How To Use Immorality In A Sentence

  • The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!” A Renegade History of the United States
  • In the year 1698, Jeremy Collier, a distinguished nonjuring clergyman, published _A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • The villagers hated them, and spread malicious gossip about their immorality and irreligion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prevalence of infi - delity, immorality and vice as surely indicates ap - proaching calamities, as clouds indicate a shower, winds forebode a storm, or the conjunction, or op - position of the sun and moon, in certain places in the heavens, presignifying an eclipse. Sermons delivered on various occasions : first published singly, now republished and collected into a volume, with two new one, never before printed
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
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  • Their pleasure was not happiness, contemporaries charged, but egotism, immorality, indulgence, and vice.
  • We did not and will not think for one moment to target them even if they were people of immorality and debauchery.
  • The Profumo scandal showed that some acts of indiscretion and immorality would not be overlooked.
  • Racial attitudes existed parallel to hardening attitudes towards immorality and vice, which required the same segregation that racial separation would soon require as well.
  • Extremism and fanaticism - religious or secular - are the fountain of injustice and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Stemming from the Spanish word caballero, it was meant to connote Catholicism, foreignness, and immorality.
  • Although dead, she is variously accused of sedition, immorality and complicity with the government policy of ethnic cleansing.
  • Adultery, if detected, would be punished by lapidation according to the rigour of the Koranic law33; and simple immorality by religious stripes, or, if of repeated occurrence, by expulsion from the city. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
  • Rolling in wealth, the Church built great edifices and fielded its own armies and sank deeper and deeper into immorality, materialism, and decadence.
  • The corruption and immorality that pervades the exercise is astounding.
  • Playwrights came under heavy attack for frivolity, blasphemy, and immorality.
  • I would unhesitatingly recommend him for any position for which degeneracy, extreme turpitude, blatant immorality and total disregard of ordinary decent standards are the prime requisites.
  • Girls' average age of entry was fifteen, and the overwhelming majority were incarcerated for incorrigibility, immorality, truancy, desertion, and petty theft.
  • Divorce, hitherto a rarity, suddenly took off like a rocket and, as this plague of immorality and vice swept right across the western world, movie makers jumped on the bandwagon.
  • There was no discussion of the immorality of the criminals who pirate the movies or buy from the pirates.
  • The law, while it assumes the guardianship of youth by suppressing immorality, still permits these wantons to rove, uncontrolled, among the virtuous as well as the profligate.
  • As a consequence both clerical and secular moralists felt able to criticize fashion on the grounds of the supposed morality or immorality of clothing and personal adornment.
  • Second, notice that it's gross immorality. Christianity Today
  • Politicians generally don't understand the immorality and illegality of their acts, till they are booted out of power.
  • The fact that we don't find such documents puts the lie to such glib and fatuous justifications for immorality.
  • The villagers hated them, and spread malicious gossip about their immorality and irreligion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Extremism and fanaticism - religious or secular - are the fountain of injustice and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Religious fanaticism or extremism is the worst religion that creates hatred, violence, immorality, injustice and even war. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • If people do anything that is generally called "immoral," they will excuse themselves on the grounds of human nature; they will say: "After all, _human nature being what it is_, you must expect this, that and the other kind of licence and immorality"; and to say that morality, real morality, can only be based on the realities of human nature will therefore sound to many of you the wildest kind of paradox. Sex and Common-Sense
  • Four years had come and gone since Mr. Dundas had laid his second wife in the grave beside his first, and the county had discussed the immorality of taking cherry-water as a calmant. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • ‘Our aim is to introduce the sport in schools so that we bring the young out of bad vices, especially sexual immorality,’ Munkonge said.
  • Yet, while they are preaching to us about the immorality of our consensual sexual lives the institutions are busy condoning the abuse by their own employees.
  • The poor peasant relates his appearance before a consistory court on charges of immorality.
  • Reformists were appalled by the immorality and inhumanity of the slave trade.
  • That, not the killing of seals, is the ultimate immorality. The Sealing Industry of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Social injustice is immorality. Religious extremism is immorality. Political terrorism is immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • She knows that it wouldn't help my cause if there was even the slightest suggestion of immorality attached to my name-even as a denial.
  • Haggard, 52, was exiled from the New Life mega-church he founded and told by church elders to leave Colorado after admitting “sexual immorality” and buying methamphetamines from a male prostitute. Ted Haggard: I’m back from ‘wilderness’
  • Folks, we will reap what we have sown, and we have sown seeds of immorality and unrighteousness and we are reaping the havoc and consequences of our actions.
  • Whether you take my view (the issues of extreme immorality and violence they raise cannot be dismissed and must be addressed), or whether you take your view (those haters are deliberately, mendaciously, unremittingly smearing one of the most moral, honourable nations on earth), there is nothing ‘amusing’ or ‘fun’ about this. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • undomesticated," including blacks and non-assimilated immigrants, were linked to immorality by examining more closely some of the origins of domesticity. Acting 'Natural': Vanity Fair and the UnMasking of Anglo-American Sentiment
  • If a man can die through a misapprehension, is there any immorality in making him live through a misapprehension? Chapter 17
  • And, as I have said before, that phallicism usually appears to have degenerated into immorality of a very pronounced type is to be deplored, but an immoral view of human relations is by no means a necessary corollary to a sexual theory of the universe. 143 Bygone Beliefs
  • The immorality of capital punishment does not lie in the sympathy level of a particular convicted murderer.
  • The police statistics vaguely labeled 45 percent of juvenile offenses as "immorality," " incorrigibility, " and running away.
  • Morality is a spiritual policeman. Immorality is a spiritual thief. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • What is remembered is their immorality and their rejection of bourgeois values applied to family, society and the formal concept of beauty.
  • I believe that we have been trained to equate nudity with sexual immorality.
  • This leads to a decayed and degraded society where crime and immorality becomes widespread and injustice becomes the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • This world is full of hope and joy, but it is also beset by evil, immorality and sin.
  • Social injustice is immorality. Religious extremism is immorality. Political terrorism is immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Despite gospel-centred ministries, and various societies dedicated to moral reform, homosexuality, profanity, immorality, drunkenness and gluttony were widespread.
  • After training as a dancer in Spain she returned to England as Donna Lola Montez, to be hissed off the stage for her immorality.
  • Unfortunately, the Republicans are going down in flames: lies, obstructionism, immorality, class warfare-bating, and on and on. CNN Poll: Dems becoming less popular but no gains for GOP
  • This is immorality in provoking a war. (the takedown of the brutal dictator was an afterthought only dragged up reluctantly to a primary purpose up after the first two reasons were convincingly shown to be false after the invasion). Balkinization
  • The immorality of capital punishment does not lie in the sympathy level of a particular convicted murderer.
  • His pleasing form was only the seductive veil of immorality and pococurantism. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • Religious fanaticism or extremism is the worst religion that creates hatred, violence, immorality, injustice and even war. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • #83 – I agree with our little Ian and you that our materialism is a great contributor to global warming, but I love it that Ian throws in the sin, immorality, Antichrist and Beast bits. Think Progress » CEI Scholar: Gore Thinks Climate Change is Caused by ‘Widespread Sin,’ a Sign of ‘the Antichrist’
  • This counterreaction was spurred by many aspects of the Sixties, but standards of personal sexual morality or immorality were an important part of the story. American Grace
  • She has degenerated into license and immorality.
  • The most popular entertainments were the theater, frequently denounced by the clergy for nudity and immorality, and the races at the hippodrome.
  • Italian and French operas and academies prevailed, and pastoral poetry, in which the god of Love was represented wearing an immense allonge peruke, and the coquettish immorality of the courts was glowingly described in Arcadian scenes of delight, was cultivated. Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4
  • The image was thrown up of someone in a twinset and pearls, laying her knitting in her lap, aghast at the immorality of it all. Why Ed reminds women of every bad ex-boyfriend
  • Moreover, a majority of them can now read, and the books they read are not all such as exalt a military life; there are some which point out its immorality. The Kingdom of God Is Within You
  • a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality
  • It has wrecked the lives of many teenagers through suicide, drug abuse, immorality, perversion, satanism, etc.
  • Charges of racism and immorality being charged and countercharged in that race. CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2006
  • But it may take two or three generations to get rid of this corrupt mentality and immorality of the present generation.
  • For out of the heart come evil thoughts , murder, adultery , sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
  • It confuses me, being the over-educated waif stuck in a world of immorality, no clear route out.
  • The immorality lies in the inherent wrongness of people deliberately killing other people.
  • Tenure is no more than a legal commitment (set by the state and negotiated union contracts) to procedural due process, ensuring notice and providing a hearing for generally accepted reasons for termination, such as incompetency, insubordination, and immorality. The myth of teacher tenure
  • Psychoanalysis, then, becomes a discourse of exclusion, as it naturalizes the morality or immorality associated with elements of one's psychological make-up.
  • Wisdom is the mother of all virtues, and the enemy of vices, heinousness, and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • They destroyed an idol to a god that was leading the world into immorality.
  • This doesn't mean that I agree with their decisions, but one thing I can't in good conscience do is claim that they've been lax as UUs when they come to different conclusions or that they are ignoring suffering when they've concluded that what I label suffering and immorality is not suffering or immorality. Philocrites: This week at Heroes' dilemma.
  • The recent support for the party of Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands has failed to quell the spirit of profligate immorality endemic to that country.
  • Apart, however, from the immorality of such reasoned hypocrisy, which no man with a particle of honesty will attempt to blink, there is the intellectual improbity which it brings in its train, the infidelity to truth, the disloyalty to one's own intelligence. On Compromise
  • The work of the police for the suppression of open immorality in the streets took the form of prosecution of common nightwalkers.
  • This unreality is boosted by: (1) the plethora of television “reality” shows that suggest that success has little to do with anything but ambition, desire, and immorality; (2) educational institutions that punish those teachers who actually assess student performance realistically and who insist on results; (3) the increasing reliance on tests that measure assorted facts and basic intelligence, but not the ability to think and learn; and (4) greater and greater reliance on pleasing parents and students than upon imparting skills and the ability to think. The Age of Unreality « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • But a number of commentators noted that the accusations against Mr. Strauss-Kahn pointed not only to elitism in the Socialist party - the "caviar left" - but also to what they termed clubby corruption and even immorality. NYT > Home Page
  • “The Americans have plentifully enjoyed the delights and comforts, as well as the necessaries of life,” said the Newport Mercury, “and it is well known that an increase of wealth and affluence paves the way to an increase of luxury, immorality and profaneness, and here kind providence interposes; and as it were, obliges them to forsake the use of one of their delights, to preserve their liberty.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Immorality or amorality in such a system has potential consequences that reach far beyond the well being of the individual's soul.
  • They inveighed against the immorality of British rule and denounced the local ‘whisky drinkers’ who mimicked their colonial masters and did their bidding.
  • As others rightly point out, the Turing affair was in the past; The Big Brown Thing's revolting autolatry, gross immorality, and fabulous incompetence, aided and supported by a preference for the blatant lie over the truth, is NOW. Latest
  • The prose of Flaubert, the imagery of Baudelaire, the harmonies of Wagner, Scruton points out, have all been accused of immorality, by those who believe that they paint wickedness in alluring colors. Roger Scruton on Beauty
  • Religious fanaticism or extremism is the worst religion that creates hatred, violence, immorality, injustice and even war. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • More twaddle from the nutcase side of the global warming debate: [G] lobal warming is caused by the widespread sin, immorality, and materialism of our current society. Think Progress » CEI Scholar: Gore Thinks Climate Change is Caused by ‘Widespread Sin,’ a Sign of ‘the Antichrist’
  • Still, to read with a jaundiced eye is to miss some of Gomes' point, and to avoid some of his rich wisdom, especially his wisdom about ways people come clean about their immorality.
  • The impiety is real, nonetheless when it has been treated with colour according to a thoughts of a Holy Spirit a complaint continues since a immorality suggestion has joined his complaint to a scolding of a conscience. THE DANGERS OF SPIRITUAL LIFE-By Watchman Nee A Fair Mitre
  • New crimes by the dozen were invented for the young that had never been considered crimes by adults: playing ball on the street, staying out late, consorting with older men, truancy, immorality, and the all-encompassing "incorrigibility" -- all basically crimes against the self, not others -- often resulting in standard sentences of three years or more. Dr. Robert Epstein: Juvenile Injustice: The Scandal in Pennsylvania Is the Tip of an Ugly Iceberg
  • These five persons must then say whether the book or periodical is ‘indecent’, which word ‘shall be construed as including calculated to excite sexual passions or to suggest or incite to sexual immorality or in any other way to corrupt or deprave’, or whether, if it be not ‘indecent’ it inculcates ‘principles contrary to public morality’, or ‘tends to be injurious or detrimental to or subversive of public morality’. Later Articles and Reviews
  • They would destroy the peace of the country and thrust it into a condition of anarchy and lawlessness and immorality that passes imagination. Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • They would destroy the peace of the country and thrust it into a condition of anarchy and lawlessness and immorality that passes imagination. Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • The sexual discussion became the favourite topic; the girls learned to look out for their safety: and it was probably only a chance that at the same time a wave of immorality overflooded the youth of Berlin. Psychology and Social Sanity
  • For God's punishment of atheism and immorality of men who disregard the truth is revealed from heaven. instead of "ungodliness", use "atheism Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The critics, led by the church, argued that the new policy was tantamount to "condoning" pregnancy amongst schoolgirls which would encourage juvenile immorality. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This admittedly polemical aspect of my book is aimed primarily at countering the claims of certain outspoken, conservative Christians who regularly argue that a society without God would be hell on earth: rampant with immorality, full of evil, and teeming with depravity. Can a Godless Society be a
  • To push either friendship or human association further, to claim that one must open his life completely, or not at all, is not bending life to conform to a moral law; but it is twisting the moral basis of discrimination into indiscrimination, into immorality. Race Relations in Practice
  • No country, no state, has ever survived in history on the basis of evil and immorality.
  • sexual immorality is the major reason for last year's record number of abortions
  • The actor's immorality is not lasciviousness, as Puritans and neo-Confucians believed, but the vanity culture that makes all pursuits vain, extrinsic, and spectacular.
  • Today he's riffing about the immorality of being a porn star.
  • The term whore porne in this context is a term of slander for one guilty of sexual immorality or unfaithfulness. The Jesus Dynasty
  • Critical to the film's success is accepting that David is an impassioned believer in the immorality of the Death Penalty.
  • the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction

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