How To Use Impersonally In A Sentence

  • In ancient Athens, the Court of the Areopagiticus was set up specifically to deal justice impersonally to criminals and bring to an end the feuds and demands for family vengeance which brutalised society.
  • As cooking becomes disassociated from the home, we shall gradually cease to attach emotions to it; and we shall learn to judge it impersonally upon a scientific and artistic basis. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • And his Impersonally Appraising and poetic reflection in writing strategy narrated those killing events without turning a hair. This relates with his experience, thanatopsis and aesthetic pursuing.
  • Argyll would deal - impersonally, as was his way - with any offender.
  • he treated his patients impersonally
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  • The tenet is to service our clients fairly, equally, impersonally and reasonably.
  • The culprit may be the gene therapy company, perceived impersonally as located far away and likely to be backstopped by an insurance policy.
  • The doctor treated Ted gently but impersonally.
  • The cold eyes scrutinising her so impersonally were deep set beneath heavy black brows, and shadowed with fatigue.
  • when I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally
  • If only the writer had stepped out of his own sport and background and viewed it more impersonally, then he could have written something a little more engaging and perspicacious.
  • This paper analyses impersonally the actual status of our library cause . defines primarily the library legislation.
  • The author and the minister did their parts in the ordinary pursuit of their vocations; but the _author_ did his part impersonally and indirectly, whilst the _minister_ did his part personally and face to face. A Handful of Stars Texts That Have Moved Great Minds
  • In Commons's work two opposing resultants of underlying, real economic forces do not impersonally, mechanistically interact and come into static equilibrium.
  • And his Impersonally Appraising and poetic reflection in writing strategy narrated those killing events without turning a hair. This relates with his experience, thanatopsis and aesthetic pursuing.

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