How To Use idiocy In A Sentence
- Tea has 4000 years of History and very few associated Deaths or maimings whilst H&S has knocked countless souls in catatonic stupification with its idiocy. Nanny Knows Best « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
- The particular form of idiocy known as cretinism is the result of this deficiency, which produces an arrest of the development of the brain cells. The Pivot of Civilization
- Socialism is obviously superior to that classical liberal idiocy, so quit the whingeing.
- It's one thing to bowdlerize copy for family consumption, it's quite another to make it sound like someone is being suspended in an act of ultra-PC idiocy because you don't print the actual quote that got them in trouble.
- I'm quite happy to let the right wingers be the "tolerant" ones, especially if what they tolerate is idiocy, mediocrity, and the destruction of what this country has and should stand for. In Eugene, Palin says she eats granola too
- Now, some of his foreign policies are still idiocy -- such as balking at distributing condoms, or the global gag rule on abortion -- but at least Bush did some things that were helpful, and he spent a lot of money on it. Chris Weigant: My 2008 "McLaughlin Awards" [Part 2]
- He may be fat, but he is not soft, not stupid, not lazy, he knows his business and he probably doesn't have patience for idiocy.
- The duo display a likable rapport and a healthy sense of irony, and their show is punctuated by flashes of invigorating idiocy.
- Now, there is no idiocy on the left, except the worship of Stalin, that is not mirrored on the right.
- With an idiocy that may seem almost incredible, the many examples of this had been carefully copy-edited to make them conform to the usual conventions of printed academic prose, ruining their whole point.