
How To Use Illuminating In A Sentence

  • If this approach has a drawback, it is that the zealous pursuit of the founding principle—disinterring the buried life, stamped under the sod by conniving male partners—sometimes obscures the fact that not a great deal gets added to the wider cultural landscape it is bent on illuminating. A Far From Model Marriage
  • All of these essays are clear, well documented, and illuminating.
  • All seven characters are drawn with illuminating detail and superbly played by an outstanding young company.
  • Illuminating Fashion: Dress in the Art of Medieval France and the Netherlands" includes over 50 illuminated medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as printed books, and will tell you what a gipser and kirtle were. Don't Miss: June 4-10
  • And, if you're illuminating things away from the house, like your trees, get some outdoor floodlight holders that you can spike right into the ground.
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  • As far as I can discern, these are foliated or (roughly speaking) “wrapped” objects akin to the “reel” referred to above; but the Wikipedia article on them is rather terse and formal and not very illuminating. The Arrow of Time in Scientific American
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • The most illuminating part of the seminar was the discussion that followed the speech.
  • King opts for slower tempos than expected, illuminating every stately arpeggio in the opening instrumental prelude until the explosive entry of the voices.
  • But if the journalistic scope includes the sequence of events that led to the leak, the coverage has the potential to be illuminating.
  • I walked briskly up the driveway of Sean's house, the street light illuminating me.
  • (1997, 2006, 2008) defends an empiricist and non-realist form of structuralism about science, motivated by an illuminating reconstruction of the origins of structuralism in the debate about the epistemology of physical geometry in the nineteenth century, and more generally in the progressive mathematisation of science. Structural Realism
  • Hector grabbed my hand and made a dash for the entrance, the lights from the marquee illuminating his jubilant face.
  • The lights above glared down on them all, a rack of suns illuminating a drifting fleet of ships.
  • For, until they are schooled into learning the story of their nation states, children have other illuminating narratives about how they came into being.
  • And then there was a gorgeous sunset over Chalkwell - a red sky illuminating the mudflats at low tide - I really wished that I had had my camera.
  • There is one context in which the language of possible worlds is undoubtedly useful and even illuminating, namely, in the study of formal axiomatic systems of modal logic.
  • The book's worldwide critical success helped contextualise the region for a huge audience; illuminating the caste system and conveying how central the rivers and backwaters are to the area's everyday rhythms of life.
  • In case it should appear that any have committed the irremissible blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and the total apostasy from the illuminating convictive powers of the Christian religion, it should seem that they are not to be prayed for at all. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Such an education proves indistinguishable from life in an immigrant culture because the illuminating conflict between cultures adds this inner dialectic.
  • Ms Cromwell’s account of a discussion she had with her endocrinologist is illuminating: Sugar and spice and all things neurobiological
  • His glass, in front of the candle, writhing flame visible through the clear liquid, illuminating the bubbles spinning and fizzing their way upward.
  • I feel panic rising in the back of my throat, urgency illuminating my cerebral cortex, and a dark cloud of bewilderment obscuring my vision.
  • The incandescent gas mantle, developed by the German von Welsbach in 1885, greatly increased illuminating power and for a time helped fight off competition from electric lighting.
  • The same light slanted across her face, illuminating her pale green eyes and making her slightly tanned skin glow.
  • In 1880, arc lights were mounted on huge towers in Wabash, Indiana, illuminating the entire city.
  • The two books provide detailed but clear legislative history while illuminating the changing political process and values of the postwar West.
  • Garcia Maquez's magic realism sheds a light on tyranny that is no less illuminating for its kaleidoscopic nature; Toni Morrison's opulent, curvaceous sentences give us a taste of the poison of racism, as do J.M. Coetzee's angularities. Moral Fiction
  • Illuminating reality without recourse to truth is proving a difficult proposition.
  • Along with illuminating the critters, they make it easer to see the edge of ragged Colorado roads, and can be handy for setting up camp.
  • One of the more interesting and illuminating things we engaged ourselves in was in joining the English Civil War re-enactment society called ‘The Sealed Knot’. Think Progress » CIA’s top spy: U.S. intelligence hasn’t ‘suffered at all’ from banning waterboading.
  • Though MacDonald's discussion of this topic is interesting and illuminating, it left me unconvinced.
  • There is also the Delmas hot air burner, in which the batswing flame is completely inclosed in a glass, mounted with a sheet-iron casing, heated by the products of combustion, through which the air passes on its passage downward to feed the flame; and it thus increases the temperature, improves the illuminating power, and produces a beautiful steady light. Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
  • In truth, he has written as easily about love as he has about tyranny, as nimbly about rabid dictators as about powerless artists; he has given us "Vargas Llosa light," in delightfully erotic (thinly veiled autobiographical) stories, and "Vargas Llosa dark," in elaborately researched and profoundly illuminating historical novels. The power of Mario Vargas Llosa's words led the political writer to Nobel Prize
  • The commentary is particularly illuminating.
  • It was an illuminating moment of exquisite agony still vivid these many years later.
  • He used the Golden Legend, Huon de Meri's allegorical poem of the fight between Jesus and the Antichrist, Peter Comestor's Bible History, Rustebeuf's La Voie de Paradis, Grosseteste's religious allegory of Le Chastel d 'Amour, the paraded learning of Vincent of Beauvais in Speculum Historiale, and other works -- numerous and small signs of booklore, which are completely overshadowed by his illuminating comprehension of the popular side in the politics of his day. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • Questions were asked about black box, flight paths, crashes, missile technology, etc., and the answers were illuminating.
  • Intermittently gripping thriller illuminating one of our planet's grubbier secrets: the ongoing slave trade, in the form of domestic help forcibly recruited from Africa's more troubled regions and bundled into Britain by human traffickers (the closing credits suggest that 5,000 slaves may be held in London alone). Tonight's TV highlights
  • The IntelliStreets "smart" lamppost is the product of the imagination of Ron Harwood, principal and creative director of Illuminating Concepts, based in the Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills. W. David Stephenson: IntelliStreets: Digital Scaffolding for 'Smart' Cities
  • The brilliant orange sunlight of dusk poured into the building from above his head, illuminating everything with vibrant, almost fluorescent colour.
  • The geometrical analogy is a most illuminating one, for it enables us to understand how manyness may be indispensable to a being that is essentially unitary. The Approach to Philosophy
  • The results of an exhaustive study into masculinity were published this week and they make for illuminating reading.
  • Brown seeks to show, with impressive erudition and illuminating analyses of many works of art, how imagination can be a vehicle of truth that is more profound than bare recitals of historical fact.
  • This is an ingenious and illuminating argument, but it is open to serious objection.
  • Lightning fizzed majestically just on cue behind her spiked crown; briefly illuminating the symbolic relic of a world now lost to the seizing hand of bullying big businesses and tactless political tyrants.
  • Sunlight streamed into the building illuminating the two escalators in the center of the large foyer.
  • The discussion is often illuminating: for example, the discussion of the divine king, or of the marginalization of royal women in Benin.
  • If this is not found, the GP will examine the eardrums through an illuminating instrument (an auriscope or an otoscope) that is pushed gently into the ear canal.
  • Illuminating fissures and fault lines began to appear.
  • The ‘show’ was more illuminating than the most extravagant fireworks display; a pageant of craftsmanship and beauty.
  • The surprising and illuminating thing to Westerling was the inspired statement to the press from the Gray Foreign Office, adroitly appealing to Gray chauvinism and justifying the "intrepidity" of the Gray commander in response to so-called "pin-pricking" exasperations. The Last Shot
  • The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the soft, downy clouds that floated aimlessly about in the clear blue skies.
  • He himself is not aware how illuminating this difference will be to one mind closely attuned to his own. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • At its best this piece is illuminating and humorous: an engaging start to the Peter Hall Company's rep season.
  • Here is a typically maddening and illuminating specimen of Pasolini's sublime, crackpot antimodernism.
  • Like a flashbulb illuminating fog, light from the outburst of a star has revealed its dusty surroundings.
  • Callahan at Slant also complains that "using these 'witnesses' as a framework was an inspired idea, but the John Reed we hear about in these testimonies is not the one we see on the screen," and adds further that the extras are "fairly unilluminating, and mainly feature the near-70-year-old Beatty looking great and revealing little. GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 10/25.
  • ‘He wouldn't wake up - I had to kick him,’ said Sabriel bluntly, the moonlight illuminating her black hair with its pearly light.
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • Anglo-Saxon named Erventus, was a clever calligraphist, and is said to have been highly proficient in the art of illuminating; he instructed Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • My recent conversation with him on the issue of aging in the developed world was illuminating.
  • She was only vaguely aware of the sound of car engines starting and the flash of headlights illuminating them as they drove by.
  • For the best part of a year it had been an unilluminating view: nobody had ever stepped into the house. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • But almost instantly the battery-powered emergency light came on, illuminating the nightmare scene with an eerie blue radiance.
  • All over the world, if not every day then in every age, beautiful paintings and poems and pieces of music and buildings are generated: one can almost imagine little flaring lights on the surface of the earth, like those seen in photos from space, though they are much more sparse and scattered than the illuminating devices that bespeckle our globe.
  • Or, at the very least, it must find some middle ground where illuminating investigative pieces and Mel Gibson telephone call mash-ups can coexist. Extra! Extra!
  • Lyndsey followed, leaving the car engine still running, lights on, illuminating the pouring rain. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • His analysis of concepts that play a key role in his theory—plasticity, space, and beauty—is illuminating and philosophically profound.
  • Stacey D'Erasmo on The Road Home by Rose Tremain: She proves herself again magically capable of animating a character from the inside out, illuminating the heart of one modern exile with an extraordinary degree of love, imagination and insight. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers got turned on by the bulb during 1994's Woodstock Music Festival, dawning memorable self-illuminating costumes for their stage show.
  • Drawing power from the battery, the screen lit up brightly, illuminating everything by it.
  • Dundes is to be congratulated on his choice of essayists and on his clear exposition of their key ideas placed in an illuminating historical and autobiographical context.
  • His application of these to Weiss's materials on epigraphy, numismatics, and topography is jarring, but illuminating.
  • One of the most illuminating books for me was Conversations about a Novel by John Steinbeck which was bought for me in the early 70’s by a roadie from a band of mine and was a book of letters Steinbeck wrote to his publisher every morning before commencing his work on East of 52 entries from February 2007
  • Beck could see far better in the water now, the floodlights on the dock illuminating the water in front of him.
  • We collimate it so that we have a uniform beam illuminating the test piece. Archive 2004-04-01
  • Was it illuminating and instructive, or was it merely emotional pornography?
  • The magenta, blue, and green lights fell across her gray eyes and brown hair in beautiful patterns, illuminating them with color.
  • The sun broke through like a murky searchlight, illuminating a small patch of water. COVER STORY
  • Microscopical Society: "Its chief purpose is that of illuminating and defining objects which are nonpolarizable, in a similar manner to that in which the polariscope defines polarizable objects. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • Hunting trophies line the walls and cartwheel light fixtures hang from the ceiling, illuminating the tables and paved stone floor.
  • There is even the promise of positive theory, exemplified in a brief but illuminating discussion of Likert's notions of effective hierarchies.
  • Sunlight flooded the previously dingy room, illuminating the slightly discolored spots on the carpet and the ugly brown wallpaper.
  • Even here, in the first chapter, the reader is treated to probing analysis and illuminating discussion.
  • Come evening, the whole city wore the look of a spectacular fairyland, with a million bulbs illuminating the streets and shopping areas.
  • Getting out of the car, I flipped the brights lever, illuminating the Don.
  • The book is full of illuminating detail on the causes of the war.
  • The harsh neon light hanging from the tiled ceiling cast an eerie glow on his face, illuminating his serious features.
  • He uses his narrative's inherent elasticity to open perspective and depth of field naturally, then skillfully dollies around and pans in and out of larger contexts as illuminating backdrop for his two odd couples.
  • I repeat what I wrote in the May issue: ‘He is a historian of great talents, with a gift for illuminating unsuspected aspects of the past.’
  • With pulse durations in the femtoseconds, scientists essentially could take the equivalent of a still photograph of extremely short-lived events, illuminating chemical interactions as they happened and creating a new understanding of how materials are formed from molecular constituents.
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • The living room was just as I remembered it, with a single lamp covered with a stained glass shade illuminating the entire room.
  • There were dim lights illuminating the hall and it wasn't quite as dusty.
  • But whilst he found it moderately interesting, it didn't arouse in him the same white hot passion that incandesced like a sun in Gifford, warming and illuminating everyone near.
  • He glances up as the sun suddenly shafts through the dark rain clouds, illuminating two great rings of lichen-encrusted sarsens.
  • Arf contributed to the education of many of the present day mathematicians in Turkey, not only by his lectures but also through illuminating discussions in conferences and seminars.
  • Sunlight poured in through Palladian windows, illuminating the room obscenely. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • Light showed in the open doorway and above the forecabin windows, illuminating the pebbled artificial beach. Bloodhype
  • We can also find from her unique imaginal sense, that she is a bright lamp illuminating the current Chinese industry and agriculture from conflict to harmony.
  • an illuminating lecture
  • The drug hit him like an express train, a white-hot column of light mounting his spine from the region of his prostate, illuminating the sutures of his skull with x-rays of short-cir - cuited sexual energy. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • There are very many different kinds of coal; some are rich in hydrogen, and are therefore well adapted for making illuminating gas, while others, such as anthracite, are very rich in carbon, and contain but little hydrogen; the last named variety of coal is smokeless, and is therefore largely used for drying malt. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • The text ends on page 710, the rest consisting of notes and index, and while the notes are sharp and illuminating, some of them amount to mini-essays.
  • As well as illuminating the subtle stylistic differences of these writers, Bergeron perceptively locates correspondences between the civic pageantry and other areas of the authors' canons, particularly the drama.
  • There have been brief illuminating instances of the living language over the years.
  • Enzo Grecos study of Spartacus on the Strait of Messina is illuminating if unconvincing: Enzo Greco, Spartaco sullo stretto ovvero Le origini di Villa San Giovanni e Fiumara di muro Rome: Gangemi Editore, 1999. The Spartacus War
  • Formal documentation of song texts, music and dance is both crucial and illuminating.
  • Essential for its use as a marker in protoplast fusion is its ease of detection by illuminating live cells or tissues at the appropriate excitation wavelength.
  • King opts for slower tempos than expected, illuminating every stately arpeggio in the opening instrumental prelude until the explosive entry of the voices.
  • Orange and white light flashed over the bay, illuminating the water and the mountains. DESPERADOES
  • Her comment upon this, in French doggerel, is illuminating. Three Hundred Years Hence
  • This is a kind of self-criticism, but it is far from illuminating.
  • Their results were paradoxical and their discussion illuminating.
  • Many respondents wrote extensive and illuminating commentaries to amplify their yes or no responses, which make the data far richer than the simple percentages given above.
  • We didn't find the examples he used particularly illuminating.
  • Boswell's life is unusual in illuminating not only the underworld of the prostitutes among whom he spent an impressive proportion of his time but also the heavy, static society of the Scottish aristocracy and the fierily loquacious world of London's "clubbable" men. Bozzy's Life
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • The three charges blew within the cloud, illuminating the hackled back of the dragon. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • An illuminating consequence of this debate has been the light it has thrown on the priorities of the Green lobby.
  • Despite and perhaps because of their inconclusiveness, these timber studies offer an illuminating chapter in environmental history.
  • The full moon slowly rises, orange-red above the Georgia forest, illuminating a small encampment of tents and camouflage.
  • Lightning flashed, illuminating the dark hollow face of a single man.
  • The lights from the penlights bounced off from shard to shard, illuminating the space in front of the French soldiers with an eerie red glow, blinding them again.
  • It is this special knowledge, or gnosis, which hopefully can make the inside ethnography so different and illuminating.
  • Although her picturesqueness did not swarm on him with images illuminating night, subduing day, like the Countess Livia's, it was marked, it could tower and intermittently eclipse; and it was of the uplifting and healing kind by comparison, not a delicious balefulness. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 3
  • Each launcher has six launch tubes and is capable of firing illuminating rounds or chaff rounds to counter hostile radars and radar guided missiles.
  • He does so clearly, often illuminating the topic with discussion of classical texts.
  • Sunlight slanted through the windows, illuminating his blond hair, now peppered with gray.
  • My mind reeled at the collision of memes from greenspeak and marketing that "sustainable branding" contains, and down that road probably lies an illuminating deconstruction on its own, but on a more practical note it became clear that for the panelists this idea captured the nuts and bolts dilemma that faces commercial institutions as they enter virtual worlds: how to maintain control over their brands while tapping into the innovation that virtual world users can provide. Sustain That Brand
  • Sting clearly finds this material humorous, touching, compelling, but the interjection of no fewer than seven spoken-word soliloquies makes 'Songs From the Labyrinth' feel like a formal night at the theater, rather than illuminating the warm, human composer Sting sees in Dowland. Songs From The Labyrinth
  • Thank you for illuminating my day by sharing your happiness! reinette | épanouie
  • “By illuminating so clearly the racial content of the secession persuasion, the commissioners would seem to have laid to rest, once and for all, any notion that slavery had nothing to do with the coming of the Civil War,” Dew wries. Disunion lobbyists important to secession movement
  • What I find illuminating - and, frankly, horrifying - is that there are people for whom he is not hawkish enough.
  • If you're not devoted to eye shadow and I'm not as of late -- too creasy, a dusting of illuminating powder will brighten the area nicely and set off your eyeliner, if you wear it. Is Your Mascara Toxic?
  • Therefore, when the endoscope is used for illumination, softer and diffused light rays can exist, when the luminous source is used as the illuminating lamp, better brightness can exist.
  • Then someone poked at the fire and it flared up, illuminating the room.
  • Regrettably, the illuminating ideas in The Economist are often obscured by stilted prose.
  • Workers are prepared to give away their passwords for a cheap pen, according to a somewhat unscientific - but still illuminating - survey published today.
  • This pattern creates a hologram that you can see by illuminating the plate with a laser.
  • I entered one full of nuns, their winged white coifs illuminating the dim interior, making it like a candle-lit church.
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • They rode across the no-man's land between the camp and the border without incident, chilly starlight illuminating their path. TREASON KEEP
  • He contributed to the education of many of the present day mathematicians in Turkey, not only by his lectures but also through illuminating discussions in conferences and seminars.
  • It includes also some illuminating statements by the poets themselves on their aesthetic outlook and their place in literary history.
  • I studied the Mason method, and found many helpful, illuminating ideas in regard to relaxation and devitalization. Piano Mastery Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers
  • They are usually created by adding an acid to a liquid with a solid suspended in it, known as a sol, or illuminating a sol with a flash of UV light. New way to Transport Liquids…Solidify them | Impact Lab
  • He thumbed the button, gratified when the arm of blue-white light appeared in front of him, illuminating Kate as she floated down to the same depth. Gideon’s war
  • About half of them were shredded, and their gas tanks had ruptured, illuminating the area with isolated fires. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Mr. Anderson said his suit wouldn't interfere with the prosecution of Mr. Sandusky, because the suit is more about illuminating what he called "institutional concealment" at Penn State and Second Mile than punishing Mr. Sandusky. New Accuser Files Lawsuit in Penn State Abuse Case
  • Overheard the sun shone brightly, illuminating the garden with a brilliant ray of light.
  • By illuminating areas that are prone to shadows with strong directional lights you'll find that the room opens up even further.
  • Illuminating and surprising, this programme should be biked directly to the FA and anywhere else where national sports are organised.
  • I don't advocate them for everybody but my experiences have been profoundly meaningful and illuminating.
  • Reminiscent of Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" is an image of a light "echo" illuminating trillions of miles of interstellar dust around the Red Giant star V838 Monocerotis. Ars Technica
  • His autobiography provides an illuminating insight into his mind.
  • Light suddenly burst from the lamps in the corners of the room, illuminating the forms of her three best friends.
  • I find this an illuminating analogy of the real purpose of prayer.
  • The unexpurgated diaries are even more illuminating and controversial than previously released editions, and should be an invaluable resource for anyone studying World War II.
  • What is more illuminating is your seeming indifference to the lack of consideration paid by the BMCC Board to student issues.
  • His critical judgments about quantitative sociology also are not sufficiently illuminating at a craft level to make quantitative analysis more fruitful.
  • HIs present inquiry, as phrased, is not such as to elicit such more illuminating answers, and as such can not have much to say of the nature of socialism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • As you will sure agree, what follows is some of the most illuminating journalism since those two hacks at the Washington Post brought Watergate down on Nixon.
  • A golden light was shining down illuminating Isabelle's face.
  • Bugault's comment on MMK 4. 8-9 is illuminating on this strategy of smoking out substantialism as it retreats from one lair to another: Joseph S. O'Leary homepage
  • These photographs were obtained by illuminating a very thin layer of a smoke-filled boundary layer.
  • This is such an illuminating play and, at times, profoundly deep.
  • Eight of the illuminating plastic road safety boxes were smashed to pieces in a frenzied attack in the early hours of Sunday morning.
  • Impressive not only for its content and candor, but because the guy can flat-out write — he turns a phrase masterfully, but also has a talent for finding the illuminating perspective or a telling anecdote. Science and Culture at the White House
  • The greatest illuminating effect from a given bulk of gas is obtained by mixing it with the requisite proportion of oxygen, and holding in the flame of the burning mixture a piece of some solid infusible and non-volatile substance, such as lime. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • The sun was gloriously illuminating the two men to the west, though both were beset by threatening dark clouds above them.
  • In general, asking for feedback can be illuminating and useful, and shows great self-confidence and self-worth to the employer.
  • But it wasn't long before headlights cut through the downpour from behind her, reflecting off her yellow slicker and illuminating the drenched roadside heath.
  • Stark's discussion is lively, pointed and frequently illuminating.
  • For the war cut off the shipment of turpentine from the South, creating an acute shortage of camphene, the cheap illuminating oil derived from turpentine. The Prize
  • Not without reason, Americans worried that they could be poisoned by illuminating gas or burned by electrical fires.
  • The play offers some illuminating insights into the King's character.
  • That last incident is particularly illuminating.
  • The living room was just as I remembered it, with a single lamp covered with a stained glass shade illuminating the entire room.
  • The light of the moon beamed down on them, illuminating the streets, not a single soul in sight to see the climax.
  • There were little lamps illuminating the little rat alleys.
  • Within the canvas, there is a makeshift altar, the flickering of candles illuminating the glister of an icon.
  • It is the lurid intermixture of the two that produces the illuminating blaze of the infernal regions.
  • Your article G2, 29 April was illuminating in depicting the travails of the postie in the liberalised Dutch mail system. Letter: Postal horror stories
  • A thunderflash burst over the sea, illuminating the parlour. THE OPEN DOOR
  • The result in each case is a book which is informative, stimulating and illuminating.
  • He introduced students to the main ideas of the subject by means of illuminating examples and by giving proofs of important special cases of more general theorems.
  • That hands-on style brought an integrity and euphony to the lifetime written record of his creative, illuminating and vivifying mind.
  • At the moment, in the third window down, a light shone brightly, illuminating a small patch of the garden below.
  • At the intersection of the hallways sat a round wooden table with a desk lamp on it, illuminating several blue, hard cover binders filled with multitudes of papers.
  • Finally, the book is also punctuated with a series of illuminating photographs, charts, and tables.
  • The sun's morning light shone softly, illuminating her blue eyes.
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  • A giant chandelier hovered over them lit with many candles illuminating the room.
  • Let us carry our experiments a step further, and see what effect what is known as a turbid medium has upon the illuminating value of different parts of the spectrum. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • There's nothing as unforgotten as things just short of their centenary, nor as illuminating of the present. Times, Sunday Times
  • She rode on the ocean's surface with the moon illuminating her flowing hair and garments.
  • Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.

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