetus towards individualisation has involved creating discrete and mutually-exclusive learner ‘types’, a development that is, in turn, reflected in the discourse that perpetuates ethnic and cultural stereotyping – of the kind: “Asians are collectivist (as opposed to individualist)” – that is to say, an obsessive concern for categorisation as a basis for pedagogy. L is for Learning Styles « An A-Z of ELT
  • The founding of these organisations gave real impetus to a movement directed towards improving the lot of domestic animals.
  • The Cumbrian floods could give that bill added impetus. Times, Sunday Times
  • This laser provided an early impetus for studies of instabilities by tending to produce noisy, spiked output even under quasi-steady excitation.
  • The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade.
  • His account was an instant bestseller and provided much of the impetus for the abolition of the Star Chamber by the Long Parliament in 1641. Remarks On Torture And Secrecy By The Redoubtable Scott Horton.
  • Where I differ from Einstein is that he conceives this quantity which I call the impetus as merely expressing the characters of the space and time to be adopted and thus ends by talking of the gravitational field expressing a curvature in the space-time manifold. The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919
  • The events of late 2008 gave fresh impetus to this work, and there is a November 2009 book with a zappier title referring to 'Eight Centuries of Financial Folly' that I am pursuing, you guessed it, through Amazon. Henry Thornton Blogs
  • Further impetus was provided by my teenage son who has embarked on his own photographic odyssey.
  • Neither the Great Depression nor the Second World War dampened the impetus with which Argentina irrupted into the twentieth century.
  • As with most Walmart programs, the clear impetus is to claim a share of consumer spending: first for organics, now for locally grown food. The Great Grocery Smackdown
  • The impetus was maintained by Mirza who struck a confident run-a-ball 40, while Walker was unlucky to chop the ball onto his stumps for 27 and so end his knock.
  • This book provides all the impetus you could need to get sowing and planting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neil Tarrant, on loan from Aston Villa, has provided the impetus with his precocious ability to score important goals.
  • The impetus fur any step, pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet.
  • Impetus for creation of the International Lincoln Center can be traced to late 1982.
  • A consistent political factor of these new literatures lies in its strong impetus towards decentring the existing hierarchy.
  • Despite the impetus to go green, these are uncourageous times for industry. Tom Hayes: Computers Should be Held to the Same Standard as Cars
  • His return to fitness gave Wales that extra impetus in the final stretch of the championship. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Meitner later described, From 1934 to 1938, Hahn and I were able to resume our joint work, the impetus for which had come from Fermi's results in bombarding heavy elements with neutrons. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • This has given new impetus to the most extreme elements among the separatists.
  • An enormous impetus behind this interest was the kind of parental affirmation that it received.
  • We have already seen the impetus for reform of vertical restraints.
  • They would drop almost into range, and then make use of the slope to give impetus to their charge.
  • He says the expedition was given extra impetus by the failure of previous attempts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But you will sense the energy that gives impetus to its open-ended narrative. Times, Sunday Times
  • An additional impetus for change in the way traditional radio stations do business is on the horizon.
  • His disappointment in the World Championships provided the necessary impetus to give everything for this final race.
  • A lot of the impetus for the growth of publishing at that time came from the retranslation and republication of canonical works; in 1950, Aristotle's Ethics was on the U.S. bestseller list.
  • For the Downland, sheep remained dominant; it was in the coastal plain and Weald that a new impetus was given.
  • The impetus which drove them to expand in all directions from this base is not fully explained.
  • One of the most interesting points to emerge is a recognition that with hindsight, European radicalism has once again written itself as a form of diffusionism, its sources and impetuses exclusive unto itself.
  • The research provided the impetus for a conservation programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both in Europe and U. S. , the day nursery movement received great impetus during the First World War, when shortage of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women.
  • Furthermore, although writing was initially used in the service of solidifying and disseminating mythological perspectives, the impetus toward critical, analytical thought was essentially a demythologizing move.
  • Instead he dallies and allows the impetus to drain away from the move with a pass all the way back to Gary Speed who has a forlorn pop from distance.
  • Any of the above news flow could provide further impetus, though that political risk makes the stock a speculative one. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may take further positive news to provide fresh impetus. Times, Sunday Times

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