How To Use Impassively In A Sentence

  • She stared down at him, first impassively, then, in a trice, her blue eyes filled with tears. STARDUST
  • Thus a couple of wandering natives, unrecognizable under their dirty stormproof blankets and their scarcely, thinner layers of grease and grime, watched impassively, incuriously, while a box floated pendant from its parachute from sky to ground. First Lensman
  • He watched silently and impassively, chewing his overdone steak, and retrieving his cigarette from the ashtray between courses.
  • The lawyer looked impassively at him and said nothing.
  • Nick looked at Carolyn impassively, his face stony from lack of emotion.
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  • Rodgers stood impassively in his technical area as his newly promoted side took the game to City while Roberto Mancini, all clenched fists, bended knees and plaintive cries to the bench, reflected the agitated state of the home crowd. Brendan Rodgers remains confident of passing Premier League test | Andy Hunter
  • She stood impassively on the shoreline in a very unflattering puce bikini that was five sizes too small for her.
  • The film opens with a tableaux of a grimy industrial area where a man loiters impassively, slouching against a wall, kicking a bottle down the street, watching the wind whip up dust devils on a vacant patch of gravel.
  • The baby who watches impassively as his mother leaves the room and barely acknowledges her return might well turn out to be the man who has difficulty creating intimacy with a lover, who has trouble forming a long-term attachment, and who avoids the kinds of closeness so important to long-lasting love. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • As Titta watches impassively through the window of his hotel room, a suited man in the traffic island below, distracted by the sight of a passing woman, walks smack bang into a lamppost.
  • He angled the chair away from the agonised man, looking up at the high ceiling, smoking impassively. THE SCAR
  • Impassively, relentlessly, Curtis continued to soak the ranting man's clothing, ignoring his pleas.
  • A few of the gentlemen passengers stood on the upper deck and watched them impassively.
  • Sometimes there were cows in the fields, and they champed impassively and swished their tails. The Mistaken Wife
  • The cold, round meal tray is impassively in front, with two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks placed in their proper places.
  • Seflor Benavidez watches impassively, holding the bags and the wrapped cord on his lap.
  • If you can impassively read about truffled taleggio on toast, tuna melt with paprika or a hot muffaletta while gazing at photographs of gooey cheese slathered over toasted bread, you are far stronger than me.
  • She was small, with a slender frame - built for speed rather than power, she thought impassively.
  • The guard at the bank, in their scarlet and busbies, looked impassively on. At Swim, Two Boys
  • From atop one pile on the desk under the window, a very fat long-haired black cat gazed impassively at Agnes.
  • he submitted impassively to his arrest
  • He was still staring impassively out over the choppy, angry waters of Blackwood Lake.
  • Living in hotels, engaging in empty sexual encounters, silently and impassively taking in the world without responding very much to it, Anna is a mysterious and somewhat forbidding figure.
  • The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.
  • With a yelp of pain, he started hopping on one foot, glaring and cursing at the tree, which stood calmly and impassively before him.
  • She stared down at him, first impassively, then, in a trice, her blue eyes filled with tears. STARDUST
  • She watched impassively while he undamped me, and I took a few staggering and damned painful steps, catching at that hellish wheel for support. Fiancée
  • I looked at him impassively for about five or ten seconds.
  • On the third day a little Chink doctor visited me with the steward, but he didn't have a word of English, and busied himself impassively examining the sumpitan-wound in my guts - which was fairly healed, and barely ached - while remaining deaf to my demands to see Solomon. Flashman's Lady
  • The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.
  • Ophelia leaps about and barks, indignant at a style of hunting so contrary to her habits; and Sir Ralph, astride the stone railing, is smoking a cigar and, as usual, looking on impassively at other people's pleasure or vexation. Indiana
  • Its wrought iron surface stared at him impassively, the fathomless depths of shadow that served as eyeholes piercing him like knives.
  • I recall he listened rather impassively, but it was not until he saw me next week in the office that I realized he was seething with anger.
  • The red brick school, the church wall, 21 Clydesdale horses and four foals watch impassively as progress rushes past.
  • If you can impassively read about truffled taleggio on toast, tuna melt with paprika or a hot muffaletta while gazing at photographs of gooey cheese slathered over toasted bread, you are far stronger than me.
  • The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison.
  • As they drive on, the gunner trains his scope's cross on a still breathing but disemboweled donkey lying in the rubble, and an old man in a burnoose sitting impassively at an outdoor card table, across from a player whose brains are dripping out of his bowed head. Nina Burleigh: Israel and Iran Trump Michael Moore at Venice
  • Seflor Benavidez watches impassively, holding the bags and the wrapped cord on his lap.
  • `A typical remark of an underdeveloped foreign culture," Samantha retorted, impassively sipping her celery juice. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • He rose and stood impassively, gazing over her right shoulder.

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