
How To Use Ill-conceived In A Sentence

  • The most that could be said is that beggar-my-neighbour policies eventually added to the problems caused by ill-conceived monetary and fiscal policies: the failure to cut interest rates quickly enough, the failure to keep credit flowing, the failure in the US to keep banks in business and the insistence on running balanced budgets. Global recovery's weakness raises possibility of trade war
  • Our economic problems were caused mainly by incurrence of far too much debt by individuals and firms, and secondarily, by ill-conceived investments in securities comprised of such debt. The Volokh Conspiracy » Looks Like Now We Need a Commercial Financial Protection Agency:
  • Banking sources dismissed suggestions that the plan was ill-conceived and that the prospectus was lacking in transparency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Hey Hey (Australian TV) thing was clueless and offensive, although arguably not malevolently racist (just bloody stupid and really, really ill-conceived). The Matrix as a Charlie Chaplin short - Boing Boing
  • The result is wild rhetoric and ill-conceived laws that interfere not just with gamers' fun but with an art form in its infancy.
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  • The ill-conceived plan goes from bad to worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a thoroughly ill-conceived picture full of plot twists that have absolutely no rhyme nor reason.
  • But that would be silly, like tacking some ill-conceived speculation onto the end of a story about boring financial statements to juice it up a little.
  • It was ill-conceived, partly to fulfil a political ambition to regionalise governance in England. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • They are always scrambling to get something finalized before their ill-conceived plans or public lies are exposed.
  • Rather, we should stop treating young adults like children, we should throw out this artificial and ill-conceived concept of "teenager," we should teach a full-orbed concept of chastity, and we should encourage younger marriages. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The chaos of haphazard buildings and ill-conceived new arterial roads were already causing concern and we were often called in to advise on remedial planting. The Education of a Gardener
  • It demonstrates that there's hope for the multitudes of isolating and impenetrable small buildings that pockmark the suburban landscape as a reminder of ill-conceived growth. Transforming an Ugly Duckling
  • Mr. Putin, for example, said in a speech in April: "The country needs a decade of stable, calm development, without going to extremes one way or the other, without ill-conceived experiments, confusion over sometimes unjustified liberalism or social demagogy. Sparring Partners
  • If there is a bureaucratic bias against the smaller regional theatres then it is both stupid and ill-conceived.
  • He is clearly a fool for writing such an ill-conceived and prejudiced article, and the editors of the Express are even more stupid for being foolish enough to print it.
  • He was far too hard headed and realistic to permit the needless throwing away of lives in the ill-conceived offensives that characterised the First World War.
  • Well, letting him release an album of ill-conceived covers is a bad idea.
  • This road is obviously too narrow as is the pavement to accommodate this hazardous, ill-conceived and misplaced hazard.
  • Perhaps the county board officers should have laced on the boots, but sure as hell the players had no stomach for such an ill-conceived tournament.
  • We will not allow our community to be destroyed by ill-conceived and undemocratic decisions that will affect our lives forever more.
  • We conclude that the proposed East of Otley development is ill-conceived, runs counter to national planning policy and will fail to deliver the benefits claimed.
  • It's time to deep-six ill-conceived ideas like this and relegate those who propose them to the dust bin of history.
  • The ill-conceived project provoked outrage among the communities of both clubs.
  • When it's ill-conceived, ill-considered or based on incomplete information, the Profitboss won't criticize the critic.
  • The whole dyad, and the mythoi and slogans surrounding both sides, are ill-conceived and a waste of time. Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
  • This is perhaps the most pointless and ill-conceived magazine show that has ever had money thrown at it.
  • The plot to rob the Clutters' place was ill-conceived and absurd.
  • This ill-conceived scheme was not the result of deregulation but the deliberate choice of the state of California.
  • Your wayward attitude and ill-conceived policies have done great harm to this country.
  • It was Sunday morning already, and time to put his ill-conceived plans to work.
  • All of this proved to be at least as ineffectual, disruptive, and ill-conceived as the previous urban renewal regime.
  • So it is dismaying to see the Wingfields, in the ill-conceived and clumsy set design you get in David Leveaux's new staging, inhabiting an airy, spa - cious, rather comfortable-looking apartment — something you might find in one of the postwar, white-brick buildings omnipresent on the Upper East Side, with a big, new sofa downstage center around which, alas, Leveaux tends to clump his actors. Victims on Broadway
  • An ill-conceived congressional bill to punish China for manipulating its currency is yet another sign that America has little to be proud of in terms of economic policy.
  • Pister, an emeritus engineering professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said "the rush to add automatic shutoff valves willy nilly is an ill-conceived response to this incident" because it could end up disrupting gas supplies and not improving safety. PG&E Safety Culture Faulted, Panel Probing Blast Finds
  • The chaos of haphazard buildings and ill-conceived new arterial roads were already causing concern and we were often called in to advise on remedial planting. The Education of a Gardener
  • That that effort, and the others mentioned above, were ill-conceived is true enough, but the reasons why are complex. A Coast Guard that guards everyone else’s coast « Blog
  • They equate ‘radical’ with high-risk, ill-conceived, and highly speculative projects.
  • Poverty is man-made; it results from the greed and arrogance of power, poor governance and ill-conceived policies.
  • He then churned the Estate account by selling perfectly reasonable shares to pay for this ill-conceived investment.
  • Their motives are noble but their plan is ill-conceived.
  • Channeled and rip-rapped, the creek bears similar scars from ill-conceived attempts at pruning.
  • But that's merely the beginning of this ill-conceived, ill-timed and epically copy-cattish endeavor, from the cover - a clumsy, solipsistic shot of a woman in a WSJ paper dress (a strange and otherwise un-referenced homage to the 1960s) - to the head-scratching organizing principle of the TOC. Adam Hanft: I.O.A. -- The Wall Street Journal Magazine is Irrelevant On Arrival
  • an ill-conceived plan to take over the company
  • On the cusp of restructuring family life, we cling ever more ardently to this antiquated and ill-conceived provider-homemaker design.
  • Part of that plan should be to freeze and review the ill-conceived plan the president put forth this week in Ohio.
  • Business leaders, the famous 1%, need to resist the urge to dismiss the whole movement based on the scattershot and at times ill-conceived nature of the arguments on the placards.
  • I thought it ugly, ill-conceived, badly assembled and completely ill-judged.
  • The mule is a genetic experiment that actually worked out to some good, unlike certain other ill-conceived hybrids like broccoflower, crystal clear Pepsi, and Christian Rock. Mules | Manolith
  • History is littered with examples of ill-conceived attempts to keep the peace at any price. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was his ‘big idea’ and it was a hopelessly ill-conceived and ludicrously expensive one.
  • It seems to me that it is just more ill-conceived and bad legislation that will affect a large number of people.
  • Team USA threw a couple of balls away with ill-conceived alley-oops, missed a few wide-open jumpers and blew a couple of defensive assignments.
  • There are sound, practical grounds for arguing that such an approach would be ill-conceived, impractical and dangerous.
  • Popular and familiar love songs underscore every bumbling error or ill-conceived machination of the lovers' various courtships.
  • From start to finish the whole operation was ill-conceived, hurriedly executed and bungled.
  • My judgement is that/In my judgement the plan is ill-conceived.
  • Zambians should be commended for ignoring the flopped demonstration organised by frustrated and self-seeking politicians who were hoping to gunner some political capital out of the ill-conceived exercise.
  • Business leaders, the famous 1%, need to resist the urge to dismiss the whole movement based on the scattershot and at times ill-conceived nature of the arguments on the placards.
  • Certainly, their business plans, with their dependence on advertising, were ill-conceived.
  • When it's ill-conceived, ill-considered or based on incomplete information, the Profitboss won't criticize the critic.
  • In a tiny nation which must endure often harsh relations with nature, the focus on one whale is seen as ill-conceived, at best silly.
  • The second chamber needs both independence and a level of strength to prevent any one government steamrollering ill-conceived legislation through parliament.
  • There's the depressed response to a failed marriage ( 'If You Love Somebody Set Them Free'); there's the political commentary rendered obsolete by the historical turn of events ( 'Russians'); and there's the ill-conceived stab at wholly un-Sting-like campery ( 'Englishman In New York'). Fields of Gold
  • an ill-conceived plan

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