
How To Use Imitator In A Sentence

  • In the U.S. and, to a lesser extent Canada, Starbucks and its many imitators have done a good job of conditioning people to associate high quality — or, at the very least, a high price — with incinerated beans buried in steamed milk, but professional tasters have no interest in dark roasts, which taste like process, not product. Buying and brewing good coffee in Mexico
  • Mr. Kanfer avoids naming Bogart's many imitators, but I can recall that even before his death Bogart's spirit glimmered in Edward R. Murrow (the trench coat, the cigarette); in Jack Kennedy (Irish toughness, Harvard wit); in old white-shoe veterans of lonely World War II parachute drops with the OSS; in the writer Lillian Hellman, until she was revealed as a sanctimonious liar not long before her death. Cool Is as Cool Was
  • When Chris Evans and Oasis hit their peaks in the summer of Britpop, 1996, they spawned a wealth of imitators and copyists.
  • Seemingly, they've also inspired teenage imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Courses are taught by former or serving military personnel in public parks and the business has spread across the country and spawned various imitators. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well - known politicians.
  • Like most of her online posse, Shera speaks of the group with messianic zeal, refusing to pose for any of their many imitators.
  • It was thought the picture, which shows gondoliers and sailors at work in 18th century Venice, was a copy by an imitator or student of the artist and had been valued at no more than £5,000.
  • The result is a stirring, crowd-pleasing yarn that remains far superior to the imitators that it spawned. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Mimos_ (Gr.), as I have stated in the beginning, means an "imitator," or a "mimic," and from which word we have the derivation of the words A History of Pantomime
  • Nowhere else surely has a Gothic architect approached so closely to the ideals of his "churchwarden" imitators of the beginning of this century. The Cathedral Church of York Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Archi-Episcopal See
  • Neque rursus nos aliter discere poteramus, nisi Magistrum nostrum videntes, et per auditum nostrum vocem ejus percipientes, uti imitatores quidem operum, factores autem sermonum ejus facti, communionem habeamus cum ipso Christologia
  • In this view of things, Ford can no more be called the imitator of Shakespeare than Shakespeare the imitator of Ford. The Revolt of Islam
  • It triggered a veritable tidal wave of imitators, parodists, and artists wishing to capitalize on its success.
  • You would have thought that such a legendary figure would have spawned a thousand imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • The low cost of internet dramas, coupled with advertiser interest, has spawned imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • His prose has spawned many imitators, but few, if any, equals.
  • It spawned countless imitators and set the standard for a new breed of people carriers that were practical and still decent to drive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ford can no more be called the imitator of Shakespeare than Shakespeare the imitator of Ford. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up, wherever figure skating was appreciated.
  • Here you may see two fine Rubens, a portrait of Philip IV of Spain, and a Silenus with Bacchantes, a great picture of James I of England with his family, painted by some "imitator" of Vandyck, though who it was in Genoa that knew both Vandyck and England is not yet clear; a Ribera, a Reni, a Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • But there are so many imitators that it can be hard to home in on the real thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • That idol of which I speak was known as Der Fuhrer and his presently living US imitator and co-workers, underlings and others, would like to see themselves held in such Shock and Awe terms, with slaves all atremble at their feet. "War Criminal, Terrorist," Some Say, Escapes French Justice.
  • Yet they have earned their inventor her first billion and spawned hundreds of imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunatus (or a fourteenth-century imitator of his), Salve festa dies toto venerabilis aevo, Qua Deus ad coelos scandit et astra tenet. The Hymns of Methodism in their Literary Relations
  • This company made waves a few years back with a wooden shellcracker imitator that waked the surface just like an injured panfish.
  • Again, telebanking is now available via Prestel and some of its overseas imitators. At King Lyndon's Court
  • Courses are taught by former or serving military personnel in public parks and the business has spread across the country and spawned various imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Genuinely angry, our model imitator and model for imitation copies the rhetorical form naturally used by angry men.
  • Has he had too many unconscious imitators or literary doppelgängers retroactively sapping his originality?
  • Only that one word, with a sorrowful shake of the graceful head, covered with feathery ringlets in the dainty fashion of that day, so becoming in youth, so inappropriate to advancing years, when the rich profusion of curls came straight from Chedreux, or some of his imitators, and baldness was hidden by the spoils of the dead. London Pride Or When the World Was Younger
  • Now he seems content performing populist party tricks rather than stretching and reinventing the form like the legions of imitators he has spawned. Times, Sunday Times
  • By now I hear the George Lopez imitators saying as they go back to their internet shopping, "Geez vato, why you cryin'? Vito de la Cruz: The Bill of Rights
  • Harris Tweed can have its imitators, but only tweed handwoven in the homes of hardy Hebrideans can bear the orb mark and the stamp of authenticity with the HTA provides.
  • He must be called the imitator, as all tragedians are.
  • The difference between Ms McArthur and her countless imitators is the elegance of her writing.
  • Engage in continuous research, knowing that if you're successful, imitators are sure to follow.
  • In this time of which I speak, the people will see that to be a _nation_ we must not be merely servile imitators of Old World ideas, but must develop our own _American ideas_ in every department of government and society; thus, eventually, building up a national structure which shall, which need, yield to none, but may take precedence of all. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 4, August, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • In their self-regard as the last keepers of the flame of Western culture, this ex-dissident class renders themselves slavish imitators.
  • Try to forget those wretched sequels and endless inferior imitators, because this stylish dystopian sci-fi thriller still stands up as a dazzling pinnacle of highbrow pulp cinema. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author introduces the principle of engine detonation, describes the structural principle of BX-1 knock limitator and its function, regulation and points for attention in use.
  • Burns was lamenting within his own lifetime a host of ersatz imitators of his achievement.
  • I think that's pretty much it, I seem to recall a cheapie DVD in the early days of my collecting (back in 2000-2001), but it possibly could have been one of the imitators, instead. Kung Fu Cinema
  • The Great Imitator was also the great secret, for reasons ranging from pudency to the security of nations.
  • In spite of its strongly marked Michelangelesque mannerism, both as regards feeling, facial type, and design, I cannot regard the bas-relief, in its present condition at least, as a genuine work, but rather as the production of some imitator, or the rifacimento of a restorer. The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti
  • However, he is not a derivative imitator of classic Japanese cinema, but one of its original though sadly neglected film-makers.
  • The peculiar affectation of his style occasioned the invention of the word marivaudage, to express the way of writing of him and his imitators. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well - known politicians.
  • For every exemplar of the craft like DVD Savant Glenn Erickson, there's a dozen or more others who seem to be as clueless about the English language as they are one-dimensional or one-generical in their experience of film... and they all seem to use Video Watchdog as their template, whether intentionally or by imitating our imitators. Archive 2005-10-02
  • It was thought the picture, which shows gondoliers and sailors at work in 18th century Venice, was a copy by an imitator or student of the artist and had been valued at no more than £5,000.
  • Doyle's success brought imitators by the score .
  • The show has spawned numerous regional imitators, if not an entire alternate entertainment universe.
  • This not only protects companies against would-be imitators but also ensures that a company owns a design. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's too original to be a mere imitator, too irreverent for a disciple.
  • MTV spawned a legion of imitators but today its biggest battle is online.
  • I suppose she is a cultural phenomenon that cannot be ignored, but I find her programme, and the derivative imitators to be deadly dull and no substitute for actual thought.
  • Courses are taught by former or serving military personnel in public parks and the business has spread across the country and spawned various imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been idle enough in my time, to make a computation of wits here, and do find we have three hundred performing poets and upwards, in and about this town, reckoning six score to the hundred, and allowing for demies, like pint bottles; including also the several denominations of imitators, translators, and familiar-letter-writers, &c. A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet
  • Western models were often followed; mods and rockers, skinheads, punks, and hippies all found their Soviet imitators.
  • He was prolific - his signature is known on more than 50 vases - and inspired many pupils and imitators.
  • To end on a nicer note, imitation is flattery -- especially when the imitator is a 3-year-old dressed up for church fall festival. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2008
  • We must not forget that the imitators were those who decided which characteristics typified realism.
  • With billions in federal dough available for new KIPP stores and their chains of imitators, the plan is coming together to convert poor children to future-focused corpuscular automatons. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Nowlan's comic strip was widely popular, running for decades and spawning a host of imitators.
  • If this does not work the second step is to continue these drugs and add a weak synthetic opium imitator such as codeine or oxycodone.
  • Even rock fans have been amazed by The Decemberists' rapid progression from likeable imitators to true originals.
  • My favorite imitator, the Hinckley columbine, is like a butter-yellow, otherworldly bird.
  • Thus, each new imitator brings its own unique traits to the generic family.
  • They were pivotal films of the decade, and both have spawned a thousand and one imitators in their wake.
  • That many in the eighteenth century actively resisted what seemed to them classical cultural imperialism, something supported by contemporaries they considered spineless adulators and imitators, may be less widely understood.
  • Later imitators did produce high temperature ceramics using such fluxes, such as bone porcelain, like Beleek.
  • The director decided to take ‘the opportunity to beat his cheapjack imitators at their own game’.
  • But whatever she did by day, she danced by night, with her wild gyration and gesture, as naturally as a moth flies; and when not in demand with the seigniory, was wont to perform in even keener force and fire at the quarters, to an admiring circle of her own kind, with ambitious imitators on the outskirts. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
  • In an attempt to copy the Ultra Hair Away process, some of these low cost imitators have tried to combine a hair removal depilatory with a so-called "inhibitor" - in these cases the "inhibitor" does not work because of the harmful effects of the depilatory. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • That artist - the ‘brilliant newcomer,’ ‘imitator,’ and consummate pasticheur - was Pablo Picasso.
  • The only negative thing I can say about this song is that it might have the unfortunate side effect of spawning a league of yelling-guy-with-drums imitators.
  • Now he seems content performing populist party tricks rather than stretching and reinventing the form like the legions of imitators he has spawned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The terms imitation porcelain and everyday china traditionally referred to all porcelainlike imitators of true porcelain, including various types of ironstone and earthenware. HOME COMFORTS
  • Only ten pages later Book 10 will call the imitator “third from the king Plato's Aesthetics
  • A whole host of less able imitators have followed in Italy, many of whom have abandoned the richness of their original local wines.
  • Cold Feet saw the birth of the successful comedy drama and a host of imitators followed. The Sun
  • The Jackson 5 were probably the hottest act in showbiz in 1971, so it makes sense that their success would inspire many imitators. Gruesome Twosome: Mama’s Faux Pearl Edition :
  • The "continuations" of the _Tatler_ are given due attention by Gay, as well as three of its imitators: _The Grouler_ (6 numbers, 1711), _The The Present State of Wit (1711) In a Letter to a Friend in the Country
  • The show has spawned numerous regional imitators, if not an entire alternate entertainment universe.
  • Robie's only hope for clearing himself will be to expose his imitator, that is if Mrs. Stevens's knock-out daughter Francie Kelly doesn't distract him too much! John Farr: State Of Grace: The Enduring Magic of Grace Kelly
  • The Arabs, I have said, took the flag or water leaf form and departed very far from the Egyptian original (we know from Plutarch that the hieroglyphic abecedarium began with "a"), which was chosen by other imitators, namely the bull's head, and which in the cursive form, especially the Arabian nights. English
  • He has inspired imitators, tolerated plagiarists and confounded the computer geeks who try in vain to turn his craft into software.
  • The one complaint possible against Isadora Duncan is that she has rendered us immoderately dissatisfied with what had once moderately contented us; and the fear is that we shall promptly have a host of half-baked imitators, who will copy the mere accidentals of her system without understanding the essentials, and will fancy that the whole matter is one of clothes and music, and prance about bare-legged, meaninglessly. Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • But the "devilism," as Cotton Mather named it, spread instead of abating, the children having any number of imitators so soon as they became objects of general notice and sympathy. History of the United States, Volume 1 (of 6)

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