

  1. in an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions
    he often acts impulsively and later regrets it

How To Use impetuously In A Sentence

  • After an attack by crossbowmen and infantry, the van of the French cavalry charged impetuously through their own infantry across the stream and up the slope on the other side.
  • The fox-terrier, with a shrill yelp of pain, sprang back so impetuously as to ribbon its ear as Michael's teeth combed through it. CHAPTER VI
  • And through it all he had the quick memory of his mother's companionship, he could recall her rueful looks whenever the eager inaccurate ways, in which he reflected certain ineradicable tendencies of her own, had lost him a school advantage; he could remember her exhortations, with the dash in them of humorous self-reproach which made them so stirring to the child's affection; and he could realise their old far-off life at Murewell, the joys and the worries of it, and see her now gossiping with the village folk, now wearing herself impetuously to death in their service, and now roaming with him over the Surrey heaths in search of all the dirty delectable things in which a boy-naturalist delights. Robert Elsmere
  • After an attack by crossbowmen and infantry, the van of the French cavalry charged impetuously through their own infantry across the stream and up the slope on the other side.
  • Fairly obviously, that train was cancelled, so I impetuously jumped on the next train out, which stopped at Wokingham.
  • The Government arrogantly and impetuously forced postal voting on the region - against expert advice of the Electoral Commission - and is now reaping the ill wind of that misjudgement.
  • On Patriotism, Immigration and Populism, it is a collection of video art that aims, according to curator Paco Barragan, to address "the complexities of the concept of 'nationalism' in a moment in which national identities are being either severely put into question or impetuously vindicated. Andrea Carson: Patriotism and Nationalism in Art: 10 Years After 9/11
  • Everyone, he says, likes to follow their own particular bent: one man proceeds cautiously, another impetuously; one forcefully, another cunningly.
  • Mokaba’s funeral, the slogan was chanted impetuously, that is, without instigation by the leadership of the ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A flock of birds surges impetuously from the thickets and takes flight towards the windmills that decorate the landscape.
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