How To Use Impenitent In A Sentence
If he does not confess he is at a loss, then he is an impenitent who will not admit his sins.
The rise of this provocation is a hard and impenitent heart; and the ruin of sinners is their walking after such a heart, being led by it.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
In the end it is the feeling of incongruity that persists, something obstinate and impenitent and a sense that nobody quite knows what to do about it.
What vivid memory of past misery in the awful portrait of his impenitent self, already referred to -- on which the mind dwells in silence, while the musical accompaniment (as directed by the "selah") touches some plaintive minor or grating discord!
The Life of David As Reflected in His Psalms
It is he who, now discovered, remains impenitent.

And I do earnestly beseech him, for the sake of his own soul, that he will consider, what it is that he can gain by his sin and impenitency, and whether it will pay for the loss of everlasting life; and how he thinks to stand before God in judgment, or to appear before the Lord Jesus, when death shall snatch his soul from his body, if he be found in this impenitent state.
The Reformed Pastor
But six years later he was arrested again, this time under charges of impenitent heresy, and was burnt at the stake in 1596, at the age of thirty.
He persisted only in regretting that he had failed to clean his honour, and died impenitent.
High Albania
But apparently the real purpose of the Mass is to provide a setting in which we feel comfortable with our impenitent persistence in grave sin.
Will you die in your sins and go to hell like the impenitent robber?
The Lords and Commons repent, but the clergy remain impenitent, are exposed, and the malefactors brought to the scaffold.
It is not to pretend the impenitent person is penitent.
Later she took the impenitent young 'duffer' a tea cunningly designed to appeal to his rebellious heart, and spread it neatly on the big dimity-covered box in his bedroom; but Dick was implacable.
The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
But there is no folly like that of the impenitent child of the world.
Michelle, her actor daughter, is impenitent in unloading the truth about her high society mother who denies her Quebecois roots.
To think and speak of that day with horror doth well become the impenitent sinner, but ill the believing saint.
He is also assured, brilliant, and impenitent, often justifying appalling military actions.
The impenitent and unbelieving will be ‘outside’ for ever.
To these professed atheists, we may well add that impious and carnal crew of worldly-minded men, impenitent sinners, that go to hell in a lethargy, or in a dream; who though they be professed
Anatomy of Melancholy
Once condemned and in prison awaiting execution, Peter received visits from local ministers eager to prevent him from meeting death impenitent.
‘Everything is blessing to the elect,’ he stated, ‘but nothing is blessing to the impenitent unbeliever outside Christ.’
For is not that which is a savour of life to some, that is, to those that are within the purpose of God's love, and whom he intends effectually to call, and to convert to himself; I say, is not the same termed a savour of death to others? that is, to the obstinate and impenitent, and such as God leaves to themselves.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
It was at this time that he uttered the famous words: "J'espère mourir en religieus pénitent et en libéral impénitent.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent