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How To Use Impeachment In A Sentence

  • There is complete security of tenure for the judges, with Supreme Court and High Court judges being removable only through impeachment.
  • Congressional Democrats have resisted impeachment considerations, recalling the acrimonious division when a Republican Congress impeached Bill Clinton in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Bush's Disapproval Hits Rare Heights; Only Nixon and Truman Scored Worse
  • In the Watergate scandal, obstruction of justice was number one in the articles of impeachment approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
  • On Monday, senators took their oaths as jurors before the Supreme Court's chief justice for Brown's impeachment trial.
  • But the Constitution also provides for impeachment, and some pushback against judicial power is a good thing.
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  • It did not really occur to them that a speaker might rise to become the ultimate beneficiary on the impeachment of the governor and his deputy.
  • They escaped impeachment only by making a very large loan to the Parliament at a crucial stage.
  • And that is that the president has continued -- and of course, Al Gore was part of the team -- continued to outdistance them, to outmove them every step along the way, whether it was in Donorgate with campaign finance and the failure of Clinton's attorney general to appoint an independent counsel, or later with impeachment or all the many other scandals. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2000
  • They have not been fulled vetted in re the full impact of the impeachment, the Mark Rich pardon, and a number of other stories. Rasmussen: Obama Leads Hillary By Five Nationally
  • In practical terms, an impeachment would mean he could not serve in any other federal elective or appointive office.
  • She has been suspended from office and her impeachment trial is set to take place during the Olympics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are removable from office on impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate for "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
  • His name forevermore would be connected to those impeachment proceedings, slandering what, up until then, had been one of the most successful Presidency's in our nation's history. Two Presidents and Two Lies
  • It is a tenet of impeachment law that we don't impeach judges for their decisions, but rather for conduct which makes them unfit to serve.
  • In a single act of cowardice and betrayal, if not treason, the US congress has 'scuttled' the Articles of Impeachment drawn up and carefully researched by Dennis Kucinich. Liberty Betrayed
  • But impeachment is an extreme step which must only be considered for the most grievous wrongdoing.
  • You want out of Iraq * NOW* and you clammer for impeachment ... and yet you only have 49 Democratic Senators!!! Poll: Hillary Way Ahead Of Rudy And Thompson In Arkansas
  • This scumbag is a hypocrite who gunned for Clinton's blood during the latter's impeachment trial. Chair of S.C. Dems responds to Sanford's Op-ed
  • He became the impeachment maven even though he had no clear expertise related to the questions at hand.
  • Staffed by blooded veterans of the Clinton years -- from the "war room" in Little Rock to the impeachment hearings in Washington -- the Gore campaign is outmaneuvering and outmanning a Bush campaign that sometimes seems to be run from a cigar box in the back of the old family store. The Heat From Gore's Kitchen
  • He noted Rep. McCollum's "focus on kids and health care" and other related domestic needs of her local constituents (mostly in St. Paul) as well as her defined roles accorded by her appointments to the prestigious and powerful House Appropriations Committee (budget and spending) and the Government Oversight and Reform Committee while also expressing fears that impeachment hearings would become a "mobilizer" for the Republican voter base, thus costing votes and maybe elections in 2008. lobbies Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) to support accountability and justice through impeachment
  • It is not clear what resulted from the demands for impeachment of the union leadership.
  • If the U.S. were an effective democracy, the President would face impeachment and removal from office.
  • 1804 - The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
  • ‘I think this is another way of filibustering the impeachment process,’ he said, adding that the opposition will take the case to the streets should the process break down.
  • He has threatened to call for the impeachment of the president.
  • In the Watergate scandal, obstruction of justice was number one in the articles of impeachment approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
  • I once ventured to tell him that even a beadle was a sacred being in his eyes, and he did not deny the soft impeachment. Prime Ministers and Some Others A Book of Reminiscences
  • Of course, no one is suggesting that Congress subsist on a regular diet of impeachments.
  • When an outpouring of phone calls swamped Congress on November 6th as Kucinich's words hit CSPAN: "Wherefore Richard B. Cheney, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office," the lid on the simmering pot briefly bubbled over. Next Impeach Target: Major Campaign Contributors
  • In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat,[sentence dictionary] the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.
  • He finally resigned in order to avoid impeachment.
  • Regarding the impeachment case, Park should listen to the public opinion and voices from GNP members in rebellion.
  • He will give his classic response of the middle finger kind, and then be prompty inmeshed in impeachment proceedings. Think Progress » CQ Analyst Suggests ‘Rumsfeld’s Leaving Is Just The Beginning,’ Cheney Might Be Next
  • Well, since they are calling for his impeachment I would argue that they ARE in fact alleging that he commited high crimes and/or misdemeanors: li ⋅ bel    /ˈlaɪbəl/Show Spelled Pronunciation [lahy-buhl] Show IPA noun, verb, - beled, - bel ⋅ ing or (especially British) - belled, - bel ⋅ ling. Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • This done, she letteth her mash run till the malt be left without liquor, or at the leastwise the greatest part of the moisture, which she perceiveth by the stay and soft issue thereof; and by this time her second liquor in the furnace is ready to seethe, which is put also to the malt, as the first woort also again into the furnace, whereunto she addeth two pounds of the best English hops, and so letteth them seethe together by the space of two hours in summer or an hour and a half in winter, whereby it getteth an excellent colour, and continuance without impeachment or any superfluous tartness. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • A front-page editorial in the Chicago Tribune called for immediate impeachment proceedings against the President.
  • Impeachment hearings are no doubt in order…The worst kind of rat is a demic-rat, republicans just happen to have been at the wheel. Think Progress » Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR): Bush’s Iraq Policy ‘May Even Be Criminal’
  • USAF, ret is running for Fla Congressional district seat – he spoke and stated that when he gets into congress he will introduce impeachment proceedings against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice for Treason. Think Progress » 132,000.
  • Being the slave of an eldritch and accurst cult is not grounds for impeachment! If I can’t have a pony « raincoaster
  • His first veto will bring it down to 29%….second veto will net 28%…..bring on the bills, bring on the vetoes, but by all means bring ‘em on with impeachment proceedings. Think Progress » House passes prescription drug reform.
  • Royal pardons were not to be issued against impeachments.
  • In 1801, as 1st lord of the Admiralty, St Vincent prosecuted an inquiry into theft in the dockyards which contributed to Lord Melville's impeachment in 1806 for malversation of funds.
  • Although political motivations almost always underlay impeachments, the proceedings were judicial and significant evidence of wrongdoing was required for conviction.
  • It led to the impeachment of the state's attorney general and auditor and conviction of the Treasurer.
  • He wishes the tower to stand both for the babel of nonsense which comprised the Congressional impeachment hearings and for what he sees as the seven stages of ethical hell into which all participants have plunged.
  • The spokesman said that Musharraf would face the impeachment.
  • Impeachment by Parliament led to his banishment and murder at sea.
  • The president herself is subject to impeachment proceedings for alleged gross mismanagement of the budget. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he's concerned that joining the 15 heroes now cosponsoring articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney would "marginalize" him. Rep. Bobby Scott Debates Impeachment
  • Having found, from experience, that impeachment is an impracticable thing, a mere scare-crow, they consider themselves secure for life; they sculk from responsibility to public opinion, the only remaining hold on them, under a practice first introduced into England by Lord Mansfield. Letters
  • In the impeachment complaint, Estrada has been charged with bribery, graft and corruption, betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution.
  • Limtoc the general, Lalcon the chamberlain, and Balmuff the grand justiciary have prepared articles of impeachment against you, for treason and other capital crimes. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 5
  • Most of us used to believe in the Democratic process, however, Nancy Pelosi, who "took impeachment off the table", cheated the democratic process and instead bowed to King Bush. At Last Liberals Get Angry
  • The Supreme Court was due to rule whether he must face impeachment proceedings on corruption charges.
  • Assuming there actually were militia impeachment hearings, every person that attended such a hearing is a traitor and deserves to hang. Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • Remember that she carries all that baggage from the Clinton administration – scandals such as whitewater, impeachment, etc. that the Republicans would love to use against them. Senator says Obama VP search team discussed 20 names
  • The president herself is subject to impeachment proceedings for alleged gross mismanagement of the budget. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what about the reporter whose research started the whole impeachment meshugaas of 1998 when the gossip maven broke details of the investigation in his online column?
  • The first part of his letter was a palpable impeachment of the ministry.
  • Under the Constitution, impeachments are brought by the House of Representatives and tried by the Senate.
  • Following their cheerleading during impeachment, they were firmly in the party camp this fall.
  • House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, pushed a "fumigation" measure to dump 750 such state workers after Blagojevich's impeachment and removal. - News
  • When Bill Clinton was going through the throes of impeachment, we heard a lot of oration from the Right about his lack of "moral leadership" and how he was "letting us down" through his human failings. April 2004
  • I'd note that "Bart" here, after complaining so long and so mightily about the "ad hominem" of Dowd and the lack of specifics, slings around the "perjury! perjury!" cowflop with nary a supporting argument (and even against the weight of undisuted events such as the failure of even the impeachment on the second "perjury" article). Balkinization
  • If you recall, it wasthis very same friendly, polite, even warm individual who this past July hadCindy Sheehan, 27-year veteran analyst of the CIA Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood and 50 othersinConyers anteroom, who were there to discuss Impeachment, arrested and taken outby the Capitol Police then "processed" for six hours. Conyers Tells Rob Kall: Impeachment Not Off the Table; A You Tube Video
  • It may bring a motion of impeachment.
  • And I hate the snively sidehandled dis on Conyers and the nearly off-the-table implication about impeachment. Firedoglake » Sunday Talking Heads
  • His predecessor, Democrat Bill Clinton, had a 66% approval rating in early 2001 when he stepped down after two terms marred by a sex scandal and impeachment. Iowa caucus 2012: GOP presidential candidates make their final push - live
  • Hell, if a consensual blowjob is grounds for impeachment, then willfully violating U.S. law should be as well. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • Released on bail, Lilburne, who from prison had issued an "Agreement of the Free People," calling for annual parliaments elected by manhood suffrage and the free election of unendowed church ministers in every parish, now published an "Impeachment for High Treason against Oliver Cromwell and his son-in-law, James Ireton," and declared that monarchy was preferable to a military despotism. The Rise of the Democracy
  • The panel considering impeachment heard from its first witnesses today, some of whom criticized the governor's conduct in years past.
  • She has been suspended from office and her impeachment trial is set to take place during the Olympics. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat, the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.
  • Given my general position on constitutional interpretation, I certainly don't want to argue, as a theoretical matter, that the Impeachment Clause might not be open to the latitudinarian interpretations suggested by some of the contributors to this thread. Balkinization
  • Duke, who is disguised as a friar, that he (the Duke) was a notorious loose-liver -- "he had some feeling of the sport; he knew the service" -- the Duke merely denies the soft impeachment; but when Lucio tells him that the Duke is not wise, but "a very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow," the Duke bursts out, "either this is envy in you, folly, or mistaking: ... The Man Shakespeare
  • Sources close to the military said that secret talks were under way to avoid impeachment proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a unanimous verdict of guilty at the impeachment, he was fined £30,000.
  • KURTZ: And then he had this press conference where he kind of ranted and raved and didn't talk about the impeachment charges. CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2009
  • Allan Walstad: ... if a consensual blowjob is grounds for impeachment ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • The president's substantial majority in the legislature ensured that any impeachment motion would fail.
  • This inhibition is to a large extent based on the Bill of Rights and the consequent bar to the impeachment of proceedings in Parliament.
  • As government workers, they should have shunned the denouncement of the impeachment, which is a sort of intervention in politics, especially around the time of the approaching general elections.
  • Under impeachment he was confined in the Tower from 1679 to 1684.
  • Impeachment for wrongdoing of lesser gravity involves a legislative usurpation of a power belonging only to the people (the power to choose and "depose Submission By Counsel For President Clinton To The Committee
  • There has been for some time evidence available sufficient to warrant impeachment on each of these grounds.
  • Only the three senior judges could initiate impeachment proceedings against the president.
  • The "commanderguy" would have spend the rest of his term defending Azmodeaus, - I mean Cheney, Gonzales, the Iraq war, the failures in the Afghanistan war, and all the filth that would be unearthed in the impeachment proceedings would force the GOP to go down with a doomed ship ship, or join the rest of the American population in demanding a change of course, and accountability from the most corrupt, devious, and catastophically incompetent government in the history of America. After The Veto -- What's Next For Dems On Iraq?
  • The Supreme Court was due to rule whether he must face impeachment proceedings on corruption charges.
  • A wayward wang is not grounds for resignation or impeachment. Sanford returns to SC as Republicans mull his fate
  • But please: can't ever say they lied (the approved usage is "dissemble"), and for Chrissake, don't even think impeachment or criminal proceedings. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • He called for the impeachment of the Supreme Court justices.
  • The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
  • She does not face the possibility of impeachment, nor may she be voted out of office.
  • When Lucio tells the Duke, who is disguised as a friar, that he (the Duke) was a notorious loose-liver ” “he had some feeling of the sport; he knew the service” ” the Duke merely denies the soft impeachment; but when Lucio tells him that the Duke is not wise, but “a very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow,” the Duke bursts out, “either this is envy in you, folly, or mistaking: ... The Man Shakespeare
  • The impeachment was spawned by an accusation by his estranged drinking and gambling buddy.
  • Would the Tea Party have filed impeachment proceedings? Times, Sunday Times
  • The impeachment of any president is highly unusual.
  • The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
  • What were the most salient features of the impeachment crisis and its most important political lessons?
  • Still, despite his concerns with Bush's abuses, he explained that he does not support impeachment, because of the timing, not enough time before the election and the regrettable invariability of the process becoming even further political. Notes from the Non-Impeachment Hearings
  • He charmed the man, whom many thought was going to conduct an investigation that would lead to the President's impeachment.
  • And we're supposed to believe that the pro-torture jokester of a pResident is going to finish out his term sans impeachment hearings because the country has outrage fatigue? Archive 2007-03-01
  • What I find slightly unnerving is the curious determination of the contemporary left to attribute political differences to some other factor – to genetic predisposition, to mental illness (“homophobia”, “Islamophobia” et al) or, when all else fails, criminality (it’s not enough for Bush to have a different view on the merits of toppling Saddam, he also has to have “lied” and committed crimes worthy of impeachment in the pursuit of said policy). Stromata Blog:
  • Kind of like the word salacious during the Clinton impeachment area. CNN Transcript - Special Event: The Spin Room: Election 2000 Goes to the Florida Supreme Court - November 17, 2000
  • But impeachment HEARINGS are exactly the way to bring those esoterics into the processing capabilities and attention of the ordinary American. How About an Impeachment Truth Movement?
  • But, in the absence of unlikely impeachment procedures, a substantial pay-off appears to be the only real option open to the Government to encourage the judge to resign.
  • The CD's included various music of revolutionary sentiment, and excerpts of excellent speeches, from such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and our own VFP President and co-actionist Elliott Adams, along with recordings from the recent House Judiciary Committee (Non -) Impeachment hearing. Life on the Ledge
  • He fell from power in 1667 and fled to France to avoid impeachment.
  • He called for the impeachment of him and other members of the court.
  • The New Black Panther hysterics is not just post-election impeachment fodder. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Search and destroy
  • The far better choice is the Special Prosecutor, it would enable less personal involvement and political liability for the Democrats and impeachments usually rally sympathy votes for a party under that threat-recall the spurt of popularity for Clinton during the impeachment process and his leaving office with a 69% approval rating. Analysis of Democratic "Strategy"
  • The two men were warned by the government that they faced impeachment if they didn't step down.
  • I have been reading the collective comments after Rob's article and agree with the call fo r impeachment. Post NIE-tal Thoughts...Congressional Medals of Honor, Journalistic Testicles, Impeachment Urgency and Pelosi's Treason.
  • During the 1933 impeachment trial of Judge Harold Louderback, counsel for the Judge filed a motion to make the original Article V, the omnibus or "catchall" article, more definite. Trial Memorandum Of President William Jefferson Clinton
  • We have a real problem if members of the General Assembly are going and trying to influence and truncate an ethics committee process so that they can get the intended result that they want and then use that for impeachment," he said. Defiant Sanford threatens legal fight against 'kangaroo court'
  • Regardless ofhow Democratsfeel aboutthe potential success of impeachment, are theresignificant numbers of Democrats who believe Bush and Cheneydid not carry out any impeachable offenses? OpEdNews - Diary: Tonight: Rob Kall Radio Show: Robert Wexler and SHE SPOT author Lisa Witter
  • Now that the Illinois House impeachment panel has kind of recessed for the weekend. CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2008
  • His first veto will bring it down to 29%….second veto will net 28%…..bring on the bills, bring on the vetoes, but by all means bring ‘em on with impeachment proceedings. Think Progress » House passes prescription drug reform.
  • Their three colleagues now urged them to resign to avoid the impeachment which seemed destined otherwise to follow.
  • A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective.
  • Under impeachment he was confined in the Tower from 1679 to 1684.
  • He is already facing impeachment over claims that he misused public money and abused his office since coming to power a year ago.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'New Hampshire: Primary vote recount and impeachment'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Betty Hall is a 14-term New Hampshire state representative for Hillsborough District 05. OpEdNews - Quicklink: New Hampshire: Primary vote recount and impeachment
  • The incident has had the nation abuzz - who kidnapped Dacer and why? - and is one more headache for the embattled President Joseph Estrada, currently mired in an impeachment trial.
  • You didn't perjure yourself, so you don't have impeachment to worry about. SC GOP chair says Sanford should consider stepping down
  • Impeachment of a democratically elected leader should be employed only as a last resort.
  • Illinois legislature votes for impeachment efforts.
  • They found that a prosecutor's detailed, negative impeachment of the character witness outweighed that of the witness's positive character evidence.
  • The innate tendency to aberration which I have noted in Froude, and his admittedly treacherous memory, were the primary causes of his impeachment of Carlyle; and tracing these in operation, it becomes clear that they landed him in a preconceived notion of Carlyle's relations with his wife, which was radically wrong, but to which, in spite of correction, he persistently adhered. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • June 30th, 2009 2: 42 pm ET he should resign, not because of the affair, but because he misappropriate state funds for his travels. so what if he offered to pay it back – he still used it. violating your marriage vows is your own business, violating the public trust = grounds for resignation/impeachment/prosecution. he's finished anyway and should do something (finally) for his family. dark days CNN Poll: Americans think Sanford should resign
  • Maybe it's time for another impeachment for lying, for lying about a hummer is one thing, but lying about scandal is quite another! Slow take
  • In 1991, he prorogued parliament in order to block an impeachment motion against him.
  • After the panel voted positively on four articles, impeachment was inevitable and a Senate vote for the president's removal seemed likely.
  • That an impeachment was not "abated" by a dissolution had been affirmed by the lords in the case of Lord Danby in 1679, but this decision was reversed in 1685. The Political History of England - Vol. X. The History of England from the Accession of George III to the close of Pitt's first Administration
  • Other presidents did worse and there were no exposes or impeachments.
  • The former exterminator drove the loony Clinton impeachment, pushed the nutty Terri Schiavo legislation, gutted the House ethics committee, engaged in gerrymandering schemes, enhanced the pay-to-play political culture and made the Republican Party so sulfurously partisan, ethically suspect and God-centric that voters recoiled. Bill Mann: ABC-TV "Dances" Its Way to Public Disgrace With DeLay
  • She has been suspended from office and her impeachment trial is set to take place during the Olympics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, take Dr. Ron Paul's answer, in which he shows his objectivity by supporting fact-finding investigations and letting the facts lead wherever theymay lead, and then juxtapose it with Mike Gravel's answer on impeachment. OpEdNews - Diary: Ron Paul on impeachment
  • Given what I consider to be the frivolent Clinton impeachment, Justin has it about right. The Volokh Conspiracy » Executive Privilege and Contempt Prosecutions:
  • The president was facing impeachment.
  • The impeachment failed despite his apparent guilt on some of the charges.
  • Let's not use our constitutional powers of impeachment, inherent contempt, and power to direct the sergeant at arms to arrest and frogmarch Rove into the chambers of Congress. Senate Dems To Block Burris' Path To Senate -- Perhaps Even Literally
  • The impeachment process would take more than a year, I'm sure, with the neocons clinging like rabid bulldogs to the seat of power.
  • Instead he convinced them that he had decided to go through the impeachment process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career.
  • Well, since they are calling for his impeachment I would argue that they ARE in fact alleging that he commited high crimes and/or misdemeanors: li ⋅ bel    /ˈlaɪbəl/Show Spelled Pronunciation [lahy-buhl] Show IPA noun, verb, - beled, - bel ⋅ ing or (especially British) - belled, - bel ⋅ ling. Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • Under Indonesia's complex impeachment rules, three months must elapse before a second censure motion can be passed.
  • The impeachment blathering is just that, blathering. Time to impeach?
  • In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat, the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.
  • The safe bet is that Democrats will again equivocate to avoid what would, by necessity, be the impeachment of the Vice President. Waldo Jaquith - Scooter Libby off the hook.
  • The president can grant reprieves and pardons (except in the case of impeachment).
  • Or was his presidency just a series of transient, small-bore initiatives overshadowed by his impeachment?
  • Come on Senator Pat, admit it, you and many of us have been used and abused by these "crazies" - help us dump them by stamping the big "I" of impeachment on your traitorous leaders foreheads. Why We Must Break with the American Crazies -

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