
How To Use Illiberal In A Sentence

  • Hence, it seems that the appeal to ‘tolerance’ does not resolve the conflict between liberal values and illiberal minorities.
  • Mr. Yarmolinsky says that Robert Kennedy "did not 'misrepresent' Senator Keating's record, but exposed the inconsistent and often illiberal character of that record. R.F.K.
  • The term "banausic" comes from philosophy and concerns "the illiberal or vulgar arts," subjects with which Vidal has frequently dealt. Myra, Myron, & Gore
  • And one of the key signs that much of today's left is actually, demonstrably illiberal, intolerant and reactionary, is the way in which this is now a common feature of leftist discourse.
  • And yet Scotland has changed in attitudes in the last 20 years, and is as liberal / illiberal as England.
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  • It was easier to throw increasingly illiberal sound bites at a shadowy and fearsome enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ours is an age of illiberal liberalism and intolerant tolerance, where we are apparently free to live as we choose - so long as we don't want the right to make ‘wrong’ choices.
  • This is to be welcomed because it marks a setback for the backward-looking and small-minded, illiberal and anti-democratic outlook that has come to define the radical rump.
  • They exploit the values of an open liberal society to reach illiberal ends.
  • It doesn't feel illiberal: it feels blasphemous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Real regulation of internships would involve dictatorial and illiberal measures and a lot of policing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It doesn't feel illiberal: it feels blasphemous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liberal or illiberal, that is the English law. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now they have joined the new clique of illiberal liberals demanding less Press freedom. The Sun
  • The idea that covenant marriage ought to be sanctioned by the state is illiberal, reprehensible and abhorrent.
  • Their illiberality is consistently depressing.
  • Even the most liberal society is illiberal when it is a question of survival.
  • If we are to be governed by an elite then better a liberal than an illiberal one. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final irony is that the kind of liberalism John Torode wants is itself illiberal.
  • But just how far should and may the liberal state go to curb illiberal behavior?
  • It doesn't feel illiberal: it feels blasphemous. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, the new parliament is distinctly more xenophobic and illiberal than its predecessor.
  • It doesn't feel illiberal: it feels blasphemous. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the increasingly illiberal world of orthodox liberalism, competing ideas are answered not by argument but by a pose of moral superiority and by-the-book invective.
  • Increasingly, the US has used a combination of punitive and rewarding strategies to spread liberal ideas in previously illiberal parts of the world.
  • Before decolonization, it was possible to believe that colonial rule was as bad a form of illiberality as could exist.
  • Our monitions usually prompt the illiberal intelligentsia to chortle and chide about the Trib's seemingly amazing ability to find a Karl Marx devotee lurking virtually everywhere.
  • Far more than wanting smokers to stub their fags out, I want the illiberal liberals now running health policy to butt out of people's personal habits.
  • Its public health administrators have inherited many illiberal attitudes of the paternalistic bygone regime.
  • Liberal Democrats have rejected illiberal measures to tackle crime as ineffective and a threat to civil liberties.
  • More calling the bovine faced, kebab munching, illiberal, fat arsed, wank film claiming, slack jawed inbred, large uddered, not sure where she bloody lives, the Rt Hon. Jacqui Smith is a cunt.
  • Your, etc. You will tell me, possibly, that this is a caricatura of an illiberal and inelegant style: I will admit it; but assure you, at the same time, that a dispatch with less than half these faults would blow you up forever. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Historically the only thing pro-abortion agitation achieved was to make an illiberal establishment look far more feminist than it was.
  • My scorn is for policies that are demonstrably illiberal, whatever their proponents tout them to be. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
  • However, I think they obscure, rather than remove or defuse, the potential conflicts between liberal principles and illiberal groups.
  • Instead the recent reaction to these decisions has done little to challenge the illiberal, anti-democratic drift of our time.
  • They should stop telling themselves that it's good enough to be the wets or progressives in political parties which are now openly dedicated to illiberal ends.
  • In the capuchin monkey world of illiberal politics and "instinct for fairness", that's definitely a recipe for flung poo. Libertarian Redistribution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Despite all the illiberal things our governments still try to do to us, freedom is on the march. Times, Sunday Times
  • His comments were seen in some quarters as the illiberal musings of an unelected senior judge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since our island is in the Auckland City area we get to choose the mayor from among an assortment of National Party have-beens - a liberal one and an illiberal one - and an entrepreneur bent on not upsetting the chicken coop.
  • The bill was not just excessive but also expensive, not just illiberal but impractical, not just unnecessary but unworkable.
  • Trying to bar all acknowledgments of religion by government officials in the name of preventing offense to listeners seems to me more illiberal than liberal.
  • Real regulation of internships would involve dictatorial and illiberal measures and a lot of policing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem here is that professor bernstein insists on burying his good point (that modern liberalism is often oversuspicious of israel because it is an ethnic state) in way too many bad ones (especially implying that there is something illiberal about being skeptical of ethnic states and that the motivations are the same as anti-semites). The Volokh Conspiracy » Jews, Liberalism, Nationalism–Some Interesting Historical Continuities
  • First day of Swampitude and the left-wing blogosphere -- which is overpopulated by illiberal leftists and reactionary progressives -- is already attacking me: 24 mostly mingy comments about my Left Behind post, many of which seem to be steaming off a post by Greg Sargent, who writes a blog called The Horse's ... Now that I have your attention - Swampland -
  • Ennius in Menelippe adviseth thee as a friend to take statam formam, si vis habere incolumem pudicitiam, one of a middle size, neither too fair nor too foul, [6270] Nec formosa magis quam mihi casta placet, with old Cato, though fit let her beauty be, neque lectissima, neque illiberalis, between both. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The attitudes many of these young people had developed were both cautious and illiberal.
  • With all the well-known illiberality of innovators, it is nevertheless remarkable to witness among some Israelites such a haste for innovation, such a rage for destroying.
  • The British writer Melanie Phillips, no conservative, sees in such casual assertions a breathtaking illiberalism and inversion of traditional values.
  • his illiberally biased way of thinking
  • Enforcing quotas would be unappealingly illiberal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, captiousness, sullenness, and pouting are most exceedingly illiberal and vulgar. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Banning smoking in public is the very essence of illiberality.
  • Both the existing legislation on racism, and that adumbrated by the prime minister on the ‘preachers of hate’, have an illiberal potential - that is, they do restrict freedom of expression.
  • When such illiberality is made public (by myself or anyone else who wishes to post), I for one would appreciate a response that clearly deals with the issue under discussion and NOT the character of the person making the remarks. Concerning Criticism
  • If we must choose between a society that is in fact liberal and an illiberal society that scrupulously avoids formal racial criteria, we can hardly appeal to the ideals of liberal pluralism to prefer the latter.
  • Neo-illiberals belong to a venerable strand of nirvana thinking: the prelapsarian school. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This proposal is unfair, unworkable, highly illiberal and probably open to legal challenge. Times, Sunday Times
  • They correct none of the childish nasty tricks, which they get at school; nor the illiberal manners which they contract at the university; nor the frivolous and superficial pertness, which is commonly all that they acquire by their travels. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • This illiberal wheeze is the idea of Home Office minister.
  • Now they have joined the new clique of illiberal liberals demanding less Press freedom. The Sun
  • A civilised society should be able to come up with a code of modern morality without recourse to illiberal and authoritarian lawmaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Magna Carta thing is very weird because in the last 800 years we have had the Tudors, sheep stealing, Newgate prison, incredible illiberality.
  • Despite all the illiberal things our governments still try to do to us, freedom is on the march. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead the recent reaction to these decisions has done little to challenge the illiberal, anti-democratic drift of our time.
  • It was easier to throw increasingly illiberal sound bites at a shadowy and fearsome enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Berlin article is about how liberal (and the best among us!) wind up illiberal. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
  • It's time they had the courage to join the Liberal Democrats in opposing this expensive and illiberal measure.
  • A coup would represent an optimistic scenario, assuming Assad's replacements would see the wisdom of negotiating a cease fire and power-sharing arrangement with the opposition -- leading to an 'illiberal democracy' with the military still potentially playing a heavy role in government. Bama Athreya: Syria's Long Winter
  • Tis really doing Injustice to the Country to impute to it such [illegible] uncandid, illiberal [illegible] Productions, but no Wonder these John Adams diary 7, 21 March - 18 October 1761
  • And of course there have been some very silly, very illiberal and lots of unworkable, ‘eyecatching’ initiatives such as the famously ridiculous plan to frogmarch teenagers to cash points for on the spot fines.
  • Desiderius: My scorn is for policies that are demonstrably illiberal, whatever their proponents tout them tobe. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
  • Once again the fundamentally illiberal tendencies of this Labour government are revealed and another restriction is available to the Government and its Police Force, to be enforced as and when it might be useful. Another law that will not be actively enforced
  • If we are to be governed by an elite then better a liberal than an illiberal one. Times, Sunday Times
  • But does this say anything about the relations likely to develop between liberal and illiberal states?
  • It is wholly contradictory to the policies and practises of Illiberal Socialism that any individual should be discriminated against on account of the number of legs they may have, the furriness or scaliness of their skin or their height.
  • Liberal or illiberal, that is the English law. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is this state of affairs an acceptable result of a pluralistic liberal system, or is there something fundamentally illiberal about American politics today?

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