
How To Use Ido In A Sentence

  • She has one annoying but lovable big brother that looks out for her, and a little sister that adores and idolizes her.
  • It also has superb golf courses, so if you're a bit of a golf widow, leave him to tussle in the bunker while you slink off to the spa - it's connected to the hotel by a subterranean tunnel.
  • Likewise, it was ixnay on the ommentcay when asked about reports that former show exec producer Nigel Lythgoe is returning triumphant to the show after having been pushed aside a couple of seasons back when that was their Really Bright Idea for jump-starting "Idol" and revving up ratings. 'D.C. Cupcakes' will get second season; only Ryan Seacrest certain on 'Idol'
  • Connecticut schools have been fitting yellow intruder alarms next to fire alarms in their corridors and dining halls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vibrations from instruments such as the talking drum or the didgeridoo, or even from foot-stomping dances, may have spoken volumes to distant, unshod listeners.
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  • Long gone are the days when Chairman Mao was idolised by radicals (and even respected by some mainstream academics) on American university campuses.
  • On admission, the patient was acidotic, and he rapidly became comatose.
  • Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
  • He might have caused a storm in a teacup in the corridors of the Westminster press lobby as journalists squabbled over who had the story, whether it was attributable and who had told The Sun anyway.
  • Here is nobly born quartz living with a green mineral, called epidote; and they are immense friends. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • Wilder grew up loving Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, but his great idol was famed director Ernst Lubitsch.
  • Garrido's round was achieved without the use of his driver, which he broke at the second hole on Friday.
  • A rare comma butterfly was spotted in the garden in Grassington of lepidopterist James Birdsall.
  • The hospital is so overcrowded that some patients are being treated on trolleys in the corridors.
  • KATIE HALL, VICTIM OF PHILLIP GARRIDO: Phillip went out to answer the door. CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2009
  • Orange is the perfect antidote when a garden looks lacklustre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The antidote is intended to protect residents from radioactive fallout from any missile attack on the nuclear station.
  • Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike. The Satanic Verses
  • Those brought up in the punk rock era will have a twinge of nostalgia for the days when it was a badge of honour to be gobbed on by your idols.
  • “Never enough, sir, while one of the idolatrous tyrants is left unhanged,” said he, with a right bitter smile. Westward Ho!
  • For the five years before her death his widow had donated an annual gift of £3,000 towards Burley - unknown to many in the village.
  • In fact some of today's most well-known teachers were skipped one or two dans during aikido's early years.
  • The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor.
  • Her name means happiness, but she is a widow with five children who makes ends meet by washing clothes for the neighbourhood and preparing injera, the unleavened bread prepared today as it was 1000 years ago.
  • If that isn't an antidote to the vicissitudes of life, then what is?
  • The service is flawless; and every employee you pass in the corridor greets you with the unstudied politeness that is the hallmark of a great hotel.
  • The circulating nurse instills tetracaine hydrochloride drops to decrease the burning sensation of the diluted povidone-iodine solution.
  • U.S. Policy: Relations with Ecuador, U.S. Policy:) S.gun diario El Tiempo, de Bogota, el ecuatoriano, que habria dado las coordenadas del campamento de Reyes recibio US. 1,2 millones por la informacion y ahora vive con su familia en Estados Unidos […] '> Plan Colombia and Beyond
  • Less common features include clubbing, periostitis, amyloidosis, and granulomatous disease of bone and joint.
  • Along the sixth and seventh floors of the western wing, a glazed corridor extends south beyond the building's edge.
  • Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
  • Spesso le mie visite a Newark coincidono con uno dei voli Air India, e sono sempre molto affascinata dai piccoli teatrini della gente che arriva e parte. Archive 2009-02-01
  • One widow, she said, was carrying around $900,000 in uncashed cheques; another confessed to spending $15,000 on designer clothes.
  • [Greek name Poseidon] The Roman and Greek god who ruled the sea. Neptune
  • Não tiveram pra onde ir, ninguém veio buscar. entre uma conversa e outra, um vacilão falando que tinha muito oportinista na favela, muito cara que pegou casa sem precisar, pois já tinha seu barraco, logo foi calado pela multidão que beirava o córrego, com gritos um tiozinho chegou e falou que ninguém tava brincando de ter lucro ali não, que ninguém tava fingindo que precisava morar, que ele havia perdido tudo pro trator. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Outrage at violent São Paulo eviction
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Be happy. It's one way of being wise.- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette.
  • Bond's unflattering portrait lacks generosity, but at least it's an antidote to sentimental bardolatry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The obvious antidote is not taking on such punishing workloads.
  • Shamefacedness is derived from _aidos_ in the Greek, and has The Gospel Day Or, the Light of Christianity
  • The ci-devant banker, then a widower with an only daughter, Esther, had journeyed to England.
  • The sin of idolatry may lie less in the actual action of worshipping a foreign god than in the denial of the universals that such worship implies.
  • Dio Cassius can scarcely be mistaken when he says that Tyre and Sidon were "enslaved" -- i.e. deprived of freedom -- by Augustus, [14477] who must certainly have revoked the privilege originally granted by Pompey. History of Phoenicia
  • This induced those airs, and a love to those diversions, which make a young widow, of so lively a turn, the unfittest tutoress in the world, even to her own daughter. Clarissa Harlowe
  • * [6824] Sensus est de angelis, qui si cum Deo confederantur, aut si eos secum Deus conferat, non habens rationem eorum quæ in illis posuit, et dotium ac donorum quæ in illos contulit, et quibus eos exornavit et illustravit, inveniat eos stolidos. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • The little silver bell tinkles at a wayside shrine, calling the labouring man to propitiate the idol for the carelessness and detected dishonesties of his day's labours, and goodly Hindus, men and women, stream down the busy thoroughfare, responsive to the call. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • While streaming one video, the picture broke down after about a minute, and the voice track continued over an indecipherable kaleidoscope of colours.
  • And if it (hall happen that this legacy Ihall be found not to anfwcr the purpofe intended, I im - power the bifliop of Oflbry for the time being, with the confent of the dean and chapter of St. Canice, to fell the books, and apply their price together with. the faid (alary of the librarian towards raifing or sidoraiijig the imperfedl fteeple of their cathedral. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • Carrancistas, Villistas y Zapatistas reunidos decidieron que, como gesto de unidad, cada miembro de estos grupos debía estampar su firma sobre la bandera nacional. ��Verde? ��Blanco? ��Rojo?
  • Just before the funeral, the undertaker came up to the elderly widow and asked: ‘How old was your husband?’
  • The foundation, which helps make the dreams of poorly boys and girls come true, arranged for Chloe to meet some dolphins at an aquarium in Benidorm.
  • Note 99: Rafael Muñoz Garrido, "Empiricos sanitarios españoles de los siglos XVI y XVII," Cuadernos de historia de la medicina española, Vol. 6, 1967, pp. 101 – 33, esp.p. 102. back Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • Where the god and the idolon were most nearly one there was least danger of confounding them. Surprised by Joy
  • But in essence, the short-time Fourier transformation is a method of ingle resolution because it uses an unchanged short-time widow function.
  • A kaleidoscopic wall behind the sushi bar draws people into this Japanese restaurant.
  • Although our inner lives have been relentlessly diminished by ecosocial isolation, the antidote lies in recovering awareness of our context.
  • VIP3 shows activity against many lepidopteran insect larvae.
  • Many other species of Callia also resemble other malacoderms; and the longicorn genus Lycidola has been named from its resemblance to various species of the Lycidae, one of the species here figured (Lycidola belti) being a good mimic of Calopteron corrugatum and of several other allied species, all being of about the same size and found at Chontales. Darwinism (1889)
  • Once properly tagged and escorted, the visitor passes the initial checkpoint and walks along a corridor into the Headquarters Building lobby.
  • Some calcareous veins contain epidote, titanite and apatite.
  • OBJECTIVE : To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for compound diclofenac sodium and lidocaine hydrochlo ˉ ride injection ( CDL ).
  • You prayed to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the fubsy widow in front might lift her clothes still more from the wet street.
  • We do not know of an antidote to counteract this side effect.
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Do not spit everywhere, should phlegmy spit inside cuspidor, undertake alexipharmic next.
  • Looking at the greyish-green sea streaked with white waves was a good antidote, as indeed the grand and infinite was always.
  • But to Escondido resident Waller and others, horses are much more than mere livestock, they are members of the family.
  • If you happen to wander the corridors around our work areas and see us surfing the Net, rest assured, we aren't goofing off.
  • He has called capitalism 'an economy of exclusion by an idolatrous system of money'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pharmaceutical regulation is driven by horror stories like the sulfanilamide elixir and thalidomide. Technological Nightmares (Lecture)~ Six Concerns
  • Learning is an antidote of ignorance. Learning liberates us by increasing our knowledge and enriching our minds and souls. Learning makes our lives more interesting, exciting and meaningful. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Rank was a businessman who pursued a grander vision than Isidore Ostrer or John Maxwell had ever done.
  • The bed was rickety, with a thin knotty mattress; the sand-colored walls were scratched and gouged; in every corner, under everything, were fluffy dust and cigar ashes; on the tilted wash-stand was a nicked and squatty pitcher; the only chair was a grim straight object of spotty varnish; but there was an altogether splendid gilt and rose cuspidor. Main Street
  • I moved down the corridor, as instructed, and rounded the elevators to the bank on the far side.
  • Trans. of I libri della famiglia by Guido Guarino. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Cyclohexanone monooxygenase 1 Nomenclature EC number Systematic name cyclohexanone: NADPH: oxygen oxidoreductase (6-hydroxylating, 1,2-lacto - nizing) Recommended name cyclohexanone monooxygenase Synonyms CHMO Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Cells in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus have been shown to selectively express steroidogenic factor - 1.
  • During that time her health has declined due to muscular and skeletal problems resulting from her own thalidomide disabilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other arts, such as aikido, employ the same concepts in some movement, but not in others.
  • I'm sure Dido will be so good for you -- all that vivacity -- so different from poor Grace who was prone to melancholy. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • I have sent the curious lepidopteron case to Mr. Meldola. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • The Genesis legends of Cain and Nimrod, Babel and Sodom uniformly attribute impiety, pride, idolatry, luxury, crime and moral depravity to all cities and their founders, Sodom included.
  • Then there was the case of George Godman, whose widowed mother went to the authorities when his master, a tailor by the name of Money, beat him with a horsewhip and knocked him down.
  • She called her suitor "Isidore:" this, however, she intimated was not his real name, but one by which it pleased her to baptize him Villette
  • ESCONDIDO - No charges will be filed against two Escondido police officers for the death of a parolee who was high on methamphetamine as they struggled to take him into custody, the District Attorney's Office announced Thursday. San Diego News
  • Walking into its corridors, between the towering whiteness, has the effect, so beloved of the Romantics, of making you feel microcosmic.
  • With domed hall and cavernous corridors that echoed every step, this felt more like a tomb.
  • Both Isidore and Feodor were clad in simple chitons that showed off their large, muscular arms.
  • Amyloidosis and other infiltrative diseases, including sarcoidosis and haemochromatosis, can cause a restrictive syndrome.
  • Ostriches roam about this camp, eating empty soda-water bottles and any bridoon bits they can find. In the Ranks of the C.I.V.
  • While examining your irises, both in-person, and later when reviewing the photographs, the iridologist will look for subtle signs of developing illness, such as symptoms of stress or a build-up of toxins. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • I was on Guido when he blogged about the injuries and the nutters came out of the panelling like .303 woodworm. Is fairness enough?
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Often, the muscles used to maintain body posture are affected, namely the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle, including the upper trapezius, scalene, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, and quadratus lumborum.
  • A small group of six chemicals (monocrotophos, glyphosate, metamidophos, zineb, benomyl and deltamethrin) belonging to different chemical classes were used by 50 or more workers.
  • Luther; "while others, it is added," abjurit and relapsit, baneist of auld, now comes pertlie [openly] without any dreidour, nocht allenarly in the far parts of the Realme, but als to the Court and presens of your The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Next month he undertakes the role of Siegmund a baritonal tenor role sung here last year by Plácido Domingo in Robert Lepage's new Metropolitan Opera production of Die Walkűre. Rodney Punt: Jonas Kaufmann Triumphs in Lieder Recital for LA Opera
  • A system for reporting side-effects was set up in the 1960s after the thalidomide scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover it seems to me atrocious that we who insist on seven millions of Catholics supporting a church they call heretical, should dare to talk of our scruples (conscientious scruples forsooth!) about assisting with a poor pittance of very insufficient charity their 'damnable idolatry.' The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Bronze idol of Ganapathi, with finely proportioned torsos and exquisitely designed limbs is a cynosure of all eyes.
  • She gets a widow's pension.
  • Lepidolite, beryl, tantalite, quartz crystals, and altered and unaltered petalite are some of the minerals that can be found in this district.
  • But despite the brocaded swags, ornamental carvings and original works of art here, you won't feel you have to tiptoe down the corridors and talk in whispers.
  • Quickly grabbing her stuff and clasping the key tightly in her hand she ran upstairs and went to the room at the end of the corridor.
  • The precision in diagnosis is greatly improved, and entirely new possibilities for therapy have been opened up via the hybridoma technique. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1984 - Presentation Speech
  • 'Dancing With the Stars' bops 'American Idol' in Nielsens - Articles related to CBS scores big with basketball, Woods' return
  • DiDonato took a broader and more dramatic perspective in two Rossini numbers, Desdemona's haunting "Willow Song" from "Otello" and a dazzlingly virtuosic encore of "Tanti affetti," the final showpiece from "La Donna del Lago. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Ryoshi was breathing heavily as she ran through the corridors, her breath coming in hard pants.
  • Massage is a wonderful antidote to stress.
  • The McGuire programme, which helped him, also enabled Pop Idol Gareth Gates to overcome his stutter and go on to chart success.
  • The corridor was empty, but the door to the inspector's room was slightly ajar.
  • Then we spilled out into the corridor, babbling incoherently and the experience that none of us would ever forget came to an end.
  • The idea that cycads stem from Carboniferous so-called pteridosperms (‘seed ferns’ or seed plants with fern-like foliage) has long been popular with paleobotanists.
  • Dentro de los planes que tiene para mejorar su calidad de vida, esta la compra de un tanque de almacen de agua potale, debido a que el vital liquido no abastece en la zona y amenaza a la producción por la sequía, ella solicita un prestamo para la compra de materiales fertilizantes e insumos vegetativos que aporten un mejor mantenimientos agronomo a sus tierras y garantizen un crecimiento óptimo a la cosecha, esta inyección de capital a futuro le favorecera, para el establecimiento de 1 cuarto de manzana de piña, que le ayudara economicamente a la incursion en nuevos rubros y el mejoramiento continuo de sus niveles de vida. Kiva Loans
  • Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors.
  • In the long-day plant Arabidopsis, flowering is accelerated under photoperiods exceeding a critical daylength.
  • In the mid-seventeenth century, Spain began to import the bitter bark of cinchona trees from Peru and Ecuador as an antidote for malaria.
  • The government offers meager help: a $130 annual payment to each widow, and a ration card for rice and oil.
  • The rubberized seal around the hatch began to hiss as air from the corridor was sucked inside.
  • He felt his heart leap, the pieces falling into place, his eyes already searching the framed map on the wall across the corridor. AMAGANSETT
  • I offered only a narrow flight corridor that was far from any sensitive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a benevolent organization that gave aid to fellow miners, their widows and children, as the many newspaper articles of the period record.
  • Half a dozen creatures'manlike except for the snakiest necks either had ever seen-came thundering along the corridor, waving spears and shouting. Fortress Of Frost And Fire
  • [Page 67] * This accomplished comment to human nature was the widow of the late Willoughby lord Middleton of Woolaton in Nottinghamshire, and wife of Edward Miller Mundy, Esq. of Shipley in the county of Derby, by whom her ladyship had one daughter now living. Poems, by Mrs. M. Robinson
  • Several blooded animals take this sleep, such as the pholidotes or tessellates, namely, the serpent, the lizard, the gecko, and the river. crocodile, all of which go into hiding for four months in the depth of winter, and during that time eat nothing. The History of Animals
  • Sadly, it is no panacea for a low libido. Times, Sunday Times
  • The peridot was the winner, as it was chartreuse-colored and interesting. Resume your resum��
  • [_Rothmaler_: pulsi _codd_], stridore rudentes,/ingemit _et_ nostris ipsa carina malis 'and _Tr_ III iv 57-58' ante oculos errant domus, urbsque et forma locorum,/accedunt_que_ suis singula facta locis ', but these are extended descriptions of single events, not lists of separate examples. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Like all the seafloor, they are created at midocean ridges, where two plates diverge and hot lava wells up from the underlying mantle.
  • I was always amazed by the length and circuitousness of the corridors in the building.
  • Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood.
  • Dressed in severe black taffeta and white veil, Widow Gumple flounced by them. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • A 79 inf.), reso splendido e commovente da una miniatura di Simone Martini (su progetto iconofrafico dello stesso Petrarca) e dalla nota che registra la data di morte di molti amici, dell'unica amata (Avignone 6 aprile 1348), e poi, volando il tempo, del figlio Giovanni (1361); di quei vecchissimi volumi scovati nelle Biblioteche («inque bibliothecam ... velut in arcem fugio», Fam. Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, ed & comm. Rosanna Bettarini (Turin, 2005)
  • Britney Spears is being forced to give custody of her children to man-whore/baby-mama maker/Britney despoiler/my idol Kevin Federline. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Distinctions in moral values are valid for God and for us: truth is to be valued over falsehood, faithfulness over infidelity, true worship over idolatry, and so on.
  • Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Wilfred was nowhere to be seen.
  • Poseidon clothes himself in raiment of gold, grasps his gold whip, and takes his stand upon his chariot.
  • Through the frosted glass she could make out a large person struggling down the corridor. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Upon the death of a husband, a widow chooses a husband from among the dead man's brothers.
  • He knows nothing of it yet. I idolized this poor unhappy child.
  • Swinging from the rope portiere, slathering the pomade upon my beardless face, and all manner of the metaphysical ick in my oversized cuspidors! Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
  • Another asbestos mineral, crocidolite, is used for more specialized applications, when, for example, better acid resistance is desirable.
  • Isidore's face was pale and he quickly recovered, dusting his chiton.
  • And we know from experiences such as thalidomide that there are specific times during development of specific risks with specific chemicals. Home -
  • It's Hokkaido's vast potato, corn and mountain vegetable farms that economic planners are looking to now.
  • There once was/lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.
  • To the west of the town, on the B939, is Rufflets hotel , a turreted mansion house built in 1924 for Anne Brydon Gilroy, the widow of a wealthy jute baron. Drives That Leave the City Behind
  • With the exception of a few moths, all adult Lepidoptera have two pairs of wings.
  • -- I'se be caution the warst stibbler that ever stickit a sermon out ower the Tweed yonder, wad lay a ghaist twice as fast as him, wi 'his holy water and his idolatrous trinkets. Rob Roy — Volume 01
  • Arabidopsis and synteny between soybean and Arabidopsis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Objective To investigate the demographic characteristics of patients with cypridopathy , risk factors for epidemic, and occurence, development and distribution of STDs in population.
  • In a general sense, the corridor rule states that in order for any life insurance policy to avoid being classified as a MEC, there must be a "corridor" of difference in dollar value between the death benefit and the cash value of the policy. Headlines
  • It claims to boost libido, energy and mood. The Sun
  • The old building was a labyrinth of dark corridors.
  • Isidore of Seville composed both terms figura and forma (Differentiae, Ch. 1). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • I remember like about three years ago, I remember Walter and his wife Carol were having dinner at Mr. Chow's, and I remember going My God, I've kind of idolized Walter, I've been a fan for very many years, and so I just watched them. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Walter Matthau and Diane Keaton Discuss the Making of `Hanging Up' - February 10, 2000
  • The countess of Lincoln, twice widowed, once by Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and once by Ebulo Lestraunge, and therefore with two dowers, as well as being the Lacy heiress in her own right, was a very worthwhile prospect for anyone on the rise.
  • I guess now I knew where her loyalties really lay; with her libido.
  • A unique combination of tact, charm, deportment and sartorial style, he was all one would wish to see in an idol.
  • In the 1340s the church's presbytery, off which radiate six chapels, was rebuilt by the widow of Hugh le Despenser the Younger, who was executed for treason in 1326.
  • Kaleidoscope fashions with swirling flowers and paisley prints make little chiffon or satin dresses very bold and enticing.
  • The khansamah would appear to be the only functionary in residence until the hour of departure draws near, when a whole party of underlings -- chowkidars, bheesties, and sweepers -- appear from nowhere in particular; and the lordly traveller, having presented them with about twopence apiece, rolls off along the dusty white road, leaving the khansamah and his myrmidons salaaming on the verandah. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Israel literally went beyond the heathen in abominable idolatries. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I remember my hesitation in front of Anna's hotel door, and the old man barrelling down the corridor towards me. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • When the United States refused to allow thalidomide to be sold in this country, even though it was being sold in Europe, we saved countless children from being born limbless and otherwise deformed. Ed Koch: Canada Appears More Protective of Its Children Than Is The U.S.
  • With favoring winds it is wafted past the site of the fabulous islands of Atlantis and the Hesperides, makes the periplus of Hanno, and, floating by Ternate and Tidore and the mouth of the Walden
  • About half of the area is on ejidos, communal lands managed collectively by community groups formed after the Mexican Revolution.
  • The system sent staff to the wrong places and many were unable to find the correct loading bays via the maze of corridors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inquiry, led by senior judge Brian Leveson, said Sunday it would call Paul Staines, who blogs under the name Guido Fawkes. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Eager hints would become rhapsodic proclamations; backstairs whispers would be babbled aloud in the corridors of the complex.
  • Wallace also has a sec­o nd-degree black belt in hoi jeon moo sool hapkido and a first-degree black belt in tae kwan do. Times Record News Stories
  • Davies, wishing to give dignity to his Celtic mythology, determines to find the arkite idolatry there too, and the style in which he proceeds to do this affords a good specimen of the extravagance which has caused Celtic antiquity to be looked upon with so much suspicion. Celtic Literature
  • The second Act seemed to be set in a corridor-as-waiting-room typical of many hospitals I have visited, but with the rear wall being a flat of painted forest.
  • The vast majority of Survivors who have scored the hidden immunity idol went on to slink out of there in ignominious defeat for not having played it. 'Survivor' preview: Too soon for a merge? |
  • But I find it hard to make a judgment one way or the other, because the Pastoral Epistles are widely accepted as being pseudepigraphical, and yet I find it hard to imagine someone who idolizes Paul enough to write in his name penning 1 Timothy 1:15. Review of Doubting Jesus' Resurrection
  • We're introduced to the title teen right before he learns he's the son of Poseidon and that he has two weeks to return a lightning bolt he didn't actually steal, lest Zeus start a Godly war (somehow without using the most powerful weapon in the world that was just stolen from him). Cinematical
  • For instance, you need only drive a few miles out from Benidorm to discover narrow mountain roads that twist through pine forests.
  • It's very tempting now she's not here to idolise her to my heart's content, but I do think she was extraordinary. Lorna Sage, my mum
  • This is true in traditional Aikido dojos as well as other styles of martial arts in Japan.
  • In high-traffic areas, Kastner says he uses modular carpet for high-wear areas and vinyl composition tile for corridors with less traffic.
  • Some of the children of Israel had begun to stray after the daughters of Moav and to worship their idols.
  • Upcoming performances include the folk duo Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer on Oct. 30, the Bang on a Can All-Stars in an all-Steve Reich program on Nov. 11, the eclectic group Punch Brothers with mandolin player Chris Thile on Nov. 12, Kris Kristofferson in a recital of solo voice and guitar on Nov. 13, and the guitarist Ana Vidovic with flutist Anastasia Petanova on Nov. 18. Washington is once again taking pride of place in its classical guitar tradition
  • I secretly revere it, as the idolater in me awakens once again. Learning to Die in Miami
  • Studies have shown that administration of thalidomide improves weight gain in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative tuberculosis patients.
  • Similarly we ought perhaps to disclaim any direct connection between the corridor-tombs of the megalithic area and the great _tholoi_ of Crete and the Greek mainland. Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders
  • The door slid aside when he thumbed a square button beside the panel, but the lights did not come on automatically as they had in the corridor.
  • Then we are in some windowless corridors, then a temporary radio studio with a large man with orange trousers and an orange scarf. Times, Sunday Times
  • [25] A moidore was a gold coin from Portugal or Brazil in use in Carter's time. Robert Carter Diary, 1725
  • Lord Ewald, consumido por um desgosto amoroso - apaixonara-se por uma bela mulher, uma verdadeira Vénus de beleza, cuja assinalável beleza era maculada por uma total vacuidade mental, serve como cobaia ao cientista, determinado em insuflar uma alma nos mecanismos da andróide. Eva do Amanhã
  • Underwood - a superannuated widower - has two daughters.
  • And no one intervened as they negotiated the next corridor, which doglegged off the first. Death in Winter
  • Clopidogrel should be used in patients with true intolerance to aspirin (allergy or intractable side effects on low dose enteric coated aspirin with or without antiulcer drugs); dipyridamole alone does not prevent cardiac events.
  • Typically, long corridors give access to a room beyond another room. Times, Sunday Times
  • It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night.
  • Therefore, litterbugs and those accustomed to spitting on the pavement no longer dare to give free rein to their impulses or else they'd better take along with them a waste-paper basket or a cuspidor whenever they opt for a stroll.
  • Their sovereignty, of course, won't much extend beyond the guardroom at the end of the corridor.
  • This promenade might be the best antidote to the problems created by the freeway and the rail line -- if it were better connected to the waterfront below it. As it redevelops Southwest, the District should follow the lead of Arena Stage
  • The new function range is connected to all other ranges of abas Business Software such as abas Corridor Controlling, for instance. Undefined

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