How To Use Idolatry In A Sentence

  • He marries the infamous Jezebel, and built a Temple to the Canaanite deity Baal, popularizing this form of idolatry among the Jewish people.
  • The sin of idolatry may lie less in the actual action of worshipping a foreign god than in the denial of the universals that such worship implies.
  • The Genesis legends of Cain and Nimrod, Babel and Sodom uniformly attribute impiety, pride, idolatry, luxury, crime and moral depravity to all cities and their founders, Sodom included.
  • Moreover it seems to me atrocious that we who insist on seven millions of Catholics supporting a church they call heretical, should dare to talk of our scruples (conscientious scruples forsooth!) about assisting with a poor pittance of very insufficient charity their 'damnable idolatry.' The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Distinctions in moral values are valid for God and for us: truth is to be valued over falsehood, faithfulness over infidelity, true worship over idolatry, and so on.
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  • Davies, wishing to give dignity to his Celtic mythology, determines to find the arkite idolatry there too, and the style in which he proceeds to do this affords a good specimen of the extravagance which has caused Celtic antiquity to be looked upon with so much suspicion. Celtic Literature
  • In order to reach their goals for conversion, they actively coerced the children into condemning their traditional religiosity and spiritualism as ungodly rites, rituals, and idolatry.
  • Through this point of view, Brontë herself speaks to the readers and warns of idolatry.
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
  • The resultant sheitels might be hard, shiny and unpersuasive, but they were reassuringly free from the whiff of idolatry. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Even during the Reformation it was biblical scenes likely to promote superstition and idolatry that came down.
  • Worshipping the true God is an authentic act of resistance to all forms of idolatry.
  • Bunyan said of the things with which one could commit idolatry when binding God with them, the laver and Table, that by the free grace of God, ‘Here's such as helpeth Man's Salvation.’
  • Indians, who remained outside the tribunal's jurisdiction, were subject to a parallel institution, the Juzgado General de Indios, founded in 1592, or the Provisorato de naturales, the tribunal for the archbishopric of Mexico that was charged with Indian affairs and oversaw matters of superstition, idolatry, witchcraft, and bigamy. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The Holiness Code does not only deal with ritual sins or with idolatry.
  • ‘mammetry’ or idolatry; ‘dunce’ is from Duns Scotus; while there is a legend that the ‘knot’ or sandpiper is named from Canute or Knute, with whom this bird was a special favourite. English Past and Present
  • Above all, the system is destructive of faith, having a tendency to substitute passive acquiescence for real conviction; and therefore I should not say that the excess of it was popery, but that it had once and actually those characters of evil which we sometimes express by the term popery, but which may be better signified by the term idolatry; a reverence for that which ought not to be reverenced, leading to a want of faith in that which is really deserving of all adoration and love. The Christian Life Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
  • That the people shall be destroyed with the sword: I will cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, the valley of idolatry, for the gods of the Syrians were gods of the valleys (1 Kings xx. 23), were worshipped in valleys; as the idols of Israel were worshipped on the hills; him also that holdeth the sceptre of power, some petty king or other that used to boast of the sceptre he held from Beth-Eden, the house of pleasure. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • They quarrel with God as if he had dealt unkindly by them in forsaking them, whereas they by their idolatry had driven him from them; they have withdrawn from their allegiance to him, and so have thrown themselves out of this protection. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Finally, the author criticizes the sanctity of life concept by arguing that it is a form of idolatry of biological life and that it absolutizes this life by forgetting that there is a life to come.
  • How has pagan idolatry, the very same sort of idolatry that Paul encountered in Ephesus, corrupted much of the Christian-professing world?
  • Likewise for some Christian thinkers today, greed can mask an even greater sin; the sin of idolatry.
  • The marriage prohibition consequently played into the concern over intermarriage as a source of religious syncretism and idolatry.
  • By dead works we are to understand idolatry, inordinate lusts of the flesh, covetness and ambition.
  • In fact, God had often chastised them for their idolatry (see Jud 2: 14); but it is the curse of impiety not to perceive the hand of God in calamities. victuals -- Men cast away the bread of the soul for the bread that perisheth (De 8: 3; Joh 6: 27). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Worship in truth is the antidote to idolatry, while worship in spirit is the antidote to hypocrisy.
  • In other words, I would say that idolatry not only dishonors God and demeans the idolater; it ultimately leads to the destruction of the hapless idol itself.
  • I've been immersed in Russian literature, music, film and even painting since my teens; and I admire the Russian theatre only this side of idolatry.
  • He claims that his only quarrel is with “the idolatry of woman,” but it is one thing to want to take la femme off her pedestal — assuming she was still on it in the 1930s — and another to assert that when lying on her back during sex she looks “ridiculous … froglike.” Monster of Marriage
  • A sacred tree is often found in Assyrian sculpture; symbol of the starry hosts, Saba. gardens -- planted enclosures for idolatry; the counterpart of the garden of Eden. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Ephraim is here addressed as foremost in idolatry. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It is the idolatry of people which can give us a sense of reflected importance or purpose.
  • But he also warns that we humans are prone to idolatry, taking preliminary concerns that do not ground and determine our being and elevating them to a place of ultimacy in our lives. Todd Green, Ph.D.: Where Is The Courage In College Football?
  • In Galatians 5: 19-21 the list is headed by sexual immorality, impurity, licentiousness, and idolatry.
  • This is the high place of Chinese devotion, and the thoughtful visitor feels that he ought to tread its courts with unsandalled feet, for no vulgar idolatry has entered here. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • How can I convince my flock to turn away from the razzle-dazzle spectacle of idolatry? WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Critics of idolatry say that people who use such things believe that they either are in some way indwelt by the God. Concise Dictionary of Religion
  • The idolatry of some older people for the Queen Mother strikes me as even more bizarre than that for the Spice Girls among teenagers.
  • But I return from this digression on the peril of idolatry, to which as well the theory as the practice of {244} the Roman Catholic Church exposes her members; and willingly repeat my disclaimer of any wish or intention whatever to fasten and filiate upon the Church of Rome the doctrines or the practice of individuals, or even of different sections of her communion. Primitive Christian Worship Or, The Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Church, Against the Invocation of Saints and Angels, and the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The considered teaching of churchmen and philosophers still holds incarnate beauty to be, at best, the unintended consequence of accident or design and, at worst, plain old craven idolatry.
  • He worried that his older brother, whom he loved nearly unto the point of idolatry, would meet that same fate.
  • It was an idolatry that had become one of society's assumed norms.
  • Liege (or rather Tongres, for Liege was not then built) that she was spreading wide her tenets, unpersecuted and unrestrained, for she was too far removed from idolatry and imposture to be regarded. Olla Podrida
  • In speaking of worship, theologians generally distinguish three kinds, namely: latria, or that supreme worship due to God alone, which cannot be transferred to any creature without committing the sin of idolatry; dulia, or that secondary veneration we give to saints and angels as the special friends of God; hyperdulia, or that higher veneration which we give to the Blessed Virgin as the most exalted of all God's creatures. Baltimore Catechism No. 4 (of 4) An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine
  • The word devil in the Old Testament is always mentioned in the plural, suggesting not a devil as a personal entity, but a concept of demons of idolatry, the worship of idols—the false gods or deities of the heathen or pagan peoples that surrounded the Israelites geographically. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • I think this is idolatry beyond belief.
  • In other words, I would say that idolatry not only dishonors God and demeans the idolater; it ultimately leads to the destruction of the hapless idol itself.
  • The second commandment also relates to the problem of idolatry and warns us against worship of the true God in a false way.
  • In pagan times when divining sacrifice was offered it was idolatry, and even now divination is a kind of demonolatry or devil worship (d'Annibale). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Idols are worshipped by various religions, while idolatry is blasphemy to others.
  • To speak plainly, does the root of all this lie in covetousness, which is idolatry, and do we seek not profit, but a gift. The singing of Psalms and the Divine Office
  • They lapsed into a form of Egyptian idolatry with the worship of the golden calf.
  • Wasn't he the Harshini King when the Sisterhood freed Medalon from idolatry ? MEDALON
  • Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.
  • Celebrity is seen not only as a pagan form of religious idolatry but also as the very possibility of culture, cult, and community.
  • And thou here practisest such idolatry and hierolatry? Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • He may not only deny our God and our Redeemer, but he may worship Jupiter or Osiris, an ape or a crocodile, the host of heaven or the creeping things of the earth; let him only have a statutable horror of the religion of others, and agree to brand with the name of idolatry the religion of the greater part of the Christian world. On Catholic Relief
  • The latter believed in caste system and untouchability, polytheism, idolatry, etc.
  • To address a creature as the ‘All Holy One’ is consummate blasphemy and idolatry.
  • Next to the honor of fair Scotland, my counsin Helen is the goddess of my idolatry; and she would forswear my love and kindred, could she believe me capable of feeling otherwise than in unison with Sir William Wallace. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Scripture fornication is the standing image of idolatry; they are in fact ever spoken of as one and the same sin, considered now in its fleshly, now in its spiritual aspect (Jer 3: 1-15; Eze 16: 1-17: 24) [Trench]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • When idolatry began, the first idolaters knew that Hashem existed, that He was the Creator of the world, and all they were doing was praising His creations, the sun and the moon, as intermediaries.
  • This essay aims at investigating the phenomenon of youngsters idolatry.
  • Wandering amongst the statues, the irony was not lost on me that I was spending my celebration of the victory of God over idolatry, surrounded by idols.
  • The similitude is explained in the following words, It is a people of no understanding, brutish and sottish, and destitute of the knowledge of God, and that have no relish or savour of divine things, like a withered branch that has no sap in it; and this is at the bottom of all those sins for which God left them desolate, their idolatry first and afterwards their infidelity. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Islamic teachings forbid the depiction of Muhammad as a measure against idolatry, a form of aniconism. The radical culture of offense « BuzzMachine
  • The Pagan religion was a mixture of genealogy, politics, and education based largely on ancestor worship. It was not the "idolatry" and "animalism" that Biblical religion has made it out to be.
  • Or the image of the Fallen, those who have committed the sin of idolatry?
  • Now, my lord, as a true Scottish man, and educated at the Mareschal – College of Aberdeen, I was bound to uphold the mass to be an act of blinded papistry and utter idolatry, whilk I was altogether unwilling to homologate by my presence. A Legend of Montrose
  • Speak of the moderns without contempt, and of the ancients without idolatry; judge them all by their merits, but not by their ages; and if you happen to have an Elzevir classic in your pocket neither show it nor mention it. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • He goes on to clarify that there are a number of exceptions to the rule, such as kiddush, mazzah, the Passover sacrifice, Hakhel (assembly) and rejoicing on the festivals (MT Idolatry 12: 3). Maimonides.
  • And the diseases of conceit are a familiar notion from the biblical tradition that goes along with its partner diseases of hubris, idolatry and faithlessness.
  • Wasn't he the Harshini King when the Sisterhood freed Medalon from idolatry ? MEDALON
  • The resultant sheitels might be hard, shiny and unpersuasive, but they were reassuringly free from the whiff of idolatry. The Times Literary Supplement
  • During the vulnerability of adolescence, a young music fan's love for a musician can quickly transpire into idolatry.
  • ¶ Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things 'sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: in the which ye also walked sometime, when ye lived in them. Colossians 3.
  • And what these are he himself explains: "Fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence; and covetousness, which is idolatry. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Their inquiry has ignored the age of the parents at marriage -- or, better still, at the births of their respective children -- and has assumed that the number of the family was the all-important point: a good example of that idolatry of number as number which is the "freak religion" of the biometrician. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • He criticized the Buddhist ontology , humanness of Buddhism, ethics and idolatry of Buddhism.
  • Some lavish gold out of the bag to make an idol of it in the house, while others hoard up gold in the bag to make an idol of it in the heart; for covetousness is idolatry, as dangerous, though not as scandalous, as the other. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • He objects to that idolatry of sexualism which makes it the fountain of all forcible enthusiasms; he dislikes the amorous drama which makes the female the only key to the male. George Bernard Shaw
  • Bryant's book on mythology was then in vogue, and Bryant, in the fantastical manner so common in those days, found in Greek mythology what he called an arkite idolatry, pointing to Noah's deluge and the ark. Celtic Literature
  • In the eighteenth century the goal of mission was seen primarily as conversion from idolatry and religious perversion.
  • And they childishly trifle who make a pretext for their idolatry, in the words dulia and latria, [455] since the Scripture, in general terms, forbids adoration to be transferred to men. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • But without a literal idol or incense to burn, what does sports idolatry look like for the one who says he believes Jesus is Lord?
  • The effect of his labors is to be seen in the improved character of the people towards the close of the captivity, and their general cessation from idolatry and a return to the law. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • That's where idolatry ends and a crime of love, so to say, begins.
  • * Note: A singular "allegoric" explanation of this strange fact has recently been broached: it is connected with the charge of idolatry and Eastern heretical opinions subsequently made against the Templars. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • Now, my lord, as a true Scottish man, and educated at the Mareschal – College of Aberdeen, I was bound to uphold the mass to be an act of blinded papistry and utter idolatry, whilk I was altogether unwilling to homologate by my presence. A Legend of Montrose
  • Full of his notions about an arkite idolatry and a Helio-daemonic worship, Edward Celtic Literature
  • They went against God and all His teachings, reverting to idolatry and worshipping a golden calf.
  • And yet because this leads to erroneous belief on the part of the people, who are inclined to worship the image itself instead of God (for the people cannot discriminate between the outward act and its idea), the Bible punishes idolatry with death, and calls the idolater a man who angers A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • Accusing admirers of science of idolatry is worse.
  • The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice.
  • There was a small town, named Modin, near the sea shore, whither a Greek officer called Apelles was sent to force the people into idolatry. The Chosen People A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children
  • We are commanded against idolatry precisely because idolatry is the freezing of God in a static image, a violation of the imagination, a limiting of possibility.
  • The Lakers, giddy and showered in confetti, soaked in the idolatry. - Lakers seek parade of titles
  • For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
  • Condemning the ‘modern idolatry of lust, greed, power and pride’, Dr Hope said a safe and secure world would only result if humans engaged in the challenge to look again at the way we live our lives.
  • Evil, mysterious, hostile to health and goodness, demons were once viewed as inferior gods-the personification of the powers behind human sickness, idolatry, and heresy.
  • But music was grating to the prejudiced ears of the Scottish; clergy; sculpture and painting appeared instruments of idolatry the surplice was a rag of Popery; and every motion or gesture prescribed by the liturgy, was a step towards that spiritual Babylon, so much the object of their horror and aversion. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
  • Mosaic law also makes idolatry or the worship of other gods a capital offense, along with a host of other crimes, including adultery, cursing one's parents, and sodomy.
  • All letters written to his Imperial Majesty, are begun with the praise of God, and with the acknowledgment, (in opposition to idolatry,) that there is neither beginning nor power but what proceeds from God, the eternal God, (_La hule û la kûa ela billa, Allah el adeem_.) 384 An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • It is for us to ascertain how far the imputation has been a mere pretext to accuse them of idolatry. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • That leads to the sin of idolatry, the sin of bibliolatry and the Protestant danger of worshiping the text.
  • If the artist makes of his art the end of his life, his end becomes idolatry - as the quotation above from Baudelaire indicates.
  • NME went so far as to imply that you'd better catch The Vines before frontman Craig Nicholls took his Kurt Cobain idolatry to its logical extreme.
  • Passionate Man is not to be so satisfied; and the time was fully come for the rise of some fierce spirit, who should change the tinsel theology of the crucifix for the iron religion of the sword: who should blow in the ears of the slumbering West the shrill war-blast of Eastern fervencies; who should exchange the dull rewards of canonization due to penance, or an after-life voluntary humiliation under pseudo-saints and angels, for the human and comprehensible joys of animal appetite and military glory: who should enlist under his banner all the frantic zeal, all the pent-up licentiousness, all the heart-burning hatreds of mankind, stifled either by a positive barbarism, or the incense-laden cloud of a scarcely-masked idolatry. Probabilities : An aid to Faith
  • The periodic and repeated glow of her admiration had fanned what had begun for him as a loving curiosity into a veritable idolatry. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Egypt, delivering us from popery, which is Romish idolatry, and causing the light of his truth to break forth gloriously among us. The Ten Commandments
  • Idols are worshipped by various religions, while idolatry is blasphemy to others.
  • The periodic and repeated glow of her admiration had fanned what had begun for him as a loving curiosity into a veritable idolatry. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • He preached the worship of the One Supreme Being, deprecating idolatry and superstitious beliefs and observances.
  • Their silver and gold were called the stumbling-block of their iniquity (ch.vii. 19), their idols of silver and gold, by the beauty of which they were allured to idolatry, and so it was the block at which they stumbled, and fell into that sin; or their iniquity is their stumbling-block, which throws them down, so that they fall into ruin. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • No matter what form religion may take, idolatry is the foundation of its worship.
  • Sikhism was founded in the Punjab region in South Asia in the early sixteenth century and is a monotheistic religion that rejects idolatry and divisions in society.
  • Knox's passion against 'idolatry,' beyond all other forms of false religion or irreligion, was fully shared by the mass of his followers, and he tells us that, on this occasion, he worked in private 'rather to mitigate, yea to sloken, that fervency that God had kindled in others.' John Knox
  • And because we too are tempted, sometimes we unfortunately offer idolatrous sports fans nothing but another form of idolatry when we scold in the name of Christianity.
  • This Nimrod was the first man that found mawmetry and idolatry, which endured long and yet doth. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
  • In those times of ignorance, infidelity, and idolatry, the devil, by the divine permission, thus led men captive at his will; and he could not have gained such adoration from them as he had, if he had not pretended to give oracles to them, for by both his usurpation is maintained as the god of this world. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • It is the difference between pagan idolatry and true worship of our Creator and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In the eighteenth century the goal of mission was seen primarily as conversion from idolatry and religious perversion.
  • Christians are accustomed to distinguish the worship of false gods - that is, idolatry - from the worship of the true God.
  • Women, especially, but men too, are often tempted by a kind of self-immolating romance that is much closer to idolatry than to real love.
  • Against this command the human mind is always dashing itself, and in one shape or another idolatry is the ruling religion of mankind.
  • The hexagram is a Jewish symbol only insofar as the ancient Hebrews, under the influence of the Assyrians in the time of Amos, had fallen into pagan idolatry by using the six-pointed star in the worship of the planet Saturn. Camping and Camping Resources. Find Camping News, Camping Gear and Camping Reports. Camping RSS Feed Available.
  • Most siddurim list six verses of the Torah that we should recite each day to remind us of who we are and to caution us against idolatry and lashon hara (harmful talk).
  • It's still not idolatry, of course, because the Eucharist is Jesus Christ and he deserves to be worshiped and adored.
  • With this view commissioners were sent in January 1641 into every county "for the defacing, demolishing, and quite taking away of all images, altars, or tables turned altarwise, crucifixes, superstitious pictures, monuments, and reliques of idolatry out of all churches and chapels. History of the English People, Volume V (of 8) Puritan England, 1603-1660
  • We must not make an idolatry of modern medicine, investing powers in the medical establishment far beyond its true capacity.
  • Judaism, so far from being merged in heathenism, made inroads by conversions on the idolatry of surrounding nations. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • When it comes to worshipping created beings and things - you can call it dulia or hyperdulia, but it still is idolatry.

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