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[ UK /ɪmˌə‍ʊbɪla‍ɪzˈe‍ɪʃən/ ]
  1. the act of limiting movement or making incapable of movement
    the storm caused complete immobilization of the rescue team
  2. fixation (as by a plaster cast) of a body part in order to promote proper healing
    immobilization of the injured knee was necessary

How To Use immobilisation In A Sentence

  • One should always remember that the words ‘immobilization’ and ‘holding’ do not describe a the actual state of affairs - they convey the idea of finality and fixity that do not exist in action.
  • Common predisposing factors that require prophylaxis include surgery, immobilisation, pregnancy and the puerperium, and oral contraception.
  • Limb immobilisation led to more cautious rural and urban driving, with less adjustment of speed and lateral road position than when unrestricted.
  • Extension of the ankylosed kyphotic cervical spine during conventional immobilization or for radiologic procedures resulted in neurologic deficits.
  • What this suggests, of course, is the ever-increasing immobilization of a life without options.
  • Immobilization of a wound often reduces pressure and shear forces and reduces the number of cycles of injury to which the wound is exposed.
  • the storm caused complete immobilization of the rescue team
  • Well-known covalent immobilization involves the formation of disulfide, imine, or amide bonds.
  • With immobilization, the tight medial and posterior tarsal ligaments tend to yield.
  • This humiliating immobilization reduces humans to the status of monsters. Gregory Sholette: Artist Shows Supermax Prisons Supercruel
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