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How To Use Illumine In A Sentence

  • Autumn drew on in Mitford, and one after another, the golden days were illumined with changing light.
  • Jules Michelet wrote in La Régence Paris, 1879 of “coffee, the sobering beverage, a mighty nutrient of the brain, unlike spiritous liquors, increases purity and clarity; coffee, which clears the imagination of fogs and heavy vapours, which illumines the reality of things with the white light of truth; antierotic coffee, which at length substitutes stimulation of the mind for stimulation of the sexual faculties!” Savoring The Past
  • In the evening and night the latter showed special activity, star rockets and other fireworks being used to illumine the opposing positions, which were heavily fusilladed. World's War Events, Vol. I
  • They also tell us that the purpose of being born a human being is to become conscious in the illumined mind, awakened heart and soul, and increasingly peaceful and vibrant body of this Sacred Marriage, so as to be flooded with its peace, bliss and power. Andrew Harvey and Karuna Erickson: Heart Yoga: A Response to Today's Stress
  • “shining motty through the reek,” to use the expression of a bard of that time and country, illumined the grey hairs of the old man, and the sacred page which he studied. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
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  • And yet, while there are some common themes within the "random" mix that have been witnessed many times over the past 150+ years such as discoid objects, spheres [both metallic and illumined], and more recently large black triangles [plus "humanoid" varieties of entities], etcetera, can we suppose these more common "display patterns" to be the "signal within the noise"? Posthuman Blues
  • In his Confessions Augustine redirected reason inward in a fateful focus upon the content and structure of his own mind and soul, as he now experienced them - illumined by grace.
  • If we except the class of preëminent saints of whom the names illumine history, and consider only the usual run of "saints," the shopkeeping church-members and ordinary youthful or middle-aged recipients of instantaneous conversion, whether at revivals or in the spontaneous course of methodistic growth, you will probably agree that no splendor worthy of a wholly supernatural creature fulgurates from them, or sets them apart from the mortals who have never experienced that favor. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • The period chosen for my illustration is the moment when the last shell fired from the fleet bursts over the battery; and the troops, illumined by the glare, are seen rushing to the parapet to repel the assault. Illustrations of the War in America
  • A spark, indeed, would be sufficient to reillumine that soul, a recollection crossing that brain to recall reason. The Mysterious Island
  • shining motty through the reek," to use the expression of a bard of that time and country, illumined the grey hairs of the old man, and the sacred page which he studied. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Volume 1
  • Perhaps this context of guarded or duplicitous speech illumines the doubletalk on Paul's part.
  • We hope that looking at Ugly laws, anti-Okie laws, and Jim Crow laws will give us the distance and perspective we need to illumine our own blind spots and democratic failings. Paul Boden: The Quality of Whose Life? Part 2
  • As the sun shines both on the cedar and on the floweret, so the Divine Sun illumines every soul, great and small, and all correspond to His care—just as in nature the seasons are so disposed that on the appointed day the humblest daisy shall unfold its petals ... Flowers and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
  • Through one of those fortuities that illumine the paths of even the dull-witted, I stumbled upon Henry George.
  • The segment of my horizon it illumines grows shorter and ever shorter, and the night longer and longer.
  • Everywhere is pure, light illumines the ten directions, and the ten thousand dharmas [things] are one as is.
  • The town, climbing the hill, assumed the proportions of a mighty citadel; the forest tree-tops were prismatic, emerald balls flung beneath the illumined Merveille; and the Cathedral was set in a daffodil frame; its aerial _escalier de dentelle_, like Jacob's ladder, led one easily heavenward. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • It was not enough to fill the chamber and illumine its dark walls, but it brightened our spirits all the same. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • “I am the light”; and what multitudes of things He illumined I He threw light upon the character of God, upon the nature of man, upon the beauty of holiness, upon the abominableness of sin. The Silver Lining: Messages of Hope and Cheer
  • A little instruction in the elements of chartography ” a little practice in the use of the compass and the spirit level, a topographical map of the town common, an excursion with a road map ” would have given me a fat round earth in place of my paper ghost; would have illumined the one dark alley in my school life. The Promised Land
  • Again a smile of indescribable expression illumined her lips, cheeks, and eyes. — The Enchantress; or, Where Shall I Find Her? A Tale
  • This method of penetrative observation leads one to realize deeply that the awakened mind is not separate from the deluded mind, and that behind the illumination, there is neither one who illumines nor one who is illumined.
  • Divine Justice has again [illumined] the torch of my days, to make me contemplate more nearly my deplorable enterprize. Selection from _Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred_
  • And he illumines every stage of his long recital of his past history, showing especial tenderness to Miranda as he reassures her "a cherubin thou wast that didst preserve me". The Tempest - review
  • The manchild smiles slightly, his face illumined from within by love.
  • Côté prestations devant public: nous sommes passés 4 fois au grand plaisir du public ! et dans la soirée , un défilé aux flambeaux, magnifique , devant le château illuminé ! Le Chouans en Avant, Bivouac à Sully sur Loire
  • Bridgie explained; and Mademoiselle smiled meaningly, for had not the order just gone forth that the Castle was to be "illumined" once more for the arrival of the son and heir? Pixie O'Shaughnessy
  • She spoke steadily, but the effort ached through her whole frame, especially when the last word illumined John Plantagenet's face with strange sweet light, quenched as his lip trembled, his nostril quivered, his eye even moistened, as he said, 'It is enough, lady; I will no more vex one who is vexed enough already; and you will so far trust me as to regard me as your protector, if you should be in need?' The Caged Lion
  • Lacking gloriousness in themselves, they deny gloriousness to all mankind; too cowardly for whimsy and derring-do, they assert whimsy and derring-do ceased at the very latest no later than the middle ages; flickering little tapers themselves, their feeble eyes are dazzled to unseeingness of the flaming conflagrations of other souls that illumine their skies. THE KANAKA SURF
  • The storm bellowed and blazed outside, the rain strummed richly on the patio roof which the lightning illumined, and as we descended that stately stair, with its walls ramped and foliaged over with heraldic fauna and flora, I felt as never before the disadvantage of not being still fourteen years old. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • I'd like for readers to tell me, if they trusted me enough to be that honest with me, how the life of Marie Antoinette might illumine life as we live it. Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
  • It extended from the _prima luce_, from the earliest dawn of radiance that streaked the "severing clouds in yonder east," through the sun's matin, meridian, postmeridian, and vesper circuit; from the disappearance of Lucifer in the re-illumined skies, to his evening entree in the character of Hesperus. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • Some years later he returned to the town, but as he remained only a short time, he evidently did not reillumine his first flame. The Love Affairs of Great Musicians
  • It was eerie to watch the contour of the arc break, die away into a delicate pallor and reillumine in a travelling riband. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • The system of ten thousand worlds was like a bouquet of flowers sent whirling through the air, or like a thick carpet of flowers; in the intermundane spaces the eight-thousand-league-longhells, which not even the light of seven suns had formerly been able to illumine, were now flooded with radiance; the eighty-four-thousand-league-deep ocean became sweet to the taste; the rivers checked their flowing; the blind from birth received their sight; the deaf from birth their hearing; the cripples from birth the use of their limbs; and the bonds and fetters of captives broke and fell off. The Attainment of Buddhaship. I. The Buddha. Translated from the Introduction to the Jtaka (i. 685).
  • If we except the class of preeminent saints of whom the names illumine history, and consider only the usual run of "saints," the shopkeeping church-members and ordinary youthful or middle-aged recipients of instantaneous conversion, whether at revivals or in the spontaneous course of methodistic growth, you will probably agree that no splendor worthy of a wholly supernatural creature fulgurates from them, or sets them apart from the mortals who have never experienced that favor. Varieties of Religious Experience, a Study in Human Nature
  • Who would have thought, for instance, that Hosea's domestic life would illumine his understanding of the love of God; or that Amos, a keeper of sycamore trees in the village of Tekoa, would be the one to redefine God as justice? John Shelby Spong: Why We Must Reclaim The Bible From Fundamentalists
  • He was surrounded by people who had many powerful ideas and who illumined him to the point where they could wind him up and then he could do his special stuff.
  • There was a rustle of straw in the corner of the chamber, illumined by a shaft of diffident sunlight that looked as though it had got up far too early, and a tousled head poked out, squinting bleary eyes into the dusty gloom.
  • Whereas, on the other hand, emanating as they do from the infinite wisdom and mercy of God, formulated in the shape of positive precepts, and corroborated by the portentous manner of their promulgation, those principles acquire an undisputed authority, remove every doubt, illumine the mind with unexpected sublime truths, satisfy the heart which finds them consentaneous with its own feelings, and are thus more apt to accomplish the objects towards which they are directed. A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth
  • In the end we will return to the story of Kathrin Brümsin, the novice from St. Katharinenthal, and reassess the connections between sensual environment and spirituality that her life illumines. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The light from the companionway illumined the interior.
  • Two of the torches that illumined the battlements had been doused there, swathing the crenellations under a cloak of darkness. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • In after years, when he filled and rounded out, he had a manly open look, illumined always as by sunlight for his friends, and a well-proportioned, 'buirdly' form, that well entitled him to the name of man in Queen Elizabeth's full sense of the word. The Tribune of Nova Scotia A Chronicle of Joseph Howe
  • A little instruction in the elements of chartography -- a little practice in the use of the compass and the spirit level, a topographical map of the town common, an excursion with a road map -- would have given me a fat round earth in place of my paper ghost; would have illumined the one dark alley in my school life. The Promised Land
  • Bertha, in her expiring effort for breath, had raised upon her knees in bed, when suddenly, as in the other case, she raised her hands, her face illumined with the 'light that is not seen upon sea or land,' and she said in a strong, clear whisper -- for her vocal cords were so involved in the diphtheritic membranes that her voice was gone completely -- 'O mamma! Doctor Jones' Picnic
  • Abandoning a vain search after abstractions, and applying his simple formula to life, Hinton found that it enabled him to express the faith in his heart in terms conformable to reason; that it led back to, and illumined the teachings of every spiritual instructor and inspirer of mankind. Four-Dimensional Vistas
  • Long and narrow, it looked like a kalsomined cave illumined by a lightning bug in a bottle when he turned the electric switch. The Fighting Shepherdess
  • But the mollah calls to prayers from the minaret of a humble mosque; and in a dark corner illumined by aslant rays from a small high window in a wall, teaches to some half a dozen urchins the strange Arabic letters and the chants of the Koran. Life of Schamyl And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia
  • Its pathway is illumined by the reflected light from the rose window - shards of blue, scarlet, pale gold that shimmer.
  • If and when the external world does impinge on the poet's private thought processes, it is only to illumine some internal dilemma of the worrying poet, to strengthen or invigorate some pitiful struggle of his. Anis Shivani: Philip Levine and Other Mediocrities: What it Takes to Ascend to the Poet Laureateship
  • Early the next morning, as a kind of etherealized sunshine broke through the white muslin curtains of Arnfinn's room, and long streaks of sun-illumined dust stole through the air toward the sleeper's pillow, there was a sharp rap at the door, and Strand entered. Tales From Two Hemispheres
  • The light had burned low in the socket; and who shall reillumine that brief candle when its day is over? Vixen, Volume III.
  • It was not enough to fill the chamber and illumine its dark walls, but it brightened our spirits all the same. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Lacking gloriousness in themselves, they deny gloriousness to all mankind; too cowardly for whimsy and derring-do, they assert whimsy and derring-do ceased at the very latest no later than the middle ages; flickering little tapers themselves, their feeble eyes are dazzled to unseeingness of the flaming conflagrations of other souls that illumine their skies. THE KANAKA SURF
  • Almost as with a blush, her long, brown eyes were illumined, as she bridged the years to her lover near half a century dead and dust. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • * Illumine the eyes of my heart, * you who once gave birth to the unfading Light * Who illumines the ends of the earth * through the fiery sign of His judgment. "Lent is the sacramental expression of the brief life we live here..."
  • Becky, slim and small, with her hair peaked up to a topknot, Becky in pale blue, Becky as fair as her string of imitation pearls, Becky in the golden haze of the softly illumined room, Becky, Becky Bannister -- the name chimed in his ears. The Trumpeter Swan
  • Her eyes alternately opened upon but shut against the light, and, finally, the exertions of the old man were rewarded as the golden gleam of expression began to relight and reillumine those features which seemed never to be without it. Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • And he illumines every stage of his long recital of his past history, showing especial tenderness to Miranda as he reassures her "a cherubin thou wast that didst preserve me". The Tempest - review
  • God continually illumines us, both dwelling upon us and dwelling among us.
  • The literary masterpiece Barrow draws on to illumine the path of conversion and repentance is Dante's Purgatorio.
  • SVILUPPO: According to the Italian wires, the Holy See's message -- as communicated by Lombardi -- included the prayer that God might "illumine" the president-elect, that he might be able "to respond to the expectations and the hopes placed in him, effectively serving justice and right, seeking new paths to promote peace in the world, supporting the growth and dignity of peoples in respect to their human values and spiritual essence. Latest Articles
  • Page 394 coursing through the green plains, and dark promontories, or obtuse projections of the side-long acclivities, alternately advancing or receding on the verge of the illumined native fields, to the utmost extent of sight; the summits of the acclivities afford, besides the forest trees already recited, Halesia, Ptelea, Circis, Cornus Florida and Amorpha. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • And your splendour illumined the glooms that blent: The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Within it, flashes of light illumined two draconic figures locked in a death match. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • What an adorable expression illumined her face, what passion shone in those great black eyes when she looked at that little fool d’Escorval! The Honor of the Name
  • It refers to the poor, the sick and even the "illumined" living within the temple enclosures and undoubtedly supported by the clergy, as were the refugees of the The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • All slept -- all England slept; and from my window, commanding a wide prospect of the star-illumined country, I saw the land stretched out in placid rest. II.7
  • A little instruction in the elements of chartography – a little practice in the use of the compass and the spirit level, a topographical map of the town common, an excursion with a road map – would have given me a fat round earth in place of my paper ghost; would have illumined the one dark alley in my school life. The Promised Land
  • But as it is, such knowledge of exemplary forms is impossible, though the light of God illumines the forms of particular things that we encounter in the world so that we can come to know them.
  • I listened intently, and presently heard a light “pitapat,” as if some one was walking across the floor; and while I was trying to muster up courage to call out, there was a sharp click, a flood of light illumined the cell, and I saw that the intruder was a man. Golden Days for Boys and Girls Volume VIII, No 25: May 21, 1887
  • ` ` shining motty through the reek, '' to use the expression of a bard of that time and country, illumined the grey hairs of the old man, and the sacred page which he studied. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • His eminent danger filled him with terror, and he receded some paces, but in vain endeavoured to reillumine his torch, which was soaked with water. Alroy The Prince Of The Captivity
  • The tip of his heart gets illumined and, being illumined, the atman departs through the eye or the head or some other part of the body.
  • The interchange of ideas illumines the debate.
  • As Chris Williamson sang, "Open my eyes, that I may see, Spirit of Life, illumine me; Open my eyes, Spirit Divine. Dr. Cara Barker: What the Chilean Miners Can Teach Us About Hope
  • I use the word mystic not in the current sense of one who employs exotic implements like crystals, flutes, or shaman rattles in his meditations or who performs self-designed rites in hopes of persuading the spirit world to illumine his present and supply his needs. Letter to a Godchild
  • Back, from the solitary world. and the mellow rays of the sun again illumined nature with their cheerful splendor. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Perhaps this context of guarded or duplicitous speech illumines the doubletalk on Paul's part.
  • They separated after a time, and only here and there an isolated stellular light illumined the snow, and conjured white mystic circles into the wide spaces of the darkness. 'way Down In Lonesome Cove 1895
  • For nature too is a form of art; and a breath of the fresh air or a single glance at the varying landscape would in an instant revive and reillumine the extinguished spark of poetry in the human breast. The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  • What an adorable expression illumined her face, what passion shone in those great black eyes when she looked at that little fool d'Escorval! The Honor of the Name
  • Page view page image: where dwelt priests and nobles, illumined the propyla of the temples, burnished the lakes, gilded the obelisks, and flooded the whole City of the Sun with magnificence; — for there is a splendor and glory in the sunshine of Egypt unknown in other lands, the result of the purity of the crystalline atmosphere. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • Second, the strife between world and earth gives rise to a strife between concealment and unconcealment, which means that, even when we are illumined through a disclosure, much remains hidden.

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