How To Use Imperium In A Sentence
The Collectanea argued that since AD 187 the king of England had enjoyed secular imperium and spiritual supremacy within his realm, powers modelled on the kings of Israel and later Roman emperors.
But darkness at last intervened and terminated the engagement. postridie in castra ex urbe ad nos veniunt flentes principes: velatis manibus orant ignoscamus peccatum suom, deduntque se, divina humanaque omnia, urbem et liberos indicionem atque in arbitratum cuncti Thebano poplo. post ob virtutem ero Amphitruoni patera donata aurea est, 260 qui Pterela potitare solitus est rex. haec sic dicam erae nunc pergam eri imperium exequi et me domum capessere.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Not to cast doubt upon her reputation, but our due diligence tells us that she holds letters of marque from IMPERIUM NEPTUNUS REGIS and has earned the right to be called a shellback.
Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday
But as the Japanese imperium widened, Chinese resistance stiffened.
If the American imperium is seemingly more dominant than ever it has nothing to do, we are told, with economic exploitation.
For the glory of the Imperium!
Socrates' death perhaps benefitted from the relatively humane practices of Greek law as it applied to free citizens in comparison to the tortures exacted by the Roman imperium.
Delegation was essential in so unwieldy an entity, and, like his predecessors, Augustus appointed senatorial legates and equestrian prefects to serve his imperium.
To the motley collection of recent books devoted to describing and assessing the prospects of the American imperium, this volume adds remarkably little.
Both the Imperium and Thorn in My Side are what Eichelberger and Wolle call the brewpub's "Black Eye" series of limited release, super-premium big beers.
The appearance of From Imperium to Auctoritas established Grant's credentials as a Roman numismatist; five more numismatic volumes would follow in the 1950's.
The appearance of From Imperium to Auctoritas established Grant's credentials as a Roman numismatist; five more numismatic volumes would follow in the 1950's.
Itaque non uti antea cum praedatoria manu, sed magno exercitu comparato bellum gerere coepit et aperte totius Numidiae imperium petere.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.
But as the Japanese imperium widened, Chinese resistance stiffened.
Loyal subjects of the Imperium always feared hulks.
The Pact of Puteoli or Misenum or whatever you want to call it gave Sextus proconsular imperium over the Islands as well as the Peloponnese.
Antony and Cleopatra
The Consuls were endowed with the ex-king's imperium.
This slightly earlier portrait of the same imperial couple emphasizes their immobile majesty as Manuel and Marie stare out of the page as living icons of imperium.
Regis dignitatis non est exercere imperium in mendicos sed in opulentos.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Even monarchy, which was replaced by two consuls jointly holding the imperium of the royal office, retained a vestigial presence in the form of a religious official called the rex sacrorum.
That another agenda unfolding in the American imperium led to the appropriation of their work for Cold War propaganda should be understood as one component of a larger constellation of forces that declared the American Century.
Servitude, loss of liberty, imprisonment, are no such miseries as they are held to be: we are slaves and servants the best of us all: as we do reverence our masters, so do our masters their superiors: gentlemen serve nobles, and nobles subordinate to kings, omne sub regno graviore regnum, princes themselves are God's servants, reges in ipsos imperium est Jovis.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Animum diuinis exercendo studijs, noctes trahebat insomnes, et qu鎠ita scribendi diuerticula per otium frequentabat: Imperium oratione, ac Sanctis operationibus continendum ratus, Egregius Christian� disciplin� pr鎐o, filios ac proceres docuit, pietatem diuitijs omnibus, atque ade� ipsi anteferre totius mundi Monarchi�.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
England struggled with the problem of distinguishing between imperium, or sovereignty, and dominium, or property, in its American colonies.
OEbudarum dominus cum Rossiam iuris calumnia per Gubernatorem sibi ablatam, velut proximus haeres (uti erat) repeteret, ac nihil aequi impetraret, collectis insulanorum decem millibus in continentem descendit; ac Rossiam facile occupavit, cunctis libenter ad iusti domini imperium redeuntibus.
An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland (500-1707)
The _Imperium_ could be exercised only outside of the city walls (_pomoerium_), except by special permission of the Senate for the purpose of celebrating a triumph.
Ancient Rome : from the earliest times down to 476 A. D.
Along with Bombay, also part of the unhappy Catherine's dowry, it marked the furthest limit of what Charles had conceived to be his imperium, the latest, and soon to be greatest, mercantile power in the world.
Romani, Imperium Populi Romani, Fortuna Populi Romani_, glitter out of the voluminous periods with a splendour that hardly any other words could give.
Latin Literature
Grandiose though he was, he could hardly have imagined the fearsome awfulness of the twenty-first-century American imperium when he baptized its birth in the early days of the Second World War.
The most obvious, and in the abstract perhaps least objectionable, kind of informal imperium is that exercised by a country seeking to protect its interests and those of its friends by taking on a policing role in regional conflicts.
There is Latin itself, which ultimately failed to outlive the imperium and which slowly transmuted into the vernacular Romance languages.
But this envisioned imperium may not resolve the challenges confronting the United States.
The first was the Imperium's bloody-minded refusal to die beneath the weight of heresy, secession, alien aggres?sion and daemonancy.
Igitur a principio coronationis nostr� imperium nostrum aduersus dei inimicos Persas nostrum odium in corde nutriuit, dum cerneret illos in Christianos gloriari, eleuatique in nomen dei, et Christianorum dominari regionibus.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.
Can it lay the ghost of the Roman imperium and become something other than a male gerontocracy?
This mighty imperium covered one-sixth of the land surface of the globe, and was populated by almost 150 million people of more than a hundred different nationalities.
More interested in intrigue and the dark underbelly of the Imperium of Man?
5 Reasons Why You Should Read a Warhammer 40,000 Book
In Rome, military law derived from the imperium of magistrates in their capacity as commanders of the Roman military forces.
I found that the origin comes from a Greek word, 'Imperium'.
India In The Commonwealth
The royal power, like the Roman imperium even in the republic, was needed for the defence of the realm and to enforce the laws; and the lawyers held that for these two functions the king's power was absolute.
New pastures full of scarecrows and glistening barbed razor wire and crisscrossing pipelines pumping petrodollars into the pockets of imperium.
Ad h鎐 itaque imperium nostrum vbi malum superabundabat, reputans secum oportunum iudicabat retr� expectare, atque illos qui illic erant adiuuare, expectando vtiqu� contra infinita illa Persarum agmina bellum sustinuit.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The actual title was imperium praeconsulare maius - greater proconsular power.
That is to say, unless the possessor has explicit authority from a person in whom is bestowed imperium, there is no right of possession.
If they do obtain their suit, which with such cost and solicitude they have sought, they are not so freed, their anxiety is anew to begin, for they are never satisfied, nihil aliud nisi imperium spirant, their thoughts, actions, endeavours are all for sovereignty and honour, like [1819] Lues Sforza that huffing Duke of
Anatomy of Melancholy
They envied that year not so much as a revolt against the Soviet imperium but as a breaking out of prison into a brilliantly lit, innovative world where individual joy and curiosity were supreme values.
Would-be Cassandras have been predicting the imminent downfall of the American imperium ever since its inception.
He did not differentiate between the proprium or dominium, property rights, and the imperium, political prerogative.
In 18 he was given tribunician power for five years, a power held otherwise only by Augustus, and his imperium (overriding military and civil authority) was renewed for the same period.
Instead of dialogue and conciliation between independent states, under the Roman imperium there was only the alternative of obedience or revolt.
Nostra memoria Mahometes Othomannus qui Graeciae imperium subvertit, cum oratorum postulata audiret externarum gentium, cochlearia lignea assidue caelabat, aut aliquid in tabula affingebat.
Anatomy of Melancholy