How To Use Imf In A Sentence

  • The IMF has given its seal of approval to the government's economic strategy.
  • Myanmar officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the IMF to help the government simplify the country's unwieldy foreign-exchange regime, which involves multiple exchange rates—including an official rate of about six Myanmar kyat per dollar, compared with a street rate of about 800 per dollar. Clinton Encourages Myanmar
  • With the range of firearms commonly used, from long-barreled .22 rimfire to snubby .44 magnum a friend calls his the "flare gun", you get quite a range of outcomes in terms of unburned powder distribution. Making Light: Beating airport chemical detection systems
  • It won't be long before you'll see commercials and ads for ‘miracle’ fuel boosters and other such flimflam promising to help you save fuel and money.
  • This toponymy, dating from medieval times, reappeared spontaneously in southern and eastern Ukrainian towns and cities, such as Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Simferopol that were built in the eighteenth century.
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  • Some of the best and the brightest are giving up, rejecting businesses based on flimflams and deceptive marketing. Danny Schechter: Why The Government Can't "Fix" the Crisis
  • In what IMF chief Christine Lagarde called a "game-changing decisions," the eurozone also agreed to extend loan repayments and lower interest rates for Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • This programme's success will require a truly national effort," the EU and IMF said in a joint statement, saying it combined the need to stimulate long-term growth, reduce the deficit and restabilise Portugal's banking and finance sector. Reuters: Top News
  • The Prime Minister remains brimful of hope.
  • The team is brimful of confidence after their win last week.
  • After the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and 1998, the IMF proposed an institutionalized default program, which it called the sovereign debt restructuring mechanism. Amid Irish Aid, a New Option
  • For example, in Burundi, she says "even though public sector wages are well below average for the region, the IMF used its influence to ensure the government reduce its spending on public sector wages – having hiring freezes and cutting subsidies for fuel and reinstate a 20 percent fuel tax affecting the poorest. Increased Support for Developing Countries Urged from the International Monetary Fund
  • European officials are exploring plans to pool representation of euro-zone nations intoa single seat at the IMF, which could boost the bloc's clout. What's News: Business & Finance
  • They could be private (small or middle-sized banks, less well informed than the bigger ones or misinformed by them) or public (the World Bank, the IMF, public export credit agencies, governments …). Matthew Yglesias » The Life of Citi
  • Releasing more bailout funds will require the International Monetary Fund and European institutions to vouchsafe that Greece has not fallen short of its privatization and austerity pledges and the IMF will have to maintain that Greece's mountainous debt burden is sustainable. Move Buys Time for Greece, But Growing Debt Looms
  • I was unwillingly compelled to take pleasure in the first hour and a half of the descent from the top of the Lukmanier towards Disentis, but this is only a ripping over of the brimfulness of Italy on to the Swiss side. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • As previously reported, the IMF forecast that China's growth rate, which stood at 9.2% last year, will decelerate to 8.2% in 2012. IMF Urges Beijing to Prepare Stimulus
  • She was brimful of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Voting rights should be rejiggered to make the IMF more representative of the world, and a more attractive forum for Asian nations.
  • Plenty of voters share this view and they might find it strange for the government to be trashing Brown's record on the one hand and bigging him up for the IMF job on the other. Gordon Brown and the IMF deserve better than this shabby treatment
  • And I'm far from the only one who has been flimflammed by articulate, accomplished candidates who turned out to be psychotic, fascist, or just plain useless even before the ink was dry on their personnel forms.
  • The IMF has put together a rescue package for the country's faltering economy.
  • The IMF ploughed money into the country to help it sustain the peg, pledging an extra $22 billion as late as the end of 2000.
  • He didn't intend to be brimful of conversation; let her make the running. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • Last Friday, the IMF ended a three-year freeze on foreign aid by granting Kenya a $252.8 million loan.
  • Some of the pegs are perfect for the pole whilst others are better with a swimfeeder approach.
  • The IMF says the currency, the kwacha, is overvalued and that the government is wasting thin currency reserves to defend it. Spat With Donor Nations Leaves Malawi in a Pinch
  • But for all that Electric Moon is brimful of charm and many small gems of enlightenment.
  • Also according to the IMF research the peso is remarkably undervalued in comparison to the USD, they exstimate the exchange rate at PPP (purchase parity power) should be 7.6 instead of current 13.2, meaning living cost in Mexico is about 43% lower than in the USA. Mexican pesos bonds
  • Unlike the IMF's traditional lending facilities, employed after a crisis besets a country, the precautionary credit line is designed to prevent crises. IMF Makes Credit Line Available to Macedonia
  • So now the IMF is crafting what it calls the short-term liquidity credit line as part of a G-20 effort to strengthen the world's capacity to prevent and respond to economic shocks. IMF Plan Sees Role for Fund in Crises
  • Calling in the IMF will do nothing more than catalyse this process, given the Fund's past form in this area.
  • IMF and World Bank studies show a carbon-based bunker fuel tax, for example, could raise $30 billion annually by 2020.
  • There will be no way to add a dollar to the profit margin by flimflamming employees. Proposals to Save America, Part III
  • Instead, we get the flimflam of the weasel words that are scattered through this legislation about environmental sustainability and economic benefits.
  • Tanini ib. — ImferB 'tor galeacus, paludatus ct ocrea* tU6 ft.d. clipco, f. baftae - Innixus. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm: cvm observationibvs ...
  • Every quarter the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB) scrutinise Greece before releasing the next chunk of money.
  • Be careful, New York is full of slick flimflam men.
  • Let's start with the fact that none of the flimflam men behind the high-level financial swindles will have to do any time behind bars.
  • His parents are putting his little sister to bed with the usual Christmas Eve flimflam about Santa not coming to awake children.
  • I note that book publishing itself is becoming much more honest, truthful, unimpeachable, authentic, and precise about everything from numbers of books sold to the unvarnished, unexaggerated, unerring, and unaffected stories it tells as all who toil and sweat in this scrupulous business strive as best we can to maintain the veracious sheen-of-sham and hocus pocus so inherently attached like Superglue to our equivocated reputations for flimflam and fiddle-dee-dee. Obscure Books, Part II - Paper Cuts Blog -
  • In advance of this weekend's IMF-World Bank meetings, the Treasury Secretary merely put a highfalutin gloss on the same old U.S. policy that China's "overvalued" currency is the source of all global economic ills. Geithner's 'Cooperation'
  • The 2005 budget should make more realistic revenue projections so as not to report such overachievement, the IMF resident representative office said on September 14.
  • Their requeft being granted, Peter Aldobrandin, one of thofe monks, prefented himfelf in his facer - dotal veflments with a crucifix in his hand, be - fore a large pile of wood all on fire. The spirit of general history : in a series of lectures, from the eighth, to the eighteenth century : wherein is given a view of the progress of society, in manners and legislation during that period
  • I was sick of his intellectual flimflam.
  • The IMF should not dictate how Mexico should run its monetary policies.
  • Ratliff quietly casts shame upon the walking dead of Trinity by allowing for gray area and trusting that his audience is keen enough to know a flimflam when it sees one.
  • In its half-yearly health check of the financial system, the IMF admitted that governments may not be able to withdraw their life-support for the banks as quickly as they hoped and called for a re-think in the way ratings agencies are used to assess the creditworthiness of government debt. Financial system the 'achilles heel' of global recovery, warns IMF
  • The only explanation was that its tank was already brimful of water. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER
  • And yet it is a flawlessly delivered lie, spoken in the kind of modulated tone you would expect from an IMF technocrat. Breakfast With Ahmadinejad
  • This would be a radical departure from the current system where relatively long-term loans are made to developing countries, with the IMF remitting funds only as a long list of conditions are satisfied.
  • It is the longest straight-walled rimfire cartridge in production, and getting an even wall thickness is difficult and critical.
  • The trick is not be distracted by the stupid claims and just to focus on what's important here; everything else is just flimflammery.
  • The IMF is controlled by the governments of the high-income countries that finance its operations.
  • But I would have thought Cambridge would be brimful of classics about itself, so this is all very intriguing. Cambridge Reads « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The IMF programs of stabilization based on fiscal austerity have also been too contractionary.
  • The purpose is to persuade China, which currently has a $2T reserve in foreign currencies in the IMF, to take the reins from the United States in exchange for an expanded role in the IMF. Duh pookie
  • Mexico's history contains its share of such flimflammery in rude and violent acts. Printing: Mexico: Sex Slaves (Part II)
  • When he was going to rife he fupported himfelf upon a flaff, which unfortu - nately flipt upon the marble, and the king fell headlong from the top to the bottom of the flair. The history of Hindostan
  • Is he a flimflam artist who talked about reducing government while actually expanding it?
  • Even worse, these utilities are often a continual drain and national budgets, thus the need to go to the IMF or World Bank for bailouts.
  • The IMF agreement was announced a day after Standard and Poor's lowered Pakistan's long-term foreign currency sovereign credit rating to CCC from CCC+. - Top Stories
  • Turkey and Romania are to apply for loans to the IMF.
  • Underlying these restrictions on countries 'ability to spend money to address pressing health needs is an IMF fixation on what it terms macroeconomic stability, by which it means very low inflation rates and no or limited deficit spending. Robert Weissman: IMF: No Sex, Still a Scandal
  • On Saturday, a group of about 50 black-clad anarchists seemed chagrined that the riots they envisioned for the IMF / World Bank protests never came to pass.
  • To investigate the molecular mechanism of IMF deposition, we explored the expression patterns of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) gene and the polymorphism of LPL gene.
  • The latter has taken on a role akin to the proconsuls of the Roman Empire, dutifully relaying ever more onerous conditions imposed by the IMF.
  • HIPC countries are those whose debt is unsustainable and qualify for loans from the World Bank's International Development Association or the IMF's poverty reduction and growth facility. Vulture funds await Jersey decision on poor countries' debts
  • The IMF has given its seal of approval to the government's economic strategy.
  • Rudolf Steiner was a complete nutcase," Mr. Smith writes, "a flimflam man with a tremendous imagination, a combination if you will, of an LSD-dropping Timothy Leary with the showmanship of a P.T. Barnum. Biodynamics: Natural Wonder or Just a Horn of Manure?
  • The report also challenges donor countries, the World Bank, and the IMF to focus on attaching fewer conditions such as spending caps and fiscal targets to foreign aid contributions.
  • But this word does not apply to them, even if they are guilty of the kind of flimflam that would send common hucksters to prison.
  • In other words, instead of glamorizing Sarah like The Times did with this biker edition Cover Girl photo and the movie lot "Easy Rider" title, what if the media published photos of Team Palin -- in this case, at Sunday's Rolling Thunder veteran POW/MIA motorcycle ride starting at the Pentagon -- as the flimflam they really are? Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: What if the Media Stopped Sensationalizing Sarah Palin?
  • Ill intentions, flimflammery, and greed had no role in the process. In the Plex
  • The show—which includes nonsense songs, surreal dance numbers, a visit from a mystery guest, and the staging of a terrible play—takes its energy and much of its shape from an arsenal of genial flimflammery.
  • In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms.
  • The mortgage market disruption "could extend the housing downturn", the IMF found. In turn, that could "weaken consumption, and financial conditions could tighten".
  • The IMF organises bailouts, the effects of which tend to minimise the costs of write-downs to the Western lenders, whilst extracting huge social costs in the country that was the original recipient of these loans.
  • During the financial crisis, the IMF did develop two new lines of credit called the precautionary and flexible credit lines. Portugal's Options to Avoid Bailout Dwindle
  • If the recovery were to weaken and increase disinflationary pressure, asset purchases should resume," the IMF said. IMF Endorses U.K. Fiscal Plan
  • And why are they publishing such obvious flimflam?
  • Under the IMF's classification, even if Japan were to buy Chinese bonds, they would not be counted as foreign reserves, as only assets with currency convertibility qualify. Japan Hopes China Bond Buying Speeds Market Reforms
  • And this flimflammery is all because Republican leaders understand that after their two years blocking the Will of the People, after John Boehner saying "We will not compromise our principles," after trying to convince people that the Republican Party is now in charge -- they know that they now have to put up or shut up. Robert J. Elisberg: Where There's a Will, There's Away
  • You also have to look at the reason why China is interested in Africa," said Abebe Selassie, the IMF's regional studies division chief in the IMF's Africa department. IMF Lifts Africa Growth View
  • Milosevic was another butcherer, but he was that long before US and NATO get in there, so why the IMF you know, the financial toy of US held him in a very high status. Think Progress » DeLay on Liberals’ Reaction to Terrorists: ‘You Can’t Go After These Wonderful People that Just Killed a Bunch of Americans’
  • Since the commercial triumph of Harry Potter, publishers have received sacks of manuscripts that are brimful of broomsticks, wands and magic spells. Time travel saga The History Keepers could be the next Harry Potter-style blockbuster
  • The IMF strategy is designed for countries that have a basically sound structure.
  • Stiglitz casts a jaundiced eye on all the major institutions, but none comes in for more criticism than the IMF.
  • He shunned IMF aid to protect what he called "unorthodox" measures from oversight. -- Top News
  • The only justification for this bipartisan legislative flimflam is that a prescription-drug benefit needs a certain number of holes to come in at a mandated 10-year cost of $400 billion.
  • While it’s true that viruses and bacteria can cause gastroenteric symptoms such as diarrhea, cramping, etc. in your case I would be that it is an idiosyncratic reaction to Slimfast or one of the ingredients therein. I’ll see your ketoacidosis and raise you a renal failure | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Forget all the flimflam about whether there are sufficient sexual services in Christchurch.
  • Before science took over the healing arts and focused physicians' attention on biological causes of disease, mystics and alchemists and flimflam artists alike offered potions and powders to the ailing.
  • They probably do provide a certain sense of fullness that helps the dieter stick with their regimen - kind of like a homemade Slimfast.
  • Hardy described the "brimfulness" of Tess's nature, and while for Nastassja Kinski this meant threatening to spill tears at any moment, Gemma Arterton brims with life and spirit. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Their determination to scorn the dictates of the IMF and the World Bank and pursue their own strategies for economic and human development is a manifestation of a powerful wave of national self-assertion.
  • A World Bank official said the link with the IMF "involved nonpublic, nonsensitive information. IMF Mum on Details of Network Cyberattack
  • A competing proposal from Britain would pay for expanded debt relief by revaluing the IMF's gold reserves according to world prices and by getting wealthy nations to commit more money.
  • The most disturbing lesson is that it is not too difficult to flimflam the public on the most consequential matter there is.
  • He is a gigolo, a love 'em and leave 'em flimflam man who promises widows and spinsters marriage and devotion on the premise of a substantial upfront cash payment.
  • President Ronald Reagan in 1986 dismissed congressional demands for import tariffs as ‘flimflammery’ and warned against the dangers of protectionism.
  • Therefore, thanks to this budgetary flimflam, that has been going on for some time, one part of the government can't even certify what the right numbers are.
  • If I were looking to buy a sleek, bolt-action, clip-fed rimfire, this one would be on my A list. CZ-ZKM 452 American
  • U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner urged the fund this week to become more active in resolving the issue and said it made little sense to allow emerging nations such as China a greater say in IMF affairs if they were not going to play by the same rules as other leading economic nations. IMF chief says China, others may see currency as a 'weapon'
  • Q Did you get any readout on Vice President Mondale's meeting, and did he get any intimation from the Indonesians that they will stick with the IMF reforms? Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • Here are super-compact exegeses of the credit crunch, Marxism and Keynesianism, derivatives, the World Bank and IMF, and "green economics". Et cetera: Steven Poole's non-fiction choice – reviews
  • Captain Cook alfo fent another trading party on fhore near the fhips, with which he went himfelf, to fee that it was properly conduced at the firft fetting out, a very neceffary point to be attended to. Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
  • Like all cartels, the IMF uses its oligopolistic power to pursue political objectives.
  • Odd chub to swimfeeder, maggot or bread at Ironbridge.
  • Past IMF efforts in other regions, including Latin America and Asia, were often seen as heavy-handed and tone-deaf to the privations forced on ordinary citizens.
  • EXAMPLE: The reports of huge profits being made in the sales of the worthless product were just flimflam invented to stimulate investment by naive people.
  • Mr. Boutros-Ghali said IMF members are coalescing around a European plan to "rotate" the heads of the multination constituencies, so that the Europeans take a secondary role. IMF Meeting Fails to Resolve Conflict Over Currencies
  • IMF funding vehicles, there would have to be full IMF "conditionality" - the tough terms debtor countries have to meet in return for loans - and Britain's partners in the G20 group of developed and developing nations must participate. The Guardian World News
  • This time, she accused him of flimflamming the country.
  • The IMF's gloomy statement was dismissed by Prime Mentalist Gibbon Brown who, while acknowledging the UK is in a deep recession, said (again) that he was getting on with the jobbie of protecting hard-working British families in these difficult times, and again attacked the Tories for 'doing nothing' - despite the fact that the opposition can't actually do anything because they're THE OPPOSITION. IMF Report Says UK 'Buggered'
  • He has been a persistent critic of US foreign policy and the IMF.
  • News that Tarja was to receive the lash spread through the Grimfield faster than a summer squall. MEDALON
  • The International Monetary Fund's leader, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, may come out of a socialist party background, but the IMF's underlying trend became apparent at a morning reception where right-leaning coffee cups made it near impossible for the left-handed to drink without making a mess. IMF tilts right in coffee-cup conspiracy?
  • If not, it's farewell to this flimflam fellow and his faux fortune.
  • Officials said negotiators had been close to agreement when the IMF made new demands for savage budget cuts.
  • No flimflam, just straight down to business on the Middle East.
  • Book jackets are known for their hyperbole and general flimflam.
  • P. phunk, lain-tiok, ponk, kri; k; naigh - thea; i;, raidhte go h'imldn, f imthoi - neadh, imtheaAid, flieal no kupfa aimfliire na gri; (; naigthear ni. Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: : from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, B
  • The institutional limitations are unlikely to make the IMF's special drawing rights an important reserve asset.
  • If her aunt's letters are anything to go by she's brimful of mischief. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • E edition againft the Havannah; in the courie of which he ad the good fortune to diftinguifh himfelf by the capture of two Spaniih frigates, the Venganza, of twenty - fix guns* and the Marte, of eighteen, which he attacked and brought off ont of Port Mai iel harbour. Biographia navalis; or, Impartial memoirs of the lives and characters of officers of the navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the present time; drawn from the most authentic sources, and disposed in a chronological arrangement
  • She was the no-nonsense heroine, but in the end, she was susceptible to flimflammery too.
  • The IMF will release a formal re-estimate in time for the G-8 summit. World Bank Sees 3% Global Contraction
  • It's the tool I use to measure malarkey—also known as balderdash, hogwash and flimflammery—in politics.
  • There is long groan with clutching wrist. Sigh the flimflam . You have become a trousseau!
  • He was evidently brimful of mischief -- his expression betokened it; no doubt he was one of the most thorough little scamps that ever played at "morra," but there was a charm about his handsome dirty face and unkempt hair, and I watched him amusedly, glad to be distracted for a few minutes from the tired inner workings of my own unhappy thoughts. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.
  • They were brimful of myrobalan, bdellium, saffron, and violets. Salammbo
  • But all the same she was not idle: she polished away at her flimflams, bringing them nearer and nearer probability, never, thanks to her sound memory, contradicting herself or making a slip, and always able to begin again from the beginning. The Getting of Wisdom
  • His emergence as frontrunner in the election is already thought to have eased the path to securing loans from the IMF. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any attempt to refashion one policy without making it part of the other two is only going to produce a piece of flimflammery.
  • I am brimful of chowder
  • Into this die Greenlander thrufis himfelf up to the waift, and fattens the ikia An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States
  • China's $50bn IMF deal puts 'redback' on the world stage - Articles related to Oil rebounds in Asia as US aluminium giant posts profit
  • Now groundbaiting (or ‘chumming’ as they call it over here) is against Fish and Wildlife regulations so I figured I needed to have some swimfeeders.
  • Before the IMF crisis these private equity opportunities were mainly mezzanine equity infusions into companies with up to $100 million in sales.
  • His career rose on a chic, combustible mix of obtuseness and literary flimflam.
  • Not uncoincidentally, this period has coincided with continuous resort to IMF bailouts by virtually every single major economy in the region.
  • Beyond such flimflammery, however, was an adventurous and gripping glimpse of an unseen Italy.
  • The IMF and the World Bank therefore prefer to convert GDPs into dollars using purchasing-power parities (or PPPs), which take account of price differences between countries.
  • Highlights of the business week - or perhaps they should be called lowlights - include the IMF warning that the world recession could drag on a lot longer than expected, and Bill English setting the scene for a tough budget. ScreenTalk
  • But what all this flimflammery—as well as the occasional dollop of genuine theatrical invention—obscures is that vast amounts of energy and talent have gone into this production.
  • He also has been tarnished not only by a couple of big budget deficits but by revelations of the fiscal flimflammery he used to cover them up.
  • He characterized as a flimflam my Medicare Advantage amendment to the health-care bill that would transitionally protect the benefits of nearly a million seniors currently enrolled in these plans. SplicedFeed
  • Originally designed for centerfire cartridges, the rifle was first chambered for .22 rimfires in 1886.
  • Yet, his continued efforts to raise wages in a country that had become a sweatshop for the US garment industry and resist demands of the IMF and others to "liberalise" the economy, again angered his opponents. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Gift to abbot and moTika fiasseth fee aimfUc, If an abbot makes lease reddendo renC nobis, it enures to the successor. The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, Or, A Commentary Upon Littleton: Not ...
  • A lot of the fish in the river seem to be backing off the swimfeeder.
  • The IMF insists that the Department of Statistics gets economic data together in a timely fashion.
  • The IMF suspended Minsk's $300 million standby program in November 1995 until the government would agree to a devaluation of the rubel. The 1996 CIA Factbook
  • IMF-World Bank programs must not have conditions attached that force poor countries to open their markets regardless of the impact on poor people.
  • We should strengthen the IMF's ability to prevent financial panics from turning into full-scale economic meltdowns such as we've seen in Argentina.
  • Institutional ratio: The ratio between Bank subscriptions authorized solely in general capital increases and IMF quotas obtained solely from general quota increases.
  • A CBS movie revisits Enron, with all its chicanery, flimflam, excess, hanky-panky, and its descent into the dark, if darkly comic, side of capitalism.
  • Zelenka's music is always very pleasant and one must take particular notice of his exquisite ‘Salve Regina’, a truly exquisite work that is brimful and replete with melodies and fugal counterpoint.
  • What if ending the taxation of foreign-earned income increases accounting flimflammery?
  • Zambia compliantly took the medicine the IMF prescribed, including severe spending cuts – but these simply drove the country into a deeper and deeper slump, making its debts ever more unsustainable. Europe needs debt relief, not decades of austerity
  • So when Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF managing director, acknowledged that the language of a recent IMF summit communique was "ineffective", that the time for "real action" had come and that he feared "a race to the bottom" as the major countries began to outdo each other in beggar-my-neighbour currency wars, you should sit up and listen. History will see these cuts as one of the great acts of political folly
  • Although Warburg had declined Krehl's invitation to direct the Physiology Institute, he cared deeply about the development of the new KWImF and played an active role in recruiting scientists for Krehl. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • Greece's accomplishments to accouterment its accessible arrears have had a "able alpha", the Intercivic Monetary Fund (IMF) and Eubraidingan Union (EU) accept said.
  • It can promote correspondingly inherent stability of international monetary system to make up a new global financial framework and make regional currency arrangements after reforming IMF.
  • That’s a nice sentiment, but gangsterism is coded in the institutional DNA of the IMF. Matthew Yglesias » The IMF in Iceland
  • The IMF was so impoverished by Latin American divestment-which went from 80 percent of its loans to about one percent-that it's been reduced to selling off its gold reserves. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • Who are all those journalists who've accused the company of flimflammery and carnival barker trickery in their public shows?
  • Budiansky's argument tars all eat-local proponents with the same broad brush, warning us that we're turning into a bunch of joyless, sanctimonious schmucks who are flimflamming an unsuspecting public: Kerry Trueman: The Myth of the Rabid Locavore
  • The most longstanding, and perhaps easiest, criticism of these fantasies is that they are unreal - mere flimflam or tinsel, designed to distract, and so dupe, the purchaser of the fantasy.
  • Hungary's deficit target of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, approved by the EU and IMF, is "attainable" with changes in spending and revenue plans, said Varga, who a week earlier estimated the shortfall may exceed 7 percent. Bloomberg
  • I have not been with Gorilla since he and I were young and flimflamming the tourists around New York Harbor, telling them that the Statue of Liberty is green on account of it was a gift from the generous people of Mars. Michael Winship: Making Ends Meet in Coin-Operated Washington
  • The hammer is equipped with a manual firing pin selector, which allows the shooter to use rimfire and centerfire barrels on the same frame.
  • Each of them tries their hardest to get one of the opposition sent off through cheating, faking, and as much general flimflammery as they can muster.
  • Every lucumo took upon himfelf the adminiilration of affairs in his own province, and diftributed juftice to his fubjefts. An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
  • My heart was brimful of love and joy in him and his folk.
  • Maclachlan, who was much the fharper man of the two, no fooner heard that this lady came from Chef - ter, with the other circumftances which he learned from the hosier, than it came* into his head that fhe might poffibly be his friend's wife; and prefently ac - quainted him with this fufpicion, which had never once occurred to Fitzpatrick himfelf. The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq: With the Life of the Author. In Twelve Volumes. A New Edition ...
  • He stipulates his own flimflammery early on—he who claims to be born to run actually lives now about 10 minutes from his hometown.
  • You felt as you listened to his pleadings that sin and salvation were terms brimful of meaning to him. Forty Years in South China The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D.
  • The team is brimful of confidence after their win last week.
  • First he said it would be a “humiliation” for the IMF to be involved in rescuing Greece, only to have to eat his words. The Volokh Conspiracy » The EU SPV
  • P.S. Brown has a placeman in the IMF as we found out when he got it to pull its report saying the banking crisis would cost the UK £190bn. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • Earlier in 1946, they drafted the International Trade Organization (ILO) that followed the creation of the IMF and International Bank for Reconstruction (now the World Bank) at Bretton Woods in 1944. The War on Working Americans - Part II
  • If the IMF is robust, this might prove a useful mechanism for asserting accountability.
  • The IMF said sweeping reforms were needed in almost every sector of the economy, which is thought to have halved in size between 1999 and 2003, when the invasion occurred.
  • Preliminary discussions have yielded numerous policy proposals, such as allotting 0.7 percent of all stimulus plans to a World Bank "vulnerability fund," tripling lending to poor countries, and boosting the IMF's reserves by $1 trillion. Undefined
  • So when Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF managing director, acknowledged that the language of a recent IMF summit communique was "ineffective", that the time for "real action" had come and that he feared "a race to the bottom" as the major countries began to outdo each other in beggar-my-neighbour currency wars, you should sit up and listen. History will see these cuts as one of the great acts of political folly
  • The government opened negotiations with the IMF for another loan.
  • He was referring to the sale of state assets such as parastatal companies which operate at a loss, a move the IMF has long been pressing for. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A free and democratic society requires a citizenry that can not be easily swayed by statistical flimflammery.
  • My heart was brimful as I said this, and I spoke with all the fervency of my being.
  • For general river fishing you may want more deep drawer space for things like swimfeeders and big floats.
  • If they already know they are deliberately flimflamming the public, there is an advantage to letting the public in on the ruse. KCFS Response to IDnet Proposal - The Panda's Thumb
  • She was "brimful of hellcat fury," he wrote last week, recalling an episode that was presumably the 1968 equivalent of Paltrow striving to be "strong and not strident". The strange case of Liz Taylor as a 'real woman' role model | Catherine Bennett
  • The team is brimful of confidence after their win last week.
  • What makes combating Flimflam even more challenging is that he often flimflams management, who are impressed at "his" productivity. Jonathan Littman: Tips to Survive the Cubemate from Hell
  • Nigeria's economy, which is largely fulled by oil exports, is expected to climb to $400bn (£256.14bn) by 2016 from $268bn this year, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections. Nigerians optimistic about economic prospects
  • The grand-sounding phrase about freedom being a ‘long-distance race’ is just another piece of flimflam.
  • The government could have been left in limbo for weeks in conditions where the IMF, the World Bank and business leaders are demanding immediate action to try to pull the economy out of a deep recession.

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