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How To Use Ilion In A Sentence

  • Representing France, Jean-Marc Bustamante conjures a ‘Pavilion of the Amazons,’ which centers on four large color photographs of solitary, unsmiling young women standing in resolutely unpicturesque landscapes.
  • I saw wheel tracks to the right, crossed by similar tracks back again to the road, and I guessed that the postilion had intended to drive his horses down the byroad, but having found it too rough or too narrow had been compelled to return, even at the cost of loss of time in backing. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • Models from the Louise Morton Model Agency of Huddersfield will be on the catwalk for the fashion shows, which take place four times each day in the Skipton Building Society Fashion Pavilion.
  • A new pavilion for weddings is under construction. Times, Sunday Times
  • One day should be spent visiting some of the key vineyards, so I took advantage of the Discovery Pass and idled away two agreeable afternoons visiting Margaux and St Emilion.
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  • Furthermore, these gene duplications evolved after the split between the common ancestor of nymphalid and papilionid butterflies.
  • A simple single-storey pavilion is enclosed by folded concertina walls and roof, prompting irresistible comparisons with origami.
  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • The centrepiece of the pavilion was a grand piano designed by Ruhlmann and made from such exotic materials as amboyna wood and Macassar ebony.
  • The glass pavilion, designed by Dirk van Pastel, is in the western corner of a triangular site, surrounded by the woods and fields of Burgundy.
  • Pavilions of Splendour is the brainchild of Gwyn Headley who says the idea was born from a growing demand for unusual properties.
  • Orange-coloured grounds may be formed by mixing vermilion or red lead with King's yellow, or orange lake or red orpiment (? realgar) will make a brighter orange ground than can be produced by any mixture. Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition For Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc. With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing
  • Her great wiry nimbus of vermilion hair stood out like a flaming crown above her long slender neck.
  • It was a homemade Shakespearean tragedy being played out among our own pasteboard pavilions.
  • An activist, our God had little time to sit idly, "pavilioned in splendor and girded in praise! Michael Henry Adams: Grace Bromm's All-American Style
  • They were settled into a den in the ape and monkey pavilion, which will be their quarters during six months of quarantine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taking some time to leave the crease, he turned round to look back at the umpire, and shouted as he walked back to the pavilion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout the pavilion, the most costly materials were used: precious wood veneers and lacquer for furniture, silk damasks and velvets for upholstery, furs for coverlets and throws.
  • These were substantially built of timber and talipots, thatched with cadjans and bamboo leaves, and festooned and decorated as the Singhalese only can decorate - leaves, flowers and fruit being entwined together with so much delicacy and airy tastefulness as to impart an almost fairy-like form to the pavilion.
  • Give the pavilion a sniff - it smells of tar and wood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Designed by Cirqud du Soleil and built by Canadian firm, SNC-Lavalin Inc, the Canada Pavilion is one of the largest pavilions of the Expo. Canada Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo Collects Rainwater | Inhabitat
  • It is hoped that the new pavilion will be completed by the end of April.
  • Pat Gibbons, specialist acer grower, from Hippopottering Nursery at East Lound, Haxey, Doncaster, was hoping to catch the public's eye in the Great Pavilion with a new pink variety, Acer Palmatium Taylor.
  • The town, which is home to the charity's regional office, donned scarlet, cherry, vermilion and ruby yesterday to help raise funds as part of Heart Week 2003.
  • The top lawn is dotted with decorative pavilions where they can eat supper and admire the view. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waterfalls were crystal clear, while elegant pavilions stand under trees that drip with bright red flowers.
  • The pavilion has become a £14 million steel and glass white elephant.
  • ‘Aweel, ’ said the postilion, ‘it might be sae—I canna say against it, for I was not in the country at the time; but John Wilson was a blustering kind of chield, without the heart of a sprug. Chapter XI
  • Late next year, 870 No. 10 million will roll off the line in Ilion, N.Y. In anticipation of that milestone, I traveled to the factory in April to assist with the birth of an 870, specifically, serial No. AB457021M, a left-handed 12-gauge Express, the 9,524,500th 870 ever built. It Always Goes Bang
  • Here the visitor can explore 60 acres of meadows, woods and gardens, studded with a dozen pavilions designed by sculptor Erwin Heerich.
  • The new Pavilion boasted great stucco arches and curvilinear parapets on each of its four facades and three-story towers at the corners.
  • NYSE Euronext (NYX) will be an exclusive sponsor for equities and derivatives exchanges and markets of the USA National Pavilion.
  • Zhu Xiang/Xinhua/Zuma Press People looked at a big lantern in the shape of China's pavilion that was displayed at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 in Zhengzhou on Wednesday. China Celebrates Lantern Festival
  • Yet once they start dancing, the effect is pure gold: the thumpy rhythms of their feet on the wooden floor of a park pavilion, the couple's shared power and mutual athleticism, their whizzing quickstep that feels like the Earth's been knocked off its axis and the effortless, ecstatic, romantic joy of it all. Ginger Rogers at 100: Even with Astaire, always taking the lead
  • Though smallest of the three, the reception pavilion is the most prominently placed.
  • Christie's carried a detailed introduction of the two bronzes on its website, saying that the two formed part of the zodiacal clepsydra that decorated the Calm Sea Pavilion in the Old Summer Palace of Emperor Qianlong 1736-1795. China Tries to Stop Auction
  • They resort to this place on the first day of every month; and thou must take seat here and watch for them; and when thou seest them coming hide thee near the pavilion sitting where thou mayst see them, without being seen of them, and beware, again beware lest thou show thyself, or we shall all lose our lives. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As the match began the blustery wind freshened and cooled with the huge Hawks flag fluttering above the old pavilion.
  • Round the pavilion ran a channel of water, turning a Persian wheel317 whose buckets 318 were silvern covered with brocade. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They serve as a link between pavilions and buildings, and also as freestanding covered walkways providing shade from the sun and a dry refuge in a shower. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mineralogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ nature _nature_, or _choor_ oleomargarine _g_ is hard, as in _get_ orchid _orkid_ oust _owst_, not _oost_ peculiar _peculyar_ pecuniary _pekun'yari_ perspiration not _prespiratian_ prestige _pres'tij_ or _prestezh'_ pronunciation _pronunzeashun_ or _pronunsheashun_ saucy not _sassy_ schedule _skedyul_ semi not _semi_ theater _the'ater_ not _thea'ter_ turgid _turjid_ usage _uzage_ usurp _uzurp_ vermilion _vermilyun_ wife's not _wives_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • If you are near the dye vermilion, you will be stained red, if you are close to black ink, you will be stained black.
  • In these rooms there should be panels above the dadoes, worked in black, and polished, with yellow ochre or vermilion blocks interposed between them. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • But just because Ziro the Hutt is a stereotype, that doesn’t actually make him the first gay "Star Wars" character, Filion insisted. Is Ziro The Hutt The First Gay Alien In ‘Star Wars’ History? » MTV Movies Blog
  • As he opens one of his most ambitious buildings yet, a $135 million glass-fronted pavilion that encloses two historic theaters and adds an innovative third, he is also working on a civic library in an unprepossessing edge-city near Vancouver. Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
  • The girl was wearing a 'mangalsutra' and a vermilion mark on her forehead, traditional symbols sported by married Hindu women, when the bodies were found this morning. The Times of India
  • This beautiful new resort has landscaping, which integrates terraced lawns, geometric pools and pavilions.
  • And on Wired News, these photos I shot at the convention this week, including the one at left of a young woman overwhelmed by blinking, bleeping things inside Microsoft's Xbox pavilion.
  • Repeated coats of lime have entirely covered all "gold, vermilion, and blue bice".
  • Engineering and sustainability for the office pavilions was designed by Arup Engineers and includes natural daylighting as well as ventilation routed through central atria with louvered skylights. Shanghai's River Cooled International Cruise Terminal | Inhabitat
  • Surging onto the floor to call a second-half timeout, WSU coach Ken Bone slipped and fell to the Hec Edmundson Pavilion deck, maybe the most celebrated pratfall in Seattle since Tommy Lasorda's keister hit the third-base coach's box at the 2001 All-Star Game at Safeco Field. The Seattle Times
  • Four pavilions stood at the compass points, one in the middle of each of the four walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beadle and Ephrussi designed at Caltech a set of experiments, involving transplantation of larval imaginal eye discs, to study the vermilion-plus hormone, as they called the diffusible substance. Thomas Hunt Morgan and His Legacy
  • It was as if he had returned to the pavilion to celebrate with lemon barley water after a half-century.
  • There will also be stalls, sideshows, fairground rides, new and vintage car shows and helicopter and balloon trips, and the Cornish Pavilion will showcase products from the county.
  • They're looking round the Russian pavilion.
  • And there he pight many pavilions, and there was great war made on both parties, and much people slain. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Famous organists drew crowds in the thousands, sometimes more than ten thousand, to the churches, concert halls, pavilions and even department stores with grand organs.
  • It happened that during this time, King George IV enjoyed frequent retreats to the Royal Pavilion, his fanciful beachside palace in Brighton. The English Is Coming!
  • As we sit inside one of the Japanese Tea pavilions on austerely placed wooden slats with just a wedge of cushioning, a bearer walks across the narrow ledge between the lily ponds.
  • They take up residence at the Pavilion Theatre for the annual pantomime of silly jokes and bad wigs in an all new, up-to-date production of Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • When the pavilions open their doors in three weeks' time, building will have stopped and with it significant copper demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The €15 million mixed use infill development on the Royal Marine Road will link the existing streetscape from the Pavilion to the Dun Laoghaire shopping centre.
  • The bungalow is tightly inserted into the older pavilion like a ship in a bottle. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Vermilion paint, made from mercuric sulphide, was then splashed onto the image's wrists, feet and body to represent blood.
  • You need never mingle with your fellow guests - your walled pavilion is its own private domain for inside and outside living.
  • Here the Natives, in re - venge for fome of their PeopU kill '' by the Dutch in their firit Voj'dg '-, feiz'd 1 7 of them that were fent afhore for Provilions \ and 50 more being fcnt to their Relief in Sloops and Boats, were all of them kilPd, drown'd or taken. A Collection of voyages and travels [microform] : some now first printed from original manuscripts, others translated out of foreign languages, and now first publish'd in English : to which are added some few that have formerly appear'd in English
  • Organization of the teaching pavilions which oversail the lakeside promenade is similarly direct.
  • Sitting in the centre of Wanfuge, the largest pavilion, is a 26-metre statue of Maitreya, Buddha of the Future, carved out of a single trunk of a white sandalwood tree.
  • Great Pavilionstone Hotel, the sprightliest porters under the sun, whose cheerful looks are a pleasant welcome, shoulder your luggage, drive it off in vans, bowl it away in trucks, and enjoy themselves in playing athletic games with it. Reprinted Pieces
  • A new pavilion for weddings is under construction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who is the elegant maiden dressed in silk with a vermilion inner-robe patterned with golden butterflies?
  • During the Ming Dynasty, the three-story barracks pavilion must have seemed electrifying after months in the sinister outlands.
  • The whole composition of pavilions and paving lacks design coherency.
  • They were like an old run-down cricket pavilion with bare boards on the floor. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • Will your majesty permit me to call the footman, and ask him to hurry up the postilion?" said Madame von Berg, leaning out of the window. Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia
  • The Pavilion was opened in 1935 and took its name from Earl De La Warr, who was the local mayor at the time.
  • Vast numbers of rockfish at various life stages, especially widows, yellowtails, and blues, which tend to school in midwater, and some deeper-water species such as yelloweyes, canaries, vermilions, and bocaccios, which are not typically seen near shore.
  • They have been offered use of the local cricket pavilion and in return the school will offer local residents use of their facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took us first to see his docks and godowns, resounding with the loud clangors of trade, and then through the grassy Kow-Loon plains, by a wide red road shadowed with banana-trees, to this lordly pavilion set on the crest of many flowering terraces – its pale-yellow outlines cut cameo-like against the burning blue of the equatorial sky. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • One of the most curious instances is the terminal flower of the raceme of the common laburnum, which loses its whole papilionaceous character and becomes as regularly quinate as a common buttercup. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • The pavilion and the materials exhibited within are so simple that one cannot identify the country's characteristics.
  • After weeks aboard a battlebus that ran on recycled cooking oil, Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, learned she had trounced her nearest Labour rival by 1,200 votes. Observer Ethical Awards: Caroline Lucas, Ethical Politician Award
  • You notice the thin vermilion perimeter of the crypt image, the slight shadow at the edges of each piece of paper, the delicacy of the perforations, the gently authoritative physicality of each of the forms.
  • Still, at 58 degrees, that was hardly bath water lapping onto the sand near SeaWalk Pavilion.
  • He was, moreover, renowned for the speed with which he could dash off an article in a railway compartment, a cricket pavilion, or in whatever place he could snatch a few minutes.
  • Flowers of normal plants are typically papilionaceous with a large standard petal, two free-wing petals, and two fused-keel petals.
  • Aston Martins and Bentleys are on display in the auto pavilion just a stone's throw from the latest John Deere models.
  • But you might be surprised to learn, as I was, that an inoffensive little vespertilionid is also an awesome tetrapod predator. Archive 2006-06-01
  • 2. Your place on Richard Sachs' waiting list 3. One day of Dick Cheney's heart medication 4. A pair of plastic axle caps in "forza" red, but not vermilion. Green With Envy: Destroy the Enemy, Save the World
  • There will also be a pavilion with parking spaces.
  • Their guests returned with 492 blackfin tuna, 465 vermilion snapper, 15 triggerfish, 11 silk snapper and a variety of other fish, including scamp grouper, rockhinds, yellow mouths, pompano, barracuda and a squirrelfish. The Daily News - News
  • A high brow like unto the bright heavens, coeli pulcherrima plaga, Frons ubi vivit honor, frons ubi ludit amor, white and smooth like the polished alabaster, a pair of cheeks of vermilion colour, in which love lodgeth; [4914] Amor qui mollibus genis puellae pernoctas: a coral lip, suaviorum delubrum, in which Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Shaped in the form of a boat, the pavilion took seven days to build, while the concept and groundwork took two months.
  • The spa and yoga pavilions are set in a veritable Eden of exotic foliage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's afternoon, about a quarter to one, and the sparrows abound, alighting in the numerous olive trees twisting in writhen contortion round the flanks of the pavilion.
  • Blackwell deposited Gary Keedy into the pavilion for a massive six, but was then well caught at deep square-leg off Kyle Hogg.
  • Visitors queuing in the gap between the enclosure and pavilion walls can glimpse the enclosed space through three peep holes.
  • The true place of Moringa seems to be near Xanthophyllum with which genus it has some remarkable points of resemblance, witness the papilionaceous corolla; unilocular stamina, their situation, ovary, placentation, and lastly glandulation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • -- - The flowers of these plants are called papilionaceous, or butterfly-like, from the fancied resemblance of the expanded superior petals to the wings of a butterfly. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • In January 2001 three-quarters of their pavilion was burnt down, costing an estimated £200,000 to repair, and the metal shutters were graffitied just last week.
  • The pavilion would include a theatre-in-the-round with seating capacity for about 2,000. Globe and Mail
  • His work included several propaganda and trade exhibitions, notably the Soviet Pavilion of the 1939 World's Fair in New York, and his dynamic techniques of photomontage, printing, and lighting had wide influence.
  • A kinetic energy shifter of a pavilion painting curtain comprises a prism interlayer of a pavilion body, a painting cord fabric and a controller, etc.
  • What prisoners call a "postilion" is a pallet of bread artistically moulded, which is sent into Ireland, that is to say, over the roofs of a prison, from one courtyard to another. Les Miserables, Volume IV, Saint Denis
  • B.D. further said that homosexuals in sports “should be subject to permanent disinjunction,” but doubted that his own team “pavilioned such perverse seed-spillers.” Foul Lines
  • These goddesses stepping into a car, vulgarly called a cariole, the mortals followed, and explored alley after alley and pavilion after pavilion. Dreams Waking Thoughts and Incidents
  • Taking up a little tumbler, in shape like those from which French postilions used to drink la goutte, he inspected it narrowly, wiped out the interior with his forefinger, filled it to the brim, and offered it to his guest28 with a bow. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The San Francisco Antiques show takes place at the Festival Pavilion at Fort Mason Center between October 26 and 29.
  • Pavilion Removals it said, right across the back of the pantechnicon doors, London and Brighton, Weekly Service. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • The pavilion's materials are elemental: structural concrete piers and tube steel, extensive glass walls, stained cedar siding, and metal roofing and trim.
  • Then we went all about the cage and the pavilion to find ingate, and found it not; and then the three of us together strove with the bars of the herse, and shook and swayed them, but it was all to no purpose. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • They were settled into a den in the ape and monkey pavilion, which will be their quarters during six months of quarantine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like many nymphalid, papilionid, and hesperiid butterflies, male H. bolina occupy and defend perching sites in forest clearings and along flight paths as a means of maximizing their encounters with receptive females.
  • The Summer Palace at Beijing with its archaic temples, pavilions, huge mansions, lakes etc. make a superb picnic spot.
  • A popular cricket club is set for a face-lift after it raised £250,000 to build a new pavilion at its ground.
  • You sit at sky-blue tables on lawned or cobbled terraces there's a covered pavilion for wet days; the food is fresh, hearty and cooked to order by farmer's wife Nikki Exton – who manages to juggle gardening with lambing, growing herbs and salad leaves, making chutneys, baking cakes and dishing up crowd-pleasing meals. West Dorset's top 10 budget eats
  • More than 1,400,000 people visited the Liberty Bell pavilion last year.
  • But Vijay perished by toe-ending a short ball from Ravi Rampaul to Devendra Bishoo at deep mid-on and, 13 runs later, Raina followed him back to the pavilion courtesy of a fine diving catch from Rampaul off his own bowling for eight. India draw third Test against West Indies to secure series victory
  • The biennial is the Olympics of the contemporary art world, a century-old tradition in which countries send in their best artists to exhibit in pavilions and palazzos across the city. The Art World’s Olympics
  • The previous user had also daubed the ducts along the roof of Biff's control bubble with vermilion slogans.
  • ‘We now have to replace two large windows in the cricket pavilion which will cost hundreds of pounds,’ he said.
  • Benches and a fountain, as well as flowers and plants sent in from all over the world made the otherwise clean hospital pavilion somewhat serene.
  • Brian Flanagan made a dart for the pavilion end from a ruck, and found the sharp Bernard Behan on his right and the out-half left the cover standing.
  • The king when he was lodged in his pauilion, sent to the man a Persian robe, a Cuppe of Golde, and a thousande Darices, (which was a coigne amonges the Persians, wherupon was the Image of Darius) willinge the messenger to saye vnto him, these wordes. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • For years Blackburn's Church Street Pavilions have been allowed to crumble and decay so that the Grade ll listed buildings have become nothing more than an eyesore.
  • As we approached the pavilion in the park, we could see hundreds of people talking and eating, and could hear live music and laughter.
  • Raman spectroscopy is used to identify certain pigments, such as vermilion and red lead, that are not detectable with FTIR.
  • Sancho fell dying outside his own pavilion while Rodrigo and others gave chase.
  • Frequently at C-bit show, enthusiasm of China pavilion doubled etc, but actual count of companies, generally, 70-80% at Cbit are Taiwan equity owned firms in Chinese pav. Archive 2006-04-01
  • A contemporary reinterpretation of a traditional form, the cloister is a luminous, humanly scaled ambulatory space that leads visitors through the pavilion.
  • His face and the exposed body limbs are also painted with vermilion.
  • Fans had barely caught their breath, however, before cricket pavilions around the world reverberated to the crashing of more heroes falling from their pedestals.
  • Self-catering properties include Baille Hill House and Bishopgate Pavilion, both in York, and Beech Farm Holiday Cottages in Pickering.
  • I know this will probably consign me to eternal perdition, but I saw a T-shirt the other day and, unbidden, the name "Ilion" flashed in my head the instant I saw it: Armstrong Expands on the Theme
  • The Pavilions are fully heated and built on hard core with easy access and egress.
  • The top lawn is dotted with decorative pavilions where they can eat supper and admire the view. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 1939 fair had pavilions from nations across the globe; there are two countries represented in the cards: Sudan and the Vatican.
  • In its east pavilion was a double row of grottoed and illuminated aquaria containing the strangest inhabitants of the deep. Elsie at the World's Fair
  • Rose growers exhibited sumptuous displays within the floral pavilion, as usual, but the large show gardens barely featured them at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will hold a multimedia slide show on Thursday, February 7 at 7 p.m. in the McGee Room at the Dogwood Pavilion in Coquitlam.
  • Ah!" exclaimed the Postilion with a slow nod, and drawing out the word unduly, "and talking o 'sheets and beds -- what about my second passenger? The Broad Highway
  • Two other large pavilions within the park are dedicated to group shows organized by the Biennale director and invited curators.
  • The pavilion's all glass structure, with its transparent mullions and ceiling joists, is perhaps no longer very radical: we have had several varieties of such transparent sheds over the last decade.
  • The renamed Pavilion of Art & Design London would invite galleries who specialized in fine art, decorative art or design that post-dated 1860—made after the advent of industrial mass manufacture, but without the contemporary art that is so well served in Regent's Park. All's Fair in London
  • The proposed north front shows a massively enlarged 19-bayed façade, centred around a grand colonnaded tetrastyle (that is, with four frontal columns) portico and curved perron, with flanking tetrastyle end pavilions.
  • The figure is propped up by a ‘curtain’ in deep vermilion, decorated and vitalised by clusters of white leaves economically painted.
  • The main body of the house had been gutted, but the pavilions remained intact.
  • There, were to be seen the flags of Bretagne and Anjou, of Burgundy, of Flanders, even the ensign of France, which the volunteers from that country had assumed; and right in the midst of this Capital of War, the gorgeous pavilion of William himself, with a dragon of gold before it, surmounting the staff, from which blazed the Papal gonfanon. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 12
  • The spectacular vermilion orange span of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • He mixes and grinds his own pigments, preferring rich, heavy metal colours such as cobalt blue and the cadmiums - red, violet, vermilion and yellow.
  • We entered this pavilion, and found in it a wide, open space, like a wide, large court, around which were many lofty doors, and at its upper end was a high and great mastabah. Nights 537-566. The Third Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea.
  • They serve as a link between pavilions and buildings, and also as freestanding covered walkways providing shade from the sun and a dry refuge in a shower. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rooms are reasonably soundproof, with thick walls and double glass, and are located in the heart of a pavilion-style hospital campus where few cars are admitted.
  • It's already that creepy crawly time of year at the Natural History Museum's wonderful Spider Pavilion. Sarah Bowman: What's Up for October From Kids Off the Couch
  • Photographs by Simon Upton A trelliswork pavilion is topped by a wooden pineapple, made by Thomas Messel, a nephew of artist Oliver Messel. House of Haslam
  • The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey.
  • An intelligence officer reported, According to the Statistic, Our units of movability men power closing 1.8 bilion, and Windom union double than us, about 4 bilion. Heroes Man | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • It was saved from destruction in 1986 when the club built a new pavilion. Times, Sunday Times
  • What makes Mr. Piano's new pavilion just north of the BCAM an obvious relation is the architect's use of fitted slabs of gray travertine for the exterior, a north-facing "sawtooth" roof (like those of old factories) configured to capture variably filtered daylight, and his attempt to jazz things up by painting attached structures a bright scarlet - orange, popularly called "Renzo red. Nice Wing, Pity About the Art
  • It has arcades all around, a pavilion at the eastern end has crenellated roof and a cupola of glass mosaic.
  • Other ideas could, with luck, be tried out on temporary exhibition pavilions.
  • They were settled into a den in the ape and monkey pavilion, which will be their quarters during six months of quarantine. Times, Sunday Times
  • In technical terms the house is an open column-and-beam pavilion standing on a solid podium.
  • The old pavilion is as it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is recorded that following the dinner, with son and father participating, a bolt of lightning struck the wooden pavilion to electrocute the father.
  • Now here it must be related that when the Caliph went upstairs with the plate of fish he ordered the vizir to hasten to the palace and bring back four slaves bearing a change of raiment, who should wait outside the pavilion till the Caliph should clap his hands. Still Separate & Unequal
  • In the Japan Pavilion, a robot violinist will make a bow to the audience before performing the "Jasmine Flower.
  • And so he rode into a great forest all that day, and never could find no highway and so the night fell on him, and then was he ware in a slade, of a pavilion of red sendal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The small, brilliantly colored vermilion darter, a fish found only in a single tributary in Alabama, is nearing extinction because of habitat destruction and a decline in water quality.
  • It represents Queen Victoria and family surrounded by imperial dignitaries gathered inside the pavilion of the Great Exhibition.
  • I avoid talking before the youth of the age as I would dancing before them; for if one's tongue don't move in the steps of the day, and thinks to please by its old graces, it is only an object of ridicule, like Mrs. Hobart in her cotilion. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • Friday 3/2/12 - Morning drive to Brighton for visits with UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX then afternoon is spent enjoying the coastal city with visits to the Pavilion Gardens, Palace pier and seafront area.
  • A whimsical high arched pavilion with a trellised canopy rises on spindle columns, which are fine twisted supports, from a fragile stepped garden bridge with a pierced fretwork balustrade echoing that of the head of the bed.
  • With multiple functions - dam, roadway and royal pavilion - the two-storey covered bridge and its archways look almost Florentine.
  • The artist will contrast vermilion, fuchsia and a yellow, and the painting will feel strangely crepuscular.
  • Like, in fact, Pomerol or Saint-Emilion — legendary French Bordeaux made principally from the recently reviled Merlot. Merlot for Snobs
  • After the band hit its last note and shuffled off stage, fireworks went pop-pop-popping skyward from the pavilion roof. In concert: Virgin Mobile FreeFest at Merriweather Post Pavilion
  • Rose growers exhibited sumptuous displays within the floral pavilion, as usual, but the large show gardens barely featured them at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the flat lawn inside the oval of the track several tents, booths and pavilions had been erected to house the exhibits and shade the contests and performances.
  • Last Friday at noon, the wing-shaped brise-soleil that soars atop architect Santiago Calatrava's pavilion at the Milwaukee Art Museum closed and opened again. An All-Too-Bloodless Coup
  • After flaring the opinion they had formerly cxprefled, that although the British government did not feel itfelf at liberty to relinquilh formally by treaty, its claim to fearch our mer - chant veflels foHJritilh feamen, its praflice would neverthelefs be eflentially, if not completely abandoned, they obferve — 11 That opinion has fince been confirmed by frequent confer - ences on the fubjed with the Britifh commiilioners, who have repeatedly affured as that in their judgment, we were made as feciire againft the exercife of their pretention by the policy their government Imd adopted, in regard to that very delicate and important queftion, as we could have been made by treaty* Congressional Reporter, Containing the Public Documents, and the Debates [in Congress]
  • I relieved myself in the conveniences behind the pavilion.
  • The five tribes of the order are completed, the vespertilionidae being shifted (provisionally) into the natatorial place, for which their appropriateness is so far evidenced by the aquatic habits of several of the tribe, and the lemuridae into the suctorial, to which their length of muzzle and remarkable saltatory power are highly suitable. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • The seemingly haphazard arrangement of pavilions was a contrived effect, it can be seen as a stand against the Beaux Arts tradition.
  • At museums in India people, every once in a while, will put kumkum vermilion and flowers on the sculptures, treating them as objects of worship. Vishnu exhibit brings Hindu holy art to US audiences
  • Soone after that the Turke was arriued, he went to land, and mounted on his horse, and rode to his pauilion which was in a high place called Megalandra, foure or fiue miles fro the towne but of the danger of the gunne shot. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Unlike the Barcelona Pavilion, with its directional Modernist space and unaligned column and paving grids, at the Farnsworth House the column centers align with the grid of the travertine floor, classicizing the design.
  • At the center, a glass object drenched in a pool of vermilion and gold recalls Harold Edgerton's famous ‘Milk Drop’ stroboscopic images.
  • And afore him he saw a long bridge, and three pavilions stood thereon, of silk and sendal of divers hue. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Now, on the left-hand side, are the Pavilions, all scaffolded and covered by hoardings.
  • Its pavilions are supported on beams cantilevered from the mountain face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nelson's already much talked-about installation, which opens to the public this Saturday, takes the visitor through the front door of the elegant, colonnaded 19th-century former tearoom that forms Britain's official pavilion and plunges them into a disorienting, dusty, crepuscular world full of labyrinthine passages, false walls and shoulder-hunchingly low ceilings. UK Venice Biennale entry 'avoids Britishness'
  • It opened in 1906, and there are plans for a new pavilion that will include extra sunbathing spots and space for exercise classes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had always thought she was beautiful, but at that moment Lakshmibai looked like an angel pavilioned in splendour. Fiancée
  • To date, organisers have raised less than one-third the estimated US$61 million needed to build and fit-out the US pavilion.
  • And then he yede to the third pavilion and found Sir Gawaine lying in bed with his Lady Ettard, and either clipping other in arms, and when he saw that his heart well-nigh brast for sorrow, and said: Alas! that ever a knight should be found so false; and then he took his horse and might not abide no longer for pure sorrow. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • She lay in her pavilion - cloth of gold tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hotel has a spa with herbal steam rooms, massage, a yoga pavilion and an infinity pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like Vaux­hall, Ranelagh was in the Rocco style, and featured an impressive rotunda and a Chinese pavilion as well as several walks and a lake. Archive 2009-09-01

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