How To Use Illustrative In A Sentence
Probably the most famous example of this, and also a good illustrative case, is the "green revolution" in agriculture.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.
Loans of photographs and other illustrative items are being sought to accompany the displays of Silsden's old industries.
Again, he lists these as all, what he calls illustrative options and doesn't endorse any of them.
CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006
We encourage you to submit supporting photos, data tables and illustrative graphics.

You see, I think this movie, which has been denounced by the Salt Lake Trib's critic Sean Means because it carried an unexpected darkside, is illustrative of a big problem that the entertainment industry in general suffers from right now.
Simple Tricks and Nonsense: Movie Review: 13 Going on 30
His concluding paragraph is illustrative of his straightforward and rational approach.
And let the last word quoted here be one of Elizabeth's own, illustrative of her strangely mingled temperament of queenliness and insolence.
That is the keynote of the Crébillon novel: it is the handbook, with illustrative examples, of the business, employment, or vocation of flirting, in the most extensive and intensive meanings of that term comprehensible to the eighteenth century.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
This approach can still be seen in the work of those who use artifactual evidence as primarily illustrative of a prior and textual history.
It is most illustrative to look at how a cubic Bézier is constructed geometrically, which is pictured below.
Guy Debord throws down this critique near the end of his last film, détourned into illustrative counterpoint for an anti-masscult philippic interwoven with autobiographical self-reflection ....
GreenCine Daily
As my background in art was more technical and illustrative, I had little understanding or awareness of how to express myself through painting and drawing.
It is illustrative of Deacon's strength in the close analysis and exposure of shoddy arguments.
He was an outsized presence who, for illustrative example, took a visceral delight in hunting elephants and drinking the soup made from their trunks.
Times, Sunday Times
Her vigorous position, with one knee down and one up, coupled with the wings on her ankles, is illustrative of flight; her huge eyes and lolling tongue are apotropaic.
Comparing a Summer Olympics with a Winter Olympics can be apples to oranges, but it's still illustrative of the point: The IOC is not close to 50-50.
Jacques Rogge's IOC no advocate for women athletes
In an illustrative example, a first sensing vector is analyzed to determine whether it is suitable, within given threshold conditions, for use in cardiac event detection and analysis.
Table A1.4 displays the weighted and unweighted results for an illustrative group of key questions.
American Grace
It was a poor recognition of the distinctive qualities of her illustrative style.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole makes a modern illustrative art of incomparable richness, even though it lacks coherence.
Could there be a more illustrative example of the Big Society in action?
Times, Sunday Times
The stories are for illustrative purposes only.
The Sun
Our sentiments of love, hate, fear, anxiety, are each one of them the fertile source of whole series of illustrative dreams.
The case is illustrative both of the sheer nastiness of this fraud and the fact that fraudsters frequently have links to other crime.
Times, Sunday Times
An even more recent example of FDA's irresponsibility has received prominent emphasis in the prestigious May 6, 2010 President's Cancer Panel (PCP) Report, with illustrative regard to an ingredient known as bisphenol-A (BPA).
Samuel S. Epstein: The FDA, Toxins and Your Body
I have not time or paper, else I could draw an inference, not very illustrative of your chance-medley system.
Mary Wollstonecraft
The above gibberish is illustrative of what happens when you turn education over to the government.
Obama Song | Commentary By Glenn Beck
MCINTYRE: In the memo, Rumsfeld ruminated about, but stopped short of recommending, some radical ideas, which he called illustrative options, such as having U.S. troops only patrol where they are welcome and withholding aid from violent areas of Iraq, the kind of tough-love approach advocated by some of Rumsfeld's political adversaries.
CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006
Introduction to nonlinear problems with emphasis on practical modelling, illustrative examples from pure and applied science, and use of computers.
He enters upon long digressions, and his illustrative anecdotes expand into separate episodes.
This example is merely illustrative.
Times, Sunday Times
The prose is illustrative but not an illustration-its pictorial interest should be sufficient ‘above all in itself’.
And your view of this war is illustrative of who you really are.
But mo-wo is right - your words are just as illustrative.
Random Observations
From any power or tendency to diplomatise he was as free as the illustrative bull in a china shop.
In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim
Some element of classroom observation and practice is included and is important for illustrative purposes.
If the show is unfocused, the individual works will merely be illustrative of a topic, rather than adding up to some sort of statement.
This is illustrative of the adverse impact of the anti-globalization demonstrations.
The next stop was Lake City, -- a name illustrative of Californian megalomania; for the lake, long since gone dry, was merely an artificial reservoir to supply a neighboring mine, and the city was a collection of half a dozen buildings including a store and a hotel.
Forty-one Thieves A Tale of California
The number which I cited earlier on is simply for illustrative purposes.
The recent Republican and Democratic party conventions were illustrative of big money's presence in the major parties.
This is illustrative of the problem with a missile defense: The threat can come from elsewhere.
Schultz is now painting in acrylics and his approach gives the suite of ten paintings an eye-popping hard edged, illustrative quality.
Messrs. Chapman and Hall entertained the idea favourably, but opined that the plates would require illustrative letter-press; and casting about for some suitable author, bethought themselves of Dickens, whose tales and sketches had been exciting some little sensation in the world of journalism; and who had, indeed, already written for the firm a story, the “Tuggs at Ramsgate,” which may be read among the “Sketches.”
Life of Charles Dickens
Another of the dictionary’s illustrative quotations, a Victorian one, uses it like this: ‘I’ve heard talk o’ some missing link, atween men and puggies’ ‘puggie’ was a Scottish dialect word for monkey.
For illustrative purposes, various hypothetical cases of age-related cognitive decline will be described and discussed.
His illustrative material is widely drawn; and of particularly note is his rich use of hymnology.
Accordingly, we may ignore these texts and move to others that are regarded as illustrative of Jesus' egalitarian program.
And the process is illustrative of how organized they are, what kind of things they value, how careful they are.
Paramesvara gave several illustrative examples of the method in his commentary on the Aryabhatiya.
From whirligigs to stereoscopes, from toy soldiers to toy kitchens, from horse-drawn fire engines to subway cars, the New York Historical Society houses many toys illustrative of their day and the children who played with them.
Present day photographs are excellent too, with most approaching ‘art’ and not just illustrative.
We present illustrative examples, using published data on two plants: teasel and Calathea ovandensis.
So it is not illustrative of the general problem.
Employing a range of illustrative cases, the contributors demonstrate the ways in which precolonial norms were fundamentally transformed.
It is so illustrative of the “know-nothing” reality deniers, we should thank “that one” who is illustrating this concept for us, see post #1 in this topic.
Think Progress » Letters Reveal Top GOP Lawmakers Demanded Stimulus Money As ‘Vital’ Job Creating Engines
Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry.
His response, to stuff a large lump of it in his pocket, is both hilarious and economically illustrative of his eccentricity and avoidance of conflict, an important feature of his subsequent behaviour.
At all events, it does his fame no great harm, unlike another calumny, which, as it does not seem "illustrative" -- that is, not in keeping with his general character -- we are at liberty to reject.
Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
The wealth of illustrative material drawn from the political and commercial history of the world with which he pointed his arguments, gave them a touch of human interest.
FIGS. 19 and 20 are trimetric illustrative and cross-sectional views, respectively, of other means by which this invention can hold a gimbaled rod-butt end against twisting.
The Singapore example is illustrative of their application.
Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
One is a glossary of cookery terms (have you ever heard of “flummery”?), and the other is an illustrative listing of antique cooking implements (do you know what a “raisin seeder” looks like?)
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project
The data are illustrative rather than demonstrative.
(In this entry, "ink erasers" have been updated to "toner cartridges," but the wonderfully illustrative word "caparisoned" remains.
An important part of this work is to look for antedatings of the illustrative quotations (inter- and post-datings can also occasionally be of use).
They're seen as too important to ditch - and that's illustrative of the way universities view their students.
The chapters of the book are well written, illustrative, and most importantly, have lengthy bibliographies referring to classic literature as well as cutting edge studies in the respective fields.
Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.
Lastly, there is a continually increasing demand for popular art, multipliable by the printing-press, illustrative of daily events, of general literature, and of natural science.
Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870
It is now widely believed that these early dictionaries have a useful, but not revisionist role to play in understanding Early Modern English: they can supply the OED with some neglected rare words, new illustrative quotations, and many antedatings.
These are only some illustrative examples from myriad stories and they go back several years.
The case is illustrative of a common pattern.
The producers have assembled a strong field of academics to comment on the staging posts and issues, and have included well-chosen archive footage and illustrative stills.
Times, Sunday Times
Introduction to nonlinear problems with emphasis on practical modelling, illustrative examples from pure and applied science, and use of computers.
Illustrative of the assuasive powers of music, this story is one of several that allude to the strange potency attributed to the koto, an instrument anciently used in shamanistic seances.
Wisigothorum, 'with illustrative extracts from Isidore and Procopius, which is printed at the end of Nivellius' edition.
The Letters of Cassiodorus Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
The following is illustrative of the comments made by several participants.
Underneath the cornice was a crimson velvet vallance, separated into divisions, the lower portion of each division being rounded with gold, while its centre was decorated with gold, embroidered, and raised ornaments illustrative of the military orders, and of the emblems of the United Kingdom, the Rose, the
Coronation Anecdotes
An illustrative case is a 29-year-old clerical worker in England noted to be depressed, emotionally labile and socially withdrawn.
The comparison is the more apt, as about two-thirds of the illustrative scenes referred to in the next paragraph are in _canticum_.
The Dramatic Values in Plautus
A second illustrative example was taken from The Observer newspaper.
Case studies, expert spokespeople and illustrative photographs are available on request.
The medical buboes were illustrative of the nature of the disease, and well, medical photographs are generally quite dramatic.
Her paintings are executed in vibrant palettes and flat, broad shapes, their reductive surfaces reminiscent of advertising billboards, as well as the cool, illustrative portraits of Alex Katz.
Obama's continued blaming of the previous adminstration is illustrative of the most fundamental problem in this country, most notably among democrats: A failure to accept personal resposibility or accountability for ones 'actions and decisions in life.
Rumsfeld says Obama made 'bald misstatement'
They are not merely woollen figurines, illustrative of a deathbed scene in some generic way.
1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
In my opinion, people who opine about the "merely aesthetic," who find aesthetic values "nugatory" unless they are subservient to a higher principle of judgment, manifestly disdain art except as an illustrative aid, a utilitarian convenience.
Art and Culture
MCINTYRE: In the memo, Rumsfeld ruminated about but stopped short of recommending some radical ideas which he called illustrative options, such as having U.S. troops only patrol where they are welcome and withholding aid from violent areas of Iraq.
CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006
For everyone claiming that there is an inherent difference most have implied "cattiness" in the way women wield power, please provide an illustrative example from Condi Rice.
"No single incident that soured their relationship... it was a series of small irritations..."
Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry.
His final words on John Locke were heartbreaking, bone-chilling, and illustrative of the cynical moral outlook this man sports.
LOST: Episodes 6.01 & 6.02 Recap, ‘LA X’ » MTV Movies Blog
Some element of classroom observation and practice is included and is important for illustrative purposes.
Both are interesting, and illustrative of why I won't live in that state.
The experience of a friend, a professor at a Malaysian university, is illustrative of this climate.
Setting the boy's lesser age and resistant power against the fact of the laborer's being bitten in a worse place (for crotaline venom is much more effective in an upper limb or extremity than in a lower), we have a fairly illustrative instance of the relative merits of alcoholic and non-alcoholic measures.
The Poison Bugaboo
The works mentioned contain illustrative examples of many forms of sabotage; slowing up work, while keeping on the job; putting preparations in steam boilers to prevent their efficient operation; sand and emery dust in machinery to make it slow down or cease running.
A Pernicious Propaganda
A holiday ice-skating rink in a downtown park is illustrative of Mr. Segarra's attempts to lure new businesses and residents to the city center and upend the perception of a city in decline.
Tall Order for Hartford Mayor
Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry.
I offer the following cases as illustrative of what I have done using simple Chinese medicine techniques even, at times, in the less than welcoming environment of a hospital where only acupressure can be used.
For illustrative purposes , only a simple example is given here.
The case is illustrative of a common pattern.
The quotations presented in the findings section were selected as illustrative of these teenagers' comments on each topic.
Still, it doesn't hurt and it's illustrative of the problem the administration is having with its base.
The illustrative quotations printed represent only around half the examples that have been examined in the process of compiling the dictionary.
The Times Literary Supplement
Caesar are largely made up of what one might term illustrative fictions rather than actual facts.
Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
I tried to go back to my posting at that point and correct a mistake made inadvertently but it was too late to amend my error so there it is and, perhaps, there it should stay because my error is illustrative of what we are discussing - Rex most eruditely - regarding slang based on identifying any minority group whether racially, economically or politically motivated.
Page 2
Consider the following illustrative cases.
Christianity Today
Generously scattered throughout the book are photographs, reproductions of song sheets, maps and other illustrative matter.
Fox does as well but she is more centre stage and her actual picture appears in various illustrative photographs on the cover and within the book.
catechized" every Sabbath afternoon, is illustrative of the usual method of instructing young people of the parish in the Church
Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century The Faith of Our Fathers
The proposed implementation of Gigabit Ethernet is illustrative of conventional network architecture design.
They're seen as emblematic, as representative, as illustrative of a relationship that America has with the rest of the world.
A second illustrative example was taken from The Observer newspaper.
These paintings of the 18th Century portray the richness and exuberance of illustrative art in those times.
The exhibition is also illustrative of how computer software could be used to creatively embellish digital photographs.
There are illustrative charts that explain phenomena like birds soaring using thermals.
Messrs. Chapman and Hall entertained the idea favourably, but opined that the plates would require illustrative letter-press; and casting about for some suitable author, bethought themselves of Dickens, whose tales and sketches had been exciting some little sensation in the world of journalism; and who had, indeed, already written for the firm a story, the "Tuggs at Ramsgate," which may be read among the "Sketches.
Life of Charles Dickens
Both examples are illustrative of the problems which arise because organizations, including banks, must of their nature act through human agents.
Some illustrative examples will serve to show the behaviour that is required of law schools by this model.
The case is illustrative of a common pattern.
Some researchers appear to think so, identifying a genealogical chart depicting bilateral kindred in descending order as illustrative of one of Sutton's cognatic descent groups.
The notes which I have borrowed or written are either illustrative, by which difficulties are explained; or judicial, by which faults and beauties are remarked; or emendatory, by which depravations are corrected.
Preface to Shakespeare
Some element of classroom observation and practice is included and is important for illustrative purposes.
This is illustrative of the absence of an integrated multi-modal public transport plan.
It would seem the Lib Dems 'support for law and order is purely' illustrative '- just as it was when they used a fake nurse to promote their claims of support for the NHS.
Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
I found myself confused by non-Target imagery in 4c, photographic and illustrative.
MCINTYRE: In the memo, Rumsfeld ruminated about, but stopped short of recommending some radical ideas, which he called illustrative options, such as having U.S. troops only patrol where they are welcome and withholding aid from violent areas of Iraq, the kind of tough-love approach advocated by some of Rumsfeld's political adversaries.
CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006
Their attitude toward the aborted Algerian legislative elections is illustrative.
There's not a tinkle, whoosh, or rattle that isn't illustrative.
His photographs are an illustrative depiction of the scene specifically shot for particular assignments.
Logan also skillfully incorporates illustrative primary source texts into each of his chapters.