How To Use Ignoble In A Sentence

  • He will be remembered as a gentleman of the game, a man who played to win but never stooped to ignoble or dishonourable depths.
  • Paaker's was, in fact, an ignoble, that is to say, a selfish nature; to shorten his road he trod down flowers as readily as he marched over the sand of the desert. Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 07
  • Even the name of the award, a play on the word "ignoble," is meant to be deprecating. Announcing the Year’s Winners of the IgNobel Prize | Impact Lab
  • And yes, incidentally, I do know that it's ignoble and cowardly and pusillanimous, but I'll swap you for a decent night's sleep.
  • If I use my discrimination, father, I call ignoble what my father calls natural. The Bride of Dreams
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  • Yerby's characterization of Fancy is, therefore, ironic, emphasizing the ignoble origins of most Southerners.
  • The eorl and ceorl were the great distinctive appellations of noble and ignoble descent: none were or are admitted, it will be seen, to any important office in the coronation ceremonies but the former class. Coronation Anecdotes
  • Not only did the agreement go from ‘ignoble’ to ‘long-overdue,’ but the Frist commendation went from muted to slavish.
  • The life of the powerful wonderworker would have ended in ignoble solitude and inglorious obscurity.
  • Who wears it is incapable of a cowardly act or an ignoble one. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • In ‘Useful Idiots,’ her devastating new book on the left's ignoble Cold War history, Mona Charen rounds up some telling examples.
  • The entire venture was an ignoble failure, calling forth from Bernard a passionate lament over the sins of the crusaders.
  • She walked through the ignoble arch that separated kitchen from living room and took some bread from the pantry.
  • He will be remembered as a gentleman of the game, a man who played to win but never stooped to ignoble or dishonourable depths.
  • I took the Salon piece as an attempt to honestly portray an ignoble (not evil, but ignoble) side of human nature, without praising it and even while acknowledging its ignobility.
  • Who wears it is incapable of a cowardly act or an ignoble one. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • A combination of Julius Caesar, Bertold Brecht, Benito Mussolini and Huey Long biopic it is a masterful novel, an in depth portrait of the struggles even ignoble politicians face and a meditation on the price of politics.
  • Derek Draper has a ignoble pedigree of flunkyism and fellow travelling. Mrs. Draper Serves a Mugging For Breakfast
  • Her life, begun not unprosperously, had come down to this — to a mean prison and a long, ignoble bondage. Vanity Fair
  • I was delighted to discover that a ‘poltroon’ is ‘an ignoble, uncourageous person; a base coward’; high praise indeed for a deluded, immoral creep like Peter Hain. On Peter Hain
  • of ignoble (or ungentle) birth
  • Several nights ago I heard a politician use the term grass roots, and it suddenly struck me, a retired high school English teacher, that I was ignorant of its derivation, even though I did know the expression denoted people and places "far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1
  • He loves to cite historical accounts of how she maintained her regal bearing to the end, how even her detractors reported that, on her ignoble cart ride to the guillotine, ‘she was never more of a queen.’
  • Not a serfish war; not altogether ignoble, though even its only end may appear to be your daily food. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • In reality, the improbability that Bush will now decide to acknowledge any mistakes whatsoever, much less take full responsibility for the torture he knowingly authorized, means that unless we as a country are resigned to live with the stain of dishonor Sullivan so compellingly describes, it will be left to someone else to demand atonement for this ignoble legacy. Letters to the Editor
  • Not the great sorrows of life, or its great sacrifices, but fretfulness, ignoble worries, sordid cares, are that which draw lines upon a woman's face and harshen her features. The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
  • Celle des vignes offre les lignes géométriques des rangées parallèles du vignoble suivant les courbes du terrain. French Word-A-Day:
  • Somehow, over the past decade, the duty to protect open government has been nudged aside by another, more ignoble purpose: the desire to bestow political favors.
  • But perhaps not: a victim is not necessarily ignoble or contemptible, except in the racist terms of others.
  • From a thousand schemes for revenge he had chosen the most frightful and ignoble that a brain maddened and enfevered by hatred could possibly conceive. The Honor of the Name
  • This ignoble persona is an addle-pated boor -- wait -- that's far too polite, it's an amoral neanderthal without any human qualities whatsoever. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • Of course it is ignoble to invoke the nanny state in order to correct your own personal weakness, but at least my friends' motives were somehow honest, and based on intimate knowledge of the people they knew best - themselves.
  • Mythical musings which essentialize man as hero or protector or whatever have a long and very ignoble history in the west. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Mythical musings which essentialize man as hero or protector or whatever have a long and very ignoble history in the West. A letter on masculinity and myth
  • I think it a less evil that some criminals should escape than that the government should play an ignoble part
  • Pink or brown, time to break with an ignoble past, and that includes breaking with reptile-brained reactions to differences in skin-melanin content or epicanthic eyelid folds.
  • Indeed, madame, this rascal that shares equally in my least faculty is a most pitiful, ignoble rogue! and he has aforetime eked out our common livelihood by such practices as your unsullied imagination could scarcely depicture. Domnei A Comedy of Woman-Worship
  • Yesterday she had been so vilely common and ignoble… almost as if she had no regard for any life… any life save his.
  • They were an ignoble race not unlike the despicable Gorlocs, and they needed to be defeated for their dishonor.
  • Many errors and obliquities are on both sides, noble, ignoble, factis, natis; yet still in all callings, as some degenerate, some are well deserving, and most worthy of their honours. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In these days of globalisation, the global picture of women is most ignoble and inequitable.
  • But I do not know whether the habit of uttering ignoble ones in "chaff" does not at last bring the tone of mind down to the low level. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Then said she, “Off to thy shop and let this suffice thee of ignoble suspicion and never again deem ill of me.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Flaubert has said that "the ignoble is the sublime of the lower slope. Promenades of an Impressionist
  • It hit the floor with an ignoble splatting sound, and they both stared at it.
  • Amidst the bleak despair of this ignoble abdication, a few organisations bravely banded together under the banner of Citizens Initiative in Ahmedabad.
  • And she is all the more real because it is France, impure, the country of light loves and immodest passions, where all that is sensual comes to the surface, and the courtesan is the queen of ignoble fancy, that has brought forth this most perfect embodiment of purity among the nations. Jeanne d'Arc
  • Epstein openly admits to some ignoble if venial attitudes.
  • Hunting, falconry, fishing, rowing and sailing were all considered suitable pastimes for a freeman or noble, which left the more ignoble sports of grappling with others to the lower classes.
  • something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude
  • At the sight of them a rude, equally animal resentment rises in me, compounded of shame, fear, and ignoble joy not to be one of them.
  • None of the hundreds of tickets handed in bore the magic number 2222, which would have released me from my ignoble custody, and, in time, I gave up expecting it, and settled down to the old-fogeydom of my position, and exacted all the homage due to the "father of the shop" from my restless companions. The Adventures of a Three-Guinea Watch
  • Such is the suffering, ignoble and ignominious, it inflicts on the viewers.
  • Circumstances might occasion modification of the principles, but there was nothing ignoble in the tradition of beginning with strong prima facie respect for inherited wisdom and being cautious in departing from it.
  • In addition, he possessed of himself all the natural attributes of chiefship: the gigantic stature, the fearlessness, the pride; and the high hot temper that could brook no impudence nor insult, that could be neither bullied nor awed by any utmost magnificence of power that walked on two legs, and that could compel service of lesser humans, not by any ignoble purchase by bargaining, but by an unspoken but expected condescending of largesse. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • There is also a strong message that vengeance is ignoble, and sacrificing oneself for any higher cause is honorable.
  • He was highly vilified by foes and Nigerians in general for what they described as ignoble acts that questioned his credibility and brought disrespect to his office. Thisday Online
  • Her life, begun not unprosperously, had come down to this -- to a mean prison and a long, ignoble bondage. Vanity Fair
  • Generally, to throw listeners off the track, slang confines itself to adding to all the words of the language without distinction, an ignoble tail, a termination in aille, in orgue, in iergue, or in uche. Les Miserables
  • But the elevated, even chivalric, tone in which it is being conducted scarcely even masks its onesided and ignoble purpose.
  • Of course it is irksome to have to persuade one's fellow states, many of which act out of ignoble motives.
  • Pink or brown, time to break with an ignoble past, and that includes breaking with reptile-brained reactions to differences in skin-melanin content or epicanthic eyelid folds.
  • Tartars be most insolent, and they scorne and set nought by all other noble and ignoble persons whatsoeuer. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • After a century of "noble savage" idealization, the peasantry's violence during the French Revolution had reawakened fears of more "ignoble" savagery.
  • For we recognize that the powers made possible by biomedical science can be used for non-therapeutic or ignoble purposes, serving ends that range from the frivolous and disquieting to the offensive and pernicious.
  • There can be little doubt that Head's noble savage existed as a conceptual foil for Europe's ignoble civilization.
  • The vicarious emotions that the accounts of the trial provoked range from the honourable, through the ignoble to the thoroughly perverse.
  • No one could accuse his crosswords of blushing unseen – not even when they were exiled to a distant outpost in the travel section for a few years – but the poem was more fitting than he knew: "Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife,/Their sober wishes never learned to stray,/Along the cool sequester'd vale of life/They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. Azed: a giant among crosswords
  • Generally, to throw listeners off the track, slang confines itself to adding to all the words of the language without distinction, an ignoble tail, a termination in aille, in orgue, in iergue, or in uche. Les Miserables
  • This was the type of fight that boxing fans like and purists of the ignoble art turn their backs on.
  • Underworld's greatest hits collection struggled painfully to number 46 in the album charts and dropped out a week later: an ignoble fate for a record containing some of the most headily innovative music of the past 10 years.
  • Egremont's perishable love, her own prudential forecasts and schemings, were stamped poor, worldly, ignoble, in comparison with this sacred and extinguishable ardour. Thyrza
  • While tumidity desires to transcend the limits of the sublime, the defect which is termed puerility is the direct antithesis of elevation, for it is utterly low and mean and in real truth the most ignoble vice of style. Archive 2010-03-01
  • He will be remembered as a gentleman of the game, a man who played to win but never stooped to ignoble or dishonourable depths.
  • Men do not labour over the ignoble and petty dead -- and why should not the _dead_ be Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • In the eyes of many contemporary and also later Chinese, this was an ignoble outcome that strongly compromised China's dignity and interests.
  • Among the ancestor of the last, he searches for the common progenitors, from which again two branches started -- on the one hand the ignoble branches of the catarrhine species of apes, always remaining lower in {44} development, to which also belong the anthropomorphous apes, like the orang outang and gibbon in Asia, the gorilla and chimpanzee in Africa; on the other hand, that branch which represents the ascent of animals to man. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Many South Africans are apparently wary of what they see as ignoble intentions by profit-hungry American drug companies.
  • Yet this ignoble war between barbarous tribes whom it has long been the fashion to pet, this poor scuffle between the breechloader and the Birmingham trade musket, may yet in one sense do good. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The cultus is the heathen element in the Israelite religion -- the word heathen not being understood, of course, in an ignoble or unworthy sense. Prolegomena
  • Live life for God and our motives are no longer mercenary, and our life is not founded on an ignoble base.
  • It's pretty ignoble stuff but the author attempts to redeem himself 12 years later when he goes to live with the actress and her two children, including a daughter from another relationship.
  • First in an ignoble line was the East India Company, set up by British merchant adventurers and granted the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I in 1600.
  • The heart, which is supposed to be the noble part of man, has the same form as the penis, which is the so-called ignoble part of man. Là-bas
  • All it requires is following the example of some of their more ignoble predecessors - the Dixiecrats.
  • Still, I can't help but wonder aloud if now that credits credit almost everyone, it isn't far more ignoble to say that writing a large chunk of a movie still doesn't deserve even cursory recognition.
  • It reads: ‘The working classes must be freed from their state of ignoble slavery through rational socialism.’

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