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How To Use Imaginable In A Sentence

  • You have both let your wife down in the worst way imaginable. The Sun
  • A very austere life is truly unimaginable to people. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for all its glories, Victorian was also a time of grinding hard work, belching mill chimneys and the sort of poverty scarcely imaginable today.
  • It should be as easy for a teenager to talk about sex and condoms as any other subject imaginable.
  • Some kind of unimaginable chemical reaction would take the natural sweat produced by us all and turn it into an emitter of light.
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  • Parents encourage every activity imaginable.
  • I also saw a very cute topless teenage girl with the perkiest imaginable breasts while walking around Lake Meade. Happy Hour Roundup
  • He had mutated into one of the earth's most evil and cruel creatures imaginable.
  • And each morning my peaceful sleep was interrupted by the most irritating and annoying ringing sound imaginable.
  • Thus 12 hours after waking you will feel worse than you thought imaginable.
  • Yet Europe has surely done more in the past 18 months to bring its public-debt problems under control than has the U.S. It may never have done enough, but it has been more than was imaginable as recently as 2008, when the reflex reaction to the financial crisis was a nationally oriented sauve qui peut. Europe Must Produce Fudge of Much Higher Quality
  • And the greatest possible power can surely sustain the grandest imaginable promises.
  • It all sounds rather blissful in a contented, domestic way that would have seemed unimaginable some years ago.
  • Eaten on their own as a candy or as an accompaniment to cheese, these little sugar encrusted fruit treats with a name that has no good translation, come in every imaginable flavor from raspberry to mirabelle plum to date. Flora Lazar: Finally -- Locavore Candy at the Farmers Market
  • His almost unimaginable guilt from two consecutive suicides, too, is largely unplumbed, though probably not unfelt.
  • Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.
  • This is the only solution imaginable.
  • A satellite radio subscription, offering every imaginable musical genre, lets you bypass the unlistenable hypermass music on nearly every radio station.
  • That is to say, seven years as one of the choosiest beggars imaginable. The Pitfalls Of Being A Freelance Journalist
  • Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.
  • A few weeks later, we set off at 6am on one of the bumpiest roads imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being newly refurbished, the premises now houses files, books and information on every imaginable topic.
  • The Endangered Species Act has long been a bugaboo for anti-environmental lawmakers, who have unsuccessfully attacked it from every imaginable direction.
  • It's got one of the most dauntingly bleak and unhappy endings imaginable.
  • It offers rare insights into how a country survives in terrible conditions and how decent people are corrupted by witnessing barely imaginable horrors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the most whorish aping of Douglas Adams imaginable.
  • Such speed of travel was unimaginable before the railway age.
  • One friend, Rajen Shah, called Anni a "princess", adding: "Having been at your wedding, what has happened is unimaginable and still can't believe you are not present amongst us. South Africa murder: police call for help to catch 'scoundrels'
  • And first, I am very sensible how much the gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to murmur, and be choked at the sight of so many daggle-tailed parsons that happen to fall in their way, and offend their eyes; but at the same time, these wise reformers do not consider what an advantage and felicity it is for great wits to be always provided with objects of scorn and contempt, in order to exercise and improve their talents, and divert their spleen from falling on each other, or on themselves, especially when all this may be done without the least imaginable danger to their persons. An Argument against Abolishing Christianity
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • To take one's own life or to terminate the life of another out of mercy is to exercise the most awesome power imaginable.
  • This is the starkest, most distopian vision of a wireless future imaginable.
  • He seems to have been influenced by every imaginable musical style.
  • He's been down in every imaginable piece of diving gear known to man as well as a wide array of underwater submersibles and crafts.
  • Just over a year ago, to be a literary agent in the Anglo-American world of books must have seemed like the plummiest, most glamorous job imaginable. Culture |
  • And colorful embroidery is being replaced by the most discreet monogramming imaginable: white stitching on white fabric. TIP SHEET
  • What's more, do we have a sufficient number of critical solid-state devices safely stored away so that they can be used to bootstrap the production of new electronics should the unimaginable happen?
  • Others may present some of the most perplexing problems imaginable.
  • He had stared death in the face, endured unimaginable hardship. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • The gumbo is served, followed by the most tender and tasty meat imaginable with sides of sangre and the cooked large grain, preferably to the sound of live music. BBQ Goat In Oaxaca: The Pomp, Ceremony And Tradition
  • It's unimaginable what could happen if optimism were reinterpreted as artifice and the pitchmen ended up being punished.
  • Every type of panty, bra and female frippery imaginable was hanging in the breeze.
  • Hey y'all ... did anybody notice the "crackhead" that the Clinton campaign planted behind the podium to depict the most negative image of African Americans imaginable. Poll shows both Clinton and Obama beating McCain
  • If you are a Southerner--black or white--and were raised as a churchgoer, that is an unimaginable slip of the tongue. Look at the movement on Gallup's "strong and decisive leader" graph.
  • It all sounds rather blissful in a contented, domestic way that would have seemed unimaginable some years ago.
  • Both Clare and Chris will be at the dreamiest holiday imaginable: discussing books in Languedoc next week. Some reading recommendations
  • That or hard time, very hard time, the hardest imaginable, in one of Her Majesty's most austere hostelries. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • On another hand, it's a wakeup call to believers who sit by while unimaginable evils occur in the name of Jesus and say nothing other besides defensively whining that "all Christians aren't like that," or that the person reacting in grief and outrage is simply "persecuting Christians" because he's a "nonbeliever" (whether he's a nonbeliever or not.) Michael Rowe: Why Anne Rice Has Never Been More of a Christian
  • And they rejoice in something hitherto unimaginable: security. Times, Sunday Times
  • Long video package: They had a highlight reel music video with the "Cross the Line" mantra repeated over and over in the chorus while clips of every highspot imaginable playing.
  • We all believed it unimaginable that he had lived alone on a deserted island for so long.
  • Inviting alien terrorists into civil courts provides a national stage for political theatrics, where their unimaginable savageries equate to common murder. Terrorist Trials Are About Terrorists, Not Mr. Holder
  • We had the best vacation imaginable.
  • Bombing would have been, it was believed, a merciful end to those who suffered unimaginable horrors there.
  • I lived for a long time on Ibiza and for ten months of the year it's the most tranquil place imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the opening cue, he employs it in just about the most inventive way imaginable: a tuba plays the theme, sounding both sinister and comical.
  • It means exercising profound, even godly humility, opening yourself to learn something previously unimaginable about the fundaments of your life with God-and to learn it from ‘the least of these.’
  • At home they had had some lilac bushes and a row of peonies; here were acres of greeneries, filled with flowers of gorgeous and unimaginable splendor, and rare plants from every part of the world. Samuel the Seeker
  • Munich's huge central station has almost every service imaginable on the premises from a hotel to a beauty salon/massage parlor.
  • The sorrow and pain that they caused is unimaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was going to say something about how the lead singer of the Cramps, Lux Interior, was doing the most disgusting stuff imaginable, but I'll refrain, as I just learned that Lux died in February of an aortic dissection, which is the same heart problem that also took John Ritter's life. September 2009
  • felch," which is one of the most vile, stomach-churning sexual acts imaginable. > ZUG Live
  • You've let your girlfriend down in the worst way imaginable. The Sun
  • (not without regret for their lightness and comfort), and my soft, grey travelling suit, and, in fact, all my clothing; and proceeded to array myself in the clothes of the other and unimaginable men, who must have been indeed unfortunate to have had to part with such rags for the pitiable sums obtainable from a dealer. THE DESCENT
  • Just five years ago a googol was an obscure, unimaginable concept: the number one followed by 100 zeros.
  • A gritty multistranded action-thriller, 'The Tournament' brings together international killers from every imaginable discipline in a blood bathed contest to the death. Twitch
  • Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Without an imaginable beauty, there would be no ideal in terms of which to strive for a more actually beautiful world.
  • Next, two of the sweetest scallops imaginable, served with a couple of lettuce leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was reading yesterday that she is "doveish", which either gives a new meaning to the word, or means "hawkish" is almost unimaginable. Angela Merkel Barbie
  • The siege mentality has brought a togetherness that would have been unimaginable a matter of months ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surely a more rational, equitable and plain simpler system is imaginable and politically realisable?
  • What about price inelastic sectors where bad, light or unenforced regulation would create unimaginable misery? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Such speed of travel was unimaginable before the railway age.
  • Only this, the most pressing business imaginable, could have prevented our presence at so sad an occasion to condole with you and Miss Gowan. The Dressmaker
  • Let's see ... pornography has been strictly and totally off limits for kids since forever, but letting them virtually hack other people, monsters, and aliens to bloody shreds in exquisite, life-like detail and with the most vicious weapons imaginable is (ho hum) tolerated, if not exactly condoned? High court accepts case over violent video games
  • Knitwear is key and appears in every imaginable form: an ankle-length Aran dress, long tweedy knit cardigan, sexy fine knit evening top shot with lurex, dainty lace effect camisole or soft stripe sweater.
  • This double-fold money belt is 3 inches wide and is made of the softest pebble grain calfskin imaginable.
  • Despite critics who say that money in developing countries is better spent on books and teachers, placing such devoices into the hands of children is a worldwide diffusion of knowledge for a cost so low the savings are scarcely imaginable.
  • This was a person of my generation, my nationality and my culture, doing something unimaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can already buy every kind of knickknack imaginable in Galveston, and if I wanted trinkets, baubles or other tchotchkes I would probably go down to the Strand. The Daily News - News
  • The best dark chocolate coffee tartufo imaginable, served with a little candied lemon. Ed Levine: The Four-Star Italian We've Been Waiting For
  • She has them in every pose imaginable from the 3 blind mice to hickory dickory dock. Beware The Oddball Gun
  • The adroitness and patience of a long line of monarchs and royal ministers, who moved gradually but steadily to centralize both authority and power in their own hands, were crowned with unimaginable success.
  • An unimaginable tapestry bedight with incredible broidery, the The Metal Monster
  • Day-lewis, Del Toro and Bernal, thats an unimaginable wealth of talent working together. Scorsese’s Hugo Cabret to be 3D? Then He’ll Make Silence and Perhaps a New Gangster Film With De Niro | /Film
  • An unimaginable wealth of fertile topsoil in most parts of the country, this is shallow by Iowa standards, where in some areas the fine, friable soil goes down 20 feet.
  • He caught every type of pitch imaginable, some that are not legal today such as shine balls, spitballs and emery balls, from some of the greatest pitchers of his day.
  • It was a barely imaginable catastrophe. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are in an ever-changing world where we are confronted by threats that were unimaginable 25 years ago.
  • Hopefully, the $60 billion war funding bill that the Senate "easily passed" yesterday will serve as some some solace from their unimaginable abashment, and they somehow find the strength to show their face at their Memorial Day picnics. Democrats Simply Cannot Find the Time to Pass Unemployment Benefit Extension, Because, You Know | Indecision Forever | Political Humor, 2010 Election, and Satire Blog | Comedy Central
  • The seating is comfortable and, as you would expect, is manoeuvrable in almost every imaginable way to allow for a variety of practical purposes.
  • H'm, be imaginable, this lad of the of Dou was how to be bring an end to ... from the alley along him!
  • Every body shape imaginable was squeezed into super short skirts and super tight tops with plunging necklines.
  • I consider myself the most loving and devoted owner imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • And certainly great progress has been made, progress that seemed unimaginable not all that long ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast to British music's narrow mindset, Jamaica has always embraced the most outlandish musical idiosyncrasies imaginable.
  • He was an adorable puppy, all giant paws, and with the softest fur imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ohio gang used its power in the most corrupt way imaginable. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • She had found the man she wanted to settle down with just as her career was taking off on an unimaginable scale. The Sun
  • The possible consequences of a stricture are the very worst imaginable; and a person who has acquired this unfortunate condition, is certain to be subjected to many inconveniences, and may be compelled to endure great suffering therefrom. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • The Rainbow Ridge School at Lillian Rock is set amongst some of the most spectacular Australian bushland imaginable.
  • Wheat that gets enough ammonia is 14% protein, if it is unfertilized closer to 8%, and that 43% reduction in total plant protein is going to cause unimaginable suffering in places like Egypt, where half of the population gets subsidized bread. Please Tell Me This "Famine of 2009" Stuff Is Wrong
  • Interacting with our fellow Pagans, we meet proud practitioners of every alternative lifestyle imaginable.
  • These young men (together with the students of sciences) comport themselves towards the sober citizen pretty much as the German bursch towards the philister, or as the military man, during the empire, did to the pékin: -- from the height of their poverty they look down upon him with the greatest imaginable scorn -- a scorn, I think, by which the citizen seems dazzled, for his respect for the arts is intense. The Paris Sketch Book
  • He was an adorable puppy, all giant paws, and with the softest fur imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the olden days if you were a dunce in class, you were made to stand at the back of the class, enduring unimaginable embarrassment.
  • Although only half-way through the series, the style of the dramatisation is one that seems unimaginable nowadays. Thoughts on The Jewel in the Crown
  • Wales made the man who taunted England just one week earlier look average with as good an 80 minutes of defending as is imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without the Internet, of course, such a global protest would be unimaginable.
  • It would have resulted in an unimaginable hunger catastrophe.
  • As a last resort, he took the empty fountain pen from the bag and looking straight up at the brilliant stillness of the heavens he connected a handful of the dots, creating the figure of a goat, the very thinnest moon imaginable lodged tightly in its stomach. August « 2008 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Yet another animal has been added to the list of those abused on a nearly unimaginable scale.
  • Sir Arthur actually expresses the opinion that Houdini would be ‘helped’ by being shown genuine spiritualistic phenomena, as if that were the greatest goal imaginable.
  • Here she faced unimaginable cold, wild animals, near-starvation and avalanches.
  • When Pitch scrambled through the opening, he found himself 40 feet above the worst scene of devastation imaginable.
  • It contains advice for every imaginable hostile situation, from how to booby-trap a napkin, to how to conduct a drive-by shooting, to how to recognize a rattlesnake or treat a scorpion sting. The Longest War
  • Its blend of contemporary history, its deployment of modern historians and its use of early photographs making it the most vivid introductory course imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • From this kind of psyched-up non-fiction, it was a short step to the movies, the first art form to undertake the excruciating process of imagining the unimaginable. Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes
  • We called him Mickey Habanero, because he could fill his mouth with the hottest food imaginable, the kind packed with the sort of heat that would melt the gums from the teeth of a novice, all without taking a drink of milk or anything else that would otherwise soothe the spiciness from the raw taste buds. A taste of competition
  • We had the greatest difficulty imaginable getting here in time.
  • Wales made the man who taunted England just one week earlier look average with as good an 80 minutes of defending as is imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even a few years earlier, the prospect of radical change in the Roman Catholic Church was virtually unimaginable.
  • I had lifted her bodily on to my knee, for she was the daintiest little bundle imaginable, and if the cab had been roomier I'd have done the deed then and there, for she kissed most artistically, and what with abstinence and encountering a little goer so unexpected, I was randier than the town bull. THE NUMBERS
  • Moreover, if a meromorphic integrand has simple poles in the complex plane, it is impossible to choose an antiderivative continuous along every imaginable path in the complex plane – because of branch cuts in. Wolfram Blog : Mathematica and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • The anguish and emotional distress which she must be suffering is unimaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had seen it from afar, a mere dot upon the horizon, but now she was at the foot of it and it was taller than anything imaginable.
  • A world without colour would be almost unimaginable. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • Delicious chunks of dark meat, with the crispiest, tastiest skin imaginable. Lan Sheng’s Awesomeness Will Hopefully Force Szechuan Gourmet to Stay Good | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • These technological developments were hardly imaginable 30 years ago.
  • It might be a similar size to Earth but it is also the most hellish place imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is barely imaginable that he could go straight into a Test match without match practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had lifted her bodily on to my knee, for she was the daintiest little bundle imaginable, and if the cab had been roomier I'd have done the deed then and there, for she kissed most artistically, and what with abstinence and encountering a little goer so unexpected, I was randier than the town bull. THE NUMBERS
  • Lee Marvin displays unimaginable amounts of uninhibitedness as a cook at a seaside hash house where shady goings-on are happening. 2009 March :
  • As Booth was a sweet-tempered man, as well as somewhat of a philosopher, he behaved with all the good-humour imaginable, and indeed, with more than his companions; who, however, shewed him what they call civility, that is, they neither struck him nor spit in his face. Amelia — Complete
  • This Aberdonian favourite specialises in seafood recipes from around the world - gumbos, chowders, fishcakes, the works - using every imaginable fresh Scottish seafood, including halibut, sole, wolf fish, turbot, lobster and crab.
  • The United Nations was set up after two wars involving the worst carnage imaginable to try and prevent a repeat.
  • He swore every oath imaginable at her, insolently ordering her to be off with her child, and find lodgings with the villain to whom she had prostituted herself, or else he would soon pitch her and her little bratling into the Thames. The Black-Sealed Letter Or, The Misfortunes of a Canadian Cockney.
  • His almost unimaginable guilt from two consecutive suicides, too, is largely unplumbed, though probably not unfelt.
  • This Aberdonian favourite specialises in seafood recipes from around the world - gumbos, chowders, fishcakes, the works - using every imaginable fresh Scottish seafood, including halibut, sole, wolf fish, turbot, lobster and crab.
  • Something new, something unimaginable is striking into this place. Times, Sunday Times
  • The consequences for the World Bank if it lost a suit filed by Indonesia would be unimaginable, he said.
  • When I quit before, I didn't have the advantage that all of you have today: a worldwide, vibrant internet community of like-minded dreamers, and all the advice, guidance and support imaginable, from peer and critique groups to long-time friendships with other writers, to discussion areas for many publishers and publications andalso the SFWA website, for information, camaraderie and the latest in news of the field. Reject-O-Matic: Why Editors Use Form Rejection Letters
  • No disinfectants whatever were used, and at intervals of three days it was emptied by the crudest means imaginable, on which occasions the barracks were not only untenantable but absolutely unapproachable. Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben
  • Getting a degree was almost unimaginable to them. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1614 Bacon started to write a book about an imagined society that had reached the furthest imaginable point in the advancement of knowledge.
  • I consider myself the most loving and devoted owner imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their songs were too long, and were made up of loops created on the laptop utilising the most unmusical discordant sounds imaginable.
  • Instead, his family are left mourning a man whose hopes for a peaceful life in Thailand ended in unimaginable torture and horror and whose death has changed many people's futures.
  • The anxiety and worry is barely imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the industry’s truly protean figures, he ably filmed every type of genre picture imaginable; weathered several epochal shifts in moviemaking technique (example: with the talkie ascendant, he effortlessly transformed from zealous location realist into sound-stage artifice reveler); and helped shape the screen personas of Gable, Cooper, Tracy, and Fairbanks (and swell the bosoms of Shearer, Bow, Bergman, and Velez). Cover to Cover
  • Every imaginable form of Comstockery is represented in this array of antichoice measures. Comstock Act Still On The Books
  • Whether this be imaginable or not depends upon each one's own hypnoses. The Book of the Damned
  • He thinks they have squandered unbelievable and unimaginable opportunities.
  • The scale of the fighting is almost unimaginable.
  • What she uncovers is an epidemic of unimaginable proportions within the world's most prosperous nation.
  • I consider myself the most loving and devoted owner imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along the way, she had had every sort of illness imaginable, from bronchitis to strep throat to mononucleosis. SUDDENLY
  • The travel brochure is full of the most wonderful resorts imaginable.
  • Adult castrati could sing the most florid music imaginable and continued to preserve the Pauline ban on female voices in church - at least in the pope's Sistine Chapel in Rome - until the 20th century.
  • We had four days away in Cornwall which was absolute bliss, helped by having the most gorgeous weather imaginable.
  • Instead of actors following scripts in a studio, audiences can see people very like themselves plotting and scheming for advantage in any setting imaginable.
  • Despite its hardships, that journey unveiled a land of unimaginable beauty and variety, with endless space that engendered a feeling of freedom I have not experienced elsewhere.
  • In its barefaced obviousness, an iceberg seems the broadest hint imaginable; but what is it a hint of?
  • By car, by bus, by foot, they came this week, snapping pictures and oohing and awing in every language imaginable. Homes for the Holidays
  • And they rejoice in something hitherto unimaginable: security. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the only solution imaginable.
  • After all isn't death just the deepest sleep imaginable - the kind of sleep which calms all pain and ends all sadness?
  • Everything imaginable seemed to be hanging from his belt.
  • We were treated to a slap-up meal with every kind of seafood imaginable.
  • Then it is argued that what is imaginable or conceivable is metaphysically possible.
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • Pulping teenage supes is one thing, but how will our heroes fair against a front-rank supe team of unimaginable power? Dynamite Entertainment Solicitations for July 2009 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The beginning of forced collectivisation in the early 1930s was carried through with unprecedented brutality and resulted in unimaginable hardships for the countryside.
  • Quite the contrary - friendship, love, and sexual passion can all take many forms, and they are likely to be expressed in strong ways in any imaginable society.
  • As a solo instrument following a melodic line, the violin can convey every imaginable shade of feeling.
  • A number of these patients are very seriously ill and appear to react to almost every imaginable food and chemical.
  • He thinks they have squandered unbelievable and unimaginable opportunities.
  • The unimaginable carnage he witnessed at the front is captured in the moving words of a poem he wrote that day.
  • Swan produced some of the shoddiest-looking magazines and books imaginable on whatever paper he could find. Kay Hammond Davies
  • I would come up with any possible imaginable consequence.
  • In this case it was up to the personal preferences of one man with one of the most unenviable jobs imaginable.
  • Shopping plazas have sprung up in every imaginable location of this sleepy town.
  • This is the man whom folklorists and historians - by unimaginable mental and moral gymnastics - have endowed with qualities of quixotic chivalry, and set up as a national hero.
  • Some are flights of architectural fantasy providing unimaginable luxury for as little as six guests, others are huge hotel style abominations that disgorge legions of the dreaded zebra-striped minibuses.
  • To such poor people, the idea of having a choice of food is barely imaginable.
  • The result is the tenderest, tastiest steak imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 2000 U.S. Open champ demolished every women's record imaginable.
  • Beetles of every imaginable hue scurried through the grass, mobile jewels.
  • He was an adorable puppy, all giant paws, and with the softest fur imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mounds were heaped with small rock gardens, dwarfed trees, and every variety of flower imaginable.
  • If the most vicious slanders imaginable and rampant election fraud don't constitute fighting dirty, what would?
  • Each trainee must be able to respond effectively to all imaginable crises.
  • Unhappy at work and in love, our heroine has been the worst imaginable advertisement for women's independence.
  • The matter of which it was composed was gas, of such an extraordinary and unimaginable gasiness that millions of cubic miles of it might easily be compressed into a common antibilious pill-box. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • And, as we held our hands to our hearts and wept gut-wrenching tears of unimaginable sadness, we watched them jump. Dori Hartley: September 11, 2001: The Day I Forgot I Had Cancer
  • It's a scene of almost unimaginable hysteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • He seems to have been influenced by every imaginable musical style.
  • This's essential when writing of an artist who has recorded at least three times as much material as he's released and comes across as the most contradictory, ornery, old cuss imaginable.
  • I cry out again, for the way is long, and the sun sinking, -- sinking in the softest imaginable glow of topazine light. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series

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