How To Use Impartially In A Sentence

  • In order for the independent director to exercise his rights impartially and equitably, nothing can go without a constraint mechanism in addition to above-mentioned incentive mechanism.
  • The title expressed the idea "of having a newspaper that would represent the real sentiment and thought of the people of this community, fairly and impartially," Phillips said. Undefined
  • Having served in frontline prosecutor positions with the federal government, we recognize the great importance of having Supreme Court Justices of great legal acumen, good judgment, and personal decency as well as the ability to construe and apply the law fairly and impartially. Is That Legal?: Supreme Court Archives
  • They were to keep the peace and defend the realm from attack, administer the law equitably and impartially, and uphold true religion and the Church.
  • When one considers impartially, the merit of a rich suit of clothes in most places, the respect and the smiles of favour it procures, not to speak of the envy and the sighs it occasions (which is very often the principal charm to the wearer), one is forced to confess, that there is need of an uncommon understanding to resift the temptation of pleasing friends and mortifying rivals; and that it is natural to young people to fall into a folly, which betrays them to that want of money which is the source of a thousand basenesses (sic). Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W--y M--e
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  • If a historian is to write objective history, is it necessary that she treat her subject matter impartially? Faux Passing?
  • We must not be hypocrites but show our real problems impartially.
  • Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.
  • GRANVILLE; at the other, the dapper figure, with its indescribable air of old-fashioned gentlemanhood, the light of his smile shed impartially on the benches opposite, but his slight bow reserved for the MARKISS, as, leaning across the table, he pinked him under the fifth rib with glittering rapier -- this is a sight that will never more gladden the eye in the House of Lords. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 25, 1891
  • There is no reason whatever to suppose that the judge's querulousness with counsel has become an inability impartially to assess the case.
  • We hope that they're going to administer justice impartially.
  • It protects each one of us impartially, embodying the belief that all are equal.
  • If the maxim at the head of this paragraph were strictly and impartially enforced, such exacting employers would have to pay pretty smartly for certain "breakages" which occur in the carrying on of a business in which they consider _they_ have no concern -- breakages, to wit, of the girls 'health, spirits, and, often, hearts! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 12, 1891
  • Police officers shall notify the Chief Constable of their membership of any organisation which might reasonably be regarded as affecting their ability to discharge their duties effectively and impartially in accordance with Police Service policy on registration of notifiable memberships. Ruralshire Constabulary lost data scandal! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Since he has extended his operations from his native country to our own free soil the land-grabber should be examined under the microscope of history analytically, impartially, and truthfully. Black and White
  • Some say the problem with the term judicial activist today is that it's evolved into something that has nothing to do with actively impartially interpreting the law. CNN Transcript May 29, 2009
  • They should be freed from the political fetters and given full freedom to act impartially.
  • his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds
  • he smiled at them both impartially
  • If the authors of this drivel had attended school, they would understand that schools do teach each religion impartially and without prejudice to give a balanced view of each faith.
  • The tremendous moral power of this solitary work lies in the fact that it is a series of terrific and fascinating tableaux, embodying the idea of inflexible poetic justice impartially administered upon king and varlet, pope and beggar, oppressor and victim, projected amidst the unalterable necessities of eternity, and moving athwart the lurid abyss and the azure cope with an intense distinctness that sears the gazer's eyeballs. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • The truth of all popular traditions as to the healing power of herbs will be tried impartially as soon as men again desire to lead healthy lives; but I shall not in 'Proserpina' retain any of the names of their gathered and dead or distilled substance, but name them always from the characters of their life. Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.
  • And to draw the last of my title quaternity into the discussion, Edward Tufte proposes as a “grand truth about human behvior that, as Van Wyck Brooks said, “It is a principle that shines impartially on the just and the unjust that once you have a point of view all history will back you up.” AKMA’s Random Thoughts
  • Instead of acting impartially, these governors have been acting in most partisan manner, virtually watching the interests of the sangh parivar.
  • Therefore, we need constantly perfect the public servant merit system and improve the checking method, so as that we can choose and employ the talents fairly, impartially and objectively.
  • But like many who have tried to examine this body of evidence impartially, I remain sceptical, and in virtually all cases it is never really clear that dogs can be excluded outright. The Cupar roe deer carcass
  • In the internet, a good algorithm of rate allocating must impartially reflect the utility of users.
  • The difficulty is that first of all you never buy a mouthpiece, otherwise the judges couldn't do what they do impartially.
  • Scarce any nation has dealt equally and impartially with every sort of industry.
  • I shall count my country _lost_, in the loss of the primitive _principles_, and the primitive _practices_, upon which it was at first established: but certainly one good way to save that _loss_, would be to do something, that the memory of _the great things done for us by our God_, may not be _lost_, and that the story of the circumstances attending the _foundation_ and _formation_ of this country, and of its _preservation_ hitherto, may be impartially handed unto posterity. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • But the judge maintained that the jurors 'ability to impartially decide an "inarguably" high-profile case could be impaired by unsolicited interruptions. Blagojevich Trial: Jury To Begin Deliberations
  • Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.
  • Nevertheless, morality is intelligible only as a social discipline based on general rules impartially applied.
  • While it's an odd sight, a federal judge dabbling in politics to excise politics from the judicial sphere, there is a serious question here: When may a judge, sworn to "faithfully and impartially" apply law, politick to change it? Sandra Day O'Connor v. the People
  • Keep the virtues - mistrusting government, exploding myths, analyzing media - but apply them impartially.
  • Yangxian ya brother and sister do not look impartially settle a lawsuit, appealed the decision.
  • The Gaelic League, in great force, sang “Fainne geal an lae” between the acts, and “The Wearing of the Green” in Irish … The play hits so impartially all round that no one is really offended.’ Collected Works of W. B. Yeats Volume III Autobiographies
  • Our task is to weigh the evidence objectively and impartially.

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