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How To Use Identity In A Sentence

  • Speaking of pal Dorian, he's mentioned to me a couple times at work that somewhere on the John Byrne Forum, some industrious individual "rewrote" events in Identity Crisis so that You-Know-Who wasn't sexually assaulted and killed. Archive 2004-07-18
  • But true-life tales of memory loss don't offer just drama - they also shed light on the mysteries of identity and personality.
  • No one builds a jingle or a slogan or even a brand identity using web advertising.
  • In analyzing the actual content of the perzine, one discovers a number of strategies deployed in the construction and performance of social identity.
  • These institutions have made the assertion of ethnic identity possible.
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  • A defining characteristic of the 16-25 generation is their digital identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uncovers more about his private life including the identity of his fiancé, a point of much speculation until now.
  • The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.
  • In the course of this article I have chosen to focus upon ideas of the self and identity.
  • But any more fundamental change, which would constitute the ultimate formal recognition of their new identity, is to be denied.
  • This pushed up his quotes because insurers use this information to verify applicants' identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • His search for his cultural identity took him to where his parents were born.
  • In a previous essay, we saw that a super-majority of evolutionary biologists self-identity as "pure naturalists," providing us good reason to think that a non-teleological prism is used to shape our current mainstream understanding of evolution. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • Police are still trying to establish the identity of the dead man.
  • She has had successful exhibitions of her ceramics and sculptures and has a sense of having her identity back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, dialogical openness is quite different from indifferentism; identity and dialogue are correlative.
  • Any public expression of their faith was considered dangerous, and they had learned to dissimulate their specific Christian identity.
  • Someone who writes a literary memoir, for example, is by necessity examining issues of self and identity.
  • The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
  • Also, please keep in mind that in order to conceal my identity I'm speaking through a harmonizer--in reality my voice sounds exactly like Keith David's. Keeping it Reeled In: Hope or Delusion?
  • She contrasts materials, symbolic objects and images in a way that begins to reveal hidden emotions and aspects of identity.
  • Immediately any confusion over identity would have been solved.
  • A further clarification of the mystery man's identity still elicited a blank response.
  • The flagship ladieswear brand increased turnover by 8 percent, while menswear grew sales by 12 percent, Identity up 18 percent and Daniel Hechter posted a 12 percent increase. IOL: News
  • Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity.
  • She's protected Michelle's father's identity for all these years, so she's quite capable of protecting Michelle.
  • By conflating the stories in this way the fresco underscores the identity of the unnamed sinner with Mary Magdalen.
  • Countryside Agency spokesman Chris Dashper said community involvement in caring for local heritage such as fingerposts was valued, as such features could contribute to a sense of place and identity.
  • Such completely general terms as ‘thing’ ‘entity’ or ‘object’, on Dummett's view, are not genuine sortal terms, since they fail to provide any criteria of identity.
  • General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
  • Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.
  • Slowly, Dummy regains both his voice and his confidence, and finally, in a fairy-tale ending, even his identity when King Richard recognizes him as his long-lost godson.
  • Charged with credit-card fraud and identity theft, most of the suspects arrested that day have been released on bail pending trial.
  • they shared an identity of interests
  • Both parties experienced an identity crisis at the end of the '90s.
  • The hat gives a clue to the identity of the killer.
  • The identity of this woman is known by a remarkable coincidence.
  • Can we preserve nuance, detail and polychromy in our accounts of ourselves – as complex selves in a complex society – without being coerced into subscription towards one group identity or another by colour-blind demagogues? A true democracy demands constant revitalisation of the spirit of openness, generosity and liberality of opinion
  • As a soldier under the Whites there was a price on his head; some one would soon discover his true identity.
  • Less a matter of choice than of male social identity, party affiliation passed from father to son. American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
  • The irony, of course, is that the English, thoroughly mongrelized as they are, have not a clue what their own national identity might be. Blue, White, Red
  • The problem is much bigger than the identity of the minister or the political complexion of the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, when he discovered the identity of the child, then thirteen, he wrote to apologize.
  • The identity of the killer is revealed in the movie's climactic ending.
  • He refused to reveal the identity of his client.
  • Our holiday rituals form our shared identity as a family and allow us to pay homage to our history. Christianity Today
  • These are the characteristic features of a Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood as seen in a male.
  • Outside the main gate were a few students with woebegone faces, for they had been unable to produce their identity cards and had therefore been denied entry.
  • Legio (acc. legionem) was formed, in accordance with the nature of the Romance-Castilian language, the name León, and the identity of this name with that of the king of beasts (león, from leo, acc. leonem) perhaps explains how, by what in German is called a The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • For centuries their unmistakable sound has struck fear into Scotland's enemies and so become a symbol of its national identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Complicating the issue of national identity was the rise of a distinct and separate youth culture.
  • Hurrell helped established the identity of many actresses and actors and created an iconography of steamy sexuality with dreamy glamour.
  • As I note in the comments, I actually think commissurotomy cases are one more evidence that personal identity is not reducible to psychological continuity: people whose hemispheres have been split act almost exactly like you do. Split Something-or-Other
  • The identity of the scrum coach is one key appointment that remains unknown. Times, Sunday Times
  • A standard of identity and fill of container for salmon has been established.
  • Organizational culture and organizational identity are both hotspots in management psychology research area in last thirty years.
  • It had emerged that security badges at the base were obsolete and could be copied easily, while identity and vehicle checks were cursory at best. Times, Sunday Times
  • The identity cards are examined by an electronic scanner.
  • ‘The Royal Assassin's identity must remain unrevealed,’ came the honest, gentle reply.
  • He maintained that he had no money to pay the ransom demanded and that it was a case of mistaken identity.
  • This paper will argue the importance of indigenous ethnic identity in influencing economic development in the region.
  • Clearly, whether that inference is valid or not turns on a metaphysical question about the identity of persons and minds.
  • Is your notion of identity a romantic one? Times, Sunday Times
  • This statement bewails the prospect of the mixed-race characters' disappearance and establishes their identity as a third race within the context of the story.
  • It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page.
  • To repair any damage Rhoda has done to her already precarious identity as a good little girl, Rhoda initiates a game that she and her mother have obviously played before.
  • He is talking about the specific example of gay identity in relation to the heteronormative structures of power.
  • But I think he, like many other cons, didn't really play that sexual identity political game.
  • These ideas, embedded in America's founding documents, are the connective cords by which national unity and civic identity have been maintained in the United States from the 1770s until today.
  • In the process the British created their national identity — as the special people of a small, beleaguered island — which compelled them to see their kin, the Americans, as a distinct people barbarized by their savage continent. 1812 and All That: A New Country at War
  • Gold futures turned positive Wednesday, bucking the second day of sliding commodities, as it reassumed its safe-haven identity amid turmoil in Europe. Gold Swoons, Then Rises on Risk Worries
  • She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity.
  • We need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards.
  • The very kernel of our identity is menaced by the prospect of genetic engineering of the human germline.
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
  • Represents a combination of a user's identity, an access mask, and an access control type (allow or deny).
  • For me as a stay at home Mum for almost all my time here in Brisbane it was like slewing off one identity and taking on another. My Cliché of Choice « Write Anything
  • Officials say they have not been able to determine the bomber's identity.
  • He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America.
  • Fundamentalism is a cultural backlash to globalization; the alienated and angry young men of colonized societies and cultures react to the erosion of their identity and security.
  • When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
  • These results could prove decisive in establishing the criminal's identity.
  • Historically, a certain segment of the population: generally white, somewhat declassed and alienated, developed some sense of aesthetic exploration or at least an identity as a consumer of the same, and the indie store/Outpost section emerged to market to them. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • Whatever the identity of the plotter, and whomever they were batting for, the aim was simple and consistent: discredit the leadership, destabilise the leader, and stay out of the open.
  • There was no secret as to the identity of the organisation that carried out the hits or its demands.
  • The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
  • That his emotions never escape from their beginnings is shown by the way in which, after projecting into him a hallucination of romantic identity with Julia, the regime makes sure that his early feelings return: 'Do it to Julia! The Hell of Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • Although the first generation of women priests had to fight to assert their identity, those problems have been ironed out.
  • They do not seem to have this problem with the Republic of Ireland, a sovereign nation which is miles ahead of Scotland in national identity and national global branding and marketing.
  • The poet, who acknowledged her lesbianism only late in a long, distinguished career, perhaps had her sexual identity in mind in this poem.
  • I would prefer that we owned our own identity and that we weren't perceived by the players and public as a feeder team to the greater cause.
  • On the floor he laid a bed of newspaper to represent both the floor of a birdcage and the influence of media on cultural and personal identity.
  • It may be more likely to arise following an enquiry into, for example, the identity of the aggressor in an unwitnessed fight; but it can arise even after an enquiry, aided by good experts, into, for example, the cause of the sinking of a ship.
  • Never reveal details over the telephone without checking or establishing the caller's identity, and never disclose online passwords or card PINs.
  • The S. macroura motif shows 65% identity and 82% similarity with the human gene.
  • The cloned child would have her uniquely individuating consciousness that would be constitutive of her personal identity.
  • The couple, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the boys, had pleaded guilty in January to the three charges.
  • As long as the paludal theory held sway, the chemical interpretation of this identity of the product in every latitude was easy. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • Countless disciples have begun to discover their new identity as Christians through the same process.
  • A strong identity for the main retail area can also vastly improve experience and sustainability. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plaintiff may want, even more than damages, to discover the identity of the source.
  • The original impetus was that of return, and reversing the so - called loss of Arab land and patrimony, rather than a fulfillment of post-colonial self-determination via the statehood route; a complot designed after 1967 as a new Palestinian identity with at its core the notion of the armed struggle as a galvanizing force. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Whitman prepares next enter into an election contest with republic partisans identity California bey.
  • The ongoing state-sponsored exclusionist cultural and social division has led to what Usamah Ali, based in Sudan for the past ten years, refers to as "the Sudanese identity crisis".
  • The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
  • The couple believe that deafness is a cultural identity as well as a physical reality. Boing Boing: April 7, 2002 - April 13, 2002 Archives
  • Our very minds are 'fields of identity in the situational structure of human existence'.
  • Not only that, the filmmakers created a provocative action film that ponders the essence of reality and identity.
  • Generations before have also had their identity forged in the flower of youth. Times, Sunday Times
  • An Asian film festival approached from any angle is bound to pose questions of a social and political nature, and raise problematic issues surrounding ethnic identity.
  • For it is the peculiarity of linear extension that it alone allows its magnitudes to be placed in _absolute_ juxtaposition, or, rather, in coincident position; it alone can test the equality of two magnitudes by observing whether they will coalesce, as two equal mathematical lines do, when placed between the same points; it alone can test _equality_ by trying whether it will become _identity_. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • The symbiotic relationship between Italian food and the country's identity is a subject that has been explored and documented extensively. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This results in the "valorization" - Marxist jargon for value enhancement - "of all that which renders the life of an individual unique" - which is to say our concern for our uniqueness, our identity in social contexts, becomes a kind of value-generating capital, or rather a circulating commodity. PopMatters
  • The protesters 'latest target is a credit union that accepts Mexico's matricular consular identity card, a card that is easily forged, easily abused. CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2005
  • Clifton's palimpsestic rewriting of Whitman in which relationships, not the individual, have primacy, is finally able to bring this family identity into American literature.
  • I should know ... Friendships become easier for young women in later adolescence as they develop a clearer sense of self identity.
  • Then gradually it assumed a specific regional identity in the West, developing a strong imaginative appeal to both easterners and westerners.
  • He claims that his mother also revealed his biological father's identity and urged that he seek him out.
  • Despite her artistic success and ability to insinuate herself into positions of power, however, Uma fails to maintain a stable alternative identity, even as Parvati.
  • A bulky parka smothered the individual's identity, but the flared black trousers marked him as a member of Starfleet; grinning, Kirk redirected his course to join his snowsuited comrade. The Kobayashi Maru
  • The exhibition examines the ways in which people clothe themselves and the effects of dress as self-representation or as group identity.
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
  • It's absurd things like that that balance the movie off its pain-film miserableness; this is a really funny movie, despite the constant stream of tragedy, loss, degradation and soul-shattering identity crisis its characters undergo.
  • No papers were found on his person, even though the law required everyone to carry an official identity card at all times.
  • Parents' sense of identity and self-worth can also be damaged if their offspring have a disability or mental illness. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • Like its conceptual cousin, the uncanny, it delimits the boundaries of certainties about identity and experience.
  • What Gutfreund said has become a legend at Salomon Brothers and a visceral part of its corporate identity.
  • Every public opinion survey always shows a large majority of the population adhere to supposedly "leftish" or commonsensical views: investments far preferred to tax cuts, public services (eg. health care), multilateralism, an end to foreign military adventures, civil liberties protected but balanced with collective identity & self-protection (anti-hatemongering laws, Canadian nationhood). latest blog entries
  • We would share stories of mistaken identity, confused publicists and editors, odd coincidences and connections.
  • Turning an adjectival similarity relation into a substantival one having the form of an identity statement yields an identity statement in name only. Relative Identity
  • Palestinians in the diaspora risk losing "their entitlement to equal representation ... their ability to vocalise their views, to participate in matters of national governance, including the formation and political identity of the state, and to exercise the right of return. Palestinian state could leave millions of refugees with no voice at UN
  • Because the identity of the scapulocoracoid in the image with Graeme is relevant to the adjacent text, I'll change it. Biggest…. sauropod…. ever (part…. I)
  • I came across her blog recently when the google alert I have on my agent's name dinged, and I left her a comment a couple of posts back not feeling inclined to touch the one about life sucking, recommending she cool it, or at least protect her identity. Authors Behaving Badly?
  • For in solitude the blur of safe indistinction becomes sharp and dangerous identity. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • His real identity was surprised by me.
  • It probably hit a raw nerve in a country tentatively forging an independent identity and sensitive about its folklore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being seated, she proceeded, still with an air of hurry and embarrassment, to open her cabas, to take out her books; and, while I was waiting for her to look up, in order to make out her identity — for, shortsighted as I was, I had not recognized her at her entrance — Mdlle. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.
  • In future, staff must wear identity badges at all times.
  • A rather more captious way of putting your submission seems to be that, and are searching for identity and you do not demonstrate identity by ignoring change.
  • Social races, like ethnic groups, gain their identity or claim to gain their identity from distinctive linguistic and other cultural patterns. Cultural Anthropology
  • I must choose between Dana's love and my own identity as a person and as a poet.
  • Its leaders were determined to maintain an independent and non-partisan identity.
  • Trinity, we understand that true openness does not mean loss of individual identity but profound interpenetration. New Releases
  • A system for positive identification can prevent the use of a single identity by several people.
  • If you identify to outstanding contribution to profit, proclaim it at your nest team meeting. Give identity to the achievement.
  • The guards outside had shooed him away, leaving him burning with curiosity regarding the Crazy Lady's identity. TREASON KEEP
  • Peace and blessings 2 all of good moral conduct, i pray and hope that this bill will stop insurance companies from being immune from prosecution when they behave criminally by changing a patients identity in order 2 evade responsibilities in honoring the ethic codes of providing health coverage without prejudice because of preconditioned injuries, .. Reid's vote surprises everyone – including himself
  • Furthermore, the detectives are no longer in that basic symbol of police identity - the uniform.
  • Such research into the genetics of gender identity is inevitably controversial — especially given the dark history of the eugenics movement, which viewed conditions such as transsexualism as 'diseases'. Brain development: The most important sexual organ
  • Now, Archer is trapped in prison, and Castor now played by Travolta assumes the identity of his nemesis, frees his brother, and takes his place as a high-ranking federal agent.
  • It is quite often stressed that consumption is an important form of self-expression and a major way of demonstrating one's identity.
  • Nonetheless, such schemas hide the inherent processual nature of identity construction and belie the power of consumption practices to contextualize ethnicity-to presuppose, recreate, or to forge anew.
  • Writing as self-expression acquires a very literal meaning, for it is only through creative activity that identity is constructed.
  • Theres something wrong about the angularness of the front and the roundness of the back, as if the dress has an identity crisis. This Week's Pattern Story - A Dress A Day
  • Not only that, he had these huge posters of a certain boyband whose identity shall remain a secret.
  • Q: We have to be careful here, because the identity of the gypsy morph is a key mystery in the novel, but can you describe generally what this creature is and what it represents? An interview with Terry Brooks about his new series that begins with Armageddon's Children
  • Her work examines notions of racial identity and cultural stereotypes.
  • Another facet is the continual proliferation of attempts at phishing and identity theft. June « 2010 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Part of the explanation, some locals believe, lies in the nexus of a burst credit bubble and the Cretan male identity. Greek Crisis Exacts the Cruelest Toll
  • It might be mistaken identity, as the poster above me said, but among all my Mexican friends, from either here in Ajijic or from Guadalajara, a "gringo" is a person from the U.S. No Problem With "Gringo"
  • Group theory studies not a single structure, but a type of structure, the pattern common to collections of objects with a binary operation, an identity element thereon, and inverses for each element.
  • Seven per cent confessed to assuming another person's identity through forging their signature on letters or cheques.
  • For you, I have only to remember the identity of strangers.
  • -- It must be remembered that when for the sake of exercise or effect syllables are extended in time, they must be so uttered that their identity is not impaired, -- that is, their enunciation must be free from mouthing. The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
  • They are a lost generation in search of an identity.
  • In fact the identity of these ‘planners’ is never sufficiently investigated.
  • The memory of the boys reminded him he could not keep his identity from her for long.
  • It's too late, of course, and Affleck is forced to maintain his phony identity, fake his way through the casino hit, and hope he makes it alive to final credits.
  • The responsibilities that come with a teaching or research assistantship, on the other hand, draw one into a community and help build a professional identity and sense of commitment.
  • There the mayor attempted to arrest them, and Buckingham had to pull off his beard, confess his identity, and claim that as admiral of the fleet he was off to arrange an impromptu inspection at Dover.
  • The I of her narrative is a masquerade, and her identity is never more than a metonym for an endless chain of signifiers.
  • Such prejudices are the necessary base of defensive positions which might threaten our own sexual identity.
  • Americans will be "hybridized," with multiple ethnic strands to their identity. How can the American Latino Museum best answer the call of the Mall?
  • A together with Š• and ·, along with 0 and 1, forms a ring with identity in which every element is idempotent. The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra
  • Instinctive acceptance of a corporate identity for this constituency forced the party into an integrative role on two distinct but related fronts.
  • This only verifies the car's identity and does not vouch for the repair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most interesting thing, if you ask me, is how "the irreverent, oppositional ethic that controlled pirate identity" winds up as the theme of family rides at these parks.
  • People's sense of their cultural roots - a recognition of a place having a strong patina of age and strong local identity - is often instinctive.
  • It attempts to provide a positive cultural sheen to this crisis, re-presenting the lack of common identity as a new cultural pluralism, and the fragmentation of communities as an enriching kind of diversity.
  • It is not clear whether this acropetal increase of flower meristem identity is related to the acropetal loss of the SD suppression.
  • The protein shares 80.24 % identity in acids with a C 2 - domain protein in Arabidopsis with unknown function.
  • Identity differences between genders has been examined using both interview and questionnaire methods.
  • The police are still uncertain of the casualty's identity.
  • Behaviour Behind Bones: The zooarchaeology of ritual, religion, status and identity (Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference, Durham 2002) So much tidier than bloodshed
  • Rather, he established his identity and quickly got down to the meat of the matter, the real entrée: the political landscape of his homeland, over which he took this reviewer on a breathtaking tour.
  • Mature plants with uncertain identity were preserved by pressing to allow repeated examination by us and others for final identification.
  • To reach a younger demographic, Jensen and his ilk are eschewing mainstream acts and building brand identity with cutting-edge, forgotten, and obscure music.
  • The film is narrated against the backdrop of the tribal movement in the Jharkhand region in the 1980s demanding an identity for the community and claiming statehood of their own.
  • For decades, the national identity represented a progressive Utopia in her eyes.
  • Modern identity theft is now about elaborate long-term capers that achieve massive payoffs, with the unpaid bills getting dumped in your lap. Internet for Beginners
  • Stripped of brand identity, the blatant potency of advertising imagery is laid bare.
  • Identity economics provides further illumination. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having determined the identity in chemical composition of the crystals, it was thought that there might be a difference of form of the crystals in the various plants, from the fact that calcium oxalate crystallizes both in the tetragonal and the monoclinic systems. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • As myriad examples show, annihilating a people also requires destroying - or allowing to be destroyed - the symbols of that people's history, community, and identity.
  • Although this man gave the gang a false name, Goody claims he always knew his real identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every branding effort in commerce is an attempt to create a separate identity for a product in the public mind. The Volokh Conspiracy » Citizens United to stop the Citizens [who are] United Against Citizens United
  • One witness who received an email saying his identity would be handed over said:'This is a nightmare. The Sun
  • Even the drive to self-identity is partly cultural.
  • The nightly sweeps of raids and arrests are reinforced by daytime roadblocks and identity checks. Times, Sunday Times

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