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How To Use Impair In A Sentence

  • And some soil-based diseases not only cause physical symptoms, but create cognitive impairment too, crippling a child's long-term potential. Blake Mycoskie: Today, TOMS Asks You to Go 'One Day Without Shoes'
  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
  • It is well known that diabetics and people with glucose intolerance have impaired calcium metabolism. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • This leads to edema and altered microcirculation in the skin, which results in impaired healing.
  • a severely impaired heart
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  • He had been convicted on his eighth impaired driving charge while driving a stolen car, his 18th possession of stolen property conviction.
  • there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired
  • Beta blockers can impair glucose tolerance, block the symptoms of hypoglycemia and delay recovery from a hypoglycemic episode.
  • When someone seems, by any reasonable standard, so intent on braiding the rope, tying the knot, and hanging himself with it, it's easy to suppose that the best thing to do is to stand back so everyone can have an unimpaired view.
  • However, mechanical aids can do much to lessen the disability of impaired body structure.
  • While this increase or decrease in many instances is a natural fight of nature against the intrusion of opposing elements into the body, it frequently assumes dimensions that are most unpleasant and seriously impair the health, such as catarrhal conditions, all of which are due to poor or degenerated cells of this tissue. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Vigilance is needed for any features of possible optic neuropathy, such as blurred vision, impaired colour perception, and reduced visual acuity
  • Exceptional items, joint ventures and impairment of assets were excluded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Karen was born hearing impaired and learned to lip-read but, after her hearing failed completely in October 2002, she decided to have the operation when she discovered she was eligible for treatment.
  • Symptoms include near vision image blur, abnormal color perception, monocular diplopia, glare, and impaired visual acuity, and may vary depending on location of the cataract.
  • Goalball is a sport for the visually impaired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another possible cause of impaired lung function could be increased sclerosis of bronchial arteries as a consequence of generalized arteriosclerosis in diabetes.
  • They say he was involved in an accident when he was six in which his skull was fractured, leaving his sight and hearing impaired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Changes that impair performance of the proper function sufficiently to have fitness consequences for the organism will be selected against.
  • Ryan PL, Kirchhof N, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Mortari F, et al. (2004) Overexpression of murine TSLP impairs lymphopoiesis and myelopoiesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But it has mainly been studied in particular patients with profound impairments of memory, despite otherwise normal cognitive ability and intelligence.
  • Drowsiness, impaired cognitive function, and impotence may be a problem with higher doses.
  • Promoting sign language would also help to bring the hearing and hearing - impaired worlds Chalet added.
  • Should they be allowed to cancel each other or should the first asset be disaggregated from the group with a recognized impairment?
  • I use the word in its connotation of an unimpaired or uncorrupted state of affairs.
  • In one published familial case, the mother of a 46, XY boy with anorchia who also harbored a p. Val355Met mutation in NR5A1 underwent left ovariectomy and homolateral fallopian tube ablation for ovarian cysts at the age of 22 years and subsequently had two spontaneous miscarriages, an outcome that suggests impaired ovarian function. New England Journal of Medicine
  • I witnessed how these institutions, Wall Street securities firms, and other non-banks took up the slack from an impaired banking system.
  • While many people may like to have a few beers before mowing the lawn on a fine Sunday morning, operating a riding mower while impaired is an offence under section 253 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Man Busted for Impaired Operation of a Riding Mower : Law is Cool
  • His health and vigour were unimpaired by a stroke.
  • Beijing's efforts to curb the property price bubble came about the same time as sovereign debt concerns for several European countries, which impaired credit provision and reduced spending directly.
  • Â This could mean big trouble if you are a rotifer or a mud snail: Reproduction is as important as survival to any particular individual, and if the chances to do so are impaired then biological fitness is automatically lowered. Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
  • Objective To evaluate visual impairment by visual function and quality of life assessment in elderly population.
  • Rural libraries, training centres for the visually impaired, public toilets and milch animals are only a few assets contributed by NSS volunteers for the benefit of villagers during their field visits.
  • The fact that rigidity in the monetary unit's purchasing power is unthinkable and unrealizable does not impair the methods of economic calculation.
  • Other impairments include single frequency intermodulation distortion, impulse noise, co-channel interference and ghosting.
  • Studies performed in undernourished patients without respiratory disease have suggested that malnutrition may impair skeletal muscle contractility.
  • They can create nocturnal confusion, can result in cognitive and motor impairment, and can increase the risks of falls.
  • The win comes as unions call for the focus of drinking to be on impairment, its occupational health and safety implications and its wider causes such as fatigue, overwork, and the use of casuals and outsourcing.
  • His hearing is impaired although he has been recently assisted by some implants. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- A selective allosteric potentiator of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor increases activity of medial prefrontal cortical neurons and restores impairments in reversal learning. - latest science and technology news stories
  • They had gravely impaired the credibility of the government.
  • Part of the problem is that they are often on tasks that are also severely impaired after destruction of primary visual cortex.
  • He had the right to have that river run through his land unimpaired and its quality undiminished except where it resulted from reasonable use of the river upstream.
  • In the current study, Dr. Maurer, together with Susan Delisle, NP, and the Healthcare Innovation and Technology Lab at Columbia University, found significant discrepancies between self-reported fatigue and actigraphy readings, suggesting that these readings provide complimentary and important information about the link between heart failure, sleep disorders and impairments in health-related quality of life that may be operative through anergia. - latest science and technology news stories
  • He was examined for permanent impairment 8 months after hospital discharge.
  • The animal has been portrayed as a good sheep dog, a carrier of the needed aid, a messenger in the time of war, a seeing eye to the physically impaired, of simply a trusty household pet.
  • The operation of the state's hospital system has been impaired, and there are ill omens for the future improvement of patient safety.
  • In addition, EPCs proliferative, migratory and adhesive capacity were also impaired.
  • Head injuries that harm the parietal lobe can also impair the ability to focus on one object at a time, write words (agraphia), and name objects CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Visual impairment or globe injury warrants immediate referral.
  • The serious problems included a blood disorder (hemolytic uremic syndrome/thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) that causes blood clots and can lead to kidney impairment. New FDA warnings for quinine, commonly used drug for leg cramps
  • As characterized by Vargha-Khadem's team, the affected KE's speech is effortful, “sometimes agrammatical and often unintelligible” (Watkins et al. 2002: 453), and shows impairments not just in morphosyntax (e.g., regular plural and past tense endings) but also in the formation of irregular past tenses Innateness and Language
  • His work revealed how a failing heart causes severe breathlessness, impairs quality of life, and leads to frequent hospitalisation.
  • These transmitters modulate many of the functions impaired by depression - sleep, appetite, motivation, pleasure and so on.
  • Some countries recognise abortion when pregnancy results from rape or incest, or when there is a high probability of foetal impairment.
  • Complaints from the disabled community in New Jersey led to four theater chains there to add special device for the hearing impaired.
  • The doctors suspected that his ability to absorb ascorbic acid had been impaired by long exposure to cosmic radiation.
  • Effects of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. The UltraMind Solution
  • And if opponents aren't used to seeing such naked aggression, until they do, their immune response will be somewhat impaired.
  • -- It must be remembered that when for the sake of exercise or effect syllables are extended in time, they must be so uttered that their identity is not impaired, -- that is, their enunciation must be free from mouthing. The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
  • The tests will also provide some early indication of physical defects such as sense impairment.
  • A learning disability means a permanent intellectual impairment. Times, Sunday Times
  • His integrity as a man, however, was unimpaired in her eyes. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • The peripheral vasoconstriction also causes impairment of renal function, manifested either as oliguria or anuria.
  • So the impairment may be only a temporary loss of value. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, the capacity of the liver to metabolize alcohol is increased by a steady high level of drinking but markedly impaired by alcohol binges.
  • When impairment is identified, students are informed of faculty concerns, and these are addressed through a variety of interventions, including remediation and dismissal.
  • Visually impaired people orient themselves by touch.
  • The Little Dog and the Gray Cat also insist on being part of the action and we all hang out in the new bed yep, I bought a bedframe finally like it some kind of cargo ship for the virally impaired. Quick Update
  • Aadhar is the story of a young girl - Aishwarya Narkar who takes upon herself the responsibility of being the sole breadwinner for her family which includes an unemployed brother, a mentally-impaired brother, a sister who wants to complete her education and a father who has lost his hand in an industrial accident. - Articles related to Murli Deora, Ashok Chavan visit CPCL desalination plant
  • Many churches offer a signing ministry for the hearing impaired during services. Christianity Today
  • Protein in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles has been depleted, impairing the patient's ability to deep breathe, expectorate, and clear microbes from the lungs.
  • With braillewriters ready, laptops open, and pencils sharpened, more than 45 students with visual impairments will participate in the Tenth Annual Technology Olympics.
  • The administration of antihypertensive and anticholinergic medications also impairs salivary functions and promotes xerostomia.
  • The resulting slowness of cognition is a cardinal element of the pattern of impairment.
  • For example, too many visually and hearing impaired people are unnecessarily unemployed. Times, Sunday Times
  • His hair was plastered to his head and falling over his eyes, impairing his vision further.
  • This requires an additional allocation of the impairment loss ( explained below ).
  • Impaired ventricular function in itself is not an absolute contraindication to cardiac surgery, although the operative risks are increased.
  • Part of the problem is that they are often on tasks that are also severely impaired after destruction of primary visual cortex.
  • It is associated with impaired hearing on behavioural pure-tone audiometry, absent acoustic reflexes, and poor speech perception, particularly in noisy environments.
  • The work will target the key impairments of film flicker and unsteadiness, both of which interfere substantially with viewing.
  • The onset of MS is defined by having neurological impairment related to motor, sensory, cerebellar, visual, brainstem or cognitive functioning.
  • Although one should generally refuse that food which "needlessly taxes digestion and so impairs mental activity," a young student — particularly a young condottiere such as Guidobaldo — could not be permitted to develop a finicky palate. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Memory loss that impairs function suggests neurodegenerative dementia, which is defined as a decline in two or more cognitive domains.
  • Obesity is an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and impaired glucose tolerance.
  • Nevertheless, the next stage of the euro-zone debt crisis will put the almost unimpaired exercise capacity of the German economy to the test. Investment Drives German Growth
  • In your former life you were an educator who taught math to language-impaired kids.
  • Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.
  • Blood flow and hepatocyte function in the liver are impaired enough to "cause death" and birds "fast for a period of 3 days or longer" if force feeding is stopped "indicating that ducks have been fed beyond the point of satiety" according to the AVMA's own fact sheets. USDA Tradition of Industry Before Animals to Continue at Top Vet Group
  • However, they can be present with pain, proptosis, restricted ocular motility, visual impairment, globe displacement or palpable bony mass.
  • Stress is believed to impair one's ability to regulate moods and prevent mild sadness from deepening and persisting.
  • _ -- Horses knuckling at the fetlock, and all those with diseases which impair the powers of locomotion, such as navicular disease, contracted heels, sidebones, chronic laminitis, etc., are predisposed to sprains of the fetlock. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • This contrasts with developmental dyslexia which is an impairment, possibly congenital, in learning to read in the first place.
  • Coaches are always yelling at referees, remarking on their visual impairments and attention deficit disorders.
  • The nurse notifies the surgeon if the patient exhibits neurological deficits, bleeding, or impaired respiratory function or is in acute distress.
  • In addition, sharp teeth impair effective chewing which prevents proper digestion of food.
  • Cannot our Governor animadvert upon the President's conduct without impairing the President's jurisdiction?
  • All new and upgraded rail and bus stations, all light rail vehicles and suburban railcars and all buses financed under the NDP must be accessible to people with mobility and sensory impairments.
  • Many churches offer a signing ministry for the hearing impaired during services. Christianity Today
  • It includes specialist guides for example, on working with people with brain injuries or visual impairment.
  • Wearing flats would not impair my ability to do my job. Times, Sunday Times
  • A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.
  • But the quality is not impaired. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • We then calculated degree of cognitive impairment, function in activities of daily living, and behavioural disturbances.
  • However, the visually impaired also struggle to self-medicate. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hearing impaired child depends a lot on visual clues provided to him for learning.
  • And it's only because we're all smart enough to know that a pompous, addle-pated, limp witted, butt sniffing, reality impaired, assmonkey troll like you isn't interested in 'discussion'. Kicking S
  • Borghesani PR, Segal RA, Nagasawa T, et al. (1998) Impaired B-lymphopoiesis, myelopoiesis, and derailed cerebellar neuron migration in CXCR4 - and SDF-1-deficient mice. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Attention is impaired, and a delirious person is difficult to engage in conversation and easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli.
  • This research aims to explore the nature of this impairment and examine ways in which it might be overcome.
  • Nothing in this section shall be construed to annul, limit, impair or otherwise affect in any way the ability of the owner of a copyright in a sound recording to exercise the rights under sections 106 (1), 106 (2) and 106 (3), or to obtain the remedies available under this title pursuant to such rights, as such rights and remedies exist either before or after the date of enactment of the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92
  • Also some of the buttons have a raised edge to help the visually impaired, but which are also handy when you're fumbling around for the pause button in the dark.
  • Accounting estimates are employed in the financial statements to determine reported amounts, including the realisability of certain assets, the useful lives of tangible and intangible assets, income taxes, provisions, pension obligations and impairment of goodwill. Reuters: Press Release
  • He was always injured or temporarily mentally impaired and I had to save him and make decisions for the both of us.
  • Community composition and relative abundances of certain taxa provided discriminatory power between impairments associated with organic enrichment and those associated with toxic discharges.
  • Both solar UVA and UVB radiation impair conidial culturability and delay germination in the entomopathogenic fungus '' Metarhizium anisopliae ''. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
  • The next challenge we have is to restore the dignity of the Sierra-Leonian, which was really impaired over the 27 years of misrule and mismanagement by an undemocratic, autocratic government. CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006
  • The four can include no more than two rowers with visual impairment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sight-impaired pensioner has busy needles knitting hats and scarves to send to the country's needy children.
  • Trek, the US bicycle manufacturer, with a factory in Carlow, has presented six tandems to Tandem Cycling Ireland for use as leisure and competition machines by the 80 impaired members of the organisation.
  • the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired
  • There are tens of millions of people with physical or mental impairments. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will certainly impair your sleep, and leave you feeling wretched the next day. Times, Sunday Times
  • But diligently studying by day and by night Seriously impair his tender eyesight.
  • There are two main problems which afflict people with hearing impairments.
  • They may need to know the location of the TTY (teletypewriter for those with hearing or speech impairments). Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2008 » August
  • The principal advantage of this drug is that it causes little sedation or impairment of cognitive function and no dysmorphic side effects.
  • Nevertheless, These findings suggest that chronic psychological stress can be an initiating factor in intestinal inflammation by impairing mucosal defenses against luminal bacteria .... More Stress, Depression & Health
  • For example, in one case, an employer refused to hire a visually impaired applicant for the position of research analyst.
  • The rights protection law for the comsumers enables any impaired comsumer to claim money from the company.
  • Whatever may be the responsibility of those nations whose executives possess the power of declaring war and of adopting other coercive remedies without the intervention of the legislative department, for the language held by the Executive in addressing that department, it is obvious that under the Constitution of the United States, which gives to the Executive no such powers, but vests them exclusively in the Legislature, whilst at the same time it imposes on the Executive the duty of laying before the Legislature the state of the nation, with such recommendations as he may deem proper, no such responsibility can be admitted without impairing that freedom of intercommunication which is essential to the system and without surrendering in this important particular the right of self-government. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 3, part 1: Andrew Jackson (Second Term)
  • The effect was accompanied by memory impairment and high levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  • To mar is to injure or damage; to spoil disfigure, or impair.
  • There are three mechanisms: impaired RBC production, RBC loss from bleeding, and increased RBC destruction (haemolysis). Chapter 6
  • One reefer, one pill is not on - it's going to impair your ability to drive.
  • • Classes that receive a 100% recovery are called "unimpaired" and are automatically deemed to accept the plan VCCircle News
  • His speech, impaired by Parkinson's, is garbled, but he plugged along.
  • His head injuries resulted in severe memory loss and general mental impairment.
  • Following these subtle changes, anterograde memory impairments without any obvious sensory, motor, or motivational deficits are the defining feature of the early stages of this disorder.
  • Examination of a patient with Bell's palsy shows impaired facial and platysma muscles causing drooping of the mouth and brow plus difficulty closing the eye or mouth.
  • A puzzler for the impaired - what sort of ‘asset’ requires that you borrow more money to cash it in?
  • In doing this, the amount of secretion and the handicap of impaired glottic mobility in the expulsion of thick secretions must be borne in mind. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The copayments, user fees, information barriers, and bureaucratic logjams that impair access, especially by the poor, must be eliminated.
  • The researchers also found that drugs which interfere with the amplification system impair cell migration to inflamed tissues.
  • CC-PLA2s also impaired in vitro human brain microvascular endothelial cell tubulogenesis on Matrigel and showed antiangiogenic activity in vivo in chicken chorioallantoic membrane assay. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Are there any tip-offs to remediable causes of impaired mobility?
  • Since impairment depends on market values, it will be much less predictable than straight-line amortization based on acquisition price.
  • Thus, an impaired control of the heterothermic process induced high energy costs in the aging mouse lemur exposed to cold. ScienceBlogs Channel : Physical Science
  • Moreover, the cumulative impact of temporary disablements is considerably smaller than that of permanent impairments.
  • If patients aged over 45 with other risk factors are screened every three years, and those with impaired fasting glucose have an oral glucose tolerance test, nearly all cases of diabetes will be identified in a preclinical phase.
  • Extra personnel are taken on each year to supervise students with physical disabilities, hearing difficulties, visual impairments and dyslexia.
  • Our previous data demonstrate that impairment of arterial baroreceptor reflex (ABR) plays an independent role in hypertension target organ damage.
  • The presence of widespread cutaneous disease impairs the reliability of skin tests.
  • A major societal concern about cannabis intoxication is its potential to impair psychomotor performance in ways which may directly affect the well-being of non-users of cannabis. Smoking And Driving? Nonsense. « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The impaired banking system was encouraged to purchase loads of U.S. Treasuries.
  • We speculated that the effects of surgical injury and anaesthesia might be as important as the use of cardiopulmonary bypass in causing impairment.
  • In August 2004, congressional auditors cited Northrop's "impaired objectivity" in proposing to evaluate antisubmarine and antimine technologies for the Navy, including some systems the company built itself. Northrop Seeks Buyers for Consulting Unit
  • Harms of antiviral treatment may include drug hypersensitivity and renal impairment.
  • Retinal blood vessels can break down, leak, or become blocked, affecting and impairing vision over time.
  • Low vision is a visual impairment not correctable by regular eyeglasses or contact lenses, medicine, or surgery.
  • Firms sold off non-viable businesses or impaired assets.
  • Women with higher levels of perceived stress were more likely an impaired immune response to HPV 16.
  • When attacked by bark beetles, pine trees with a reduced capability to produce resin would be more vulnerable than pine trees with unimpaired resin production.
  • This interpreter wanted to bring the news about the Edwards affair to the hearing impaired.
  • He also returns from an injury that may have impaired his ability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the tubes are irreversibly damaged and there are large, communicating hydrosalpinges, salpingectomy (laparoscopic or open) is recommended as the success of in vitro fertilisation is impaired by their presence.
  • Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired.
  • An increasing silica modulus impairs the burnability by reducing the liquid phase content, causes slow setting, hardening and also dusting in the kiln. 5.1 Raw-mix design
  • The study was inspired by ongoing research at Penn into the physical forces of cells and the well-known fibrotic rigidification and impairment of cardiac output that follows a heart attack or other trauma to the heart muscle. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Iron deficiency can retard mental development and impair physical growth in children and adolescents and often leads to anemia, which is a deficiency of red blood cells.
  • The feature is geared towards motor-impaired users who have trouble touching on-screen controls.
  • The consequences for our standing as the indispensable party, first among equals in managing a collective overhaul of global economic arrangements, is impaired. Michael Brenner: America and the World -- Post November 2nd
  • Even in structurally normal hearts the presence of left bundle branch block impairs cardiac ejection fraction.
  • These data suggest that hypocapnic but not metabolic alkalosis impairs alveolar fluid reabsorption.
  • The judiciary's authority and independence was significantly impaired during the Abacha era by the military regime's arrogation of judicial power and prohibition of court review of its action.
  • Free radicals are thought responsible for making cholesterol harmful to arteries and the heart and for impairing memory and movement with age.
  • This modified regimen contained less cyclophosphamide and procarbazine, agents known to impair fertility. Completed studies on late effects of childhood cancer
  • The term “hard of hearing” may refer to a person whose hearing impairment is less severe, as measured by a hearing test, but also has a sociological meaning, referring to the person with an audiological impairment who functions within a speech environment more easily, through hearing aids and speechreading. Fishbird : “Bob’s House”: SuperBowl 2008 (revisited)
  • Guide dogs for blind or vision-impaired people are a common sight on the streets, shops and public transport - about 240 working dogs are specially trained.
  • The potential complication impairment of growth in Crohn's disease is unique to pediatric patients.
  • Plugged liver biopsies are both effective and safe when used to perform percutaneous liver biopsies in patients with impaired coagulation.
  • In this experiment, human volunteers consistently underestimated their performance impairment after acute administrations of triazolam, but not pentobarbital, a barbiturate.
  • Unlike the familiar blood alcohol tests in motoring cases, urinalysis does not demonstrate that the employee is impaired by drugs.
  • In particular, the frequency of the dose should be reduced in patients with renal impairment, including elderly people.
  • The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.
  • The company also said Tuesday that a post-tax non-cash impairment charge of $440 million will be reflected in its results for the year ending Dec. 31 following a review of the Araguaia nickel project in Brazil. Xstrata Plans $23 Billion, Five-Year Expansion
  • Generally, with isolated and notable exceptions such as impaired driving, the perceived risk of detection for commission of a crime is low.
  • Persons with comorbid conditions, such as diabetes, immunodeficiency, or impaired circulation, are at increased risk.
  • Negative likelihood ratios were zero or close to it, showing no hearing impairment when the test is negative.
  • I'm told that under the national rating system, they use the term structurally impaired. CNN Transcript Aug 2, 2007
  • These included overall developmental delay, impaired growth, hearing loss, and a congenital defect called cryptorchidism, in which one or both testicles fail to move into the scrotum before birth. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Part of the problem is that they are often on tasks that are also severely impaired after destruction of primary visual cortex.
  • For example, if a suffix, that is, an extra item follows the last item to be remembered in serial recall, memory for this last item is severely impaired.
  • In this experiment, human volunteers consistently underestimated their performance impairment after acute administrations of triazolam, but not pentobarbital, a barbiturate.
  • Photochemical oxidants have been associated with impaired athletic performance in healthy cross - country runners .
  • The list is not relevant to people with mental impairments and is abolished in the Bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • Compared with delayed dyslexies, phonological dyslexies were impaired in the suffix deletion task but not in derivation in a sentence context.
  • Neighbors said the boy is blind and hearing impaired.
  • The functional impairments secondary to osteoarthritis also occur more frequently in older adults.

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