How To Use Ill-timed In A Sentence
He became reluctant to run the ball when pressured and sometimes threw ill-timed passes.
An unforeseen and ill-timed coughing incident means a huge great glop of red wine leaves your glass and lands on the sofa cushions.
The ill-timed revelation not only stalled his own bid for freedom, but also stunted his identity.
But with the world economy slowing, it is singularly ill-timed nonetheless.
Seconds later in a fit of nerves, he muffed the snap count, jumped early and drew an ill-timed five-yard penalty.
An NFL Redemption Story

Ill-timed injury was partly to blame, but so was an innocent jest that went wrong.
And all of these, as we know, come with a hefty price tag -- ill-timed as we continue to see stagnant job growth and unemployment numbers.
Blanche Lincoln: Avoid Extremes to Solve our Nation's Problems
She hadn't written about a painter since her ill-timed Picasso profile in I939, which she thought she'd ultimately botched.
U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates called on NATO allies and other nations with troops in Afghanistan not to make what he called "ill-timed, precipitous, or uncoordinated" withdrawals after the United States begins its gradual drawdown in July.
Gates Warns Coalition Not to Abandon Afghanistan
The plaint is old and familiar, but not misplaced or ill-timed.
Or the purposely ill-timed Spirit Airlines ads about oil on the beaches of the Gulf Coast?
WATCH: The Most Over-The-Top Tourism Ad Ever?
In an irony that will not be lost on him, Roman Polanski chose a rather ill-timed moment this week to get arrested for the 1977 incident that closely follows most biographical descriptions of the Osca ...
Shirin Sadeghi: Poland and Polanski: Chemical Castration in the News
The ambition was laudable but the execution was marred by a series of ill-timed and increasingly expensive acquisitions.
After an unfortunate and ill-timed brush with the law, it was almost impossible for Marinello to arrest his downward spiral.
Raleigh rose to retire, and Tressilian would have been so ill-timed in his courtesy as to offer to relinquish his own place to his friend, had not the acute glance of Raleigh himself, who seemed no in his native element, made him sensible that so ready a disclamation of the royal favour might be misinterpreted.
While far less inflammatory than suggested by the resultant outcry, the exhibit's attempt to present multiple perspectives on the bombing was ill-timed.
Calmly, holding the policeman's eye, he repeated his account of his ill-timed walk.
The German government injected €18.2 billion the bank at the height of the financial crisis, when Commerzbank got deep in the red due to an ill-timed acquisition of Dresdner Bank.
Commerzbank Shares Drop After Capital Increase
After an unfortunate and ill-timed brush with the law, it was almost impossible for Marinello to arrest his downward spiral.
The criticism was ill-timed, but all we can do is win football games and this performance answered everybody.
Both the Indian and Pakistani press chastised Mr. Pillai's ill-timed public divulgence, though it doesn't diminish the veracity of his statement in any way.
Michael Hughes: India Too Complacent About Pakistan Complicity in Mumbai Attacks
It was the Boer way of saying "bosh" to our ill-timed boast that the war was over.
With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
He has said he would limit himself to teaching if he returned, and his spokeswoman rejected the notion his return would be ill-timed.
US Wary of Aristide's Return to Haiti
Misty's voice brought Ri back out of her ill-timed contemplations.
Often those attempting something positive were scythed down by ill-timed interventions.
Still, critics used the ill-timed trip as evidence of Alliot-Marie's cozy relations with Ben Ali and suggested that was why she was slow to speak out in support of anti-government protesters.
Sarkozy Asks Ministers To Take Vacation In France
However, a silence was ill-timed, and though not so designed, might be deemed by some a kind of connivance; for a rising heresy seeks to carry on its work under ground without noise: it is a fire which spreads itself under cover.
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
It isn't just the ill-timed expansion that's spooking investors.
But that's merely the beginning of this ill-conceived, ill-timed and epically copy-cattish endeavor, from the cover - a clumsy, solipsistic shot of a woman in a WSJ paper dress (a strange and otherwise un-referenced homage to the 1960s) - to the head-scratching organizing principle of the TOC.
Adam Hanft: I.O.A. -- The Wall Street Journal Magazine is Irrelevant On Arrival
This amusing little bon mot v ill-timed by me as I think she had post-traumatic test disorder because she burst into tears.
IF THERE WAS A SINGLE ACT which sealed Todd s fate it was his ill-timed outburst on the telephone.
The April festival has been sunk by an ill-timed deluge of rain.
The April festival has been sunk by an ill-timed deluge of rain.
an ill-timed intervention
That's when he reaches and gets flagged with ill-timed holding penalties.
To use the occasion of his death to launch an attack on one aspect of his policy seems inappropriate, ill-timed, small-minded and tasteless.
The scheme is ill-timed, ill-judged, ill-planned and ill-prepared.
Her speech was naive and ill-timed.