How To Use Impenetrable In A Sentence
A tall, impenetrable wall with barbed wire and sharp metal spikes on top surrounded the entire complex.
You will soon have a thick, impenetrable hedge to enclose the fast-growing butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii (coppice it annually to promote flowers), or the heavenly blue blooms of enthusiastic ceanothus thrysiflorus.
I find his style somewhat impenetrable.
But I suppose it was too much to expect for him to have a black, twirly moustache and for her to cackle mysteriously from beneath an impenetrable black shroud.
Beyond it, the Cumbrian mountains rear, an impenetrable barrier.

Her priority is to maintain an impenetrable veneer of normalcy, of successful, aspirational living while he longs to wake up from the monotony of his existence and start living again.
impenetrable gloom
The media rarely intrude into this haven because they are unwanted, deterred by the astronomical cost of gaining access and bored by the impenetrable language.
Times, Sunday Times
The ghost of a gist of an explanation for at least a few previously impenetrable imponderables began to agglutinate amongthe eddies of the Inspector's thoughts.
The Mocking Program
At the other extreme, it is favoured by inner-city teens who appear to communicate entirely in an impenetrable mix of street slang and patois.
We live in an age where many authors ponder their own experience over and over in styles that can be impenetrable, but Vargas Llosa looks at the world and writes about it with such wisdom that he doesn't fear being understood (there I go again, half-joking).
Jane Smiley: Noble Nobel Prize Winner Mario Vargas Llosa
Absolutely all, with Allègre self-denyingly on her right hand, with that impenetrable air of guardianship.
The Arrow of Gold : A Story Between Two Notes
What looks to you like an impenetrable barrier today will become, if you lean into it, a bridge to a whole new season of blessing.
Christianity Today
But Ray Cruz, a gunnery sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, was one of those rare men with a personality of hard metal—unmalleable, impenetrable, unstoppable.
Dead Zero
A hazel choc bar could be on the way via an impenetrable Volvo or a pickup.
The appealing fragments are short and scrappy, the unappealing prose verbose and sometimes impenetrable.
It seems that this is a difficulty pertaining to our times: there is as yet only one possible choice, and this choice can bear only on two equally extreme methods: either to posit a reality which is entirely permeable to history, and ideologize; or, conversely, to posit a reality which is ultimately impenetrable, irreducible, and, in this case, poetize.
Never Neutral
The writing is her usual blend of charming whimsy, heartbreaking poignancy and sometimes impenetrable surrealism.
A coating of clear resin seals them in; the surfaces are polished, almost impenetrable.
A very hungry bear will sometimes attack a walrus in the water, for the polar bear is a powerful swimmer; but in his peculiar element -- and he is never far from it -- the walrus is the best fighter, and his tough hide serves as an almost impenetrable armor.
Harper's Young People, January 20, 1880 An Illustrated Weekly
England looked ready to launch a counter-attack only to see an impenetrable barrier of yellow shirts on the halfway line.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, Madame X presents a sphinx-like figure - beautiful, imperious, and impenetrable.
Not surprisingly, the book is pretty dense, but it's not impenetrable.
He is lost again in a misty, impenetrable mountain pass.
You never cease telling us, that the designs of God are impenetrable; that _his ways are not our ways, nor his thoughts our thoughts_; that it is absurd to complain of his administration, of the motives and springs of which we are totally ignorant; that it is presumption to tax his judgments with injustice, because we cannot comprehend them.
Good Sense
Ian preferred moody songwriters who slowly strummed guitars and wallowed self-indulgently in their own impenetrable deepness.
They found the jungle virtually impenetrable.
At last, after a great many hesitations, Zouhra, who is the bravest of them all, ventured to go out with me, buried in the recesses of a brougham, and protected by a very thick kind of mantilla, which after all was hardly any less impenetrable than a _yashmak_.
French and Oriental Love in a Harem
Though far from perfect, and full of impenetrable dialogues, the film nonetheless has a certain visceral urgency.
They stared silently at the impenetrable curtain surrounding the ship, and each face was tense with anxiety.
But this normally impenetrable barrier is easily breached by fat-soluble ethanol molecules, which slip through like little ghosts.
On one was written: 'I thought you told us the walls were impenetrable?
The Sun
But the reserve through which that attractive generosity and warmth powerfully shone was, for him, an impenetrable and necessary protection.
The Japanese market used to be more or less impenetrable.
The dark-haired child gave way to her sister's commands, slinking to the base of the stone pedestal that would be make-believed into a high and impenetrable lair.
All was one impenetrable desert; ... the vegetation on this part of the country was reduced to a few stunted gums, hakea bushes, and Triodia (spinifex), the whole extremely barren in appearance ...
Spinifex and Sand
The very Indian allies, though accustomed to bushfighting, regarded it as almost impenetrable, and full of frightful danger.
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
In other words, for us a rock is solid and impenetrable, but for those on a different frequency level, it might not even be perceivable as such if at all.
Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
Alighting at the small wayside station, we drove for some miles through the remains of widespread woods, which were once part of that great forest which for so long held the Saxon invaders at bay -- the impenetrable "weald," for sixty years the bulwark of Britain.
The Adventure of Black Peter.
The several paintings titled Night Sky are swatches of impenetrable black texturing.
When it is finally time for the public comment, planning instruments drafted in legal language are often found to be impenetrable.
The fortifications of the castle were massive and impenetrable.
There are moments of impenetrable psychotic darkness, followed swiftly by wry humor.
Chinese privet is most abundant along margins of gravel and paved roads, where it often forms dense, impenetrable stands with relatively dark understories.
What seem to be impenetrable dilemmas now will be transformed into a constructive exchange of ideas next week.
Times, Sunday Times
But neglected and uncontrolled the same earth very soon destroys cultivated land and human habitat with impenetrable overgrowth.
The poet seems to be experiencing a kind of existential crisis in a hostile, opaque, impenetrable and uninhabitable world.
The smog formed an impenetrable blanket that forced drivers to brake.
Times, Sunday Times
If you run into a "stonewall" with a question or investigation, that stonewall is now wider and more impenetrable than it was 40 years ago.
We Are What We Read and See. Too Bad it's not the Truth
The difference between medics and most other people, however, is: like lawyers, doctors and other medical workers generally practice behind near-impenetrable professional screens and when complaints succeed in penetrating them, more often than not, other doctors (or lawyers) sitting on boards dispense ‘punishment’.
Doctors vs Patients: online
This means it can kill an enemy hiding behind an impenetrable wall.
Times, Sunday Times
Here on the free-draining soil gorse proliferates and, year by year is gradually spreading across good grazing land, its impenetrable prickly branch structure ideal cover for rabbit burrows.
European Pressphoto Agency Gareth Bale Most impressive of all, six of those goals came against a seemingly impenetrable Inter side that rode a superhuman goalkeeper and deadbolt defense to three trophies last season, including a semifinal win over Barcelona.
Tip of the Day
The desert dust kicked up swirls up into a impenetrable smoke screen.
He was a stickler for defensive discipline and organisation, and it made us almost impenetrable.
Times, Sunday Times
A heady, often impenetrable mix of shrubs, herbs and wild flowers, such as lavender, myrtle, marjoram and thyme, its elusive scent permeates everything from the wine to the honey.
The island is full of impenetrable virgin forest ill-suited to bikes, leaving the last leg to be completed on foot.
She has announced plans to "popularise" what to many are the impenetrable scores of Wagner pieces, envisaging giant TV screens and even podcasts.
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As she rounded the final corner, the trees were in front of her, a dark and impenetrable barrier hiding the house completely.
He is therefore not an impenetrable wall of steel; he's just a nuisance.
Times, Sunday Times
He nodded silently, scanning the paintings with impenetrable eyes.
The Japanese market used to be more or less impenetrable.
Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider.
It is considered to be almost impenetrable.
Times, Sunday Times
The jaguar is not far distant, "laired" in the secret depths of the impenetrable jungle.
The Rifle Rangers
For the man for whom these lavish arrangements had been made had spent his life behind an almost impenetrable shroud of secrecy.
Times, Sunday Times
(Oasis, Ash, The Verve) and recorded in rural Wales, this is a big leap forward for the band and adds the newfound grandeur of string arrangements to their raw 70s pop and pub rock influenced tunes, delivered as ever in thick, near-impenetrable Dundonian accents.
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Outside, the fog was thick and impenetrable.
Not that it was silent; we would not call it mere silence, that brooding and impenetrable darkness charged with doom unrevealed, which is now our silent night, unrelenting to lonely watchers.
Waiting for Daylight
impenetrable jargon
For if Spirit and Body are so contrary one to another, so that a Spirit is only Life, or a living and sensible Substance, but a Body a certain Mass merely dead; a Spirit penetrable and indiscerpible, but a Body impenetrable and discerpible, which are all contrary Attributes: What (I pray you) is that which doth so join or unite them together?
The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
If you throw in clothes from the washer knotted together in an impenetrable mass, they are likely to take forever to dry, or some will overdry while others remain damp because air cannot circulate around them.
I saw your desire of saving Madame Duval, and scarce could I refrain giving the brutal Captain my real opinion of his savage conduct; but I am unwilling to quarrel with him, lest I should be denied entrance into a house which you inhabit; I have been endeavouring to prevail with him to give up his absurd new scheme, but I find him impenetrable: – I have therefore determined to make a pretense for suddenly leaving this place, dear as it is to me, and containing all I most admire and adore; – and I will stay in town till the violence of this boobyish humour is abated.
Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
A rose hedge can become a useful, impenetrable barrier if clipped regularly.
Rugged, mountainous, impenetrable, recalcitrant and peopled by an enemy hardened and fanatical, it was considered unconquerable.
The tiny cars were essential to the film's plot and proved to be the perfect getaway vehicles to manoeuvre in and out of tight spots and weave through seemingly impenetrable pathways.
The language of this document would be impenetrable to anyone except a specialist.
People were excitedly chipping bits of concrete off the wall - the first holes in the once blood-soaked and impenetrable barrier.
Times, Sunday Times
I have, however a laniary tooth of the proper dimensions to correspond in size with the saurian, which may have been provided with this impenetrable armour, and also the middle
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
They stared silently at the impenetrable curtain surrounding the ship, and each face was tense with anxiety.
Then he characterized the paper support as a granular surface of impenetrable dark green.
The upper part of the netting was weighted with kentledge, the pigs of iron used for ballast; so that, should the hardy assailants succeed in coming alongside and scaling the side, a few blows of an axe would let fall the heavily weighted nettings, sweeping the boarders into the sea, and covering boats and men with an impenetrable mesh, under which they would be at the mercy of the sailors on the frigate's decks.
The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
The Supreme Court decisions that he attacks are written in difficult, if not impenetrable, legalese.
An often-impenetrable glass ceiling limits many women seeking executive level positions in corporate America.
And this optimization scheme is applicable for not only the reconstruction of the impenetrable obstacle but also that of the penetrable obstacle.
clubbiness" in the interests of partisan survival, get ready to see just how impenetrable the
Canada Free Press
He has blasted his way through what had seemed an impenetrable barrier and has shown what can be done.
Times, Sunday Times
This historical thicket is rendered all but impenetrable by the facts that, as Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances; that the Nazi regime and its chains of command and decision were highly decentralized — which meant that at any given moment the interpretations and conceptions of, say, Goebbels and Rosenberg concerning the timing and realization of the Final Solution could vary significantly from those of Himmler and Heydrich; and, most important, that the documentary evidence is both vast and frustratingly incomplete.
New & Noteworthy
Soon he was within arm's length of the girl, but the way was blocked by an enormous prole and an almost equally enormous woman, presumably his wife, who seemed to form an impenetrable wall of flesh.
It was a typically sunny February afternoon in Delhi, but I felt a cloud of impenetrable darkness.
It was a typically sunny February afternoon in Delhi, but I felt a cloud of impenetrable darkness.
In older parts of town, the canals are screened off from yards and businesses by the equally impenetrable walls of giant oleanders.
The prismatic oil-stick scrawls are applied in intricate gathers, loose skeins and impenetrable tangles.
The appealing fragments are short and scrappy, the unappealing prose verbose and sometimes impenetrable.
It isn't impenetrable since he doesn't dissimulate anything - it remains unqualifiable.
Film strips hung from the cutter's rack, bits and pieces of Utah, out-takes overexposed and underexposed, masses of impenetrable material.
“Yet somehow, via some sort of subatomic microsensor array perhaps, the nanite is able to get readings on things that lie beyond the impenetrable boundary.”
Delta Anomaly
They stared silently at the impenetrable curtain surrounding the ship, and each face was tense with anxiety.
Even with the aid of a glossary, a synopsis and a published text, I found large tracts of Marcia Layne's first play impenetrable.
It was a new experience for me to confront an impenetrable wall.
But he knew also that any sign of a respondent curiosity on his part could raise impenetrable barriers.
Brambles, gorse and broom rapidly overtake untended ground and soon create an impenetrable terrain - ideal habitat for furtive species such as the wild boar and Iberian wolf which survive here.
Yet some people seem to learn to live with imperfection and others find it an impenetrable barrier.
First, the settler underscrubbed using a slasher and an axe to begin clearing the impenetrable undergrowth, the saplings, and the small trees.
The story is a delirious, chaotic, often impenetrable allegory of tribalism in an industrial dystopia.
WASHINGTON -- Two years after the Supreme Court voided many of the country's bedrock campaign finance laws, much of the American public is still confused by the change -- and stupefied by the often-impenetrable jargon that frequently encumbers any discussion of the topic.
Stephen Colbert's PAC Parody Explains Campaign Finance To America (Part 1)
The Fourth Dimension of Time is a stable construct, though it is not impenetrable.
Finally, someone decided to call these dogs Spinone after a thornbush called the pino, a favorite hiding place for small game, because these bushes were virtually impenetrable by larger animals.
In order to still his never ending hunger for utter destruction, this warmongering beast mounted a hell slinging catapult on top of his impenetrable shell.
Their game is based around having an impenetrable defence and playing percentage rugby.
Times, Sunday Times
On the bus a couple of days ago, I heard a man sitting behind drawling away in some kind of impenetrable accent over the phone.
The media rarely intrude into this haven because they are unwanted, deterred by the astronomical cost of gaining access and bored by the impenetrable language.
Times, Sunday Times
In the gray light, his eyes were as dense and impenetrable as coal or the hard bitumen on which they stood.
The doors seem sealed, impenetrable.
Times, Sunday Times
Their mystery deepens at nightfall over the landscape, and as bitter winds howl and shriek in the lonely valleys and impenetrable thickets of tall and spiky trees.
Those who mistake the inborn shyness of English people for an impenetrable reserve should visit it.
From its impenetrable title to the insular instrumental segues between the real songs, the man's second record risks coyness at every turn.
There is so much out there - much of it impenetrable dross.
The creation of life in general and of the human person in particular is a thing we can know a little about, but also a thing which is shrouded in impenetrable mystery.
Our faith has to be "stedfast," firm, solid, impenetrable like a wall.
The Epistles of St. Peter
There are impenetrable walls of sound and moments of simple, sublime beauty.
The Sun
The use of rifle, machine-gun, and artillery fire combined with engineer structures, field fortifications and counterstrokes made defense impenetrable for an attacking force.
“I saw your desire of saving Madame Duval, and scarce could I refrain giving the brutal Captain my real opinion of his savage conduct; but I am unwilling to quarrel with him, lest I should be denied entrance into a house which you inhabit; I have been endeavouring to prevail with him to give up his absurd new scheme, but I find him impenetrable: — I have therefore determined to make a pretense for suddenly leaving this place, dear as it is to me, and containing all I most admire and adore; - and I will stay in town till the violence of this boobyish humour is abated.”
As if the Assassins had read his desperate thoughts, several fireballs suddenly slammed into the ground directly in front of him, creating an impenetrable wall of magic fire, unquenched by the heavy rain.
Her journey to an implausibly remote and impenetrable part of Wales, presided over by a strange and dangerous cult, is pacey and exhilarating enough, if a tad formulaic.
Crime roundup – reviews
The undergrowth was, in places, thick, but nowhere impenetrable.
Her fear slowly drained away as she kept his impenetrable onyx gaze questioningly with her own.
Unlike Washington, Jefferson did not shield himself behind an impenetrable visage.
Turner Classic Movies recently did a night full of films starring the impenetrable George Raft, including this San Francisco-set drama co-starring Joan Bennett.
2010 May :
Not only can these techniques represent a usability issue to able bodied users they can present an impenetrable barrier to less abled visitors.
impenetrable rain forests
I find his style somewhat impenetrable.
For example, the days of dull, impenetrable forms that seemed designed to obscure rather than to convey information are passing.
It is all so complex, so impenetrable, a tupik, a blind alley, as the Russians call it.
My Disillusionment in Russia
There are impenetrable walls of sound and moments of simple, sublime beauty.
The Sun
The Forestry Commission car park on Clay Bank Top normally provides ace views of the Cleveland Plain, but there was nothing but an impenetrable gloom.
Monet was drawn to the industrialized city of London with its bustling riverfront, which was frequently covered in nearly impenetrable fog.
When I was a kid, high walled fortifications were virtually impenetrable to infantry or cavalry.
That to be penetrable and indiscerpible is as truly attributed to Bodies, as to Spirits; and to be impenetrable and discerpible agrees as well to Spirits as to Bodies; for that the difference is Gradual and not Essential; And that no Creature, or Created Spirit, can be intimately present in any Creature, because Intrinsick Presence only pertains to God and Christ; and therefore that Philosophical Penetration of Created Spirits, in regard of Bodies, is a mere Scholastick Fiction.
The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
Among these, each of whom has his name and place, there moved others, almost unknown, or hidden under an impenetrable anonymousness.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
The smog formed an impenetrable blanket that forced drivers to brake.
Times, Sunday Times
(Another possible reason for this style of writing: convoluted, impenetrable strings of misused words and bizarre jargon impresses the grant-granters, on whose fickle largesse almost everyone in the arts depends.
Freeing art from gibberish
“Impenetrable veil covering our knowledge of the cetacea.”
Moby Dick; or the Whale
Thus, the initiated are separated by high fences and impenetrable jargon from the ordinary folk.
Except for a few hundred in bills, everything was locked in the impenetrable safe.
There are impenetrable walls of sound and moments of simple, sublime beauty.
The Sun
Either side of the river is dense, impenetrable jungle.
This 10-man wall looked almost impenetrable.
The Sun
The wars were chaotic, an impenetrable series of vicious contests between shifting clan alliances.
In contrast, if a painting presents an impenetrable wall of foliage no-one wants to buy it.
Improve Your Landscape Painting
Under the cantilever is a new sitting room, which looks out east across a slender garden and straight into a tall newly-planted, impenetrable evergreen hedge that protects the President's privacy at ground level.
Racism is the product of impenetrable or hermetically sealed minds.
It had to be suffered and endured by rote learning and sing-songy renditions of pappy rhymes or the impenetrable stanzas of a tortured and deluded soul.
Mark turned his hard eyes toward the elder, and seemed to congeal into something inflexible, impenetrable, as if he had suddenly let down a cold sheet iron door between his soul and them, against which the words, like shot or pebbles, rattled sharp and unharming and fell in a shower at the feet of the speaker.
The City of Fire
By adopting a close-up, frontal viewpoint that monumentalized the object against a white ground, Warhol clearly took on the tradition of still-life painting, but he combines the implacable objectivity of the Soup Cans with an impenetrable graphic style, tracing his images directly from photographs or used stencils in order to facilitate the precise mechanical mode to which he aspired.
Antique News News!
When they write, they piece together words in the same way to create text which is structurally sound, but is often also completely impenetrable drivel.
It was about thirty feet high and almost as wide and stood in a grove of yellowwood trees, through which the water and a mysterious, jungle-covered island, rising from the river in impenetrable walls of green, were visible.
Rainbow’s End
Granted, the casual observer may dismiss this as impenetrable blarney.
So thick was the growth, so boggy the earth, that at the last it had been pronounced impenetrable and left unrazed.
The Long Roll
A woman, her face displaying an enigmatic or even arrogantly impenetrable beauty, appears out of the gray Parisian night.
It demonstrates that there's hope for the multitudes of isolating and impenetrable small buildings that pockmark the suburban landscape as a reminder of ill-conceived growth.
Transforming an Ugly Duckling
Some theologians have a positive genius for cloaking sensible ideas in impenetrable jargon.
The landscape is choked with impenetrable forests of enormous trees and dense, green foliage.
I admit I might be called unpractical if impenetrable forests and destructive floods lay between here and Putney; it might then be as merely idealistic to praise Putney as to praise Paradise.
G.K. Speaks - A Misunderstanding About Method
That was until Norman Tebbit spotted what he believed was the biggest chance of holing the impenetrable protective layer around the bill.
One factor in the Pacific theatre that favoured snipers was the density of the tropical forests, near impenetrable in places.
I headed past the impenetrable chateaux to one of the most glamorous hideaways on the whole coast - the Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat.
Both the Utes and early Spanish explorers avoided the forbidding gorge; for many years it remained an impenetrable mystery.
That was until Norman Tebbit spotted what he believed was the biggest chance of holing the impenetrable protective layer around the bill.
The media rarely intrude into this haven because they are unwanted, deterred by the astronomical cost of gaining access and bored by the impenetrable language.
Times, Sunday Times
Outside, the fog was thick and impenetrable.
Unlike Washington, Jefferson did not shield himself behind an impenetrable visage.
Absolutely all, with Allegre self-denyingly on her right hand, with that impenetrable air of guardianship.
The Arrow of Gold
In large part, this is because Athos is a place where myths, and versions of myth, have superimposed themselves to form a virtually impenetrable conglomerate; where erudite references and cartographic measurements are barnacled—unprizably—onto what, originally, may have been little more than local hearsay.
A Fossil With Flesh
THE world of insurance seems impenetrable; what do insurers do and why do they always seem to want to wriggle out of paying up?
Times, Sunday Times
The first recorded use of the term iron curtain was derived from the safety curtain used in theatres and first applied to the border of communist Russia as "an impenetrable barrier" in 1920 by Ethel Snowden, in her book Through Bolshevik Russia
Number Ten is Rotten to the Core
It stood pure, chaste, pious and impenetrable.
His mount sat quietly atop a leather bound saddle, the cloak sagging, shadowing anything in its impenetrable layer of threads, and reaching the ground slightly.
Now the slender spires of tamarack and balsam fir dominated a scraggly forest, while impenetrable-looking layers of hardy shrubs filled the understorey.
Indeed, the figure of Major Dalgetty alone, sheathed in impenetrable armour, and making his horse caracole and bound, so as to give weight to every blow which he struck, would have been a novelty in itself sufficient to terrify those who had never seen anything more nearly resembling such a cavalier, than a SHELTY waddling under a Highlander far bigger than itself.
A Legend of Montrose
The only reason to write legislation in impenetrable legalize is a desire to hide what they’re doing from their constituents and one another (and, I suppose, tradition, upheld to preserve their ability to hide what they’re doing in the future.
Matthew Yglesias » The Pointlessness of Reading Bills
The language of this document would be impenetrable to anyone except a specialist.
Picture this: a screen is radiating a light that pours forth from an impenetrable blackness.
Its technology is so new, so revolutionary, that everyone assumes its so-called invulnerable defences will be impenetrable.
The White Ninja
If Bridgetown's Kensington Oval was a fortress for the Caribbean quicks of the 1970s and 80s, Eden Park became the impenetrable battlefield of the lack-of-pace New Zealand attack in the World Cup.
On a borrowed a bicycle, he pedals over hills and along dirt roads, encountering impenetrable characters and glimpses of his own nature.
Schedoni had been the more anxious to procure an immediate release for Vivaldi, lest a report of his situation should reach his family, notwithstanding the precautions, which are usually employed to throw an impenetrable shrowd over the prisoners of this dreadful tribunal, and bury them for ever from the knowledge of their friends.
The Italian
Oh, and for those who wanted my full Angel gripes, here they are: hidden behind this seemingly impenetrable cut-tag lurk radioactive spoilers
Random Friday
Cox threatens to be almost as impenetrable as the haar rolling in over the Edinburgh skyline.
I sit on a stiff leather backed chair flicking through an impenetrable legal periodical as the receptionist sorts through the post.
He was a stickler for defensive discipline and organisation, and it made us almost impenetrable.
Times, Sunday Times
Marshal Teddy Daniels (three-time Academy Award® nominee Leonardo DiCaprio) and his new partner Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are summoned to Shutter Island to investigate the implausible disappearance of a brilliant multiple murderess from a locked room within the impenetrable Ashecliffe Hospital.
Over 20 High Resolution Images from Martin Scorsese’s SHUTTER ISLAND Starring Leonardo DiCaprio –
Their players are second to every ball, passes are going astray and their normally impenetrable defence is looking porous.
'epiphyte' (_i. e._, a plant growing on other plants,) "forms dense festoons among the branches of the trees, vegetating among the black mould that collects upon the bark of trees in hot damp countries; other species are inhabitants of deep and gloomy forests, and others form, with their spring leaves, an impenetrable herbage in the Pampas of Brazil.
Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
Here, the author dips into complex arguments about sex, gender, reason, and alterity that I still find impenetrable and bordering on the metaphysical.
Only a few hours after leaving Athens, we seemed to be sailing towards an impenetrable wall of rock.
Times, Sunday Times
The white-clad troops formed an impenetrable mass both in front of and behind the sullen travelers as they were convoyed down the street.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
The E911 document ( "Control Office Administration Of Enhanced 911 Services For Special Services and Account Centers") is an impenetrable bureaucratic document that was pilfered from a Bell South compute by a young hacker, and which led to an incredible domino-chain of legal and political ramifications.
Boing Boing
There are 14 races, each outlined in impenetrable statistical detail in the official programme.
Their sound relies heavily on a murky, sometimes impenetrable wall of noise.
Times, Sunday Times