How To Use Imperturbable In A Sentence

  • Brief style shows imperturbable, introverted and individual quality.
  • But Tamara was as imperturbable as a diamond and despite Hanuman's manipulations and veiled attacks, she continued to smile and sparkle. THE BROKEN GOD
  • - asyntactic; irregular; pertaining to ataxy. adj. - of or pertaining to freedom from anxiety or emotional disturbance; calm and imperturbable Xml's
  • an imperturbable self-possession
  • But the next step is the mannequins, that imperturbable army of shopwindow-style dolls. Times, Sunday Times
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  • How one couchant beast, with its imperturbable gravitas, a heraldic chunk of London itself, moved without lifting a paw, from the site on the south bank of the Thames being cleared for the Festival of Britain in 1951, to Waterloo Station with its martial trappings, and on to its present eminence alongside the decommissioned County Hall. The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
  • Despite the exclamation mark, he talks in the flat, imperturbable vowels of Sussex, his voice rising not so much in volume as in exasperation.
  • Buddhism is the pursuit of inner-peace through meditation - through his own, diligent efforts, the Buddhist hopes to arrive at this imperturbable, sanguine state of being.
  • Earl Alexander was a military commander with little taste for panache but distinguished by imperturbable confidence.
  • I had various curious cases against him at the Bar - hard and evenly fought battles - in which he was imperturbable.
  • It would be difficult to praise his work as Book Review Editor more highly than it deserves, and those of us who have worked with him most closely will miss his imperturbable good humor and complete reliability.
  • When disputes occurred in bonne maman's room, they were between my father and mother, if that can be called a dispute where one is so gay and so imperturbable. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • Osman can scarcely be called imperturbable, for he has his daily and hourly moods, and is of varying temper; but he carries himself always as though conscious of being an outcast, whom nothing can either elevate or defile. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • It was hardly discernable, though, in her performance yesterday, which was both imperturbable and irresistible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brief style shows imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. It is much suitable and comfortable for body.
  • Monkton, recently elevated to the managership, gasped, swallowed, and maintained his imperturbable attentiveness. THE PRODIGAL FATHER
  • I had never talked about it with men; I sure wasn't going to do it now with this imperturbable woman. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • This ice has a character different from the clear, unblemished ice, as if all the hardship of those periods congealed to create a solid, imperturbable substance.
  • She looked down and felt a strange sense of imperturbable calm.
  • I was imperturbable at work, never losing my patience or raising my voice.
  • There is evidently an unsuspected strain of the 'gaillard' in an imperturbable nation. Lyrics From the Chinese
  • Never mind, honey," his imperturbable wife assured him in a stage whisper. CHAPTER XXX
  • His music making is serious, studious and generally imperturbable.
  • To his closest comrades-in-arms and to foreign statesmen and diplomats he was a man of few words, reticent, patient and imperturbable, pacing or smoking quietly while he worked his way through a problem.
  • Dry as the notes were, with their strokes on and between the five lines, the black and white keys were no less so: and not a syllable was heard, either of "thumbling," "pointerling," or "gold finger;" while the countenance of the man remained as imperturbable during his dry teaching as it had been before during his dry jests. Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life
  • And the other, calm-eyed, cool-browed, serene; strong in her own integrity, with faith in herself, thoroughly at ease; dispassionate, imperturbable; a figure chiselled from some cold marble quarry. THE SCORN OF WOMEN
  • June 1819; 'the thought never leaves me for a single moment; everything on earth has lost its interest for me,' This time her imperturbable father 'philosophized' in vain. Proserpine and Midas
  • Brief style and contrast color application imperturbable, introverted and young quality.
  • His normally imperturbable secretary burst into tears.
  • He was guilty of sharp, ugly curses, and he snapped and growled at the imperturbable half-caste. A GOBOTO NIGHT
  • Not so no-drama-Obama who evinces an imperturbable cool utterly bereft of inner trauma. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: How Obama Lost His Magic
  • They follow with naked feet: an extraordinary sight, as the filmmakers clearly understood given all the footage of Dr. Jesus Rivas and his wife and research partner, Dr. Sarah Corey, trudging barefoot and imperturbable through Venezuelan swamp waters, every now and then stepping on or around alligators. A Formula So Old It's New Again
  • It is the Holy Spirit--'rest for the weary, refreshment for the pining, solace in the midst of woe'--who imparts to the soul an imperturbable poise and a serene calm, the character of recollectedness, the soaring lightness of a full inner freedom. Finding Peace
  • The rift with the rest of the ECB's council deepened in September when, in an interview with Bloomberg, Mr. Weber pre-empted the policy decisions of the council's next meeting, something that provoked a memorable put-down from the normally imperturbable Mr. Trichet. Was Weber Sacrificed for the Euro?
  • That much," she waspishly informed an imperturbable Myst, curled comfortably on a chair," is impossible to deny. A RAKE'S VOW
  • His distaste for big inert words - words like omniscient, impassable and imperturbable, which he finds other theologians using to describe God - inspires his own desire for accessibility.
  • It frequently happens that the contortions or displacements due to motion are seen to affect a single line belonging to a particular substance, while the other lines of _that same substance_ remain imperturbable. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset.
  • But the next step is the mannequins, that imperturbable army of shopwindow-style dolls. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, it would be in deep trouble if it was relying on the utterly solid, sweet-natured and imperturbable country boy for dramatic tension.
  • Salgado, the pilot, a Cuban-American with the physique of a linebacker, was imperturbable, a fatalistic observer of the elements. MAMBO
  • As though for reassurance he looked up at the imperturbable face in the portrait.
  • On the contrary, when all others have given up in despair, these persons stand imperturbable in the face of peril, relying for support not on material things, but on the soundness of reason and on their own superior judgement.
  • He turned on his moccasined heel and walked out, imperturbable, sphinx-like, neither giving nor receiving greetings nor looking to right or left. Chapter III
  • The prosecutors liked me because my professional experience as a media researcher had steeled me against public abuse and made me imperturbable under cross examination.
  • So calmly was it done, so imperturbable were all the black countenances, that I half began to conjecture that the chaplain himself intended it for a hymn, though I could imagine no propsective rhyme for trouble unless it were approximated by debbil, which is, indeed, a favorite reference, both with the men and with his Reverence. Army Life in a Black Regiment
  • Through what is called neutrality of tone, philosophical discourse must also guarantee the neutrality or at least the imperturbable serenity that should accompany the relation to the true and the universal.
  • hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm
  • It felt classy and utterly imperturbable - the sort of place where the band might play Stormy Weather in a raging typhoon.
  • It's very much like the radiance of falling in love, but it's not the ordinary falling in love where we're still involved in attachment and aversion; it's a radiance that is imperturbable because totally ultimate.
  • always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable
  • The fax was pouring out messages, the telephone had barely stopped and the loyal secretary was still at her station in the office, cool and imperturbable as ever.
  • Tamara was usually a resolute soldier, a calm and imperturbable Warrior of God, but now she seemed distressed. The Omega Theory
  • But emotionally he found it extremely difficult to resign himself to the disappearance of that invigorating militancy and that imperturbable self-assurance that had marked the working class in the 1970s.
  • His normally imperturbable secretary burst into tears.
  • Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.
  • In later work, which got little attention in the West, Pavlov sought to prove that dogs are of four temperamental types, "strong excitatory," "lively," "calm imperturbable, or phlegmatic," and "weak inhibitory. The Most Interesting Blog Comment I've Ever Read, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We shall no longer have to plan and toil to spread imperturbable conceit and incurable ignorance among men.
  • The most impressive thing about McIlroy's game, after watching him for 36 holes, is his imperturbable rhythm—not just the rhythm of his heartbreakingly beautiful, powerful swing he outdrove Johnson and Mickelson much more than they outdrove him, but the rhythm of his routine. Inside the Ropes With Rory
  • Lily Sanderson's fate had not been hers, and her wonderful man-boy, without the threat of a blow, slow of speech and imperturbable, had conquered the big blacksmith. CHAPTER VIII
  • But the square looks in on itself, exuding an air of imperturbable gentility.
  • The square looks in on itself, exuding an air of imperturbable gentility.
  • She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset.
  • One secret of the success of the English was, perhaps, their imperturbable tolerance.

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