How To Use Immigrant In A Sentence
This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
California absorbs many of the legal immigrants to the US.
The Canadian police doubted he was a genuine amnesiac and held him on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.
The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting.
not far from the former site of Five Points, the immigrant neighborhood showcased in the Martin Scorsese's film "Gangs of New York.

By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families.
This is Europe's problem too," went the refrain, after more than 1,400 immigrant had arrived in Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the previous week, making 2,000 landing in the month, mostly from Senegal and Mali.
The pace quickens
He will mention the relevant laws that fence out undesirable immigrants.
The gang had taken advantage of the immigrants' vulnerability.
They urged immigrants to learn English and to naturalize.
In 2009, an Salvadorean illegal immigrant named Ingmar Guandique was arrested and charged with Levy's murder.
Report: Chandra Levy-linked ex-congressman Gary Condit writing tell-all book
Nonetheless, this era had the same conflicts (over cultural diversity and nativism, for example) as later periods, and established lasting policies toward immigrants and aliens.
Rivlin said that anti-immigration rhetoric has galvanized immigrant voters, bringing them to the streets in protest and to the polling booth.
Wednesday's 5-0 council vote may leave bruises on largely white Portland, but the tone was less anti-immigrant than when a 2007 attempt to rename multiethnic and blue-collar Interstate Avenue was scrapped.
After being housed in transit camps, many of the immigrants were directed to agricultural settlements (moshavim) (Zadok 1985; Lisak 1999).
Yemenite Women in Israel: 1948 to the Present Day.
These immigrants face problems of geographical distance and cultural isolation.
A world reputation for jobs, and a ‘welcome to the neighbourhood’ attitude has historically created a city of immigrants and ethnic enclaves.
Eventually, we expect to become citizens of Mexico, so "immigrant" is more appropriate.
Expat or Immigrant?
American modernism, full of exiles and immigrants, caught his attention early.
On April 4 Rocard called a conference to endorse a plan to strengthen anti-racist legislation and tolerance of immigrants.
He has expressed his pleasure with the leading U.S. presidential candidates 'views on immigration reform and the amnesty they support and his displeasure to "The New York Times" about what he calls immigrant bashing in America.
CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2008
As Tunisians flooded Lampedusa earlier this month, Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, of the anti-immigrant Northern League, stoked fears that terrorists and al-Qaida supporters could have mingled among what he described as a "biblical exodus" of migrants.
The Seattle Times
The large percentage of undocumented recent immigrants have little access to decently paying jobs.
The second generation of immigrants often adopted British forenames.
North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.
Abraham Granish, Winehouse's great-great grandfather, was a Russian immigrant described as a "hawker", selling goods door-to-door, who lived in the Spitalfields area of the capital.
Recently, itinerant workers - some illegal immigrants - have moved into the trade, at the risk of being exploited by gangmasters.
found a natural affinity with the immigrants
The Swedish immigrants were mainly from very poor rural areas Småland that were badly hit by tough years with bad havest.
Are Low-Skilled Americans the Master Race?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Most of donators' attitude was active, among which 67.7% were self-giving, such as army men, college students, medical personnel, and immigrant workers.
Why the f**k should I spend 8 years getting a PhD in biochem or engineering when I have to compete with a bunch of Chinese and Indian immigrants who are happy to make $30,000 for the next ten years of postdoc purgatory?
Matthew Yglesias » Visas for Grads
As drafted, neither bill would deny public elementary or secondary education to illegal immigrants, as Proposition 187 sought to do.
Barrack Obama was named after his Kenya immigrant father and the given name means " blessed.
How do we get back the passion that poor immigrant children and newly freed slaves once had for education?
I authorize any health agency or health practitioner to provide information about my status of health to the New Zealand Immigrantion Service.
Authorities have shut down the unaccredited schools that prey on immigrants.
The world has been attracted to America as a land of opportunity and America is the most generous country to immigrants from all over the globe. Dr T.P.Chia
Having children here is what we call a secondary effect of migration; it's something that is so far down the line, the possibility of using a child to legalize your status, that it's rarely given as a reason, when we interview immigrants, for coming to this country.
CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2005
Many immigrants have experienced racism.
Another contributor is the vast pool of unskilled immigrants (Mexico being the largest source of them) that has flooded our labor market, displacing poor citizens and driving wages and benefits down.
Many people believe that the United States, the first Thanksgiving Day was Indians and the new immigrants first oligomerization thank God for that day.
Mortality among immigrant groups was higher than average.
But it's worth remembering that, barely a century ago, the great male fear was not of alpha females with intimidatingly large salaries but their polar opposite: women were seen, rather like immigrant labour now, as dangerously liable to undercut men's wages by doing the same work for less.
Young women are now earning more than men – that's not sexist, just fair | Gaby Hinsliff
Both groups are exploiting illegal immigrants for profit.
The judge also barred provisions that would have allowed state agencies to investigate and report alleged illegal immigrants.
My father was an immigrant who came over from Holland after the Nazi occupation.
Schanzer's language bias is clearly demonstrated when he says that the "United Nations General Assembly partition plan ... endowed the Palestinian Arabs with a state that included an expanded Gaza strip, the West Bank, and much of the northern territory. [emphasis added]" How considerate for sure, to be "endowed" with only portions of your own homeland, while a minority of the population, immigrants at that, is given a majority of the land.
Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah
Afraid of a plunge into the canal that claimed the immigrants, I always unsnap my seatbelt and roll the window all the way down, this in broad daylight with no one shooting.
Immigrants, refugees, and asylees constitute only a fraction of foreign-born persons who enter the United States each year.
This tiny, cigar-shaped area experienced its first vintage in 1895 when Scottish immigrant John Riddoch founded the Penola Fruit Colony, which later became known as the Coonawarra wine region.
The Rise of Regionality
In New York, over 90% of restaurant workers are unorganized, and 67% are immigrants, many of them undocumented.
Today there are thousands of immigrants who live and work here driven underground.
Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
Wonder why these illegal immigrants "flocked" to South Louisiana?
Archive 2007-05-01
Besides, do these illegals really want guest worker programs, or just to get all the benefits of citizenship without going through the legal process like the *legal* immigrants?
Immigration: Spelling Things Out
Many of these workers are undocumented immigrants who have little recourse to legal action if they are injured on the job.
When I see a group of immigrant boys playing a crude match of rounders in the streets of the village, I feel pride for the assimilating spirit of the sport.
DOBBS: Illegal aliens and their supporters say they are marching today in support of what they call immigrant rights.
CNN Transcript Apr 10, 2006
He argues that the Congress and President Clinton trampled the constitutional rights of legal immigrants in the new welfare reform law.
The Aegean Sea is a popular route for illegal immigrants trying to access the European Union.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The only British actress to be nominated for an Oscar this year is luminous and touching in Jim Sheridan's immigrant fable.
I was warned before I left not to do anything silly, like becoming an illegal immigrant, a runaway.
Half a million immigrants pledge their allegiance to the United States each year.
'dilapidation' and a huge unintegrated pool of Muslim immigrants.
Peaktalk v2
He claimed the party had become 'anti-immigrant, anti-intellectual and racist'.
The Sun
His father was an Italian immigrant, a bricklayer and latterly a school caretaker.
Times, Sunday Times
Illegal immigrants can regularize their position by obtaining the necessary residence permit.
Experts say the immigrants may have been here all along, but earlier estimates may have been miscalculated.
Back in Siemiatycze, however, Radomski believes alarmists in the West who fear an invasion of immigrants have got it wrong.
Borscht, an old world beet soup long savored by Russian and Eastern European Jewish immigrants, lent its name to the Catskill region of upstate New York where generations of revelers summered at hotels such as the Concord and Grossinger's.
A Family Named Gold Tries to Add Cool to a Soup That's the Color Purple
That is why Labour is going to introduce ID cards to boost our efforts in tackling the organised criminal gangs who traffic illegal immigrants, drugs and money into our communities.
For an immigrant boy this marital alliance was no mean achievement.
The daughter of first-generation Portuguese immigrants, she grew up in the small town of Victoria, British Columbia.
In the past, civil rights groups have criticized the redistricting process for working against immigrant and African-American communities on Long Island, and while lawsuits have sought to address the problem on a case-by-case basis, electoral representation in communities of color will be a pressing issue in the coming weeks.
Ted Hesson: Forum: Redistricting and Its Impact on Long Island Communities of Color
This rule, by the way, does not apply to routine tourist and non immigrant visa holders.
The son of Lithuanian immigrants, his moustacheless beard gives him air of a Baltic pastor.
During 1992-2002, an estimated 380,000 to 536,000 persons entered the United States annually as immigrants, refugees, or asylees.
Every culture has its own shared, socialized habitual responses, which are charming when on a holiday, but for immigrants trying to function on a daily basis they can be downright frustrating.
Socially, the fabric is often as fragmented as the physical one, with immigrants from rural areas or from abroad mixed hugger-mugger with some of the least privileged traditional citizens.
Such an education proves indistinguishable from life in an immigrant culture because the illuminating conflict between cultures adds this inner dialectic.
On a recent Saturday, Kyle Needham shucked oysters from Nova Scotia, while a Salvadoran immigrant peddled $9 pupusa platters.
Flea Market for Foodies
One of the great hazards for early immigrants was being shipwrecked on the uncharted Australian coast, where guiding beacons were few and far between.
His strong-willed mother, a Russian Jewish immigrant, expected great things of her firstborn.
Most of the early immigrants of the late nineteenth century worked in the steel mills and foundries of the northeastern states.
I have seen equally - or more - educated immigrants (and equally "lillywhite") both in Europe and in the USA, who were treated like dirt, and denied opportunities, because their language was not up to "snuff" - their language made them sound uneducated.
Differences in prononciation of certain consonants...
He and his wife have an interest in helping Russian-Jewish immigrants, especially refuseniks.
An appreciation for the arts is also necessary, so immigrants will be required to sit regular written examinations on 'Coronation Street', 'Eastenders' (see above), 'X-Factor' and 'Britain's Got Talent'.
Immigrants to 'Earn Citizenship'
These are not romantic, but sad stories in the annals of immigrant experiences.
Immigrants in Spain are getting a raw deal from state institutions and at the same time from small and medium business owners, who not only take unfair advantage of them, but sometimes also physically ill-treat them.
Crossover Dreams: The economic rain in Spain falls heavily on immigrants
Buchanan would end all foreign aid, build a Fortress America through protectionist trade barriers and return America to his beloved '5Os by keeping out Third World immigrants.
Buchanan: Thunder On The Right
The German immigrant began his career as a cigar maker, developed a machine for turning out stogies with compressed air, obtained patents for several other inventions, and invested the income in real estate.
To get past the border guards, immigrants from Mexico hire smugglers - called coyotes - to guide them through crossing points.
She's a real legal immigrant who joined the American family lawfully, which is the definition of the word.
CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2006
This movement - established by the idealistic pioneer-immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century - grew into a large federate organisation that became the backbone of the labour movement.
Clipper ships sailed around South America and into the Pacific, carrying prospectors and immigrants.
I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular.
Holy Writ
Rather than merely alerting the American public to the problems Mexico has long been facing from the narcotraficantes, I fear that the main reaction of the average gringo to this development will be that in addition to flooding their borders with illegal immigrants who are taking jobs from Americans, Mexico is now overrunning the country with drug cartel mafiosi.
Project Coronado
To suggest immigrants are the root cause of all ills is … … has Labour shifted its politics to align with the BNP to catch their votes as well? on April 12, 2010 at 5: 14 pm inspectorgadget
Crime And Immigration In Britain SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Many of them bring not only immigrant drive and first-generation values but a solid, if narrow, secondary school education.
According to the social worker's notes, the hospital anticipated that the patient would need long-term ventilator care and that, as a legal immigrant with less than five years in this country, he would not qualify for Arizona's Medicaid coverage.
T r u t h o u t
Present immigrants would stay and gradually acquire citizenship once fully integrated.
We have always relied on low-wage immigrant labor but rejected their social difference (their language, culture, appearance, "unassimilated" ways). Main RSS Feed
Cleverly concatenated stories about the experience of Korean immigrants make up Woo's loosely structured novel ... a novel that both delights and instructs.
Everything Asian: Summary and book reviews of Everything Asian by Sung Woo.
The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard
This stream continued almost uninterruptedly, although police control of the borders was permanently reinforced under the growing pressure of anti-immigrant organizations.
The report gave concrete expression to the fears of many immigrants.
Fox News cites one former Bush official who slammed the approach as "de facto amnesty," accusing the Obama administration of "turning a blind eye to entire categories of aliens" fand failing to arrest and deport the illegal immigrants who turn up on these workplace audits.
How Obama is firing immigrant workers -- but not deporting them
Based on these comments in the pages of Britain's leading conservative magazine, I will no longer bother to worry about the enfeeblement of Britain, the collapse of its sense of moral order, its inability to control drunken yobs in the streets of London and other cities, or its unwillingness to stand up against immigrant groups who would like nothing better than to cut every unbelieving throat in a single night.
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
And in 1930 a director of the West Side Community Center remarked that the two largest unassimilated immigrant groups were the most willing to cross the American color line: the Jew and the Italian seem to be the only people who will live in the same house with the Negroes.
A Renegade History of the United States
Immigrants often get a bad deal when it comes to pay.
I'd had lots of friends and classmates back in my high school days who'd seemed a lot like him: the grandkids of Italian and Sicilian immigrants, they were smiling and open-hearted, spunky and pugnacious.
Consequently, early versions of the installment plan were dismissed as the folly of the improvident poor, immigrants, and women.
Immigrants felt they had truly made it in the New World when they traded in their four-storey walk-up for a four-car garage.
But the Mexican immigrant can easily recross the Rio Grande by a drive over a short bridge.
Between cost overruns and long-term upkeep, it will end up costing taxpayers a fortune -- and the illegal immigrants will just shift their border crossings to areas beyond the reach of the fence.
David Wallechinsky: The Border Fence: A Work of Art?
Immigrants want our country to work as much as anyone else.
The Sun
Because of its close proximity to work, immigrants settled on the Lower East Side, forming ethnic enclaves.
As an naturaluzed immigrant living in Texas, I have seen much more thuggery from the left than theright.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
Davis may be feeling empowered from the radical anti-immigrant law passed by the Arizona legislature, which requires police to attempt to determine the immigration status of anyone they encounter as part of a “lawful contact.”
Think Progress » Arizona militia recruiting veterans with ‘kill records’ to patrol border.
Anyone who believes they should put Americans first (as you suggest Rosen does) could easily say that if an immigrant and a nonimmigrant were competing for a job, then a "put non-immigrants first" policy would support "handcuffing the immigrant to a tree" because it would reduce the competition for the job.
Rosen and Responsibility, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I think Los Amigos Invisibles encapsule perfectly what the Latino immigrant experience should be.
NPR Topics: News
In the 1880s the city was a mesh of Italian, Portuguese, Mexican and German immigrants.
Just a random thought — assume that the Federal Government sues Arizona to enjoin it from enforcing the new Arizona law — Could Arizona assert a counterclaim against the Federal Government to recover the Billions which Arizona is being forced to spend on things like indigent medical care for illegal immigrants, public education of children of illegal immigrants, and extra lw enforcement costs attributable to crimes committed by illegal immigrants?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
In Congress, proposed legislation would: Slash the number of refugees and immigrants admitted to the United States.
One immigrant I know of holds postgraduate degrees from two prestigious British universities.
ABE students vary from virtual non-readers to well-educated immigrants who wish to learn English.
In more recent years, immigrants from Vietnam and Laos have brought folk religions such as animism into some U.S. communities.
She becomes a parody of the stereotype of the intrusive immigrant mother.
As more immigrants came to the country, there was a conscious effort to mold children into American citizens.
This means that on current trajectories, absent massive new influxes of immigrants, Europe's population is set to age still further and to enter into an indefinite decline.
Smith and Bryant could not overcome their opponents' vivid word images of immigrant families split asunder.
- A German immigrant who masqueraded as a member of the famous Rockefeller family appeared Friday in a Southern California court to face charges that he murdered his landlord more than a quarter-century ago then fled the state.
Rockefeller Impostor Appears In Murder Case
Jewish immigrants had bought a tiny fraction of land in the mandate under the conver of British guns.
Matthew Yglesias » Learning From Belfast
Malamud declares his vocation on the problem of identity further in his Immigrant-Survivor's fictions, and advocates Jewish writers to record their nation's history by words.
Her subsequent position in the immigrant community as the proprietor of a cafe, however, is more closely aligned with middle-class social workers than with the labor activists and suffragettes of the working class.
In 1875, the two German immigrants created their brand name to sound authentically American.
The response to these types of provisions is that immigrants here illegally are staying longer and bringing their families over illegally too, because we have practically eliminated the option of coming back and forth legally.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Proud to Support the Rule of Law and Immigration, Too
Kelly draws up a large, impressive, even diverse, cast of Irish cops and gunrunners, Italian mobsters and mistresses, Russian immigrants and killers, saints and scoundrels.
This price had a certain logic, being the amount of surety which each official immigrant into the country had to post.
Alpha World requires registration and asks you to become an immigrant by downloading software into your computer.
The losers were those who already faced discrimination by employers or politicians, such as African-Americans and immigrants.
In several other cases I have heard of, improper procedure was used, with the losers as the immigrants into the UK.
That's why-therefore, our protest in the face of this discrimination to expulse immigrants, when we have never kicked immigrants out, we've never sent them home -
Democracy Now!
This is partly due to the different legal status of blacks and immigrant groups; the former as US citizens in the post-bellum era, the latter as legally or illegally residing aliens.
Several immigrant workers drew parallels with their experiences in other countries.
Their parents are often recent immigrants living in low-income communities.
I learned that the funicular is the oldest continuously operating one in the United States, originally built by German immigrants who modeled it after ones in their homeland.
With my iPhone alone, I'm apped to travel
The Statue of Liberty (1886) in New York harbor symbolized the city's role as a Mecca for immigrants.
Russian language tests are now compulsory for any immigrant working in the wholesale or retail sector.
Times, Sunday Times
If there is an illegal immigrant scam or a marriage scam, then the department must be involved.
When challenged by the racist right, Obama pirouetted to the right in true Clintonian fashion, boasting that his health care "reform" explicitly excludes undocumented immigrants, unlike the universal health care programs in place in most other economically advanced nations.
Andy Thayer: May Day Immigration March Offers Opportunity to Push Back Against Arizona
I'm thinking, somewhat critically, it sure has been a long time since she began talking about opening this community centre to serve the scads of immigrant kids in St. Jamestown, when she pulls me out of the dank reverie.
Subsequent legislation in 1971 and 1981 has made it more difficult for non-white immigrants to enter.
By means of the universal ‘I,’ he brings the concepts of performance and political involvement into apposition with the categories of immigrant, exile, and criminal.
This favored stop in Homestead is one man's kitschy do-it-yourself testament to lost love: Latvian immigrant Ed Leedskalnin dug up over 2.2 million tons of coral rock to build this mock castle.
The town began to show increasing intolerance of immigrants.
Both were hapless victims of the growing violence of immigrant gangs, according to police.
Times, Sunday Times
Australian authorities also encourage immigrants to use their mother tongue.
If you apply as a business immigrant, please fill out the Business Form.
In the early 1900s political parties courted the new immigrants, he said.
An immigrant labour force would always be needed as a buffer to absorb the shocks of alternating booms and recessions.
Before we throw stones at Lovecraft's racism and ethnicism, we need to examine our own traumas when we see hordes of immigrants coming across our borders, and experience psychosis of terrorists around every suburban tree.
Archive 2009-11-01
Another eyewitness described the dangers immigrants faced at the border fence.
Yet this does not quite add up: The rioters are not immigrants (even if their parents were); they are culturally assimilated and live their lives in fluent French.
Huge, frustrated, hopeless
New York State Library: Genealogy: Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors - Immigration resources at the New York State Library.
The others are French Canadian descendants of immigrants from Saintonge, such as the genealogist Jacques Saintonge.
Champlain's Dream
The original figure of 46 million uninsured has been hotly debated: is it accurate? where did it come from? does it include illegal immigrants?
In selling health care, Obama's numbers pick may be telling
The prob is that if this government takes over our means of communication and sends in the troops “to keep us safe from the immigrants and the bird flu” … … …. it’s gonna take something we don’t see now to challenge them … and a real leader.
Think Progress » The FBI acknowledged
Levy's wry sort of humour and the ironic use of an English woman's perspective to describe the problems confronted by the immigrants is both clever and sensitive.
Fueled by the nickels of new legions of white collar workers and immigrants who could not speak English and therefore could not order at a restaurant, the automat prospered in the early 1900s and handily survived the Depression.
In Brazil, where Germany made one of its strongest thrusts into Latin America, German immigrants professed greater loyalty to the Brazilian state than to the kaiser.
Only the immigrant generation uses this mongrelized Bulgarian; their American-educated children are more likely to consider English their primary language.
Last year, 409 immigrants died trying to get across - a sevenfold increase since 1995.
Financial journalist Silvia Perrachi has written about how Chinese immigrants have taken over industry in Prato.
Ancient Italian Town Turns Against Chinese Migrants
He said he hopes Clinton will follow through on his pledge to restore aid to legal immigrants in later legislation.
Immigrants aren't the only ones embracing Seventh-day Adventism.
Adventists' back-to-basics faith is fastest growing U.S. church
There is suspicion and mistrust between immigrants and the police.
The company was fined for the exploitation of its immigrant workers.
The above guidelines apply to most nonimmigrant visas, except the H-1B, L, and O.
Aggie R. Hoffman: Return to the U.S. after Immigration Violations
This territory was settled in the mid-1850s by German immigrants.
Apparently Italy is now sending back planeloads of illegal immigrants to where they came from.
The Republic of Panama is a former Spanish colony in Central America with a mixed population of Creoles, mestizos, European immigrants, Africans, and indigenous Indians.
On both sides of his family tree, his forebears were descended from so-called Scots-Irish immigrants lowland Scots and northern English who had displaced the Celtic Irish in Northern Ireland who began coming to North America in the late 1700s.
Raymond Carver
Hence the potential appeal of protectionist and anti - immigrant policies.
The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.
It is necessarily too anecdotal and incomplete with respect to the immigrant experience for that.
For many other immigrants, the route to economic stability was in self-sufficiency.
In a personal email correspondence, Dr. Walter Ewing, Senior Researcher at the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) further criticizes CIS for muddying the national health care debate with their anti-immigrant agenda.
Wonk Room
Sadly, this "xenophobia" is once again influencing the European legislators to enact less immigrant friendly laws: Danmark, Holland, so may be we are heading straight up into a new dark age in Europe, as we are already way on our way there in the USA.
Immigration rats nest
The term amnesty comes from the 1986 immigration bill, supported and signed by Ronald Reagan, which gave many illegal immigrants in the United States immediate permanent residency — green cards — with few requirements, a tiny fee and a fast-tracked application process.
America's New Know-Nothings
Anti-immigrant hatred, urban violence, democracy subverted by plutocracy - these are not, the film shows, new developments.
Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.
He is particularly unbeloved of Russian immigrants, especially after the extremely effective advertising campaign.
Basque immigrants began building pelota courts soon after they arrived in the United States, and their love of the sport is considered an important factor in unifying the American Basque community.
Some immigrants veer off the traditional career path and head out in new directions, into places they might never have dreamed of when they were growing up in India.
It is why Israelis recently voted in right winger Binyamin Netanyahu and why he, in turn, was compelled to name avowed racist Avigdor Lieberman, founder of far-right Yisrael Beitenu (Israel Our Home party, whose electoral base are the immigrants from the former Soviet Union) as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel.
The Circular Dangers of John Hagee, AIPAC and Netanyahu
In the second part, the author studies the situation of the immigrants and demonstrates the immigrant society of Mount Daba through genealogy material.
Followers of spirit worship and voodoo, which was introduced into the country by Haitian immigrants, are thought to number about 60,000.
Here was a gloating scheme of ingenuity, an immigrant strategy for economic survival that was taking on great possibilities.
Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves.