How To Use Ilex In A Sentence

  • Set beneath the canopy of a large ilex, Campo Baeza's building is composed of two parts: an ethereal superstructure and a horizontal concrete platform.
  • Vegetative features such as wood anatomy and cuticular structure also favor the initial assignment to the genus Ilex.
  • Christmas holly is usually either English holly, Ilex aquifolium, which has spiny evergreen leaves and bright-red fruit, or American holly, Ilex opaca, which is similar but has duller, less spiny leaves. An old chestnut, re-roasted
  • Page 173 large and beautiful Filex osmunda, growing in great tufts or clumps. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • Frascati, expanding upwards into terraces, lawns, and ilexes, all flanked by pinnacled and voluted buildings, Villa Aldobrandini, or whatever it is. The Spirit of Rome
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  • Moving across the front from the barberry barrier can be seen the cherry tree in the middle, underplanted with a variety of winterberry hollies, Ilex verticillata culitvars. No Mow « Fairegarden
  • Southerners could, for example, plant a mass of vigorous full-sized yaupon hollies next to the back door, and a cluster of dwarf yaupons (Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’) at the yard's far edge.
  • The winds and waves of the Bay of Biscay have not much consciousness, and yet they have with great care “selected,” from among an infinity of masses of silex of all shapes and sizes, which have been submitted to their action, all the grains of sand below a certain size, and have heaped them by themselves over a great area. Essays
  • It is the only tree that the ancient world could have cared to notice; and if it were possible to carve statues of trees, I am sure that the ilex is the tree sculptors would choose. Memoirs of My Dead Life
  • Wiley worked with MobileXe and a number of printing firms in order to install the required RFID interrogators, tag applicators and software required to make tagging a part of the inline printing process. NEWS RSS Feed
  • The wood of the tree, in comparison with the bark, is relatively poor in silex, the duramen of an old tree giving only 2.5 per cent of silex. Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • Ilex aquifolium ‘Ferox Argentea’: called the hedgehog holly, this is a non-berrying male holly with exceptionally spiky dark green leaves, margined with cream.
  • Other seasonal berries include ilex winterberry, privet and, yes, holly. Side-Table Sparkle
  • Other stones, such as silex, for making glass, etc., are found in profusion in various parts of the country, but we have no space to enter into a detailed account of them at present. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • The crying need of all nature was for shade; for the ilex is a small-leaved tree giving a thin shadow with no cool depths amid the branches. In Kedar's Tents
  • They walked together in Maximus's garden, down white colonnades, around marble ponds fringed with mosaic, through a complex of rose-beds, past ornamental balconies and sculptured ilexes.
  • Possum Haw, Ilex decidua, is also very nice, I believe it gets somewhat larger than these winterberries, forming a tree. Berry Surreal Dreams « Fairegarden
  • Ilexes and oleanders line the roadside; tall yellow mulleins and apricot hollyhocks spring up in the screes above.
  • Then add a single tall stem of red ilex berries for the final touch.
  • “Sawwán” (popularly pronounced Suwán) = “Syenite” from Syrene; generally applied to silex, granite or any hard stone. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • What She Planted: Possumhaw trees ( Ilex decidua ) show off red berries above striped slender trunks for much of the winter and the purple wisteria-like blossoms of the Texas mountain laurel ( Sophora secundiflora ) flamboyantly and fragrantly announce the arrival of spring. A Garden That's Light on the Land
  • The chain of granite mountains continued to our right, parallel with the road, which was overspread with silex, and farther on we met with a kind of basaltic tufa, forming low hills covered with sand. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land
  • Pocosins, an ancient Algonquin term for swamp-on-a-hill are characterized as extensive flat damp, sandy or peaty areas far from streams with a scattered growth of pond pine (Pinus serotina) and a dense growth of mostly evergreen shrubs (often gallberry, Ilex glabra), that taken together, resemble a heath scrub community. Middle Atlantic coastal forests
  • Aunque no se han localizado ninguna fuente de estos materiales creemos por la presencia-ausencia de los distintos artefactos que los yacimientos de silex y basalto son locales mientras Ubicación de carrizal, Tres Zapotes y los Tuxtlas que la obsidiana está siendo importada de Puebla y el Pico de Orizaba (la montaña más alta de México). Las cosas avanzan r��pidamente « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
  • Even worse, for the October 1951 report, nine of 11 steam irons were judged Not Acceptable, eight presented burn or scald hazards, and the soleplate melted and the thermostat failed on the Silex (shown). Vintage Consumer Reports: Steam irons didn't impress in October 1951
  • Ipfum vero, cujus fragmenta exhibeo, Ire - naeum eandem dilexiffe allegoricam S« Scripmrae ex* ponendae rationem, ex editis ipfius hbris quo major authentiae ineditorum noftrorum fragmentorum ha* beatur fides, paucis exponendum mihi erit. Fragmenta patrum Graecorum
  • Sindiyán" (from the Persian) gen. used for the holm-oak, the Quercus pseudococcifera, vulgarly termed ilex, or native oak, and forming an extensive scrub in Syria, For this and other varieties of Quercus, as the Mallúl and the Ballút, see Arabian nights. English
  • _ -- "By the way, I received from Dr. Torrey a curious mixture of petrosilex and prehnite in radiating crystals, which was sent him by you, and collected at the West. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • Behind the high walls, hidden by a long screen of ilexes, you are suddenly back in the eighteenth century, surrounded by the obelisks and mausolea of sea captains and corsairs, exiled aristocrats and shipwrecked plantation owners.
  • Such leaves as those of the hedgehog holly, _Ilex Aquifolium_, var. _feroæ_, and, to a less extent, bullate leaves, may also be mentioned here as illustrations of hypertrophy or enation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • También se están analizando la lítica tallada y destaca la gran cantidad de lascas de silex y de rocas basálticas de grano muy fino. Las cosas avanzan r��pidamente « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
  • HOSPES, quod deico paullum est, asta ac pellage. haic est sepulcrum hau pulcrum pulcrai feminae: nomen parentes nominarunt Cladiam. suom mareitum corde deilexit souo: gnatos duos creauit: horunc alterum5 in terra linquit, alium sub terra locat. sermone lepido, tum autem incessu commodo. domum seruait. lanam fecit.dixi. abei. Epitaph of Claudia
  • Symbols of a few deities were no doubt recognised: we have noticed already the _silex_ of Iuppiter and the boundary-stone of Terminus, which were probably at an earlier period themselves objects of worship, and to these we may add the sacred spears of Mars, and the _sigilla_ of the State-Penates. The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • The thoughtlessness which can allow an inference to be extended from a product of disease possessing this susceptibility of multiplication when conveyed into the living body, to substances of inorganic origin, such as silex or sulphur, would be capable of arguing that a pebble may produce a mountain, because an acorn can become a forest. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Such leaves as those of the hedgehog holly, _Ilex Aquifolium_, var. _feroæ_, and, to a less extent, bullate leaves, may also be mentioned here as illustrations of hypertrophy or enation. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The fetial, who on that occasion represented the Roman people, at the solemn moment of the oath-taking, struck the sacrificial pig with the _silex_, saying as he did so, 'Do thou, Diespiter, strike the Roman people as I strike this pig here to-day, and strike them the more, as thou art greater and stronger.' The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • It is the dried leaves of a species of Patagonian ilex, which is used in this country as tea, and very delightful and soothing it is. Our Home in the Silver West A Story of Struggle and Adventure
  • Then there were scattered groups of the rugged ilex, with its pale green leaves silvered by the moonbeams; and, where the land was cultivated, there was the livelier green of the young wheat, and the dark verdure of luxuriant crops of sainfoin: scarcely a house was passed; a solitary habitation is Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • [273-2] The Creeks had, according to Hawkins, not less than seven sacred plants; chief of them were the cassine yupon, called by botanists _Ilex vomitoria_, or _Ilex cassina_, of the natural order Aquifoliaceæ; and the blue flag, _Iris versicolor_, natural order Iridaceæ. The Myths of the New World A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America
  • Of flint or silex, lime or calcareous earth, and clay or argil, in various degrees of combination, the greatest parts of the mountains and plains, and the whole of what we commonly understand by soil, mould, earth, &c. are composed. A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery. With a Short Explanation of Some of the Principal Natural Phenomena. For the Use of Schools and Families. Enlarged and Revised Edition.
  • Dilexifti juftftiam, ft odifti iniquitatem: * prop - cered unxic ce, Deus, Deus cous 61eo laetfcia& pras coii« f6rtibus tuis. Breviarium ecclesiæ Rotomagensis
  • Other seasonal berries include ilex winterberry, privet and, yes, holly. Side-Table Sparkle
  • It is made from the dried, pulverized bodies of a scale insect, Coccus ilicis, which is a parasite on an ilex oak, the kermes oak.
  • Note 83: VW 1.14, p. 40: "… de amicis quempiam me nouiter contingeret per iudeos amittere, quem plurimum pre ceteris me constaret dilexisse! A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Cistus, myrtle and cactus; cytisus, lentisk, arbutus; daphne, heath, broom, juniper and ilex -- these few I recognised, but there was no end to their varieties and none to their tangle of colours. Two Sides of the Face Midwinter Tales
  • The “chêne vert” I planted in my front garden (holm oak) is called “Quercus ilex”. Vert - French Word-A-Day
  • Increasing numbers of walkers are attracted by the network of well-marked footpaths on the Portofino promontory to the west - a wild, rocky place bristling with myrtle, gorse, hawthorn and ilex.
  • Ilexes and oleanders line the roadside; tall yellow mulleins and apricot hollyhocks spring up in the screes above.
  • I measured one which was fifteen feet in circumference: how surprising it is that every atom of the woody matter in this great cylinder should have been removed and replaced by silex so perfectly that each vessel and pore is preserved! Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Then later on, with perhaps ten miles behind you, Paco and Pajarito will be there beneath the ilex trees with a couple of large cold boxes.
  • Behind the high walls, hidden by a long screen of ilexes, you are suddenly back in the eighteenth century, surrounded by the obelisks and mausolea of sea captains and corsairs, exiled aristocrats and shipwrecked plantation owners.
  • It has cypress and ilex and olive trees to set in picturesque contrast against the bleached earth.
  • There are also national collections of ilex (holly) and cornus (dogwoods). Times, Sunday Times
  • The former must explain how thunderbots are transmuted into sharp pieces of silex., the latter how 'natural stones, rocks, and minerals [...] grow in the earth'. Stone Tools and Arguments Against Design
  • His important poems were mostly published at this time, in 1650 and 1655, in the collection which he named 'Silex Scintillans' (The Flaming Flint), a title explained by the frontispiece, which represents a flinty heart glowing under the lightning stroke of God's call. A History of English Literature
  • -- "By the way, I received from Dr. Torrey a curious mixture of petrosilex and prehnite in radiating crystals, which was sent him by you, and collected at the West. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • Manuel Maldonado, hails from Extremadura, where pampered pigs roam free while gorging themselves on the fruits of the encina, or Holm Oak (Quercus ilex). The Register
  • Neither the grottoes and cascades of Tivoli, the cypress and ilex gardens of Frascati and Albano, nor the ruins of Tusculum, were ever so pleasant to her eyes as the poplar-fringed banks of the Indre, the corn-land sand hedgerows of Berry, and the rocky borders of the Creuse at Crozant and Argenton. Famous Women: George Sand
  • Areas of granite and sandstone became colonized by maquis, a low, dense cover of ilex, briars, broom, tree heathers, and laurels.
  • In 1998 the Council of State agreed to the demolition of the ‘Monster of Vietri’, a hotel built by pulverizing an ilex wood and the shoreline on the Amalfi coast.
  • These include species of Fagaceae, in particular Quercus ilex, which is found only in the Northern Waziristan, Koh-i-Safed, and Chitral foothills, as well as east oleander (Nerium), tropical adhatoda, and Fraxinus xanthoxyloides. Sulaiman Range alpine meadows
  • Beautiful glades here occurred, trees covered with mosses: another fine oak, Q. castaneoides commences, Daphne papyraceae very common, Composita penduliflora, Hemiphragma, Rhododendron elliptica, foliis basi, cordatis subtus punctatis, Ilex! Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • But especially striking is the statement that Ivor's dog is concealed in a tree; and this tree is called "ilex" (holly-oak), the very word used by Saxo to designate the kind of hollow tree that Hroar and Helgi (he calls them The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The Scandinavian Countries
  • Nor had those antagonistic forces been dormant, which are always at work wearing down the surface of the land; the great piles of strata had been intersected by many wide valleys, and the trees, now changed into silex, were exposed projecting from the volcanic soil, now changed into rock, whence formerly, in a green and budding state, they had raised their lofty heads. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Special silex nozzle , smooth inside, angle precise, long - term spray, without crystal.
  • The surface of the land is scattered with fragments of white silex and fine red jasper, banded with black oligistic iron: this rock, close, hard, and fine enough to bear cutting, appears everywhere in scatters and amongst the conglomerates. The Land of Midian
  • With this history in mind, a better approach regarding SILEX would be to permit the International Atomic Energy Agency to have a permanent co-management and/or monitoring personnel presence as part of a new rigorous oversight standard that would apply to all laser enrichment wherever built worldwide. Bennett Ramberg, Ph.D.: New Peaceful Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation -- the Laser Enrichment Challenge
  • Gathering a core team of 10 people and getting them to work together on Silex full-time for a month for free really proves the value of the project.
  • Saxo, even to the hiding of a dog, whose name is given, in an "ilex," that it would be remarkable if there was no connection between Saxo's story and _Meriadoc_. The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The Scandinavian Countries
  • Moving across the front from the barberry barrier can be seen the cherry tree in the middle, underplanted with a variety of winterberry hollies, Ilex verticillata culitvars. No Mow « Fairegarden
  • In the Great Hall, Remco van Vliet inspected heaps of ilex berry, brown-backed magnolia and hydrangea flown in from Holland. The Master Builder of Towers of Flowers
  • Even worse, for the October 1951 report, nine of 11 steam irons were judged Not Acceptable, eight presented burn or scald hazards, and the soleplate melted and the thermostat failed on the Silex shown. Vintage Consumer Reports: Steam irons didn't impress in October 1951
  • He Ah Naum Peche uay u payahe mehenob caix ti yalah: -- "Oheltex, hun ynix u kaba kin ahbalcab bin uluk ahlikin cabob hun mexob Ahpul tu chicul hunabku ti peten ca xicex ti kam bu hahil asilex [211-1]:" bay tan binciob tu xinbalob yalan che yalan haban, ca kuchiob tu tancabal The Maya Chronicles Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1
  • The leaves of the Ilex opaca, like the Ilex dahoon and Ilex cassina, are used as substitutes for green tea. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs

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