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How To Use Impersonation In A Sentence

  • He also faces charges of harassment, reckless endangerment and criminal impersonation ?for allegedly telling parking lot employees he was a federal agent.
  • Yet it must be said that throughout the proceedings his mouth gave a passable impersonation of a garbage chute. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has no truck with those who argue that military impersonation is a victimless crime. Lisa Jane Phillips
  • Hart belts out the Sinatra standards, but while his vocal impersonation is impressive, his barnet is so distressing it often looks like there's a second microphone on screen.
  • Even the gents' foreign impersonations, an obvious peg for buffoonery, arrive on tiptoe. Times, Sunday Times
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  • But the gerkin referee should be charged with impersonation not Gallen. | Top Stories
  • But all I did was make my impersonation of Bruno more caricatured - put the onus on her to work this out.
  • He finished the domestic season in poor shape and, to general mystification, gave only the haziest impersonation of himself all the way through the World Cup finals. Losing a player as gifted as Wayne Rooney smacks of carelessness
  • Turns out, someone does a killer Jill Zarin impersonation, too! Watercooler: Watch What Happens' Tina-tacular
  • Then there's a sudden switch in the 1970s when the two parts of Meryl Streep's altogether remarkable impersonation come together – Thatcher in pathetically touching old age and Thatcher in her political prime as party leader and world stateswoman. The Iron Lady – review
  • The latter approach provides better performance because it avoids impersonation altogether.
  • I find this late night thing entertaining, and I have found Letterman hilarious, Conan classy, Kimmel brilliant with his Leno impersonation, and Leno, Boring and unclassy. Jay Leno Gets THE TONIGHT SHOW Back; I’m Still with Coco –
  • (Impersonation is called "suid" in Unix parlance.) TWiki.Codev
  • American video technology creates impersonation possibilities undreamt of sixty years ago.
  • This tendency – which might be called a type of impersonation, a kind of camouflaging of the writer's authority and hence his responsibility – can be seen throughout Ishiguro's work, and goes hand in hand with his most persistent themes: the fear of disorganisation and abandonment; the psychical aftermath of childhood; and the relationship between the institutional and the personal through which these themes are frequently dramatised. Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Defoe's talents of impersonation and habits of secrecy have left academics to argue over what he did actually write.
  • He does a brilliant impersonation of Charles.
  • He mostly grunts, growls and ribbits, occasionally interrupting his angry bullfrog impersonation to deliver bromides.
  • But for me, strangely enough, because of the work Mike Yarwood did in the '70s on Prince Charles I felt sometimes that I was really doing an impersonation of Mike Yarwood doing Prince Charles. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Snug was "a most gentle" impersonation of the country clodpole.
  • October 1, 2008 11: 37 PM no longer anonymous no longer doing iain dale impersonations said ... ashley pomeroy - don't forget the Mail as well. Guy Fawkes' blog
  • But her gifts and attainments were not great enough to take her impersonations out of the rut of conventionality, nor to save her singing from the charge of nervelessness and monotony of color. Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
  • The multi-talented multi-ethnic group of seven men sings, dances, plays instruments and does impressions and impersonations.
  • Her impersonations of our teachers were a source of considerable mirth.
  • Much of the book sounds like a bogus impersonation, a belletrist's version of Boris Karloff.
  • It is reputed that North America's best-attended Elvis impersonation contests took place in Quebec.
  • April 7th, 2010 11: 26 am ET one of the best things about Tina Fey's Palin impersonation is just clearing showing what a dingbat wingnut Palin is. Fey likely to revive Palin impersonation
  • If the canon manifests itself to Clare as an enchanted silence, the act of writing commits him to ventriloquy or impersonation, making Hessey's advice "to write in your own natural Style" (qtd. in CL 200) altogether untenable. Like
  • Such an act is less acting than impersonation unless the writing is inspired and the performer brilliant.
  • The venerable comedy institution has been known to move the cultural dial with some of its depictions, whether it was the spring sketch that famously declared the media to be "in the tank" for Barack Obama or its 2000 impersonation of Al Gore as a "lockbox" - brandishing scold. Gawker: Defamer
  • On the contrary, they often think themselves pinks of purity -- incarnations of carnations -- impersonations of moss-roses -- the spiritual essences of lilies, "imparadised in form of that sweet flesh. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 277, October 13, 1827
  • Don't snicker: Christian McKay's Welles impersonation is so accurate as to be spooky, and despite the film's obligatory (albeit charming) rom-com trappings, I've never seen a backstage movie that was truer to the experience of putting on a show. Relishing a Lost Production
  • She was a force of nature in her own right who can do a very passable impersonation of a tornado in all its fury. The Sun
  • The rest of the day I'll spend wandering the halls of Congress with my shillelagh and shamrocks, doing my best impersonation of St. Patrick as I try to drive the snakes out of Capitol Hill. The Green They Steal, the Greed They Wear ...a St. Patrick's Day Lamentation
  • It is time that divine help stepped in and coached Hollywood on the follies of shoddy impersonation, and even worse, blatant colloquialism of all verbal history.
  • She was a force of nature in her own right who can do a very passable impersonation of a tornado in all its fury. The Sun
  • He also faces charges of harassment, reckless endangerment and criminal impersonation ?for allegedly telling parking lot employees he was a federal agent.
  • Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impersonation: Are you ready for more? Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impersonation: Are you ready for more? |
  • She soon lapses back into her impersonation of a boot-faced police sergeant.
  • I have wanted for the past year for Fey to write her Palin impersonation into 30 Rock, and potentially have Jack be in a relationship with her. Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impersonation: Are you ready for more? |
  • One of his main concerns was to ensure no one impersonates him at the November vote; impersonations are not uncommon.
  • Mathews's own talent for impersonation was such that he could sustain a popular series of 'monopolylogues', from 1817 onwards. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Yet it must be said that throughout the proceedings his mouth gave a passable impersonation of a garbage chute. Times, Sunday Times
  • wannabee" impersonations is not at all a matter of dispute to anyone of sound mind and a passing familiarity with Roman Catholicism. Most Popular
  • The word prompted a roomful of groans and a handful of helicopter impersonations. California Dreaming
  • His schmooz rambling Lieutenant Colombo impersonation has the outward trappings of Colombo, but not the Detective's intelligence. Richardson On Bush: He's Putting His Legacy Ahead Of The Troops
  • Each of these contained violence so stylised and impressive that impersonations of their impact have never ceased, and still Scorsese was assured and individual enough to make a film very much his own.
  • I still don't get impressions or impersonations.
  • He did an extremely convincing impersonation of the singer.
  • Impersonation allows the thread to interact with securable objects using the client's security context.
  • His dewy-eyed, slightly fumbling sincerity - his brilliantly articulate impersonation of earnest inarticulacy - has all along been tied to this self-projection as a Good Man.
  • This tendency – which might be called a type of impersonation, a kind of camouflaging of the writer's authority and hence his responsibility – can be seen throughout Ishiguro's work, and goes hand in hand with his most persistent themes: the fear of disorganisation and abandonment; the psychical aftermath of childhood; and the relationship between the institutional and the personal through which these themes are frequently dramatised. Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Cole discusses such sensitive topics as female impersonation and minstrelsy in order to deconstruct and elaborate on the many nuances of the concert party theater.
  • Do you think Fey should bring back her Palin impersonation? Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impersonation: Are you ready for more? |
  • People think impersonation is a victimless crime, but it's not," she said. Heroes or Villains?
  • The Evening Press has learned that his history of impersonation and con tricks has landed him with prison sentences before.
  • Brazil is also leading the charge in innovative biometric technology which it uses to identify voters and thereby cut down on impersonation. Nikolas Kozloff: Part III: What Is the Brazilian Brand?
  • Born in Lancashire, Jon realised his talent for impersonations as a child - mimicking the teachers at school!
  • This isn't simply an imitation or impersonation of Brando, but it's eerily close.
  • Bikini-clad dancers writhe onstage at a swinger's club in their best '80s music-video impersonation.
  • Most computer-security products are sold as prophylactics: firewalls prevent network intrusions, PKI prevents impersonation, encryption prevents eavesdropping, etc.
  • It wasn't unusual to answer a call and find him warbling away at the other end in an impersonation of Sinatra. Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough
  • The thieves run scams in two ways: outright identity theft and impersonation fraud.
  • One of the reasons that military impersonation is tempting and relatively easy is the respect that military uniforms and regalia elicit from civilians and lower ranks, the kind of respect that the impostors crave. ARTHUR REX CRANE
  • Spahr's call sign was ‘Dukes,’ and he was known to do an impersonation of John Wayne, complete with the stagger.
  • Trimalchio himself then favored us with an impersonation of a man blowing a trumpet, and when he had finished, he looked around for his minion, whom he called Croesus, a blear-eyed slave whose teeth were very disagreeably discolored. Satyricon
  • He does some brilliant impersonations of the president.
  • FUNNY BUSH COMEDY HAHAHA president bush usa funny hilarious idiot stupid quotes impersonation comedy abc fat comedian parody satire satirical bill clinton monica lewinsky sex scandal suit india cricket team soccer skills tricks actuary actuarial politics speech parliament john howard kevin rudd election inflation rate - Business News
  • Monroe creates an iconic figure as Sugar and Tony Curtis's impersonation of Cary Grant is a total delight.
  • It wasn't unusual to answer a call and find him warbling away at the other end in an impersonation of Sinatra. Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough
  • Her impersonations of our teachers were a source of considerable mirth.
  • Oh well. they say the highest form of flattery is impersonation. Think Progress » Matalin Defends Coulter’s Attack on 9/11 Widows
  • W. is the sort of movie we can't help but evaluate in part by comparing its actors to the public figures they impersonate and trying to determine whether the performances transcend impersonation," notes Thandie Newton, in a creaky, sketch-comedy-grade caricature of Jeffrey Wright, so scene-stealingly good as a deeply concerned GreenCine Daily
  • As much as truth may define itself against falseness, at the theater interiority can only be realized as theatricality, subjectivity as impersonation, and authenticity as style.
  • In The Lady Eve, Barbara Stanwyck’s impersonation of a British noblewoman is so transparent as to beggar belief, but she successfully calls the bluff of Henry Fonda and his rich brewer father, whose choice to believe her ruse is as much a reflection of their own class insecurity. Archive 2008-09-01
  • The terrible figure of Draupadi, as she dishevels her long black hair, is the very impersonation of revenge; and a Hindoo audience never fails to shudder at her fearful vow -- that the straggling tresses shall never again be tied up until the day when Bhima shall have fulfilled his vow, and shall then bind them up whilst his fingers are still dripping with the blood of Duhsasana. The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims, In All Times and Countries, especially in England and in France
  • Up north, the Yankees are in disarray as former scions of industry go on trial and the stock market does a passable impersonation of a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Game brief introduction: The pirate of impersonation fearlessness, the detection enchant of the treasure hide!
  • My mannequin impersonation became a source of much merriment later. | Blog | Inside The Hoop: Ann Humphreys

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