How To Use Immobile In A Sentence
The City had done a serious effort to take out beggars from the streets, yet the very cold streets were lined with immobile figures frozen in submissive, pleading positions.
Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
A woman who watched her frail mother lie in agony after she developed bedsores at a private care home has vowed to help prevent elderly and immobile patients from having to endure the same pain.
Moi j'etais dans la voiture a un stop donc je n'ai pas pu aider la vieille femme qui 'perdue' est resté abasourdie au milieu du passage clouté immobile a regarder de droite a gauche ...
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The coarctate is immobile and strongly sclerotized, and it has reduced mouthparts, legs, and musculature.
His speech is a mumble, his face immobile, his gait unsteady.

The accident left him totally immobile.
A woman who watched her frail mother lie in agony after she developed bedsores at a private care home has vowed to help prevent elderly and immobile patients from having to endure the same pain.
For a moment Trent and Mariana were held immobile, stunned by the incredible power from which they had so narrowly escaped.
He sat there in the saddle for a moment, immobile, clenching the reins tightly.
The deer stood immobile among the trees.
She is immobile, has limited head and trunk control and is doubly incontinent.
Times, Sunday Times
His left hand has become completely immobile because of illness.
So we will sit immobile for that last hour of incoming international flights, unentertained, unblanketed, and untoileted, and that will do the trick.
Harry Shearer: Airport Security: Everything but Accountability
The disembodied faces which we see through the darkness are recognisably human, but also immobile, as if physically caught in a state of Beckettian stasis.
If you fancy a pudding, make sure it's not something stodgy that could leave you sluggish and immobile.
It is also crucial to recognize that most productive assets are not liquid; they are significantly immobile or irreversible.
We must not remain immobile because one country or another does not want to follow yet.
Times, Sunday Times
She could see a figure sitting immobile, facing the sea.
We were immobile on the velvet cushions, my legs sticking out, jacket and skirt velvet enveloped by soft fabric.
Their armored amphibious vehicle had taken fire and, making a sharp turn, plunged into a deep ditch, rendering it immobile.
Trehalose may also stabilise tissues by trapping them in an immobile sugar glass.
The figures of the guitarists are immobile, and so inscrutable are their veiled faces that almost the only stage movement is their hands flickering across the fretboards.
As we sailed on a light wind, small islands close at hand slid quickly past and behind them ranges stood immobile on the skyline.
The camera rarely moves; the characters are similarly immobile, frozen in a kind of glum stasis.
Times, Sunday Times
The steamroller was now a rusty, immobile, piece of heavy machinery.
I was completely immobile for four months.
Times, Sunday Times
He was bedridden and immobile, and literally nothing but skin and bone by the end.
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My back ached every time the bandages shifted, forcing me to keep my back stiff and immobile.
Thyself increate, thou art the lord of the mobile and the immobile universe, the Creator of all, O thou foremost of all existences!
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
Prisoners shuffle out of their cells and stand oddly immobile during their chorus.
Times, Sunday Times
Even otherwise healthy passengers are at some risk if they remain immobile during the flight.
They stood immobile with the flames racing around them in a fury of sparks.
A crowd will slowly build around you, faces immobile, sometimes catching your eye, nodding.
An injury to his knee caused by the storm has left him largely immobile and unable to find work.
Times, Sunday Times
Some are blind, some are immobile, some are still suffering from venereal diseases and nobody cares about them.
[Chronicon Hierosolymitanum, eodem libro 9.cap. l2.] continueth this historie of these two hundreth saile of ships, and sheweth how by their prowesse chiefly, the multitude of the Sarazens were in short space vanquished and ouerthrowen: The words are these; Ab ipso verò die tertiæ feriæ dum sic in superbia et elatione suæ multitudinis immobiles Saraceni persisterent, et multis armorum terroribus Christianum populum vexarent, sexta feria appropinquante.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I
They stood immobile, gazing after him until the forest hid him from their sight.
The patient's dentition was normal, and the left mandibular teeth were nontender and immobile.
Giovanni visits an amusement park: a ride jostles him violently, but his face remains immobile, stricken, dead.
Therefore, following the convention used by Rewcastle, the immobile, unified lacertilian crus-astragalocalcaneum will be referred to here as simply the crus.
The right side of his face was not entirely immobile, but rigid, as though molded from some obscene plastic, and above it the bare front of his scalp was frail and spotted brown, like a quail's egg.
And yet what I hear is so remote, a tremble displaced in time, so indifferent, its spent passion whizzing above my immobile frame.
However, if he becomes immobile, a successor likely will have to be chosen quickly.
She sat immobile for a moment before coming back to the present with a quick shake of her head, immediately cringing and shying away from him.
Yet, the goalkeeper did not dive the wrong way, remaining immobile as the penalty went into the corner.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
He stayed immobile when the game restarted and the referee then stopped play for him to receive immediate attention.
Photography must seize upon this moment and hold immobile the equilibrium of it.
When her blood-sugar level drops she becomes completely immobile and if it is low for more than two hours, she could die or be seriously brain damaged.
Even immobile beings that show no signs of animation or spirituality harbors within it the divine life-force that brought it into being.
His right arm was badly swollen and totally immobile.
The immobile nutrients are iron, sulfur, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum, and chlorine.
She is immobile, has limited head and trunk control and is doubly incontinent.
Times, Sunday Times
Neil stood immobile, staring at the door Ella had just walked through.
The three of us have formed an involuntary and immobile conga-line, like a trio of backpackers on a rush-hour commuter train.
I found no spark of intelligence darting from the pupilless eyes; there was no change of expression on the placid countenance to indicate that the ears had been touched by the heart-cries of the prostrate worshippers; no word of blessing fell from those silent lips, immobile and set as on the day when they received the last touch of the artist's hand.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
The body is so mute, so immobile that one might think she is dead.
Hooch loved narrow vistas, often a view through a view to another view, especially when peopled with immobile figures.
As for the “defeminization/sterilization” part, it is unfortunately true that all sorts of institutionalized people get raped, but I daresay an immobile nonverbal fully developed young woman is at more risk than most institutionalized people.
The Ashley Treatment: A Feminist and Disability Rights Issue?
The shot rendered her immobile
For a moment shock held her immobile.
The main plant transit from semi-immobile dune to moving dune is Artemisia frigida, Lespedeza hedysaroides var. subsericea, Agropyron cristatum etc.
I was completely immobile for four months.
Times, Sunday Times
Their faces were as immobile as those of potentates receiving tribute from conquered tribes.
I also became sluggish and immobile, sleepy and calm.
Abbie suffers from severe spinal muscular atrophy which renders her almost immobile.
So she sat, expressionless, immobile, trying to fight the anger as her gut ached for her husband.
The other had severe lung problems that rendered her practically immobile.
Imagine dozens of wheezing, perplexed pugs romping, sneezing, and peeing on anything immobile.
Their exaggerated expressions emphasize their predicament of being alive but trapped within their utterly immobile forms.
With the expected arrival of our second child, the first being one year old, I suffered a back injury, such as to make me immobile.
How were we going to help him detox when he was incontinent and immobile?
Times, Sunday Times
In older well-elongated cells, part of the immobile mitochondria is already arranged along parallel lines transverse or oblique to the cell axis.
The drumming of the rain on the alloy roof of the immobile mobile home was a strangely comforting sound, Rosanna Nixon thought.
Today he lies immobile in bed.
Times, Sunday Times
When prey arrives they quickly seize its extremities, pulling on legs, arms and antennae until the hostage is rendered immobile.
The retardation of proton escape from the membrane surface was previously explained by the damping effect of immobile pH buffer at the surface.
The opercular is more often made up of one or more immobile bones which channel the excurrent from gills with individual covers.
At room temperature, the bright regions between the dark domains were relatively immobile.
We sat on the village bench, pulled on our boots, speculated on how many of the pretty sandstone houses were holiday cottages and eventually realised that the immobile pigeon in a dovecote was not alive, but not dead either.
Their faces were as immobile as those of potentates receiving tribute from conquered tribes.
[Chronicon Hierosolymitanum, eodem libro 9.cap. l2.] continueth this historie of these two hundreth saile of ships, and sheweth how by their prowesse chiefly, the multitude of the Sarazens were in short space vanquished and ouerthrowen: The words are these; Ab ipso ver� die terti� feri� dum sic in superbia et elatione su� multitudinis immobiles Saraceni persisterent, et multis armorum terroribus Christianum populum vexarent, sexta feria appropinquante.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
There was certainly no need to plan the route - we were going nowhere - or worry about the traffic, which was as immobile as school custard.
He also stressed that elderly and immobile parishioners relied heavily on lifts and that current public transport on Sundays was inadequate.
An Abraham Lincoln biot, who had been resting immobile against the wall at the end of the kitchen counter, activated and approached Nicole.
The Garden of Rama
Sleeping is probably the only time you ever see his face relaxed, relatively immobile and at peace.
After the house lights came up, the audience remained immobile in their seats as if stricken: an apt reaction.
After four hours, breakfast is still sitting in my stomach like a lead balloon, sullen and immobile.
The hair is very brown and lustrous, though immobile and undisturbed by the running.
Times, Sunday Times
Rendered immobile just three days earlier, he can now almost walk without pain and gracefully pliés to pluck his coffee cup from the table, although he grimaces when posing for photographs.
Dutiful clenched Thick's chubby wrist in his hand and Thick stood, stock-still and stolid, immobile and yet roaring like a bon.
While awaiting the results she became almost immobile and didn't know how she could carry on.
Her illness has made her completely immobile.
She seemed scarcely to breathe as she lay immobile.
Although nearly immobile on the macroscale, plants nevertheless are furiously active at a molecular level.
Darcy was still immobile, continuing to look around vaguely.
Yet Cadfael continued immobile and detachedly interested, invisible against the dark bulk of the timber buildings, as if he expected some kind of epilogue to round off the night's entertainment.
His Disposition
But, it was drinking on an empty stomach that made me sick, headachey, vomitous and immobile.
Actually, despite being mostly immobile for the last two days, I awoke feeling pretty damn good.
X-rays taken on March 20 showed that Peltier suffered from ankylosis on both sides of his mandible, meaning that his jaw was completely frozen and immobile.
Ambush foragers typically respond visually to moving prey, but omnivores and herbivores may frequently need to identify immobile plant parts as food.
I keep staring at the buck as I go for cover, but the buck is immobile.
The City had done a serious effort to take out beggars from the streets, yet the very cold streets were lined with immobile figures frozen in submissive, pleading positions.
Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
And like a wax figure indeed, immobile, rigid, the bride was standing before them, arrayed at last in the shimmering white of the sweeping satin, overrich of lace and orange flowers, and shrouded in the clouding waves of her veil.
The Fortieth Door
These drones are also flying, stealthed, and immobile. They may excellent perimeter defenses and can be coupled with Auto Turret raids to maximize the damage.
When prey arrives they quickly seize its extremities, pulling on legs, arms and antennae until the hostage is rendered immobile.
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Anhingas adopt a rather bizarre-looking pose for long stretches of time, remaining immobile and apparently oblivious even to passing boaters.
The main plant transit from moving dune to semi-immobile dune are Artemisia halodendron, Salix gordejevii, Polygonum divaricatum.
What good is intellect if it leaves us immobile and frozen in indecision?
We must not remain immobile because one country or another does not want to follow yet.
Times, Sunday Times
For a moment shock held her immobile.
While immobile, Spirit has continued to carry out science work, including snapping a panorama of its surroundings with its color camera.
Futurist, with its muddy, one-note punk-thrash revivalism that belies his talents as a versatile studio auteur, is as frustratingly unremarkable and immobile as the governments he so blatantly rails against.
How were we going to help him detox when he was incontinent and immobile?
Times, Sunday Times
Desperately, she tried to reach for the ring, but it seemed as if her hands had frozen, forever immobile.
Several years ago, Ed had suffered a stroke that rendered him immobile.
It's all fun and games until your kid is lying immobile on the ice, isn't it?
By destroying one of these, the creature may become immobile, but there is no guarantee it will not feel pain at other points during the boiling.
Yet, the goalkeeper did not dive the wrong way, remaining immobile as the penalty went into the corner.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
She could see a figure sitting immobile, facing the sea.
Usually, the mass is relatively immobile, with a broad-based attachment.
She seemed scarcely to breathe as she lay immobile.
AT the north of the Ringkjobing Fjord, not far from Nysogn, a wild, ragged-looking castle has dug its talons into the rocks, and stands with a haggard defiance fronting the fjord, which is as immobile and as chill as death.
Thorkild Viborg
Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock.
[Chronicon Hierosolymitanum, eodem libro 9.cap. l2.] continueth this historie of these two hundreth saile of ships, and sheweth how by their prowesse chiefly, the multitude of the Sarazens were in short space vanquished and ouerthrowen: The words are these; Ab ipso ver� die terti� feri� dum sic in superbia et elatione su� multitudinis immobiles Saraceni persisterent, et multis armorum terroribus Christianum populum vexarent, sexta feria appropinquante.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Prisoners shuffle out of their cells and stand oddly immobile during their chorus.
Times, Sunday Times
Cortanze, Gérard de, J.M.G. Le Clézio: le nomade immobile.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2008 - Bio-bibliography
This slightly earlier portrait of the same imperial couple emphasizes their immobile majesty as Manuel and Marie stare out of the page as living icons of imperium.
Amie is completely immobile she can't walk or sit up unaided.
Rather stratocracies are found only among countries that support immobile light and medium forces.
A woman in a long golden coat stands, immobile, on the stone bridge over the moat.
Times, Sunday Times
A woman in a long golden coat stands, immobile, on the stone bridge over the moat.
Times, Sunday Times
The non-microbial sinks include oxidation of inorganic reductants in the soil, such as Fe, which may be both mobile and immobile.
Only then do they desist, becoming immobile in a hard chrysalis suspended from a leaf or stem of the larval host plant until emerging as an adult butterfly.
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Reid To Bush: If You Come After Us, We'll Hit Back Every Bit As Aggressively
Keeping left leg immobile, use upper hip muscles of right leg to lift leg back up so pelvis and hips are level.
So, the bird-watcher arises earlier than the birds, goes into the field or the wood, and settles absolutely still and alert, utterly quiet and immobile, and yet intensely alive to all that may happen.
Immobile, her lower limbs yet had the ripple of fined-down muscle about them, the promise of animal movement.
Again, there was the insect house, where she lifted the blinds of the little cages, and marveled at the purple circles marked upon the rich tussore wings of some lately emerged and semi – conscious butterfly, or at caterpillars immobile like the knobbed twigs of a pale – skinned tree, or at slim green snakes stabbing the glass wall again and again with their flickering cleft tongues.
Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
The ducks, geese, seagulls and coots looked hardened to this sort of intrusion, coolest of all was a cormorant that stood one-legged on an island and stretched its wings in a black, immobile pose.
Following his discharge from the hospital, he was basically immobile for a couple of weeks.
Indeed, he continued, the answer resided in Newtonian physics: when Hopkinson held the textile up to the street lamp, the material inflected the light rays in a manner that made the threads appear thicker and the dark bars immobile.
Today he lies immobile in bed.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead we have our post unsorted and often immobile in lorries on jammed roads.
Once stabilized, he went home but remained immobile for about three months.
Unless it was made completely immobile, it wasn't going to stop moving.
An injury to his knee caused by the storm has left him largely immobile and unable to find work.
Times, Sunday Times
Against the immobile champion, the result was devastation.
Her illness has made her completely immobile.