How To Use Immaturity In A Sentence
Stories and novels written by children in all times have for the most part borne the stamp of naivete and childish immaturity.
Some technologies, Wendler believes, are irrelevant because of their relative immaturity, such as repositories and on-line transaction processing monitors.
The device should include a taped lecture on immaturity that automatically takes over the stereo when somebody turns up Eminem too loud.
Your jealousy and immaturity is why alot of Americans are the way they are.
Obama calls win 'very humbling'
By far the greatest effect on the crude mortality rates was when mortality rates due to immaturity were adjusted for low birth rate.

Who seem to be stuck in immaturity, as Obama quoted Paul, it is time to put aside childish things.
Anthony Lister at Lyons Wier Gallery, NYC
Your immaturity is only exceeded by your ignorance!
At the White House, even Bo gets a stocking
They did and were satisfied it was just a random burst of immaturity.
She thought his parlor humor and penchant for sarcasm showed a certain degree of immaturity.
For teens, the combination of inexperience and immaturity provides the foundation for a high death rate.
Their presumption of our political immaturity is the present-day equivalent of their long held assumption that we are passionate, unreasoning and - a late 20th century addition this - quaint.
In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
It does little to advance the debate, and simply indicates a measure of immaturity and intolerance.
I received a rather interesting email from a reader about Leftist immaturity.
Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity.
Both defeats could have been apportioned to immaturity.
This is just religious immaturity.
In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
Antoine's immaturity is laid bare, but in a surprisingly nuanced and empathetic manner.
His immaturity was breathtaking.
I mean sure a little immaturity is okay, but there's a limit ..
Rumor: Constructicons Coming in Transformers 2?! «
This is due to immaturity of brainstem control of central respiratory drive.
And, such whining would be so indicative of immaturity, and worse, perhaps. takuan: … I saw a T-shirt the other day and, unbidden, the name "Ilion" flashed in my head the instant I saw it:
Armstrong Expands on the Theme
Now it's immaturity that is dogging this team, along with a glaring lack of chemistry.
They most likely suffer from severe "psychosexual" problems, including emotional immaturity.
Sex And The Church: A Case For Change
On occasion he has shown the skills and power that persuaded Jordan to take him with the first pick despite his immaturity.
Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity.
Embryo immaturity at the metabolic and physiological levels is not a contributing factor.
However, Rogers may not be able to overcome his immaturity, which has been an issue in the past.
Lenin's Tomb author Richard Seymour - he finds that in the transition to the printed page all the faults of those with 'blogorrhea' are starkly revealed: sloppy research, cheap name-calling, historical immaturity, overstatement, distortion, factual errors and near-endless repetition.
New Humanist Blog
The misogyny of early works is a symptom of his own immaturity and the sexual repression of the age.
What has always separated them from other rock-and-roll bands is a curious mixture of maturity and immaturity.
His reputation rests on his incisive critiques of literary and political innocence and immaturity.
They say all that talk of immaturity on and off the field should cease.
I think the arrogant stupidity exhibited is probably a reflection of Sgt. Crowley's immaturity, unprofessional attitude and shoddy training. hms
NRCC targets Obama for saying Cambridge cop 'acted stupidly'
Ironically, it was an act of immaturity by Brown that threatened to blow apart the Sixers.
The dynamic nature of the security market, combined with its seemingly perpetual immaturity, can leave any forecast about its future off target.
Frances Donaldson attributes Wodehouse's attitude to the war to an ineradicable immaturity, an inability to feel any emotional response to the events taking place in Flanders.
(I suppose it helps that my perceived immaturity is confined to certain specific aspects of my life and is not as pervasive as it would be for someone with cognitive or development related disabilities).
His immaturity, his lack of development, all this was borne out by the record through pretrial proceeding.
Vincent Gray was elected mayor because he embodied the hopes of the majority of this city for adult leadership after years of immaturity, callowness, and greenness.
DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 28, 2011
His reputation rests on his incisive critiques of literary and political innocence and immaturity.
In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
We identified the cause in the policy itself and in the ideological immaturity of the people who had determined the line.
He played my life away like a game of charades behind the guise of immaturity and stupidity.
By missing the start of training camp and not telling anyone, Brooks showed his immaturity.
But the prefix "im" of the word immaturity means something positive, not a mere void or lack.
Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
I'm not going to apologise for my blatant immaturity.
Understanding teen brain immaturity against the background of rising hormones is changing education and legal practice.
Ignoring our mistakes is a sign of immaturity and stupidity. Dr T.P.Chia
Controls are needed because of the immaturity and foolishness of children, but also because of the natural tendency for rebellion.
Montgomery's is a confident production that doesn't need to sensationalise to express the moral torpor and emotional immaturity of the characters.
Children are often seen as too young to benefit from therapy because of linguistic and cognitive immaturity.
However, it is far more likely his eight-length defeat came from immaturity.
Until past mid-century, pastors of this congregation usually had brief tenures and some reflected the youthful immaturity and arrogance of W. B. Johnson.
It is the manner in which we understand and articulate the physical reality of biological immaturity.
If social history is to be measured by coherent overall frameworks, it falls short - and immaturity is no longer an excuse.
In the haunting, even epicene strains of the suite's final entry in E flat minor, the high beams of his immaturity shine so bright as to burn a hole in its very fabric.
The only thing that has held them back in recent years has been their own immaturity.
But then the comparison is taken literally too far and that is where Rang de Basanti turns dangerous because of its immaturity and illogic.
Looking back on it, I was full of immaturity at that moment.
He has a personality disturbance with narcissistic tendencies, emotional instability and emotional immaturity.
The Sun
He displayed aggressive behaviour, emotional immaturity, impulsiveness, rejection of authority and manipulative behaviour, lied, swore and had a leaning towards kleptomania.
In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
Indeed, courts have recognized that developmental immaturity may qualify a juvenile for a finding of incompetence.
Humans, indeed most species, experience biological immaturity.
In a review for New Humanist of two recent books written by political bloggers - Liberal Fascism by National Review Online blogger Jonah Goldberg, and The Liberal Defence of Murder by Lenin's Tomb author Richard Seymour - he finds that in the transition to the printed page all the faults of those with 'blogorrhea' are starkly revealed: sloppy research, cheap name-calling, historical immaturity, overstatement, distortion, factual errors and near-endless repetition.
New Humanist Blog
Yet we are faced today with the sad reality that our untempered zeal is a sign of immaturity.
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That it does not have this is a sign of political immaturity and the KMT's origins in strongman rule.
They displayed their immaturity, their envy and spite and malice, in refusing to condemn this act of terrorism.
I just don't see the joy of going around spreading your stupidity and immaturity.
It keeps people in a state of immaturity.
It was a mindless and moronic act of political naivete and crass immaturity.
The Catholic Church is hierarchically organized; the seal of confession has often been operative in cases of clerical as well as lay miscreancy, and is reinforced by professional clubbiness; and among those who commit themselves to lifelong celibacy, a certain amount of severe psychosexual immaturity is only to be expected.
Archive 2007-01-01
Your thinking has a soupçon of immaturity and indecision to it.
Vietnamese also honor reserve and modesty, attributing loudness and brashness to immaturity and vulgarity.
In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
I understand Mill being upset about her sibu feeling excluded, immaturity is something we have to overcome.
Jackson was a pop singer, over hyped, troubled and not worth this "exercise in immaturity"!
Obama sends condolences to Jackson's family, says Gibbs
To some people, this is very appealing; to others, it is a mark of immaturity.
I respect him for his talent but can't stand him for his immaturity on the lanes when things aren't going his way.
I must not use my temperament as an excuse for immaturity or belligerence.
Slightly more mature, but enough immaturity to still bring on a good blowout fight whenever we feel like.
But viewers who find "quarterlife" nauseating for the immaturity of the characters and the occasional shallowness of the plot should note that its characters are nauseated with themselves for the same reasons.
Jeremy Axelrod: "quarterlife": Gen-Y Bloggers Shake The Cradle
I was perturbed at his apparent immaturity.
Woeful immaturity is best described by those who are uncharitable in the face of suffering – that would be you …
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How stupid, how sappy, how very indicative of my age and immaturity.
Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity.
This is where my last vestiges of immaturity come out in final blaze of glory.
She was concerned for her sister's happiness and frustrated by her immaturity
Combined with a certain immaturity factor, I was not as disciplined at that time when compared to my current work ethic. - Handle the difficult questions
It was a mindless and moronic act of political naivete and crass immaturity.
Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity.
Immaturity may be a reason not to leave you to your own devices, but those who intervene cannot simply impose their choice on you.
Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity.