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How To Use Illiterate In A Sentence

  • Even in 1935 they were being sent an ‘astonishing amount of illiterate and unintelligent writing’, but practised readers spent little time on it.
  • It was into this lawless milieu that Devi was born, the second daughter of a low-caste illiterate farmer.
  • When you come to the world of weblogs for the first time you will probably find to your horror that they are written by foul-mouthed illiterates, self-obsessed juveniles (of all ages), assorted bigots and swivel-eyed fruitcakes.
  • Sending computers won't do much at all if people are illiterate never mind *computer illiterate* and starving. Let the train wreck begin
  • People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
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  • And a lot of our people are elderly and a lot of them are uneducated, illiterate.
  • Hannity is a illiterate, non-educated Northeastern bohunk with a big yap and no brains. Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • Whether you're educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you're going to catch hell just like I am.
  • I'm disturbed that so many of the students appear to be illiterate.
  • The screeches of some of the more outlandish among gloomy modern composers or the illiterate wailings of some vapid rock ‘musician’ are subjected to sham scholarship and pseudo philosophising.
  • They couldn't communicate in writing, because William was illiterate.
  • They tell their own story, simply—sometimes ungrammatically and illiterately, but nevertheless irresistibly. Cries of Despair and Society’s Problems
  • In 1990 the World Bank estimated that half the population was illiterate (could not read or write).
  • People are defined as illiterate when they do not conform to a set of cultural criteria defined by the ruling elite of a particular society.
  • People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
  • The labouring poor of Shakespeare's London, deformed by drudgery, illness, and accident, tormented by vermin, illiterate and unregenerate, must have presented a certain Calibanesque aspect.
  • Is English not your mother tongue or are you just plain illiterate? Think Progress » Clinton: If Obama Offers Peace Plan, ‘I Will Support It’
  • Children were not allowed to attend public schools and many were illiterate; reading and writing being ‘unnatural’ technologies that would corrupt the children.
  • Automatons, illiterates and indigents of every shape and size, don't stop but aid this cruel crusade participate in their own demise.
  • People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
  • States, in his treatise on 'The School Question,' is that, while the illiterate convicts in the California penitentiary, at the date of the report, numbered 112, against 985 who could read and write, '_among the younger convicts they could all read and write_'. France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • In the rural areas, priests ministered to a largely illiterate population and, among them, were viewed with some deference for their literacy, their links to local elites, and their contacts with the wider world.
  • I bet it would be more accurate to say that they illiterately finalized the deal this week. COMMENTS OF THE WEEK
  • The syndic was her tenant, and bowed down to her, and the rest of the illiterate officials followed his lead. Taquisara
  • A nation four-fifths peasant and two-thirds illiterate was industrialised, urbanised and educated within 30 years.
  • It's even read to illiterate factory labourers while they work.
  • Every illiterate good-ole-boy speaks in sparklingly correct prose, with the occasional Southern idiom thrown into the mix.
  • His uncouth son who shows no respect to his illiterate father compounds the dilemma.
  • Nominus says, “I bet it would be more accurate to say that they illiterately finalized the deal this week.” COMMENT OF THE WEEK WINS A PORNO
  • Of course, a philosophy of confrontation licences any form of outrage and protest against it to be antimodern illiterate. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its members were unskilled workers, mostly uneducated, occasionally illiterate and often unable to read or speak English.
  • They tell their own story, simply; sometimes ungrammatically and illiterately, but nevertheless irresistibly.
  • He funded books in a nation of illiterates and non-readers.
  • Then he disparaged my writing for being too illiterate for some but too literate for others.
  • Most 11-year-olds are not being encouraged to develop advanced reading skills; a small but significant number are illiterate.
  • The villagers are mostly illiterate, so they have to go to intermediaries to get any official documents prepared.
  • The threat comes not from some Whitehall johnny-come-lately, nor some politically correct illiterate chair of a focus group, seeking his day in the Sun.
  • The degree of hateful violence expressed here by the anti-hunters, albeit nearly illiterately, is frightening.
  • Back in the 19th century historians thought that 'marginalia' simply were the fancy of the artist and that the artist was illiterate," Hunt says. NEW BOOK ILLUMINATES MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS
  • Utopian lines; there will be no illiterates unless they are unteachable imbeciles, no rule-of-thumb toilers as inadaptable as trained beasts. A Modern Utopia
  • He was the antithesis of the archetypal young black man, particularly as those seen though pre-1994 racist eyes as being illiterate, arrogant, uncouth and untutored.
  • A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.
  • Sending a triumvirate of trained pollsters and media men into the bumpkin's backwoods barrio, he hopes to help the honky-tonk hick win more than his fair share of the illiterate Appalachian vote.
  • We are shown into a miserable garret, and introduced to a vulgar, illiterate, cockneyfied, dirty, dandified linendraper's shopman, in the person of _Tittlebat Titmouse_. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841
  • So perhaps we should stop predicting the emergence of an illiterate, story-less generation whose only evolutionary advantage will be double-jointed Xbox thumbs. Don't fear the Reader: how technology can benefit children's books
  • Here, computer-illiterate small-time capitalists can commit gaffes, like holding the mouse upside down, without being seen.
  • During the Middle Ages, living pictures of biblical stories were used in churches to educate the illiterate masses.
  • But he, as only history knows, was an inept military commander, a lying, back-stabbing political opportunist, and, for good measure, mostly illiterate.
  • Indeed, one-million Quebecers are illiterate and can't read this simple phrase (although the rest surely can and will).
  • That they were able to do so handily and with a backward and politically illiterate film star as their standard bearer only underscores the dimensions of the Democratic collapse.
  • This illiterate douchebag just can't it through his thick head that he's in the wrong.
  • It would rather let them go out into the world illiterate or innumerate rather than suffer the supposed indignity of being told how to do something properly.
  • This is a residential program for illiterate to semi-literate girls between 12 and 18 years with the ambitious objective of returning them to Class 5 in formal schools.
  • NEW YORK -- The author known simply as Sapphire titled her acclaimed, controversial 1996 novel Push for a simple reason: Her narrator, an illiterate and obese 16-year-old - Articles related to Mariah Carey to play Vanessa Hudgens' mother in new film?
  • In the past, he has called Bush a "donkey, " US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice an "illiterate" and former Mexican President Vicente Fox a "lapdog of imperialism.
  • But for the illiterates and even many literates, who throng the Collectorate seeking assistance, their services are indispensable.
  • This epitome of middle-class decency has been toiling with 'a kleptocratic elite above him, the illiterate majority below'. Times, Sunday Times
  • A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.
  • Cleon is worsted not by an upright and dignified man but by an illiterate and brazen cynic who beats him at his own game.
  • I want to know which school this illiterate prig went to, in order to avoid it.
  • He had been made into a Lieutenant, and that was something of a miracle for a man who had joined the army as an illiterate Private, and he had been brevetted a Captain, which meant he was paid as such even though his true rank remained Lieutenant, but he could only get the real promotion if he either purchased a vacant Captaincy or, much less likely, was promoted by Lawford. Sharpe's Escape
  • [3646] gull, a dizzard, an illiterate idiot, an outside, a glowworm, a proud fool, an arrant ass, Ventris et inguinis mancipium, a slave to his lust and belly, solaque libidine fortis. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Illiterates can not read instructions on a bottle of prescription medicine.
  • This may not be the right criteria to apply when buying a computer, but what else is an illiterate to do?
  • For the most part, bone-setters were illiterate or, at best, badly educated and lived in poor rural districts.
  • Where are the serious people who can displace this flea-bitten ragtag circus of charlatans, illiterates, hucksters, kooks, and dumbells?
  • Yeah I know there are illiterate peace activists as well.
  • As the ungainly child of an unlucky shoemaker and an illiterate washerwoman in the Danish city of Odense, he dreamed of being a famous actor and made up little plays about princes and princesses.
  • At least he was able to sign his name, and bluff people into believing he was not illiterate when collecting dole or wages. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Automatons, illiterates and indigents of every shape and size, don't stop but aid this cruel crusade participate in their own demise.
  • A commoner can practice the latter two means of attaining salvation, even if he is illiterate and unable to study the scriptures on his own.
  • What we are learning is that he is illiterate, as in his inability to properly read the word derisive from his teleprompter this weekend and in saying he didn't know how to say something in "Austrian". Latest Articles
  • But he, as only history knows, was an inept military commander, a lying, back-stabbing political opportunist, and, for good measure, mostly illiterate.
  • TIONAL, LIBERIA INCORPORATED based in Monrovia, was intended to train teachers who will teach illiterate people how to read and write. Global Voices in English » Liberians Are Talking, Are You Listening?
  • Everything is falling into the hands of the already-haves, even when it comes to resettling the landless, the qualifying criteria is to fool the illiterates who keep on applying to no avail for the sake of formality.
  • He funded books in a nation of illiterates and non-readers.
  • A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.
  • Anglo used to enroll them in informal classes to learn Fanagolo, a century-old, 200-word pidgin language that was created decades ago so that mining bosses could order illiterate miners to perform basic tasks. A Mile Down, Saving Platinum Miners' Lives
  • But throughout the early modern period, men from the labouring poor, and women of all ranks below the gentry, were illiterate.
  • They dismissed him as "a third-rate Western lawyer" and an "illiterate partisan" compared with heavyweights like New York's William Seward and Ohio's Salmon P. Chase. Fight, Vote, Fight
  • This NY Times article on a Pentagon-funded Afghani warlord is classic - the US military has anointed an illiterate highway police officer with more wealth (gets paid $2.5 million/month!!), and more power than any democratically elected or appointed official in the region! Accountability
  • To be religiously illiterate is to short-change one's self and society. John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
  • Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don't believe that, watch an illiterate adult try to do it. John Steinbeck 
  • India has the majority of the world's illiterates - nearly 500 million.
  • The optimistic assumption is that a more literate nation will be more cohesive and socially inclusive: polite society need no longer fear the disengaged illiterates.
  • The cast members are illiterate, dispirited convicts with a leading lady who is about to be hanged.
  • One of the rarely admitted secrets about journalists is that many of us are functional ‘innumerates’ - another way of saying ‘mathematically illiterate.’
  • The screeches of some of the more outlandish among gloomy modern composers or the illiterate wailings of some vapid rock ‘musician’ are subjected to sham scholarship and pseudo philosophising.
  • One senior advisor asked, rhetorically, if illiterate farmers would vote for the information superhighway.
  • It's time to checkmate this illiterate bottom-feeder and show him that if you've read any of the refractory slop that he has concocted, you'll unmistakably recall his description of his plan to bring about a wonderland of larrikinism. White Mob Disrupts Black Meeting
  • When I hear either term discussed knowledgeably, I am filled with secret shame and an urge to flee, like an illiterate confronting a restaurant menu.
  • The overwhelming majority of peasant communications were oral in nature in a society that was still largely illiterate.
  • It was a politically driven economy that doesn't seem to have anything to do in my opinion with the substance of the elaborate models of people like Barone or Bauer; moreover in the beginning at least the communist elites, composed of mostly class sound half-illiterate workers, peasants or scums didn't have the skilled labor or the institutional infrastructure to plan "rationally" the whole economy in the style of the abovementioned famous socialist economists. Misunderstood, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Later the journalist was told by his interpreter that the ‘warlord’ was wholly illiterate, unable even to sign his own name in writing.
  • Were the youth of America, desperate for an honest set of heroes, supposed to find these borderline illiterate street skate rats admirable?
  • In arduous debate, the semiliterate or illiterate juror is too readily won over by the selectivity of a persuasive reader.
  • But of course peaceful, clockwork, wealthy Holland, with its canals and bicycle paths, is a long way from Congo, where the national government barely functions, people speak several hundred languages, and a majority of the population is functionally illiterate and has no electricity, much less a radio or TV. The Trial of Thomas Lubanga
  • They were all illiterate so I had to invent my own written system for the tongue-torturing phonemes.
  • The optimistic assumption is that a more literate nation will be more cohesive and socially inclusive: polite society need no longer fear the disengaged illiterates.
  • Either way, excuse me please, I am after all, illiterate and unlearned.
  • A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.
  • The number of illiterate adults exceeds by 16 million the entire vote cast for the winner in the 1980 presidential contest.
  • These are the sort of cellphones that are wasted on techno illiterates like me.
  • He was an illiterate village urchin grubbing around with goats and chickens till the age of 12.
  • The sensitive, intelligent face of the manager of Carlisle, Eddie Page, who had married his illiterate, inarticulate lubra. A Town Like Alice
  • A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.
  • His murals aimed to convert the illiterate and heterogeneous masses to a realization of the miseries and futilities of war.
  • For a self-confessed illiterate, this is about as close as most engineers (me) get to science in the English language. Cheeseburger Gothic » Just got back from Avatar.
  • A large percentage of the population is illiterate.
  • Newcomers imagined I must be the native of some unknown illiterate district; a shot-rubbish ground of disjected Arabic parts of speech. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  • And if we do, are we saying that the illiterates amongst us should wait around while we as a society come up with a solution to their problems (which may or may not ever happen)?
  • He tells the tale of the precocious and gifted son of master court painter, who grows up illiterate but an exceptionally brilliant painter.
  • The best part though was that a number of the kids who were illiterate learned how to read and write through my program.
  • Choice, in almost all its facets, is diminished in the life of an illiterate adult.
  • Comprised initially of mostly illiterate former slaves, they overcame their shortcomings and the army's initial tendency to supply them with cast-off equipment.
  • Nor is a good mindreader necessarily a ‘people person’ - we all know backslapping bon vivants who are all but illiterate when it comes to reading the subtleties of social interaction.
  • The inconvenience and hassles involved, particularly when patients are illiterate and unable to communicate meaningfully with doctors, are formidable.
  • A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.
  • There are indeed problems in graphic design education, and one of them is the lack of emphasis on basic writing and research skills, but the old canard about illiterate designers simply perpetuates an incorrect stereotype.
  • A fine, if illiterately mixed, metaphor," the Gentleman sniffed. The Sinister Six Combo
  • A third of the population is illiterate, and 600,000 people are stalked by malnutrition.
  • Efforts to greatly expand education could determine whether India is a future economic superpower or if it will be burdened with the world's biggest population of poor illiterates.
  • They were written by pre-scientific people with mostly illiterate audiences who were not so nuanced as to get the, oh forget it. The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • In one window, a distressed officer sits at a sturdy acacia desk, scrawling a final correspondence of some illiterate contadino killed weeks before on an accursed massif.
  • Is it any wonder that our K - 12 education system is in such bad shape when such an illiterate, antiquated report has been circulated and used for more than a decade?
  • That's what happens when ignorant, unemployed, illiterate dumbo-crats elect a socialist to run once powerful country. CNN Poll: Blame for recession shifting from GOP to Democrats
  • Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don't believe that, watch an illiterate adult try to do it. John Steinbeck 
  • These were programmes where literates, semi-literates and illiterates were to participate.
  • She will not hear of his proposal because he is homeless and illiterate.
  • During the 1980s, he discovered that many of the young workers in his manufacturing firms were functionally illiterate and innumerate.
  • This reminds me of a quote from Italo Calvino (who was most certainly literate): ‘The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is constant, but now the illiterates can read.’
  • I was illiterate, unable to interact with people socially.
  • His murals aimed to convert the illiterate and heterogeneous masses to a realization of the miseries and futilities of war.
  • He is illiterate, but a collection of ancient cuneiform inscriptions near his home assume great significance for him, and from them he constructs his own symbols and written language.
  • Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote?
  • About half the population in the country is still illiterate.
  • Women were seen as ignorant, illiterate and stupid beings who wanted only to produce children - curbing their fertility was obviously needed.
  • He says with a hint of anguish that more than literates, it is the so-called illiterates who are forthright and capable of accepting challenges.
  • Some of these brainwashed followers may not even mind a dead past ruler Umaru Yar'Adua ruling Nigeria from the grave Nigerian brainwashed followers belong to two categories, the educated and poor illiterates, the Muslims among them are the ones who are likely going to be radicalized through a sermon by a fanatic Imam or through influential out of touch organizations like the Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria and Council of Ullama who believes there is nothing wrong in marrying a minor and that fifty two year old Senator Ahmed Sanni Yerima marriage to a 13 year old Egyptian girl after paying the child bride parents $100,000 is acceptable and perfect under Islamic law. Ademola Bello: Nigeria At 50: How Corruption and Religiously Brainwashed Followers Undermine Progress
  • Only now - after aid - is it possible for them to seriously discuss trade; you can't trade when your people are illiterate, innumerate, diseased and starving.
  • Think about it - when I was small, there were 4,000 illiterates for every middle-school student.
  • But disreputable , illiterate and ignorant though he was, Fegelein seems to have been possessed of a simon-pure instinct for survival.
  • I was repeatedly assured, by sophisticates and illiterates alike, that the king was on the CIA payroll, proof more of his fiscal savvy than his political corruption.
  • Anne Marie was illiterate, addicted to schnapps and immensely superstitious.
  • The main story takes place in WW II France with Jean-Paul Belmondo as an illiterate truck driver who helps a Jewish family escape the Nazis. Ebouriffe - French Word-A-Day
  • When I expressed surprise that any one should be content to remain illiterate she laughed good-naturedly and told me that she could make the money to pay her many employees who looked after her business affairs. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote?
  • Most 11-year-olds are not being encouraged to develop advanced reading skills; a small but significant number are illiterate.
  • About half the population in the country is still illiterate.
  • As a technologically illiterate parent, I could only wave forlornly from the other side of the widening technological divide.
  • First, it is apparent that illiterates will not have much success in giving written answers to a printed questionnaire.
  • Yet statistically, ‘nearly two thirds of the illiterates in the world are women.’
  • In fact, Zedillo's slavish obeisance to the NAFTA treaty and the neoliberal global economy has increased the number of Mexicans who live below the poverty line, some say by as much as 40%; dislocated millions of peasants and forced them into the edges of the cities to live in subhuman conditions while seeking work; made the Army a power in the civilian government roughly equal to where it stood in 1968 when the UNAM massacre took place; choked off needed funding for the systems of free education and health care; increased dramatically the percentage of Mexicans who are illiterate, addicted, and committing crimes; and produced more billionaires than have France, Great Britain, and Spain combined. The Oaxaca Newsletter volume 5, No. 14: August 15, 2000
  • Indeed, as I have wondered elsewhere, how long will Americans endure the arrogance and ignorance of their own technically illiterate politicians?
  • His mother, apparently illiterate, was unable to sign her name as a witness to his marriage.
  • These were programmes where literates, semi-literates and illiterates were to participate.
  • It has been commonly assumed that the crescent - being a symbol of Islam - would be a favoured choice for both literate and illiterate voters alike.
  • They could subtly deliver literate, polysyllabic dialog without having to awkwardly strain, as do our young actors today, who grow up with the illiterate cinema, not the stage.
  • First, it is apparent that illiterates will not have much success in giving written answers to a printed questionnaire.
  • Itinerant and illiterate, the Ma portrayed in Chinese newspaper reports was not a model citizen.
  • Such a defence is offered only to hoodwink the gullible, illiterate and ignorant millions.
  • We must also consider how illiterate the inhabitants of the country were in the reign of Henry VII., how the nation was bestrid by officials of the Empson and Dudley type, and we have reason to believe that various accidents, intentional or otherwise, caused many an old grant to disappear at that period. Shakespeare's Family
  • Only a complete media illiterate could leap to such a conclusion.
  • People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
  • But this is a form of social injustice, for innumerate and illiterate workers are locked into a low-wage future.
  • Back in the 1830s, when he was a boy of 11, he used to read to illiterate London labourers during his lunch hours.
  • There 50 percent or more of the population is illiterate.
  • Although her house was almost destroyed in the earthquake, this illiterate woman was unable to convince the Government representative, assessing the damage, that the house was beyond repair.
  • Do they think we're illiterate, or simply utterly credulous?
  • Pan music, the latent harmony in metal, resurrected from debris on the wharves and refineries of Trinidad by illiterate laborers.
  • You have someone who was illiterate making profound pronouncements and statements which are amazingly accurate about scientific nature.
  • Christians have been in India for the last 2,000 years, 40 per cent of them are still below the poverty line and an equal number are illiterates.
  • The conventional view now is of an uneducated, largely illiterate proletariat sitting in moronic torpor until the beginnings of state education.
  • This man no more than a spoiled child in a man's shoes; who could no more run a country than could an illiterate person read a book.
  • As they afforded our apostle no better title than that of a "babbler," chap.xvii. 18, so for a long time they kept up the public vogue in the world, that Christianity was the religion of idiots and men illiterate. Pneumatologia
  • “born-again illiterate Jesus freaks, tattooed and pierced illiterate suburban kids, fake gangsta illiterate urban youth, orange-skinned horse-faced illiterate high-school dropout gals who aspire to celebrity sluthood or a career in the Army, violent illiterate psychopathic “Juggalos” and a bedeviled minority of depressed semi-literate goth & emo teens in the Midwest” » And Tom wins it in a walk
  • To be religiously illiterate is to short-change one's self and society. John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
  • But the real problems are a static production and the script, which borders on the theatrically illiterate.
  • Certes, some man who understood the stage must have put the incidents together, and then left it to each illiterate histrio to find the words, What Will He Do with It? — Volume 01
  • As an illiterate, he does not have the privilege of voting.
  • Clearly they get a lot of dumb illiterate wackos writing in, but I bet most publications do, quite frankly, and they don't publish 'em, by and large.
  • The curriculum sets up a false opposition between a literate (or Latinate) clergy and the illiterate laypeople.
  • A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.
  • At every turn, Palin tanked when responding to the majority of the Media's inquiries – either coming across as illiterate, backwater or racist throughout her campaign and even beyond. Media shut out from Palin's Hong Kong speech
  • There were illiterates in Dickens and George Eliot.
  • In 1985 Mrs Nini initiated self-empowering schemes for local women, most of whom were illiterate and unable to find formal employment.
  • In India out of about 428 million illiterates 275 million are women.
  • The vast majority of them are illiterate and slap on a uniform after receiving what can only charitably be described as cursory instruction in military tactics and the handling of an assault rifle. U.S. Contractors Shouldn't Face Iraqi Courts
  • Since the avant-garde relies upon subversive strategies of asyntactic, if not asemantic, expression, such writing often seems to resemble the nonsense produced by either the unskilled or the illiterate, camouflaging itself in the lousy style of the ingénue in order to showcase the creative potential of a technique that less liberal critics might otherwise dismiss as a fatal error — a flaw that, at the outset, discounts the work from any further reading because it has already forfeited the values of both official grammar and sensible meaning. Writing and Failure (Part 3) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • For example, we learn that Milton's three daughters did not, as legend has it, serve as adoring amanuenses to the blind poet when he was writing "Paradise Lost" but instead were illiterates whose rebellious behavior so infuriated their father that he left them nothing in his will. A Sleuth Goes to the Library
  • I've had a few albums bought for me before, but I'm basically illiterate when it comes to popular music.
  • Born in a village of poor fisherfolk and growing up illiterate, Hung Tung worked as officiant in a Taoist temple while doing odd jobs to maintain his family.
  • People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
  • Illiterate people may be able to recognize and decipher signs.
  • In addition, Protestantism, with its emphasis on ‘godly’ preaching and Bible study, was an academic creed, unattractive to illiterate villagers steeped in the oral traditions and symbolic ritualism of medieval England.
  • Because they hid all drives with the profile system (to so called prevent people from messing with the computer) the computer illiterate students and teachers would save it wherever the program defaulted to.
  • Or, alternatively, f*ckwitted z list no-mark bigs it up in tat magazine aimed at illiterate half-wits. Boy George Is Sailing Close To The Wind….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • If one talks to these kids coming from the illiterate villages in the mountains and south, it has been my experience that they are quite weary of official attempts to educate them in Tamazight; why not teach them to read and write in a language they can use first, rather than marring them down with a language that doesn't take them anywhere beyond where they're already at? Global Voices in English » Morocco: Teaching “Berber” in Schools
  • The discovery of oil in the 1970s might have brought new prosperity, but in fact the mass of the population remained poor and illiterate, with the great haciendas surviving intact.
  • Thererfore, Gregor is either a liar or an illiterate. Think Progress » A Toxic Anniversary

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