How To Use Imaginative In A Sentence
But the avant-garde has found support for its imaginative approach from such sciences as biology.
Some menswear shops do sell more imaginative clothes - but the assistants have rarely met any customers over the age of 36.
Plunged in darkness again, the man, whom Rose had called unimaginative, suffered all the untold agony of soul which had been hers during the moment in which she had been forced to make up her mind and carry out the act, only his anguish was the more intense, for hers was the quick action and his the forced inaction of a man bound to a stake, within full sight of a tragedy being enacted upon a loved one.
'Smiles' A Rose of the Cumberlands
A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible. Olivier created one in his imaginative "Henry V" in 1945.
I was so enthusiastic about working out in the world again, doing something imaginative that empowered me.
Mothers who Leave

The accountant was described as being personally dull, boring and unimaginative.
The principal rooms, both downstairs and upstairs, have decorative mantelpieces and cornices that are imaginatively conceived and neatly executed.
My sister, indolent and unimaginative as she was, had visions of endless touch-typing speed trials supervised by austere women under flickering striplights.
She suggests a four-stage process: walk into your house; turn the oven up high; prepare two or three ingredients in imaginative combinations (such as poussin, sweet potato and red onions; or cod, courgettes and capers); slap them in the oven, soused with oil and herbs; and retire to a sofa to souse yourself with something even stronger.
Sorted For Brill And Whizz
I attended with some positive anticipation, because the Poulenc Concerto, along with the Camille Saint-Sa'ns Symphony No. 3 avec orgue (with organ), have always seemed highly imaginative examples of gifted composers managing to craft beautiful and meaningful, even reflective statements for the mighty and potentially overpowering instrument.
In these two wind-conscious memoirs, the word flutter appears often and imaginatively.
Deconstructing Obama
Third, a new wave of imaginative, entrepreneurial and market-driven alternative providers of legal service are vital to the mix.
Times, Sunday Times
His imaginative brilliance is most apparent in his inventive and often witty designs for furniture and metalwork.
He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book.
It is so lovely to view the sweet innocence of the ghouls and hobgoblins who visit our thresholds, calling out ‘trick or treat’, often accompanied by imaginative verse of their own making.
Coastal towns like Barranquilla were more supportive of innovative and imaginative literature.
Menander was a skilful constructor of plots, an imaginative deviser of situations, and a master of variety and suspense.
He balances imaginative contemplation of Christ's Passion with calls to ascetic efforts, regarding each as balancing and correcting the dangers of the other.
It is also the most imaginative, least dated, and actually has some real Gaelic.
The police must be more efficient in their use of resources and personnel and more imaginative in their use of technology.
Times, Sunday Times
There is not much difference, except in the "soothfastness"; the author is closer to his subject, his imagination is confronted with something very near reality, and is not helped, as in the older stories, by traditional imaginative modifications of his subject.
Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
Hugh's rejection of what he has recognized puts the burden on us in the audience to turn from the past to the future, from linguistic purism to linguistic ecumenism, and from physical force to imaginative growth.
You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.
It had been announced by an imaginative journalist that H.R.H. was to be "piloted" during his tour by John Camel Heenan, otherwise the "Benicia Boy.
The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
I was so enthusiastic about working out in the world again, doing something imaginative that empowered me.
Mothers who Leave
The university imparts information, but it imparts it imaginatively.
The second fault I want to plead guilty to is carelessness in my statement of your view, and unimaginativeness in applying it.
Who would have thought "Imaginative Realism" could outdate this fast?
Devil Dinosaurs
John Shade, the Wordsmith Professor of English Literature, doesn't seem to me imaginatively capable of assembling a story like that of Kinbote-Botkin-Charles Xavier, not to mention the whole Baroness-Orczy plot of Zemblan intrigue.
Reading Nabokov
Then gradually it assumed a specific regional identity in the West, developing a strong imaginative appeal to both easterners and westerners.
I'm far more offended by minstrelizing robots with no plausible connection to hip hop by any imaginative stretch and the use of mudflap a derogatory term involving the assumption of a dirty and uncivilized penis than a series of black monsters set in Africa of all places.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
Real ministry requires imaginative and bold leadership.
Christianity Today
Here, the assonance rhyme between the two principal terms sets the stage for a compelling comparison made on a genuinely imaginative and rather unexpected basis.
It was well worth the read from an imaginative and an intellectual viewpoint.
Scott's really imaginative and creative and has a definite vision of what he wants his business to be.
You miss the honesty and imaginative leaps when you return to adult theatre.
Times, Sunday Times
We are reverting to the civilization of luggage, and historians of the future will note how the middle classes accrete possessions without taking root in the earth, and may find in this the secret of their imaginative poverty.
The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations.
When cooled, the product congeals and therefore, the form and texture of anything made with gelatin can be imaginatively altered.
Art historically, they imaginatively summarize his stylistic dalliances with Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism and the period's interest in ‘primitive’ art.
Banerji has a wonderful prose style - her writing is fluid and confident and often extremely imaginative.
Most are created by winemakers taught the same unimaginative standards of flavor, quality, and technique at enology schools the world over.
And they claim an unimaginative and logorrheic egomaniac to have been the voice of the voiceless.
Times, Sunday Times
Her sentence is nonetheless unduly harsh and rather stupidly unimaginative, as well as completely out of kilter with community expectations.
The proposal to create a new university is a bold and imaginative step.
In Maritain's terms, it is an imaginative movement that takes hold of a 'pulsion', a connection or rhythm: something unites the grandmother and the criminal, enables the grandmother to recognise some sense in which she is not only part of the same family as the Misfit but his parent, part of what has made him who he is.
Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 3: 'Flannery O'Connor: Proper Names'
Like alchemy, poetic art refines the base matter that the unimaginative overlook.
Despite our awareness of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, we can still be surprisingly unimaginative when it comes to fruit and veg.
the room was decorated very imaginatively
There are random segues from black & white to color stock (sometimes in the same scene) that seem to exist only to remind us how visually unimaginative the film is compared to Oliver Stone's work.
Allegretto third movement with an endless stream of sixteenth note rhythms, showing a dynamic and imaginative spiritual realm.
Our nimble-minded imaginative people will rise to and grasp the most elevated ideas if properly presented.
The Young Priest's Keepsake
It was a glimpse into his imaginative world and some of the sources of his creativity.
Gallup is an imaginative songwriter who presents songs that sound more like poetry set to music.
Indeed, Mr. Tait has persuasively combined sports and couture in a different way and the pleating is an imaginative way to give texture and a sense of energy to the clothes while being very much about craft.
NYT > Home Page
Ascents into the galleries, entries through the yard, acrobatic descents from the stage-roof trap are among the many examples of the production's imaginative use of the architectonic opportunities afforded by the building.
The mythical gods gave imaginative expression to human needs, fears and desires, and cultic practices bound communities together.
Their varied and imaginative tactics grew out of a strong collective identity developed in the face of the hostility they encountered from management.
Sadly its own dissolution is not amongst them, but one may at least applaud Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora as imaginative.
Moose on the Loose (2)
But we quickly discover our emotional focus within the imaginative Geruthe, destined bride of Horwendil.
You have the right blend of self-belief and imaginative ideas that get you noticed at work.
The Sun
The cannabis produced an initial beneficial effect for the patients in that the anergia, anhedonia, and low imaginative capacity caused by the antipsychotic were reversed.
I'm doing a small site on Ghost Buildings - a unimaginative term for the odd remainders left behind when a building goes down.
Much imaginative capering ensues as our stroppy young heroine comes of age through the time-honoured route of folly, emergency driving lessons and sexual awakening at the hands of Robert Sheehan the gobby Irish one from Misfits, who plays snoggable townie borrower Spiller as a tearaway in a red biker jacket.
Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
There were other types of lobotomy as well… as many varieties as there were imaginative neurosurgeons.
Gill has used reclaimed timber, sumptuous fabrics and imaginative attention to detail to create a Georgian traditional country style home.
Rather than leaning on his appealingly gruff Neil Diamond pipes to articulate personal stories of drunkenness and hardscrabble redemption, Bachmann takes a more imaginative approach here.
But still, there is so much more that is big and bold, imaginative and great-hearted.
In this context it is unsurprising that imaginative representations of the threat to capital in the form of visions of digital pirates or of an unenterprising colossus, flesh out the picture.
It felt like a cliché, an unimaginative script and a role in its production that she might find hard to recover from quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
A few croutons, some red cabbage shreds and a few wedges of tomato unimaginatively rounded things out.
The piano trio led by the German bassist stretch out imaginatively over some famous themes.
Times, Sunday Times
He's found imaginative ways to, as he says, ‘physicalize a student's knowledge’ by integrating ABT's repertoire into general studies.
Restaurants so often let themselves down at the last by serving unimaginative or downright stodgy desserts.
Nothing is predictable in this astonishing novel, which expands on classic tales about selkie brides with unsettling imaginative thoroughness.
Times, Sunday Times
In an ingenious and thought-provoking paper some time ago, Jerrold Levinson put forward a novel and imaginative thesis purporting to explain why tropism never quite got off the ground, despite its respectable bimillennial launch history (1980).
A family favour is repaid in an imaginative way.
The Sun
The decorations alone, often of densely packed plants and flowers with a symbolic significance now lost on most of us, are astonishingly imaginative, sometimes bawdy and often droll.
The novel's complex, imaginative style does not lend itself to translation.
The beer has been specially devised to give it a distinctive claret colour and (for the more imaginative beer suppers) an amber-coloured head, hence resembling the club's home strip.
In between, there are virtuoso showpieces, hilarious buffo send-ups, and elegiac romances, all enhanced by imaginative instrumental accompaniments.
And so I found myself very annoyed, in a teacherly sort of way, that the issue of race, and the journey through a rapidly changing, fraught landscape should not be read for what it was, but should be misread as a failure to imaginatively foresee the ideology of the twenty-first century.
On Barack Obama, Part 1 « Tales from the Reading Room
A cloying Riverside surface hardly explained the endless procession of misplaced passes, unimaginative runs and poor first touches.
I know as much about my condition as that overworked, unimaginative general practitioner does.
In either case it lacks the fusion of undeviatingly precise, inexorable discipline with imaginative originality and wide range, and that combination of intensity, lyricism, and elegance which had raised the Russian ballet to its former unattainable height.
The Arts in Russia Under Stalin
However, labialized stops, palatalized stops and now ejectives seem to me to be purely imaginative overkill, based on nothing concrete.
A new value for Minoan 'd'
Still, despite all sorts of turmoil, Rushdie has never surrendered to this seemingly all-pervasive impoverishment of our imaginative faculties.
The Suspension Bridge at Niagara is an artificial wonder as great, in its degree, as the natural miracle of the mighty cataract which thunders forever at its side; while no triumph of inventive economy could more aptly lead the imaginative stranger into the picturesque beauties of Wales than the extraordinary tubular bridge across the Menai Strait.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
Families can pencil in their vision of the future of York in an imaginative event at York Art Gallery this week.
Politicians invent neologisms and use words in a very imaginative way.
It did not work for a variety of reasons, but the appointment was imaginative and innovative.
There are times when I regret the decision to hide in plain sight, fictionalizing accounts of my activities in the pages of The Wraith Magazine so that any reports of a silver masked figure seen lurking in the streets of Recondito will be written off as an overimaginative reader with more costuming skill than sense.
The only thing worse than unimaginative lottery winners are miserable lottery winners.
Times, Sunday Times
All their music is either arranged and adapted or composed by the group members, producing a most individual and imaginative sound.
The competition tested the knowledge and expertise of 30 of Ireland's most imaginative bartenders.
Young (1681-1765), in his "Night Thoughts," produced a work eloquent rather than poetical, dissertative when true poetry would have been imaginative, but suggesting much of imagery and feeling as well as religious reflection.
Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
It's a straightforward, unimaginative slasher picture about a serial killer convict, one Leo Rook, who kills off warders and fellow lags one by one when they are marooned on a lighthouse.
Popular literature and oral epics added to religion in giving an outlet for imaginative creativity.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
Josh C. says the judges value imagination and, in a spectacular burst of unimaginativeness that does not augur well he's purchased a cat post, a doggie bed, and an umbrella covered with puppies to be the base of his design.
Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking Recap: Project Runway, Episode 2 "My Pet Project"
The residential streets where so many of us live are underused public spaces that can be shared more imaginatively.
Times, Sunday Times
The man-made structures are concealed by imaginative landscaping that includes coconut palms, hibiscus, cactuses, hammocks, bougainvillea, gardens and lawns opening to beach and sea.
Under the organisation of Kiwi managers, he forfeited traditional French fare to prepare imaginative salads for a backyard barbecue.
The Asoka Chakra could be viewed, imaginatively, as a spinning-wheel without the spindle and spinner.
But it's easy to slide from that kind of inquisitive, imaginative investigation of the past to an idealization of the past and a demonization of the present.
Because at its most effective, this album is kinda everything it should be, and everything we should ask: Something simple, beautiful, and coherent, something that feels remarkably imaginative but entirely unpremeditated.
We need imaginative and inventive dietitians to nourish dietetic practice, to move it forward.
He likes to take risks simply to make the business of imaginative invention more interesting.
He has been wowing fans with his imaginative and innovative patterns.
The Sun
We fear boredom, yet it is from boredom that real and productive imaginative play is spawned.
It's good to have this moving and imaginatively reconstructed portrait of him.
Times, Sunday Times
It's imaginatively located in a lower, half-moon mezzanine area to the side of the bar.
The third law of imaginative metamorphosis involves their completion, by which Dilthey means a process "by which something outer is enlivened by something inner or something inner is made visible and intuitable by something outer" (Dilthey 1985, 104).
Wilhelm Dilthey
His harmonies waft a pungent perfume all their own, and invite you into an imaginative, mercurial world unique in music history.
Times, Sunday Times
No small part of Joyce's genius was his ability to use cliches creatively, imaginatively, knowingly.
This comparison might make history seem somewhat dry and unimaginative.
He was a fine and imaginative architect who nobly championed humanity against its many twentieth-century enemies.
The imaginative child made up fairy stories.
He's an exceptional combination of a precise thinker and an imaginative thinker.
It involves much 'deeper layers of embodied engagement and reaction', where we are touched 'imaginatively, affectively and existentially'.
The Times Literary Supplement
Without computer graphics, they had to be more imaginative with their special effects back then.
Times, Sunday Times
However that preoccupation would not be shared by an ordinary unimaginative skilled man reading this document at the priority date.
His first-time-out direction is imaginative and breathtakingly supple, the work of a greenhorn unsaddled by convention or limitation and able to tell a story in the precise terms forged by hundreds of live performances.
Among the accomplishments cited in his Time magazine obituary are debunking “such myths as the need to wash mushrooms, devein shrimp and press garlic” and preaching the “imaginative use of leftovers.”
Archive 2008-04-01
The union should take a more imaginative approach.
Times, Sunday Times
Be imaginative and experiment with all the sensuality and sexuality that the human body has to offer.
'The centenary is a perfect time to celebrate and we are embarking on an imaginative range of projects to make sure 2009 is truly memorable.
Media Newswire
Also, for what it's worth, you are free to think Card is a poor writer, but I'm not sure the words 'unimaginative' or 'hack' mean what you think they mean.
A Complex Shadow
Repetitive exercises to introduce the concept of evidence without consultation with primary colleagues is at the least unimaginative.
On the field and in full view, he captains more imaginatively and interestingly than his opposite number.
Times, Sunday Times
even his profanity was unimaginative
Barbara Castle's imaginative plan to connect the state pension to earnings was junked.
Ages 6 to 9: They may be overimaginative and susceptible to scare stories about the war.
When Little Children Have Big Worries
If Hill were to lure wealthy eastern tourists who had formerly traveled to Europe or had spent their vacations at resorts and spas in the East, the advertising campaign would have to be imaginative and expensive.
Goebel: not simply mediated views of the world, but also fantasies and imaginative extrapolations that 'transgress' given reality can be constructed and communicated.
Ethics in Games: Cfp
Walpole inaugurated the tradition in the hope that the lifelike solidity of realism might be reconciled with the imaginative range of romance.
Although her perception of her hero Ingres and his Renaissance predecessors was conditioned by her own bizarre personality, she aspired to paint in their naturalistic but imaginative manner.
Across the street, an imaginative assortment of silver bijoux, beads and candles awaits you at Punto Magico.
What we need is a more imaginative monetary policy directed at clearing that debt, not grandiose government projects that will add to it.
Times, Sunday Times
It was partly my fault and also the way we were taught, which was often dull and unimaginative.
A Channel of Peace
He is less imaginative or fanciful than Tom, but more practical.
The bus is shunned due to the unimaginative routing and long waits.
Nicholas Roe suggests that these are examples of moments where the past resurfaces with a power to quicken the poet's imaginative life.
It's often imaginative, but the choppy and pedestrian delivery strongly stunts the acidic flavour.
And though her readings of Rachmaninoff are in fact quite beautiful in their own right, distinguished as they are by an imaginative rubato, they remain only superficially elegant.
Later more imaginative tactics were adopted to try to achieve maximum disruption for a small loss of earnings.
He has been wowing fans with his imaginative and innovative patterns.
The Sun
The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations.
Lyrics should be poetic, concise, imaginative, theologically strong and expressive of worship to God.
William Benson was not a sentimental or imaginative person, and he confessed he couldn't make head nor tail out o 'the affair; said it was the queerest an' beatin'est weddin 'that ever took place in Bonny
It is no use hoping that an employer will make an imaginative leap about how your experience is useful.
The Sun
The flourishing foodie scene, based on unpretentious but imaginative home cooking, is another plus.
Times, Sunday Times
And there I was, thinking you employed imaginative lateral thinking.
The marketplace has already done for many of the overimaginative bankers who led the world's economies to this pass.
Times, Sunday Times
There is little more crushworthy in this world than a book that consumes you on every level--A Trip to the Stars is sensual and smart, imaginative, romantic, and wise.
Omni Daily Crush: "A Trip to the Stars"
The company had an imaginative director and two budding theatrical costumiers who saved the day.
Hypnosis is based in a great deal on what is called suggestibility and imaginative involvement and as the article reports, it really is wonderful for stress relief and relaxation as well as hundreds of other issues.
Life of Brian:
It is not long before their imaginative faculties are reactivated and word-processing becomes a universal withdrawal symptom.
This season's collections are full of Surrealist touches that make an imaginative change from the dreary crop of smock dresses on the high street.
Times, Sunday Times
A head-spinning stint in Hollywood as a choreographer followed, with Mr. Donen conjuring imaginative routines for "Anchors Aweigh" as well as lesser-known projects.
Donen Goes Back On the Town
And lastly, for imaginative or insinuative reason, which is the subject of rhetoric, we think it best to refer it to the arts of reason.
The Advancement of Learning
And so it is with his audacious, wildly imaginative and boundlessly thrilling adaptation.
His cursing was imaginative and perfectly timed, and he put down many a student who deserved it.
The wishful-thinking of movie script-writers when it comes to technology can be sharply contrasted with their complete unimaginativeness when designing alien life.
Can we have more imaginative and creative solutions to this problem rather than moans and groans?
Anne Sofie von Otter is a stunningly good choice as Sesto, a young nobleman who Handel wrote as either soprano or tenor, so to cast such an intelligent mezzo is an imaginative step.
Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia
I marvelled at the imaginative energy of the Martian enterprise, at its visionary and dogged inventiveness.
You have clever, imaginative ideas to restyle your home.
The Sun
They possess the concreteness of imaginative, spiritual experience rather than the concreteness of quotidian reality.
He is the most imaginative character that Mr. Forster has yet created, and recalls Gino the dentist in his first book, WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD.
The Death of the Moth, and other essays
Because it is such a spartan environment and lacks significant variation or detail, it lends itself readily to imaginative transformation.
It relies on a system which is not best placed to respond to a rapidly changing situation with imaginative and informed ideas.
However, labialized stops, palatalized stops and now ejectives seem to me to be purely imaginative overkill, based on nothing concrete.
A new value for Minoan 'd'
But here is the rub: the performance lacks in integration what it provides in imaginative ambition.
They represented one of the most fruitful and imaginative local jazz partnerships of the 1960s - a blend of bop's brittle urgency, swing's broad communicativeness and some of the trumpet/sax countermelodic spontaneity of Chet Baker's and Gerry Mulligan's partnership.
For if adult life teaches us anything, it is an imaginative approach to when such relations do and do not count.
Times, Sunday Times
To the poet, the scientist seems unimaginative and literal-minded - with his head buried in the ground of facts, incapable of comprehending the larger significance of what he does.
The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.
Or that there is a much bigger potential audience for chamber music than anyone realised, if only promoters had the courage to programme it imaginatively?
Times, Sunday Times
You'll need to be a little more imaginative if you want to hold their attention.
Or that there is a much bigger potential audience for chamber music than anyone realised, if only promoters had the courage to programme it imaginatively?
Times, Sunday Times
Like the heritage movement and the study of genealogy and local history, which underwent a similar boom, the new museums reflected a desire, not merely to learn about the past, but to re-enter it imaginatively.
The whole range of imaginative literature cannot furnish an incident of more absorbing interest; nor can the whole history of the theatre exhibit a situation of more tremendous scenical power than was presented at this moment in that chamber of doom.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
His initial step was one of simple, bold imaginative engagement.
The Times Literary Supplement
Can we have more imaginative and creative solutions to this problem rather than moans and groans?
The tragedy is a Roman play characterized by swift, panoramic shifts in geographical locations and in registers, alternating between sensual, imaginative Alexandria and the more pragmatic, austere Rome.
Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
But to the eye of the ordinary, unimaginative traveler, they are invisible.
The decor and costumes, by Peter McKintosh, are imaginative and cleverly sit on the borderline between reality and fantasy.
As a printmaker and book illustrator, his clear and imaginative compositions contributed to the popularity of emblem books.
Why did these men have to be so old, dull and completely unimaginative?
Denoncourt's Via crucis explores a boy's imaginative interpretation of the Catholic iconic representation of the crucifixion and ascension of Christ.
Yet, what impresses throughout is the highly imaginative state-of-the-art stagecraft depicting everything from cannonades against sailing ships to samurai massacres.
They were idiotic, pathetic, short-sighted and unimaginative, but at least they were predictable.
Educators can creatively and imaginatively use these quarters in lessons on the geography and history of the United States.
The annual award is to promote and encourage imaginative projects and management of wild game conservation and its habitat.
It called for imaginative moves to free up the property market, including the introduction of relocation grants for people who have reared their families.
With its relentless army of moppets uniting in sister solidarity to rally against such unpleasantries as cold mush and no Santa Claus, the number is a flurry of imaginative, lively choreography.
Marsh and Swann team up, styling themselves as ‘the Gilbert And Sullivan of photography’, snapping their clients against imaginative tableau.
This imaginative play is utter enchantment in the best of Russian theatrical evocative tradition.
Their imaginative use of the word tangled suggests a nautical genesis, as in Ayers’s “tangled love affairs” and “tangled story” and Obama’s “tangled arguments.”
Deconstructing Obama