How To Use Impetuous In A Sentence

  • This evening would not have happened without that same impetuousness. Electric Proms: Elton John and Leon Russell – review
  • They are trying to get around Dean's fight-back persona by portraying him as a dyspeptic, impetuous fool.
  • I don't know," impetuously; "but I knew I must come to you. In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim
  • And third, passion can make someone impetuous; here its victory over reason is so powerful that the latter does not even enter into the arena of conscious reflection until it is too late to influence action.
  • Knowing the nature of the woman, how ardent, how impetuous she could be, and how full of wrath, he had come at her call intending to tell her the truth which he now spoke. The Way We Live Now
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  • Impetuous storms and violent shipwrecks occur at sea.
  • With a sudden change of manner, his visitant conjured him, in voluble and impetuous terms, to comply. Ferdinando Eboli
  • It's part of being young and impetuous and in showing character. Times, Sunday Times
  • This impetuous and fiery temperament was rendered yet more fearful by the indulgence of every intemperance; it fed on wine and lust; its very virtues strengthened its vices, -- its courage stifled every whisper of prudence; its intellect, uninured to all discipline, taught it to disdain every obstacle to its desires. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • It may be said of many a man, as d'Annunzio says of the hero of his _Trionfo della Morte_ in relation to the woman he loved, that "he felt himself bound to her by the real qualities of her body, and not only by those which were most beautiful, but specially by _those which were least beautiful_" (the novelist italicizes these words), so that his attention was fixed upon her defects, and emphasized them, thus arousing within himself an impetuous state of desire. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • The impetuous Wallace quickly agreed and decided to wire a memo of recommendation to Roosevelt.
  • She waited with a quiet smile, pleasuring in his unruly impetuousness. CHAPTER XXVI
  • Wow, a president who gathers data and considers it vs. an adolescent one who studiously avoided serving in Vietnam yet launched two incredibly costly (in blood and dollars) wars impetuously, with the Iraq war based solely on deceit and arrogance and in violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions. Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
  • I guess I'll be wanted," the pawnbroker observed, as he jerked open his shirt, tearing out the four buttons in his impetuousness and showing a Colt's .44 automatic, strapped in its holster against the bare skin of his side under his left arm, the butt of the weapon most readily accessible to any hasty dip of his right hand. CHAPTER XV
  • The slightly longer answer is to be more decisive, more impetuous and, in some areas, less of a perfectionist.
  • Several of his late ebauches, or sketches, predate in their impetuous composition and stark colour the work of the Fauve painters.
  • But, it has to be said that the younger web users can, at times, be a little impetuous and testy, too ready to either take offence, offend or flame.
  • Which led to the next accident: I impetuously signed up with the Canadian military to pay for my tuition and books, and on graduation, found myself working in a Manitoba artillery base, taking care of 400 twenty-two year olds who had nothing other than boxer's fractures and urethritis wrong with them. Kevin Patterson - An interview with author
  • Unlike Michelle below, he can't even blame the impetuousness of youth.
  • Roosevelt's impatience and his impetuousness worked in his favor after he became personally involved in the negotiations between the warring powers.
  • No longer will I be a vision in cheesecloth and impetuously purchased clamdigger culottes.
  • Her feelings were warm and impetuous, but she was placable, tender and constant.
  • As you make decisions, think about the difference between being spontaneous and being impetuous.
  • “I have worked, I do work,” I cried impetuously, as though he were my judge and I required vindication, and at the same time very much aware of my arrant idiocy in discussing the subject at all. Chapter 3
  • At this stage in a man's growth, the fiery, impetuous impulses of his youth have given way to a more balanced and thoughtful view.
  • Then he went on impetuously, telling me I was a real bluebird of happiness, a bringer of joy; that the ancients called the bluebird the emblem of happiness, but he knew the blue of my eyes was the real joy sign -- or something like that he said. Patchwork A Story of 'The Plain People'
  • He tended to react in a heated and impetuous way.
  • So a totally discredited source of energy is being imposed upon the country, simply because the government impetuously committed itself to it.
  • The 10-minute title track opens with delicate, impetuously flowing lines that grow more emphatic, become glisteningly impressionistic, and then dissolve into quietly playful prancings. Irène Schweizer: To Whom It May Concern – review
  • And there can be no doubt of the proper anti-German sentiments of this stout fellow, even though his impetuous passion for _Freya Talberg_, a Delilah in the service of the enemy, did make him store a tiny island with what the translator will persist in calling combustibles, meaning, one supposes, fuel. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, August 11, 1920
  • Sinewy and sensuous, these preparatory masterworks are anatomical wonders capturing the longings of the famously impetuous painter.
  • It had been an impetuous and unplanned crime and he knew he had driven appallingly.
  • If the morals of mankind have not contracted an extraordinary degree of depravity, within these thirty years, then must I be infected with the common vice of old men, difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti; or, which is more probable, the impetuous pursuits and avocations of youth have formerly hindered me from observing those rotten parts of human nature, which now appear so offensively to my observation. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • I got her youthful impetuousness, which is classic Lois Lane, and at the same time a motherly sense, a protective sense regarding her child, who plays a significant role in the picture. Comic Book Movie
  • Mr Gwynne had called Freda impetuous, but he was not prepared for the sudden burst of uncontrollable grief that followed his announcement. Gladys, the Reaper
  • It gushed from her lips like a very fountain of happiness, irrepressible, springing towards the stars in jets and spurts of melody, falling with a ripple in which the music of the stars themselves seemed to echo; almost in the moment of its fall rising again, as though it panted with joy -- not with weariness, for the spirit of it called impetuously to life. Major Vigoureux
  • Was that an act of distraction or rabid impetuousness? DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
  • She is impetuous, often acting with little self control or regard for the consequences of her actions.
  • Being aloft in the higher Seas, darke night over-taking them, and a mighty winde suddainly comming upon them: it not onely was contrary to their course, but held on with such impetuous violence; that the small vessell, being unable to endure it, made to land-ward speedily, and in expectation of a more friendly wind, entred a little port of the Sea, directing up into a small Island, and there safely sheltred it selfe. The Decameron
  • After dumping on so many senior News International executives and laying off hundreds of journalists when they impetuously shut down the News of the World in a bid to contain the scandal, the only surprise was that the shots weren't fired sooner. James Murdoch: groomed for the top but now looking down the barrel
  • Mr Saakashvili an impetuous nationalist who has lately tarnished his democratic credentials.
  • Like Churchill, he could be impetuous and high-handed but he was also, as Morris amply demonstrates, open to views other than those of sycophants, hangers-on and favour seekers.
  • She had made the decision to come home with Bethan impetuously, out of an unconfessed longing. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Surely, a matter of the leader of the party is too serious for an impetuous decision to be made and later taken back in the twinkling of an eye.
  • But this administration seems intent on doing it in the most reckless, foolhardy and impetuous manner possible.
  • After an attack by crossbowmen and infantry, the van of the French cavalry charged impetuously through their own infantry across the stream and up the slope on the other side.
  • Beware of making rash judgments and impetuous commitments.
  • “Out of my way,” he muttered, the impetuousness of youth bolstered by need allowing him to push past her and into the room beyond. Healing the Highlander
  • an impetuous dash for freedom .
  • True, an impetuous heart is a black hole, it can swallow up one another garden beauty.
  • It's part of being young and impetuous and in showing character. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be foolish and impetuous to resign over such a small matter.
  • A flock of birds surges impetuously from the thickets and takes flight towards the windmills that decorate the landscape.
  • At supper Ruth Mary waited on the strangers in silence, while Angy kept the cats and dogs "corraled," as her father called it, in the shed, that their impetuous appetites might not disturb the feast. In Exile and Other Stories
  • Character for him must lie in those very qualities which are now chiefly responsible for his defects -- his ardour, his affectibility, his vehemence, his impetuous rashness, his unquestioned courage. The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
  • 'May I never taste oatcake or whisky again!' said Lachlan impetuously, 'but I wish to see the beast, if there's one in it, and, the sooner the better.' Archive 2007-12-01
  • She combined an impetuous, coltish physicality with high glamour and a flirtatious, seductive allure.
  • The changeful, impetuous wooing of youth lies far behind him, but his homage, which the Ephebi of today would perhaps term antiquated, has always seemed to me as if a mountain were bending before a star. Cleopatra — Complete
  • A flock of birds surges impetuously from the thickets and takes flight towards the windmills that decorate the landscape.
  • The reformist troops weren't rash or impetuous enough to do something so drastic without direct orders.
  • For upon their entering upon that sea, they violently press upon it, and so cause the flow; but they disemboguing themselves, there is a cessation of the impetuousness, by which means the ebb is produced. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The Zemu continued an impetuous muddy torrent, whose hoarse voice, mingled with the deep grumbling noise* [The dull rumbling noise thus produced is one of the most singular phenomena in these mountains, and cannot fail to strike the observer. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • Mokaba’s funeral, the slogan was chanted impetuously, that is, without instigation by the leadership of the ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Vocabulary words in the lyrics to Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Execrescence acephalism conglutinate defalcate effigous embryologic hecatombic hypermetropicism inanition minatory sempiternal Impetuous Ritual are the rhythm section of Portal (interviewed here). INVISIBLE ORANGES - THE METAL MP3 BLOG
  • Everyone, he says, likes to follow their own particular bent: one man proceeds cautiously, another impetuously; one forcefully, another cunningly.
  • The US singer/songwriter captivates a varied audience, everyone from the young and impetuous to the old and contemplative, the broke to (especially right now) the wealthy.
  • They're full of introspection and nostalgia lately, but the impetuousness that made their early records so enjoyable still burbles to the top on a pretty regular basis.
  • Archipelago, they passed the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, stirring the two narrow passageways with the violence of their invisible gallopade and making a turn at the bowl of the Black Sea, swimming back, decimated but impetuous, to the depths of the Mediterranean. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • Vocabulary words in the lyrics to Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Execrescence acephalism conglutinate defalcate effigous embryologic hecatombic hypermetropicism inanition minatory sempiternal Impetuous Ritual are the rhythm section of Portal (interviewed here). INVISIBLE ORANGES - THE METAL MP3 BLOG
  • The only road, a faint track in the grass, now undiscernible in the gathering gloom, now on the slope of steep hills marked by deep gullies worn by the impetuous autumn rains, and down which the poor old "shay" jerked along in a series of bumps and jolts threatening to demolish at once that patriarchal vehicle and the bones of its occupants. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • On Patriotism, Immigration and Populism, it is a collection of video art that aims, according to curator Paco Barragan, to address "the complexities of the concept of 'nationalism' in a moment in which national identities are being either severely put into question or impetuously vindicated. Andrea Carson: Patriotism and Nationalism in Art: 10 Years After 9/11
  • They are extremely responsive to romantic attention, which is very gratifying to their ever-hungry ego, and as such they can suffer from rash romantic liaisons that are impetuous and unsuitable on a long term basis.
  • He said the advent of welfare-managers and player-managers was a huge advance in football, because it shielded impetuous teenagers from their own rash decisions.
  • Working within the constraints of royal ceremony, she combined an impetuous, coltish physicality with high glamour and a flirtatious, seductive allure.
  • Sorrow had quenched the fiery passions of impetuous youth, and religion’s holy precepts had taught Edmund Saville, that revenge was sinful, and that the divine command expressly said —” Thou shalt do no murder;” and in his reflective mind, the duellist was a murderer, let custom gloss the practice how it might. Lovers and Friends; or, Modern Attachments
  • His level - headedness counter - balances her impetuousness.
  • They were obliged conftantly to work upwards againft an impetuous 'current, that frequently overlet their boats, or filled them with water. History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland: Commencing in ...
  • The Government arrogantly and impetuously forced postal voting on the region - against expert advice of the Electoral Commission - and is now reaping the ill wind of that misjudgement.
  • Not alone in the great junctures of the tragedy -- the encounters with the ghost, the parting with Ophelia, the climax of the play-scene, the slaughter of poor old Polonius in delirious mistake for the king, and the avouchment to Laertes in the graveyard -- was he brilliant and impetuous; but in almost everything that quality of temperament showed itself, and here, of course, it was in excess. Shadows of the Stage
  • Fairly obviously, that train was cancelled, so I impetuously jumped on the next train out, which stopped at Wokingham.
  • This is where you can reap the rewards of your forward planning, or curse your impetuousness as appropriate.
  • Similar qualities had characterized her acting, and they spring from a nature which a close observer has described as clear in perception yet swayed by fantasy; strong of will yet impulsive as quicksilver; finding enjoyment now in animated discussion, now in impetuous riding, now in absolute repose; full of maternal tenderness, yet fond of splendor and the excitements of society; a nature, in short, abounding in contrasts, but substantially that of a true, noble and lovable woman. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873
  • The reformist troops weren't rash or impetuous enough to do something so drastic without direct orders.
  • Mrs. Heffley, enigmatic behind the twin zeroes of her spectacles, is a shrewd dispenser of domestic justice, while Mr. H (a Civil War nut) tends to do his parenting in lunges of impetuous dad-ness. Revenge of the Wimps
  • Chin demanded in his impetuous way, as if he hadn’t heard a word Wei had just said. Typhoon Season
  • Unfortunately, this wasn't any bold declaration of reckless, impetuous love, it's a last-ditch attempt to not get deported.
  • He quickly apologized, but the rather impetuous soldier demanded that the matter be settled in a sword duel.
  • Jerome is a, more learned exegetist, better equipped in respect of Scriptural erudition; he is even purer in his style; but, despite his impetuous ardour, he is less animated, less striking, than his correspondent of Hippo. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Instead of greeting Daddy Wotan with a big hug, the impetuous Brünnhilde slid haplessly down the "mountain," landing stage front, flat on her derrière good bone-density test! Lee Rosenbaum: Fright Night at the Opera: Met's "Die Walküre" Enthralls, Despite Mishaps
  • Caught in a maelstrom of sensations, I hardly noticed impetuous spring turn into raging summer, blazing heat into the balanced temperature of fall.
  • Three months later I received the news that he had gone on holiday in Greece, saw somebody in difficulty swimming off a treacherous part of the coast, and in his generous and impetuous way had rushed in to save them.
  • On a background of softest seafoam, with a wing-shaped fin worked in shades of fuschia, periwinkle and teal, she is a part of the mysterious, impetuous sea captured forever on canvas.
  • My friend Crocky Doyle was liked everywhere, and deemed to be rather impetuous — but the honestest fellow. Vanity Fair
  • Therefore, he was able to succeed in all the impetuous endeavors he attempted.
  • After an attack by crossbowmen and infantry, the van of the French cavalry charged impetuously through their own infantry across the stream and up the slope on the other side.
  • She might live to regret this impetuous decision.
  • Independents, the honour of the day belonged; but the old Earl of Leven, the covenanting general, was driven out of the field by the impetuous charge of Prince Rupert, and was thirty miles distant, in full flight towards Scotland, when he was overtaken by the news that his party had gained a complete victory. A Legend of Montrose
  • Chatnesse in Lancashire (says Camden) the low mossie ground was no very long time since, carried away by an impetuous flood, and in that place now lies a low irriguous vale, where many prostrate trees have been digged out: And from another I receive, that in the moors of Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • an impetuous display of spending and gambling
  • And through it all he had the quick memory of his mother's companionship, he could recall her rueful looks whenever the eager inaccurate ways, in which he reflected certain ineradicable tendencies of her own, had lost him a school advantage; he could remember her exhortations, with the dash in them of humorous self-reproach which made them so stirring to the child's affection; and he could realise their old far-off life at Murewell, the joys and the worries of it, and see her now gossiping with the village folk, now wearing herself impetuously to death in their service, and now roaming with him over the Surrey heaths in search of all the dirty delectable things in which a boy-naturalist delights. Robert Elsmere
  • Therefore, he was able to succeed in all the impetuous endeavors he attempted.
  • impetuous heaving waves
  • Quiet Miss Mira was put out of court by impetuous Mrs. Simcoe and her female aides - de - camp.
  • He quickly apologized, but the rather impetuous soldier demanded that the matter be settled in a sword duel.
  • He's so impetuous - why can't he think things over before he rushes into them?
  • When it comes time to decide which hill to take, or even to take a hill, McCain's impetuousness, bullheadedness, appalling academics and lack of self discipline dictate that he not be in the room. Now A McCain Surrogate Demeans Wes Clark's Service
  • And that is also why profoundly literate editorialists still use hotspur to mean “a rash, impetuous, hard-driving person.” No Uncertain Terms
  • It's part of being young and impetuous and in showing character. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's the bronze-tinted celestial realm where the young God of Thunder Chris Hemsworth struggles against evil forces and his own impetuousness. 'Thor': A Vehicle of Low Norsepower
  • But a Justice who subscribes to the view that the Constitution's makers intended the judiciary to be the prime headwind against impetuous and myopic Congresses and Presidents will readily embrace latitudinarian interpretations of the text to fulfill the judicial role and blunt the political branches, he says. William Fisher: Sotomayor: The Umpires Strike Out!
  • His Albrecht was impetuous and fierce tempered, clearly in love with Giselle, and his final scene was simple but deeply felt, and avoided extraneous melodramatics.
  • Mrs. Heffley, enigmatic behind the twin zeroes of her spectacles, is a shrewd dispenser of domestic justice, while Mr. H (a Civil War nut) tends to do his parenting in lunges of impetuous dad-ness. Revenge of the Wimps
  • He added that taking the car had been an impetuous and unplanned crime.
  • They say he is too impetuous, too rash, too impulsive.
  • The changeful, impetuous wooing of youth lies far behind him, but his homage, which the Ephebi of today would perhaps term antiquated, has always seemed to me as if a mountain were bending before Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • Phaethon was born to be handsome and sexy but a bit impetuous and arrogant, while Hayley was tender and nice but did not have a beautiful face, which made her sad because she deeply loved Phaethon.
  • This was a mode of flattery too pleasing to encounter rebuke or censure; and the opportunity which it afforded the youth to form, as it were, a party of his own within the limits of the ancient barony of Avenel, added not a little to the audacity and decisive tone of a character, which was by nature bold, impetuous, and incontrollable. The Abbot
  • After more than a decade of this flared-nostril life, taken up well past the point at which Victoria had abandoned herself to inconsolable widowhood, Jane wrote, "Sixty-two years of age, and an impetuous romantic girl of seventeen cannot exceed me in ardent passionate feelings. How We Become What We Are
  • On a background of softest seafoam, with a wing-shaped fin worked in shades of fuschia, periwinkle and teal, she is a part of the mysterious, impetuous sea captured forever on canvas.
  • She might live to regret this impetuous decision.
  • Mr Saakashviliis an impetuous nationalist who has lately tarnished his democraticcredentials.
  • Instead of greeting Daddy Wotan with a big hug, the impetuous Brünnhilde slid haplessly down the "mountain," landing stage front, flat on her derrière good bone-density test! Lee Rosenbaum: Fright Night at the Opera: Met's "Die Walküre" Enthralls, Despite Mishaps
  • Standing on the bank of a canal together with other joyful dwellers of a clay town, the guardsman was watching the impetuous flow, a broad smile on his face.
  • Well I suppose that in many ways that's me on the receiving end of that slap and I'm about to pay for my audacity and impetuousness with questionable reviews. John Malik: The Many Flaws of My First Novel
  • Over and over again, Peter came face-to-face with his impetuous, rash nature, and every time he had to confront his inability to change.
  • It's associated with a fiery temper, with an uncontrollable individuality and impetuousness.
  • Back when Sara and Jeffrey were married, Jeffrey had often voiced his concern over Lena's impetuous behavior. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Would the ladies of a Unionist persuasion prefer the younger impetuous rascal type as their representative or the more mature, debonair sophisticate?
  • The fox-terrier, with a shrill yelp of pain, sprang back so impetuously as to ribbon its ear as Michael's teeth combed through it. CHAPTER VI
  • The eighth song is about impetuousness and unconsciousness of teenagers.
  • She splashed from one thing to another, an unruly girl, now a restless, impetuous woman.
  • The river, springing from a cleft in the Lozère chain, winding its impetuous way, enriched by many a mountain torrent, through the Aveyron, Tarn, and Garonne, finally disemboguing into the Garonne, has lavished all its witchery on its native place. The Roof of France
  • The Spanish and Italians are hot-blooded, impetuous and untrustworthy.
  • He didn't experience Stockholm syndrome, identifying with triumphant soldiers roaring by in impetuous tanks.
  • It's associated with a fiery temper, with an uncontrollable individuality and impetuousness.

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