How To Use Imperfectly In A Sentence
While once children were called stupid, lazy, naughty or obstinate, now we have many syndromes and disorders - all still imperfectly understood - that medicalise their behaviour.
In that respect – in taking seriously, even if confusedly or imperfectly, heretical notions like design – I think the book does very well for itself.
Blast From the Past
However imperfectly we may know the person of Jesus, and however fragmentary may be the record of His teaching, one great truth looms out of the darkness -- the peerlessness of His character and the incomparableness of His ideal of life.
Christianity and Ethics A Handbook of Christian Ethics
Greater rivalry in imperfectly competitive markets can be expected to encourage firms to operate more efficiently.
But the sense in which the term naif should be understood in literary criticism is so imperfectly agreed upon among us, that we have not yet even found an English equivalent for the word.

a second time; and the process is thus accomplished: they have four stomachs, the first is called the paunch, and is the largest of all; into it descend the grass, herbs, and leaves, when first cropped and imperfectly masticated.
Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals
[Footnote] * The absence of palms and tree-ferns on the temperate slopes of the Himalaya is shown in Don's 'Flora Nepalensis', 1825, and in the remarkable series of lithographs of Wallich's 'Flora Indica', whose catalogue contains the enormous number of 7683 Himalaya species, almost all phanerogamic plants, which have as yet been but imperfectly classified.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
Your solicitude so kindly exprest for my success and reputation, demands acknowledgments and thanks such as do not allways come readily to the nib of my pen, but lie skulking about my Heart in various shapes and colours, refusing to be brought forward but by force; and then, like many other forced fruits are apt to come, from my hand, very imperfectly and without relish.
Letter 80
It was not the loneliness of unfrequented nature, for there was a well-kept carriage road traversing its dreariness; and even when the hillside was clothed with scanty verdure, there were "outcrops" of smooth glistening weather-worn rocks showing like bare brown knees under the all too imperfectly kilted slopes.
The Bell-Ringer of Angel's
Such a paideutike energeia, as Theodoret terms it, must be recognized in the poimainein; which our "Thou shalt rule," and the Latin "reges," only imperfectly give back; as, in regard of the Latin, Hilary (in Ps. ii.) urged long ago: "Reges eos in virga ferrea; quanquam ipsum reges non tyrannicum neque injustum sit, sed ex aequitatis ac moderationis arbitrio regimen rationale demonstret, tamen molliorem adhuc regentis affectum proprietas, Graeca significat.
Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
This chapter analyses government policy towards private sector firms that are necessarily imperfectly competitive.
But war is easy to criticize – the inhumanity of, as hell, done imperfectly/imprecisely, its inherent chauvinism and “unfairness,” etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Changing Conflict in Pakistan, and Targeted Killing
The female flowers, which are merely composed of a tripid calyx and no corolla, when produced by a tree in full vigor are perfectly urceolate, slightly tinged with green at the base, and well filled by the ovary, whereas the female flowers of weakly trees are entirely yellow, imperfectly urceolate, and approach more to the staminiferous flowers of the male.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
The laws regulating the geographical distribution of animals, and their combination into distinct zoölogical provinces called faunæ, with definite limits, are very imperfectly understood as yet; but so closely are all things linked together from the beginning that I am convinced we shall never find the clew to their meaning till we carry on our investigations in the past and the present simultaneously.
Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
In that dreary climate, instead of the animated picture of a Tartar camp, the smoke that issues from the earth, or rather from the snow, betrays the subterraneous dwellings of the Tongouses, and the Samoides: the want of horses and oxen is imperfectly supplied by the use of reindeer, and of large dogs; and the conquerors of the earth insensibly degenerate into a race of deformed and diminutive savages, who tremble at the sound of arms.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
However the premise that all of life's diversity owing its collective common ancestry (via some blindwatchmaker-type process) to some unknown population (s) of single-celled organisms which just happened to have to ability to imperfectly reproduce, is not empirically detectable.
Courting the Theists
Despite its name, the road was imperfectly corduroyed.
The Guns Of The South
The enceinte is the normal Arab "snake-fence" of dry and barked branches, which imperfectly defends the nurseries of young trees and the plots of Khubbayzah ( "edible mallows") from the adjoining camping-place of bald yellow clay.
The Land of Midian — Volume 2
The pancreatic, the most important of the digestive fluids, contains other ferments; one called amylopsin, takes up the digestion of any remaining or imperfectly converted starch left from the salivary digestion.
The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
It has a distinct, almost perfect cleavage on { 1011 } and an uneven to imperfectly conchoidal fracture.
Its connections are imperfectly known, but it consists largely of ascending and descending intersegmental or association fibers, which connect the nuclei of the hind-brain and mid-brain to each other.
IX. Neurology. 4b. The Mid-brain or Mesencephalon
And with us painters also, the only result of any efforts we make to acquaint ourselves with the subjects of metaphysical inquiry has been an increased sense of the prudence of lying placidly and unreflectively in our pools, or at least limiting ourselves to such gentle efforts of imagination as may be consistent with the as yet imperfectly developed powers, I do not say even of cephalopodic, but of Ascidian nervous centers.
On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. Robert H. Schuller
The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness.
But we do not call the seedling the cause of the full-grown tree; the invariable antecedent it certainly is, and we know very imperfectly on what other antecedents the sequence is contingent, but we are convinced that it is contingent on something; because the homogeneousness of the antecedent with the consequent, the close resemblance of the seedling to the tree in all respects except magnitude, and the graduality of the growth, so exactly resembling the progressively accumulating effect produced by the long action of some one cause, leave no possibility of doubting that the seedling and the tree are two terms in a series of that description, the first term of which is yet to seek.
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
The latter is regularly declinable but the broken form Saráwíl is imperfectly declinable on account of its
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
When the catcher threw the ball, the coacher started down the base-line toward home, and the sec-mid baseman, seeing only imperfectly, mistook him for the runner and returned the ball quickly to the catcher.
Base-Ball How to Become a Player
I've read most of my trip book, Thomas Harlan's Wasteland of Flint, which is a kind of glissando Lovecraftian space opera set in an imperfectly realized alternate history in which the Aztecs conquered the world and run the human empire in space.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
Also, this library admits (is allowed to admit on certain conditions) some books forbidden generally by the censureship, which is of the strictest; and though Balzac appears very imperfectly, I am delighted to find him at all, and shall dun the bookseller for the 'Instruction criminelle,' which I hope discharges your Lucien as a 'forcat' ” neither man nor woman ” and true poet, least of all ....
The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
In proportion as we see human beings approach this condition, -- in fact, we sometimes see them approach it very nearly, -- we see the "potentialities" of the soul (I do not like the word, but it expresses my meaning better than any other I know) held in abeyance, and such an imperfectly awakened man does not, in some cases, manifest the degree of sensibility or intelligence manifested in many animals.
The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
Gerard raised his voice in uttering this, and the company received the paradox in dead silence, and with a distrustful air, like any other stranger, during which the Burgundian, who understood German but imperfectly, made Gerard Gallicize the discussion.
The Cloister and the Hearth
Firms that operate in imperfectly competitive markets may earn economic profits.
And it's better to get something done imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.
They are composed chiefly of greenish-colored fissile sandstones and calciferous grits, in which we meet a few fossils, very imperfectly preserved.
The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
So it is with the rectilinearity or undulatory motion of light; -- I believe both; though philosophy has as yet but imperfectly ascertained the conditions of their alternate existence, or the laws by which they are regulated.
Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
So, when a chord is struck, a skilful ear may distinguish one or many series of consonances, of which the number is as yet imperfectly known.
Sing for your supper
Confronted therefore with the opportunity, or the need, for a change of habit, in the course of a migration for example, they must either refuse it, like a shy horse, or (if they accept it) enter on their new career imperfectly trained, and extemporizing adjustments here and there in very unworkmanlike fashion.
The Unity of Civilization
The board used a flexible standard that said totality of the circumstances when it clearly appears a chad is separated from the card or, in circumstances where it's not separated from the card, the remainder of the ballot appears to reflect the same type of intent from vote to vote, and the example is -- and you may have seen this from interviews from the chairman of the canvassing board on -- on television -- where an imperfectly punched ballot was reviewed by the canvassing board, known as the indented chad or the dimpled chad, and the canvassing board saw no other evidence of that type of indentation throughout the remainder of the voting, the board determined that the intent to vote was not fully formed and provable for that presidential race and, therefore, it did not count as a vote.
CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: The Florida Recount: Duval County Officials Prepare for Recount - December 9, 2000
These people have abandoned their own religion as so much bunk, but have enthusiastically embraced Buddhism, which they imperfectly understand.
For all that she had the outer trappings of a social butterfly, they imperfectly concealed the heart of a Visigoth, and she consorted merrily with the Captain in rough weather, while her husband spent the trip laid low by seasickness.
On Doris Lessing « Tales from the Reading Room
They had made it out of an oblong box, with wheels so rudely and imperfectly rounded, that they wabbled fearfully and at times gave way under the body; just as they did with the wagons that the boys I knew seventy years ago used to make.
Familiar Spanish Travels
Thus, the imperfectly competing firms faced a more elastic demand for their services than would a monopoly railroad.
The theory of international trade in imperfectly competitive markets suggests that dumping in the sense of international price discrimination should not be a matter of concern.
The hallucinations produced in this way are called hypnagogic (from its derivation this term is properly applied only to phenomena observed at the instant when we fall asleep, or when we are imperfectly awakened, and not to the period of most perfect repose), and they occur when the subject is not in a condition favorable to sound sleep.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
Commercially, benzene is often known as "benzol" or "benzole"; but it would be generally advantageous if those latter words were only used to mean imperfectly rectified benzene, _i. e._, mixtures of benzene with toluene, &c., such as are more explicitly understood by the terms "90. s benzol" and "50. s benzol.
Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
One must be careful, however, not to read this remark as conceding defeat, for in the continuation of this reply to Arnauld and in the passage above, he identifies ideas with God's substance: ˜God's ideas of creatures are ¦ only His essence, insofar as it is participable or imperfectly imitable™ (Elucidation 10, OC 3: 149; LO
Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
The reason is that the distribution of imperfectly competitive firms across countries can now shift to accommodate differences in factor endowments.
We turned our backs on that, which was good; but it seemed like the world got a little smaller when we weren't among people who were trying to build the chiliasm, however imperfectly.
God's ideas of creatures are, as Saint Thomas says, only his essence, insofar as it is participable or imperfectly imitable, for God contains every creaturely perfection, though in a divine and infinite way; he is one and he is all ¦.
Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
The spleen is, I believe, an internal organ whose functions are very imperfectly understood, still it is an accepted article of faith in France that every Briton is "devore de spleen," and that this lamentable state of things embitters his whole outlook on life, and casts a black shadow over his existence.
Here, There and Everywhere
As the poor Flutterer, who by hard struggling has escaped from the birdlimed thorn-bush, still bears the clammy Incumbrance on his feet and wings, so am I doomed to carry about with me the sad mementos of past Imprudence and Anguish from which I have been imperfectly released.
Coleridge & Southey Letters
In thin gilt lettering on the creamy white of the menu, how little those words conveyed to the bulk of the imperfectly educated diners.
Thus, from the Assyrian researches as well as from other sources, it has come to be acknowledged by the most eminent scholars at the leading seats of Christian learning that the accounts of creation with which for nearly two thousand years all scientific discoveries have had to be "reconciled" -- the accounts which blocked the way of Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and Laplace -- were simply transcribed or evolved from a mass of myths and legends largely derived by the Hebrews from their ancient relations with Chaldea, rewrought in a monotheistic sense, imperfectly welded together, and then thrown into poetic forms in the sacred books which we have inherited.
A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
This chapter analyses government policy towards private sector firms that are necessarily imperfectly competitive.
Comte may be described as a syncretic, who, like the Gnostics of early Church history, attempted to combine the substance of imperfectly comprehended contemporary science with the form of Roman Christianity.
Collected Essays, Volume V Science and Christian Tradition: Essays
Unfortunately their findings have been largely overlooked and most pomologists assume that apple flowers have an imperfectly syncarpous gynoecium.
26 Admittedly, "precolonial" imperfectly describes Europe, but it is equally uncomfortable for Africa.
Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
But of course the variations within England DO take account of variations, albeit imperfectly, and the question we should probably be asking rather than: "How far from £7,362 are we? would be "How does the above list vary from the amount that might be generated by the huge multinomial equation accounting for these and other pertinent factors?
Doh! Dimwittery: Game Over For Barnett Formula?
It has now been shown, though most briefly and imperfectly, how the law that "_Every species has come into existence coincident both in time and space with a pre-existing closely allied species_," connects together and renders intelligible a vast number of independent and hitherto unexplained facts.
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
Penelope" tells the perfectly -- well, imperfectly -- inane tale of a snouty young woman from a snooty family.
Two heads better than one in 'The Other Boleyn Girl'
No doubt some such exceptional cases may be met with in the course of future investigations, for we are still imperfectly acquainted with the entire fauna of the age of stone in Denmark as we may infer from an opinion expressed by Steenstrup, that some of the instruments exhumed by antiquaries from the Danish peat are made of the bones and horns of the elk and reindeer.
The Antiquity of Man
And the prints that reflect the etched texts do so imperfectly, because their appearance was affected by the way they were printed (e.g., underinked, overinked, inked with a stiff or oily ink onto paper of varying thickness and dampness).
In fact, on several occasions other characters draw attention to his obtuseness: fresh from the country, he is only imperfectly the rakish figure he imitates.
Then the Neogrammarians patched this theory by adding reasons for reinforcing the deviation such as simplification of sounds, or children imperfectly learning the speech of their parents.
Up to the year 1865 the Unitarians had not been efficiently organized; and they had developed very imperfectly what has been called denominational consciousness, or the capacity for co-operative efforts.
Unitarianism in America
Sure OOP introduced constructs such as polymorphism and interfaces etc to wiggle this, but imperfectly.
Tooling Around
It had become apparent to one or two more practical and sober-minded in the party, that certain portions of the "Blazing Star" tunnel (owing, perhaps, to the exigencies of a flattering annual dividend) were economically and imperfectly "shored" and supported, and were, consequently, unsafe, insecure, and to be avoided.
Tales of the Argonauts
The cranial dura mater consists of white fibrous tissue and elastic fibers arranged in flattened laminæ which are imperfectly separated by lacunar spaces and bloodvessels into two layers, endosteal and meningeal.
IX. Neurology. 4g. The Meninges of the Brain and Medulla Spinalis
Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens.
Fourthly, opaque trades ( imperfectly marketizing ) is the sponsor of the industry anti - subsidy investigation.
Cook did, for example, but other captains didn't and it was an imperfectly understood thing, that you had to have antiscorbutics in the diet otherwise you got scurvy.
If you instinctively in incredulously new build a web page and are careful in oilcloth imperfectly how an gemmed hale polybutene desktop, this may be the elmont for you.
Rational Review
While once children were called stupid, lazy, naughty or obstinate, now we have many syndromes and disorders - all still imperfectly understood - that medicalise their behaviour.
Now seeing in the last section, those we call mathematics are absolved of the crime of breeding controversy; and they that pretend not to learning cannot be accused; the fault lieth altogether in the dogmatics, that is to say, those that are imperfectly learned, and with passion press to have their opinions pass everywhere for truth, without any evident demonstration either from experience, or from places of Scripture of uncontroverted interpretation.
The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
The lobe was imperfectly developed
At the expiration of that time the pile is broken into and sorted, the imperfectly roasted ore is returned to a fresh roast-heap, and the rest trammed to the
Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882
The ancestors of these very helpless creatures lived, I have remarked, in the sea; and we may be pretty certain that their eggs are hatched out into what we call larvae, or imperfectly developed animals, precisely similar to the young, or larvae, of the marine mussel of our seas.
Chatterbox, 1906
Lawyers will ask courts for dispensation for their athletes/clients who suffer from hangovers, hangnails, imperfectly ground prescription glasses, bad cholesterol.
Her curiously juvenile prattle — "The way it began, it was a bit like a repeat of earlier," she begins one anecdote — and her worshipful obsession with all things Hailshamite quickly make it clear that Kathy, if not demented, is at least imperfectly removed from her schoolgirl self; and as she rabbits on, the oddness of her schooldays becomes increasingly apparent.
New Fiction
Second, what is the effect of having imperfectly competitive permit markets?
The title is fashionably silly, in the manner of Flaubert's Parrot, while the subtitle suggests a thesis imperfectly converted into a book.
`If we circumvent the proper sequencing ," Thomas Rane said, `he may remembrance the Eddas imperfectly.
These reservoirs behave as imperfectly elastic containers, expanding and contracting to accommodate fluxes of melt.