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How To Use Impending In A Sentence

  • Not without a painful emotion of impending danger, as I watched the stellular reflections dancing in the rushing river, did I wander on in the wake of a group of pack-ponies, and took my turn in being assisted over the broken chasms by the muleteers. Across China on Foot
  • These consequences have yet to be understood by most physicians, not to mention the public, the media or arguably even the promulgators of this impending disaster.
  • On balance, her ample stomach seems to suggest more impending motherhood than lax calorie control. Times, Sunday Times
  • This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
  • He was warned hours before voters went to the polls about the impending doom. The Sun
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  • Five women and their partners wrestle with the demands of impending parenthood, and discover that it's not as easy as the books make it out to be. The Sun
  • Surely, something freakish would happen—a slow roller through the wickets, some fluke fly ball barely clearing the Green Monster, a sure groundout bouncing crazily around the infield—something confirming the Sox impending doom usually happened right about now. One Season
  • Other reports have cited severe and uncontrollable pain or bleeding, major injury with shock, impending birth, and uncontrollable mental disturbance.
  • He will also make them happy by distancing himself once again from rumours of his impending departure. Times, Sunday Times
  • My sense of impending doom rises another notch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smith introduces these more sombre notes with real assurance, deftly counterpoising the impending death with the day-to-day concerns and anxieties.
  • With Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce in crisis -- yes, Roger really did do nothing about the impending loss of Lucky Strike and the ever odious Lee Garner Jr. really did let word seep out sooner than his promised 30 days -- Peggy performs well by giving her previously scheduled pitch on a campaign for one of Playtex's female products. William Bradley: Mad Men : Breach One "Chinese Wall" and You Just Want To Breach Another One An Hour Later
  • It is also a way to fend off growing budget deficits and impending government cutbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The US-Mexican War of 1846-48 was sparked by a dispute over impending Texas statehood.
  • He was warned hours before voters went to the polls about the impending doom. The Sun
  • Hadley's impending nuptials preoccupied Aunt Grace with a feverish monomania. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Taken together they are creditworthy, which is why the impending catastrophe was easily avoidable. -- Top News
  • It was typical of his good manners to make light of his impending death. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.
  • Among the Shoshones and Utes, twins were sometimes looked upon as a sign of impending bad luck.
  • Most rewarding are seemingly unrelated stories, like Toby's impending fatherhood, that end up having a poignant payoff within the cliffhanger ending of the season.
  • Can we take the recent bargain sale of hard-bound editions at hugely reduced rates as a signal heralding the impending tempest befalling the book market?
  • Indeed, rebel movements prompted international relief workers to evacuate the city Friday, fearing impending violence.
  • Now he spends much of his spare time picking the brains of local farmers to glean as much knowledge of his impending new career as possible. The Sun
  • His impending departure is wholly amicable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael said it might help warn of a large impending earthquake by detecting foreshocks.
  • At that point in time, the impending smoking ban and the effect it would have on drink sales were high on the agenda.
  • There was no sign of impending doom either. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also a way to fend off growing budget deficits and impending government cutbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows, given the impending collapse of the dollar (with its future value ranking somewhere below Monopoly [TM] money), the currencies of Armenia and the Ukraine just might rise in stature sufficiently to enable the birth of such entities. Obama’s Double Standard on Atrocities & Evil « Blog
  • The UN failed to respond to impending massacres despite forewarnings in all three cases.
  • And it did more for baseball than the impending labor agreement we keep hearing about.
  • He refers to himself as "a dinosaur" and is taunted by an old criminal rival who teases him about his impending retirement: "You're days from the scrapheap. The (Really) Long Goodbye
  • People's concerns over the summer were dominated less by impending elections than by electricity bills.
  • He made no calls to inform the congregation of his impending lateness.
  • It is also a way to fend off growing budget deficits and impending government cutbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • With my impending journey in mind, I bundled up chicly and warmly for the occasion as well as selected the appropriate catwalk playlist for my adventure. Malcolm Harris: Fashion Police or Racial Profiling?
  • She called the impending contracts a sign that security gains are attracting foreign investment in Iraq. Monday, June 30, 2008
  • Both catch the film's elegiac mood, bathed in southern sunshine but overhung with impending death.
  • Finding the Higgs boson is probably the only thing many people outside physics know about the impending experiments at Cern. Meet Peter Higgs: Father of the ‘God Particle’ | Disinformation
  • And suddenly the terrible sense of impending doom seemed to have withdrawn. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Only the impending cataclysm will set things right, so hang on! Christianity Today
  • The newspapers and the blogosphere are alive with rumours of impending general elections, you can read Iain Dales's rumour-mongering here. The next election?
  • During his stay Jan worked with his brothers Tim and Ben to help them come to terms with Sam's impending death.
  • There is a looming winter crisis in the health service and an impending disaster in social care as a result of local government cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's the dashing hero, a former pilot stricken with impending blindness who stoically refuses to be pitied.
  • Commissioner Fivaz described opposition from what he called anonymous police officials and certain police unions to the impending shake-up in the South African Police Service, as disappointing. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Lineker announced his impending retirement from international football before the 1992 European Championships.
  • Daylight still engaged in daring speculations, as, for instance, at the impending outbreak of the Japanese-Russian War, when, in the face of the experience and power of the shipping gamblers, he reached out and clutched practically a monopoly of available steamer-charters. Chapter X
  • Mitchelstown was rife with rumours yesterday of an impending announcement.
  • Refugee problems remained of secondary importance to wider issues of impending war. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • Moors, whose feats were quoted by Mrs. Elliot to her grandsons; and, accordingly, is generally represented as bewitching the sheep, causing the ewes to keb, that is to cast their lambs, or seen loosening the impending wreath of snow to precipitate its weight on such as take shelter, during the storm, beneath the bank of a torrent, or under the shelter of a deep glen. The Black Dwarf
  • In his latest column Terry Calhoun writes about the impending explosion of handheld technology: The folks at Apple and Google and all the startups in between are going to be making it easy for other consumers to do even niftier things. A Technology Aimed At Colleges And Their Students
  • Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.
  • That was a tame and pithless performance, and if Jasper was in it at all he was evidently resting his better forces for the bigger battle at three o'clock in the impending afternoon. John Jasper: The Unmatched Negro Philosopher and Preacher
  • The MP informed his constituency association of his impending departure at the weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • The king convoke parliament to cope with the impending danger.
  • And that is before some impending high-profile closures cause even bigger problems.
  • So he has been preparing for what he calls his impending “dirt nap.” Archive 2007-01-28
  • And pals say they are ecstatic about their impending arrival. The Sun
  • The now ex-king heard rumours of the impending showdown and when the group arrived had them arrested, ordered they be flayed alive and flogged to death.
  • Hadley's impending nuptials preoccupied Aunt Grace with a feverish monomania. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Belov’d of God! Shield thy dear Church from the impending scaith, 35 The Celtic Cross
  • I have to work today with this feeling of impending doom hanging over me.
  • Rumours about an impending royal divorce were rife.
  • There has been much talk about an impending ‘general indult’ allowing priests worldwide to celebrate the Tridentine Mass.
  • On the morning of the expedition I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.
  • There had been no obvious signs of an impending collapse, except that he had been suffering a disturbing bout of hiccups for three weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Azawu general secretary Patrick Mkhize said the April 27 poll would not emancipate workers from exploitation because the impending government was not "workerist" orientated. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I know, I know, a gluten free recipe wouldn't hurt us gluten gluttons, but with an impending lay-off and potential grad school fees, I'm really not all that excited on spending money we might need for rent next month.
  • The impending end of the Cold War led to widespread, increasingly open debate about the nature of the Yugoslav state and the viability of Communist single-party rule.
  • This monarch is impotent, his own impending death from lung cancer kept from him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often our intuition or sixth sense warns us of impending danger.
  • He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the impending crisis.
  • These three impending directives will have serious consequences for all employers.
  • The mounting evidence of an impending invasion was suppressed by the Associated Press and United Press International and by all the major newspapers and newsweeklies - in an impressively unanimous act of self-censorship.
  • Sensing an impending emergency, he went to his headquarters on Merdeka Square, just beside the Jakarta garrison.
  • No club flirts with as many impending disasters as Newcastle. Times, Sunday Times
  • They received intelligence of an impending invasion.
  • The grumblings, however, may be less an indication of an impending military revolt than the last feeble lashing out of those weaned on the old ways.
  • This impending drift of national policy now received a powerful impetus by an act of the third cooerdinate branch, the judicial department of the government. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • If they are left unaware of impending judgment they will not appreciate the significance of salvation.
  • These hormones are manufactured in response to an impending threat or danger to the body or mind.
  • The site of an impending catastrophe is the perfect place to picnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ethiopian officials warned yesterday of an impending tragedy in the drought-stricken Afar region.
  • We are rejoicing with you about your impending call. Christianity Today
  • -- Due premonition, it appears, had been publicly given of the impending tempest -- the cattle seem to have been sent out to graze, which is from Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Then she becomes pregnant and breaks the news of impending fatherhood to her boyfriend.
  • Thank goodness we had a comedian preparing for his own impending death to cheer us up. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the cruel world of high-end family law, a change of character can often spell the first sign of an impending split. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gilts continued to sag under pressure from the impending deal over a Greek bailout and plumbed an 11-day low. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chandler's words crackle and dance, amusing us while instilling a sense of impending doom.
  • Like a looming cloud, I sense the impending return of the mosquito, the blackfly, and the bane of my rural existence, the moosefly. Rain, Rain, Go Away
  • The Two and a Half Men star then posted a video online last month saying "people can bastardize the truth," seemingly referencing rumors of their impending split. Demi Moore Divorcing Ashton Kutcher; He Responds on Twitter
  • It is not just rumours and a palpable sense of impending danger that throw people off balance.
  • No club flirts with as many impending disasters as Newcastle. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one condition the cues were arrows presented in the centre of a visual display, indicating the likely location of an impending target object.
  • Although there are many rascals to be thrown out, we can only deal with impending apocalypse by changing ourselves and our piggish habits.
  • It is a condition that is demoralizing in a hundred ways, and is fraught with peril to the republic, peril to society, and peril to all the interests of humanity; and therefore as I would assert, -- and _who would deny_ the supreme right and power of the people to protect the republic from any impending calamity by any just means, _but not by any unjust means_ -- I would claim that it is our right and duty to say that this grand hereditary inequality shall not be perpetual, and that The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • She decathected from him in order to cope with his impending bankruptcy.
  • an intangible feeling of impending disaster
  • We were all crowded into the little study, which I'd reluctantly surrendered as a "sickroom" when Sadd had announced his impending demise. Working Murder
  • He spoke of the impending death of free-to-air television as it operated an outdated business model.
  • But mention the impending transfer deadline and the banalities are overwhelmed by his sense of urgency.
  • He remained distant from his compeers on stage, thus condemning Barrit's Falstaff to an early acceptance of impending rejection and robbing their final confrontation of emotional power.
  • Our state, upon learning of the impending DED epidemic advancing through Winsconsin, set up the most sophisticated statewide shade tree pest-control program in the nation.
  • She pauses a moment, partially entranced before breaking the impending spell.
  • A sheltered gorge thinly wooded with fir-trees opens before us; the long impending rain begins again, hard and fast; and the path becoming soon too steep for riding, we have to dismount and walk in a pelting storm down a steep mountain-side to Santa Maria Gardena, which is the first hamlet at the head of the Grödner Thal. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • They received intelligence of an impending invasion.
  • The words sounded like an impending cue to announce his lecture, but Stafford had only spoken for twenty-eight minutes.
  • The supposed mechanism that increases stillbirth and congenital anomaly rate includes insulin resistance and impending or undiagnosed diabetes.
  • And it did more for baseball than the impending labor agreement we keep hearing about.
  • Thank goodness we had a comedian preparing for his own impending death to cheer us up. Times, Sunday Times
  • There had been no obvious signs of an impending collapse, except that he had been suffering a disturbing bout of hiccups for three weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A doctor at one camp warned of an impending health disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • And its impending arrival is provoking strong emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its Chief Executive illegally sold shares when in possession of privileged information about an impending price crash.
  • These images also act as a presage of impending catastrophe.
  • It was imperative to get into the sheltered bays near to the mountains as soon as possible where we might find some respite from the impending storm, so we pressed on relentlessly for another hour or so.
  • She washed some more broccoli and thought about the impending dinner. JUST BETWEEN US
  • There were perfectly cogent reasons why Julian Cavendish should be told of the Major's impending return.
  • A feeling of having to keep at it and the awful impending doom. The Sun
  • On balance, her ample stomach seems to suggest more impending motherhood than lax calorie control. Times, Sunday Times
  • We reflect on my impending visit to the pokey over a fry-up.
  • My father ended up with my brother, sister Fifi and the impending new addition.
  • Take a group of mortgage loans, most of them squishy with impending failure and pungent with ripening fraud; "securitize" them into a bond; then place that bond between two mirrors that face each other in such a way that the mutual reflections appear to trail off into infinity.
  • She had a sense of impending doom .
  • Instead, he had buckled up tight and prayed that the air bag worked, screaming at the top of his lungs as he sped towards the impending collision.
  • His search-party, too, had looked awkward there, having rushed to the task of investigation — some in their shirt sleeves, others in their leather aprons, and all much stained — just as they had come from their work of barking, and not in their Sherton marketing attire; while Creedle, with his ropes and grapnels and air of impending tragedy, had added melancholy to gawkiness. The Woodlanders
  • This could be the earliest detectable sign of coma and impending death. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am a bit like an excited bride, thrilled at the prospect of her impending wedding.
  • Owners might appreciate a service plan that has a chip e-mail them when it senses their mowers need maintenance, to head off an impending breakdown.
  • But the captain's armband and impending fatherhood seem to have given him a new sense of maturity. The Sun
  • The site of an impending catastrophe is the perfect place to picnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed that nothing could prevent the impending disaster.
  • These men are obviously professional athletes who, after appearing with some success at the "Nemea," are in training for the impending "Pythia" at Delphi. A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
  • There were whispers of an impending offer for a car dealership. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the causes of the impending crisis? Times, Sunday Times
  • Young people frequently dismiss remarks which older people may make about their impending or eventual death.
  • If he follows the Kevin Federline playbook, we can expect to see him playing himself in a self-deprecatory Super Bowl ad, guest starring as an impending corpse on a CBS cop show, and emerging as the surprisingly sane parent after Kate goes on a head-shaving bender. 'Kate Plus Eight': What will Jon Gosselin do now? |
  • He'd spoken to Simon that morning of his impending marriage. DEATH SPEAKS SOFTLY
  • The groom may say he doesn't want to get blotto, but once he's having a good time and you get about 3 pitchers in him, he's not going to care about the impending morning doom.
  • I think people enjoy that frenzied panic of preparing for impending danger.
  • But the region's weathermen say predictions of impending blizzard conditions are wide of the mark.
  • There had been no obvious signs of an impending collapse, except that he had been suffering a disturbing bout of hiccups for three weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Corinthian women's thunderstruck responses to their sister's havoc is an element integral to the play, a brake which slows and accentuates the impending tragedy.
  • Capability is not a feeling you get, and you rather feel, even from the beginning, an impending danger.
  • This would certainly take the edge off the impending Apollo lunar landing.
  • No, they had a fearless leader screaming at them about fear and impending doom.
  • He has been teething for about three weeks now, with no sign of the impending teeth.
  • One suggestion is that they are trying to warn us about impending ecological disaster on Earth.
  • It is not the social disaster which we hark back to, but the emotive response - the existential repose and quietude with which men confronted their impending doom.
  • Amid preparations for the companies' impending nuptials, it quickly became clear that the merged miner and commodities trainer would have to unwind the purchase. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who are my age are growing up with impending problems, such as major environmental instabilities and global warming.
  • All this was summed up in the “Shrum Curse,” a phrase bannered on the front page of the New York Times as the clammy darkness of impending defeat seemed to be settling over Kerry’s campaign for the nomination in late 2003. No Excuses
  • Peach-colored alpenglow illuminated the great peaks, giving hint of the sun's impending presence. Genellan- Planetfall
  • His childishness is acerbated by Watson's impending nuptials to Mary Morstan Kelly Reilly, an act that threatens to take away Holmes's favorite toy. Sherlock Holmes
  • An alert of impending rough air would give pilots time to warn passengers and flight attendants to buckle up and take steps to reduce turbulence effects.
  • Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.
  • But there is a bigger IF because of the impending indefinite strike in Spanish football. The Sun
  • As Gellis liberally and deftly applies paint in a series of wide, muscular swaths offset by delicate calligraphic swipes, an impending sense of abstraction emerges. Bill Bush: Debating Through the Arts: This Artweek.LA (July 25-31)
  • Desalination is for many hopefuls at least one technological solution to the impending crisis.
  • He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the impending crisis.
  • The grey-haired presenter only found out about his impending nuptials when he received a demand for payment for the flowers and catering.
  • Mama, of course, is aux anges over the impending addition. SCANDAL'S BRIDE
  • The crew were always spared the task so they could save energy for the impending rescue.
  • Couples will also be able to post notice of their impending marriage anywhere in the country, rather than in the area where they live.
  • He is also nervous about impending fatherhood. Times, Sunday Times
  • First of all, there was the Prime Minister's impending knee operation in Mumbai that scored newsprint by the score.
  • The glow of grand slam success is still keeping Pete Sampras warm but impending fatherhood and the successful realization of one final dream could prove to be enough to nudge him into retirement.
  • The impending crisis is akin to the Irish potato famine, say biologists.
  • There is a looming winter crisis in the health service and an impending disaster in social care as a result of local government cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The realisation of his impending death does not make him regret things he has said or written. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the morning of the expedition I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.
  • My sense of impending doom rises another notch. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was typical of his good manners to make light of his impending death. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were worldly and farsighted when it came to brownstone quarrying, but that view was constricted by blinders to the impending changes in building technology and the image of brownstone.
  • FDR stepped in boldly and decisively and averted a the impending disaster of total economic meltdown and paved the way forward for federal regulation that made sure your Christmas Club account is federally insured. Think Progress » More Americans have a ‘favorable’ opinion of the IRS than of the Tea Party.
  • Agricultural authorities, it appears, are deaf to the pleas of farmers desperate to forestall an impending disaster.
  • My strong gut feeling is that she wants you to break up with her, or she wants to prepare you for impending breakup.
  • We dirty our streets, we break traffic rules, we torment women, we seek dowry, and we discard our old; we wait for our share of impending trouble.
  • As the word wedding was believed to be code for an impending al-Qaeda attack, this raised the Lackawanna investigation to a matter that President Bush was now being regularly briefed on. The Longest War
  • Rumours about an impending royal divorce were rife.
  • The long-suffering bleakness was very pronounced on Nancy's face, and when the walls of water, in impending downfall, reared above the CHAPTER XIII
  • Tewkesbury crier Mike is using the occasion to announce his support for the regiment to keep its unique badge, which it is in danger of losing in the impending merger with the Devonshire and Dorset Regiment.
  • The point is that each of us has something we do to keep our minds off school, exams and the impending midterms.
  • His chin was so long, so peaked, and incurvated, as to form in profile, with his impending forehead, the exact resemblance of a moon in the first quarter. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • In a January interview with Edward Goldstein of NASA Public Affairs, in honor of the then-impending launch of the New Horizons spacecraft, now en route to a 2015 fly-past of Pluto, Venetia explained how it all came about. The little girl who named Pluto
  • And its impending arrival is provoking strong emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was forced to compact a six-shelf collection of boxes for my impending move and my collection would take up a lot less weight and room if this was implemented sooner.
  • Clearly, however, the dictator and his cronies are worried since this is a classic delaying gambit akin to racing chess pieces around the board in a desperate attempt to stave off impending checkmate.
  • Pain or apprehension about the feeling of impending subluxation or dislocation indicates anterior glenohumeral instability.
  • It is not standard practice in an ordinary domestic context to warn a person of his impending arrest.
  • To me it felt like a last gasp of normality, an act of defiance in the face of the impending trial. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • Khrushchev also feared the fallout of his impending parricide, yet held ‘a naïve faith that socialism, once purified of its Stalinist stain, would command ever more loyalty from its beneficiaries.’
  • What a fabulous feature it would be to a) see the actual lifespan of a tag mapped out (or at least referenced in a clever, natty way), and b) to possibly predict the impending doom or imminent death of a word, some language, or a band for that matter. Smelly?
  • Lord Brakandaran informs me there is an invasion of Medalon impending. MEDALON
  • The steady improvement of its learning system flirted with the consequences postulated by scientist and philosopher Raymond Kurzweil, who speculated about an impending “singularity” that would come when a massive computer system evolves its way to intelligence. In the Plex
  • But, most importantly, remember that a vague sense of nausea with an. uncomfortable fullness in your neck and throat may be your only warning of an impending heart attack.
  • Still, he had no other family and impending death tends to make men wish to confess.

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