How To Use Idealist In A Sentence

  • There are parallels with Preston Tucker, the idealistic American inventor.
  • Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. George Carlin 
  • There is some disagreement as to whether phenomenalists should be labeled "idealists."
  • He set forth an idealistic view of society.
  • It is this sort of overblown idealistic rhetoric that makes me worry - and the evidence that people are gullible enough to swallow it. The Sun
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  • It is this sort of overblown idealistic rhetoric that makes me worry - and the evidence that people are gullible enough to swallow it. The Sun
  • It is very idealistically that we can all be liberated that comes from the philosophical understanding of life itself. Stacey Nemour: Shaolin Kung Fu: An Interview With Abbot Shi Yongxin
  • Is it naively idealistic to imagine a British prime minister taking on such a Herculean burden?
  • But they had been receptive to the charge only after becoming convinced by every tale of backroom vote buying and back-scratching that he was not the idealist they had thought he was. O: A Presidential Novel
  • She was an over-weight middle-aged woman with a grown son, who like me had idealistically returned to college later in life. Menace Poster | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • He wasn't widely known among his pals as an idealist or a law enforcer, but he must have had something there. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • But that is an idealistic view. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is fully compatible with a vitalist/idealist/panpsychist view that has become a strong player in consciousness explorations. Alpha Centauri U., BioEvolution 7314
  • This may sound too idealistic, but you and a partner can take a major step toward it. The Sun
  • A handful of idealistic hacks questioned the journalistic ethics of accepting freebies, but they no longer work at the paper.
  • The third version, unlike the more idealistic first and second vesions, intoroduces terms such as the unconscious, inhibition, and crisis, contains a crucial section on mesmerism, and is structured around the trauma of onto - and phylogenesis. Article Abstracts
  • It can, admittedly, be hard to distinguish between being idealistic and being unrealistic.
  • My own belief in non-partisan politics is not the musing of an idealist, but the tormented cry of a desperate man.
  • He was no wheeler-dealer; more of an idealistic scholar whose linguistic gifts were so remarkable, and hence so subversive, that he was drawn into high religious politics.
  • The old neoplatonic shadow of what Emerson in ‘The Transcendentalist’ calls an ‘optative mood,’ reconciling textual particular and idealist consciousness, is not as far away here as one might initially imagine.
  • An idealistic student tries to bring back his creativity, while his secretary attempts to drag him out of his mopery.
  • This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure? Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
  • The disagreement between the establishment, West-leaning Alsops and the liberal idealist Lerner proved instructive.
  • This movement - established by the idealistic pioneer-immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century - grew into a large federate organisation that became the backbone of the labour movement.
  • Idealists like Hegel and Fichte emphasized that our activities shape the way we see the world.
  • Cynics may sneer at the idealistic thought that three musicians sitting in the Wigmore can heal a torn world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Internationalism and its call for collective sovereignty - like socialism - may sound like the new messiah to dewy-eyed idealists.
  • An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
  • It can, admittedly, be hard to distinguish between being idealistic and being unrealistic.
  • Idealistic your German soldier Hans Vollmer joins the front on the eve of the invasion of Russia, unaware that darked things than the enemy stalk the battlefields. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Another alternative that I find very attractive is some strain of the vitalist/idealist/panpsychist/panentheistic worldview. Another Chink in a Worldview's Armor?
  • There can be no doubt that the cold and bitter strength of Sallust; his unflinching method of building up his edifice of invective, stone by stone; his close, unidealistic, dry penetration into character; his clinical attitude, unmoved at the death-bed of a reputation; that all these qualities were directly operative on the mind and intellectual character of Ibsen, and went a long way to mould it while moulding was still possible. Henrik Ibsen
  • He is a German refugee, a Jewish scientist specialising in relativity and its conundrums; she is a doctor's daughter, musical, ambitious, idealistic.
  • Idealist philosophy is past: it tried to found being on something inexistent. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Louis was a dreamer, idealistic and introspective; Zelie was more extroverted, possessed of formidable energy and strength of will. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • In the novel, scenes of daily hardship alternate with those of stronger historical forces colliding: officers of the secret police rounding up suspected counter-revolutionaries as the city's inhabitants starve; ragged soldiers fighting without adequate ammunition or food; officials studying the files of suspects and reading anonymous denunciations through the night in the only heated building in the city; ambitious party bureaucrats eliminating their enemies; idealistic revolutionaries explaining away gross injustices as "historical necessity. The Revolutionary Novelist
  • This is the unidealistic version; as always she is richly sexual -- the very timbre as well as her masterly deployment of it (listen to the chalumeau of 'Nachtgespenster' and 'laenger') make one see and feel the disordered bed, the sultry night, the sensual coils. Les lignes, les couleurs, les sons deviennent vagues
  • This disappearance of objective knowledge in Western philosophy has continued in other idealist and subjective guises-positivism, materialism, psychologism and historicism.
  • The significance of adolescent idealistic feelings for adolescent behavior are explored later in this chapter in the discussion of adolescent egocentrism.
  • The idealism and incorruptibility of "Ransom Stoddard" is embedded in Stewart's iconic role as the idealistic young senator in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and other movies like You Can't Take It with You, from his pre-World-War-II career, particularly his Frank Capra movies, yet also inflected with the toughness and desperation he brought to his own post-war Westerns such as The Naked Spur. Mira Schor: Will Obama Shoot Liberty Valance?
  • If we perish, it will not be of failure or finitude but of breathless, bright-eyed idealists for whom the sky's the limit.
  • By contrast, Jaidee, the so-called Tiger of Bangkok, is the pugnaciously idealistic captain of the white shirts, determined to preserve his country against the onslaught of foreign influence and corruption. Paolo Bacigalupi's "The Windup Girl," winner of the Nebula Award
  • While idealistically a lifting body or such would seem best, remember that you are carrying a great amount of mass into orbit with any such vehicle that is only used for the recovery. How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
  • George Sand has ever been regarded as a poetizer of rural life, an arch-idealist of her humbler country-folks. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • They could be idealist because of an excess of equalitarianism. HAVANA PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE MEETING
  • If you like cheesy disaster movies and idealistic costume drama, this is the hybrid for you!
  • On its simplest level, it traces two calamitous marriages: one between the sweet, idealistic Dorothea Brooke (Juliet Aubrey) and priggishly meanspirited Rev. Edward Casaubon (Patrick Malahide), the other pairing equally idealistic Dr. Tertius Lydgate (Douglas Hodge) with the wretchedly selfish Rosamond Vincy (Trevyn McDowell). By George, We've Got It
  • Even the second project, which was unled, uninspired, unnational, and almost unconscious, and which began and continued as though in obedience to some irresistible and unchangeable natural and economic law, assumed different shapes and semblances, as it blended or refused to blend with the patriotic projects of the idealists. The Story of Newfoundland
  • This is what the cosmothetical idealist never can explain, and never attempts to explain. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • The idealistic egalitarian part of me likes the idea of a more neutral auxiliary language whether esperanto, interlingua or even latin. TRANSLATING EUROPE'S BABEL.
  • The youthful idealists were developing a cold cruelty.
  • Is the whole idea that there possibly could be something more to it just some idealistic fairytale notion?
  • It is strange that this exaggerated weight attributed to Islam, stands in sharp contradiction with their idealistic European notion of 'indiscrimination'. Gates of Vienna
  • All becomes clear later and we settle down onto familiar prison drama territory with mouthy cons, bent screws and idealistic governors.
  • The idealistic writers who marched through the streets in 1989 are now luminaries of the literary establishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spelling errors in the title notwithstanding (they seem confused about their plural and singular references), it was a good effort by a group young idealist who are part of the Bureau of Education and Knowledge Society of Gerakan. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Positivist psychologists may see a shift to the idealist ontology implied by social constructionism as a backward step, a vestige of old debates now resolved in favour of the positivist version of realism.
  • As students, we have the luxury of being political idealists, and it is time to put our ideas to work.
  • Police had been cracking down on dissidents, and the idealistic young Italian may not have realised the potential danger he was in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politics, aesthetics, literature were all preoccupations for these privileged and idealistic young people. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was so young and idealistic and I wanted to change the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The square or useful hand, the spatulate or active hand, the philosophic or knotty hand, the conic or artistic hand, the psychic or idealistic hand, the mixed hand, and the elementary or lowest hand.
  • Adolescent thought initially is idealistic-logical, and often it is manifest in criticism of society and an elaboration of ideal worlds.
  • The story has become a cautionary tale for any idealistic young cartoonist working in Hollywood today.
  • Whether religious or not, these bright young things are idealists fighting the good fight.
  • Donegan is swift to rebut accusations of idealistic, bleeding - heart liberalism.
  • Of course there are "hoboes" and "hoboes," as in any other profession, but so far as my experience goes, the "hobo" is an idealist. A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country
  • The great crimes of the twentieth century were committed not by money-grubbing capitalists but by dedicated idealists.
  • In practice, however, realist arguments for unilateralism predominate over internationalist, idealist ones.
  • Yeah, the idealist is still alive, somewhere deep under this calloused skin.
  • Beethoven was blunt, irascible, and ambitious, though good-natured, noble-minded, and idealistic.
  • An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
  • You need the reader to understand at a glance that some character is supposed to be an intimidating badass, or a provincial boor, or a smarmy selfish jerk, or a naive idealist, or an uptight bluenose, the quickest way to do this is by cuing the reader by invoking some stereotype complex that includes these traits. The Wisdom of Clowns
  • Ex-radicals usually ascribe their evolution to the inevitable giving way of idealistic youth to responsible maturity.
  • The ordinary man - the idealist - subordinates his interests to the interests of his ideals, and usually suffers for it.
  • Politicians (those few of an idealistic bent) complain that people are too apathetic.
  • The idealists planned and strove and shouted that their city should become a better, better, and better city—and what they meant, when they used the word “better, ” was “more prosperous, ” and the core of their idealism was this: “The more prosperous my beloved city, the more prosperous beloved I! Chapter 28
  • Peace was the mission of idealistic youth movements of the 1960s and 1970s, and the cause of peace may even have been hurt by overdone sloganeering and posturing.
  • It's evident that Hanson is an idealist, albeit one with heavy support from corporate and academic visionaries.
  • And it's all thanks to one exuberant, idealistic man -- Doug Taylor, executive pastry chef at the Batali-Bastianich Hospitality Group's three Las Vegas restaurants: B & B, Carnevino, and Enoteca San Marco. Kerry Trueman: Meet Mario Batali's Las Vegas Visionary
  • By doing all of this, the Grotian school is supposed to negotiate a middle way between bare-knuckled "Machiavellianism" and excessively idealistic Hugo Grotius
  • The skeptic became a woolly-minded idealist!
  • In the Eighties, idealistic young programmers made the code behind their software publicly available for others to improve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The philosophy of Wittgenstein did not destroy the faith - it destroyed certain methods of nineteenth-century Idealist argument.
  • She was born in America and had idealistic views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cynics may sneer at the idealistic thought that three musicians sitting in the Wigmore can heal a torn world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Affected by delusions, he had undertaken the action of an idealist without any notion of the consequences.
  • Somebody had called him 'the Idealist,' and the name adhered to him. Thyrza
  • We are dreamers, idealists, romantics - interlopers, charlatans, scoundrels.
  • (later tampered with to make it idealistically, which is something else), but he was a materialist and had translated Topping Shakespeare? Aspects of the Nobel Prize for Literature
  • On the contrary, idealist that I was to the most pronounced degree, my philosophy had always recognized and guerdoned love as the greatest thing in the world, the aim and the summit of being, the most exquisite pitch of joy and happiness to which life could thrill, the thing of all things to be hailed and welcomed and taken into the heart. Chapter 23
  • Now I have seen several generations of young idealists come and go and the problems have worsened dramatically.
  • Long-ago Democratic president Woodrow Wilson, meanwhile, known to most of us as a modestly progressive idealist, is in the right-wing canon America's first fascist ruler. Midterm election results: the fight Obama now faces
  • Calm objectivity combined with idealistic vision results in a genuine interest for scientific ingenuity and a natural instinct for fair-mindedness.
  • One could classify as idealist a collective security system that weighted all states equally and expected them to sacrifice blood and treasure for nonvital interests. How Wars end
  • Idealist philosophy is past: it tried to found being on something inexistent. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ron Curran, a dogged, award-winning investigator and unblushing idealist who helped establish the L.A. Weekly's reputation for hard-edged, relevant local reporting, died this week at 43 in his Huntington Beach home.
  • Melanie cleans office buildings but dreams of a better life that Teddo, an idealistic and impractical dreamer, cannot provide.
  • Caroline Sydenstricker had set sail for the Orient as an idealistic young bride with only the haziest notion about what a missionary career might entail. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • A small, ragtag band of idealists facing overwhelming odds decides to gamble on a course of action judged either foolish or brilliant, depending on the outcome.
  • That may sound idealistic but it shouldn't be. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my opinion, the artist has a duty to maintain an idealistic view of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the domestic front, their idealistic Ward ‘n June Cleaver fantasy may have been conservative while we were still in spitting distance of the 50’s, but at this point it makes about as much sense as trying to turn society Martian. Think Progress » Bachmann: Bill Clinton Is Trying To ‘Celebrate’ The Oklahoma City Bombing And ‘Take [Me] Out’
  • You suspect it's not much of a stretch playing the reckless cynic who one day grows up into a fervent idealist, yet he never trips up.
  • He set forth an idealistic view of society.
  • Fontinell deplores the misconceptions of Pragmatism which characterize the movement as “a kind of unfeeling, unprincipled, non-idealistic, expediental response to human problems”.
  • Idealists discredit the veracity of consciousness as to our immediate knowledge of material phenomena, and, consequently, our _immediate knowledge of the existence of matter_. [ Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • I will not ask whether Reid was a 'natural realist' or a 'cosmothetic idealist,' or what Descartes or Arnauld thought about the question. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • In November 1910, Francisco Madero, a young idealist from a wealthy family, supported by ragtag armies under Pancho Villa in the north and Zapata in the south, led a revolt against the Diaz administration. Murder in Mexico: an English family during the Revolution
  • Ever the idealist, she wants to harness that private articulacy and put it in the public domain.
  • I would like to think that an idealist flame does burn in every American split-level, that every day American life is shaped by grand metaphysical visions, a holy sense of mission…
  • At the very heart of the idealistic enterprise was a source of potential difficulty and discord.
  • I have not seen the quite simple objection to the causes advocated by certain wealthy idealists; causes of which the cause called teetotalism is the strongest case. All Things Considered
  • Bazarov is an idealist and a brave man, and his aims are rational.
  • And he was an idealist in that respect, and he still is in a way, funnily, even his 80s now.
  • In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
  • I am an idealist, and I believe that we can and will fundamentally change our broken political system.
  • Anthology, and he would recite it with great inflation of spirits; but he did not think very much of "your Keatses, and your Tennysons, and the whole Hasheesh crazy lot," as he called the dreamily sensuous idealists who belong to the same century that brought in ether and chloroform. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The real idealist is a pragmatist and an economist.
  • Now if you put that case before the people of the United States and show them that without the League of Nations it is not worth while completing the treaty we are making in Paris, then you have got an argument which even an unidealistic people would respond to, and ours is not an unidealistic people but the most idealistic people in the world. Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him
  • Yet, for many immigrants who came to America some two decades ago, often as dewy-eyed idealistic students, this is beginning to happen.
  • They are remote and unrealistic ivory-tower idealists, corrupt self-seekers, secret subversives, or simply too weak to resist villainy.
  • Idealists believe that they represent the new face of mutualism - a modern form for the ideals of the co-operative movement - while there were those who argued for the benefits of putting local people in control of their hospitals.
  • PROJECT STATEMENT: A landscape design reinterpreting the idealistic Chinese lifestyle and responding sensitively to the context.
  • That such an unidealistic enterprise should not flourish on American soil is worth noting. The Old Coast Road From Boston to Plymouth
  • His quixotic, idealist appeal for justice contrasts sharply with the rest of the exhibition, in which justice does not seem to be expected.
  • To brush this consideration aside as idealistic and impractical would be to miss the truth that there is, on occasion, nothing so practical as the right ideal.
  • AMATOYA is an idealistic concept, yet it does address a number of issues in the field of fire appliance design that seem to beg attention.
  • When the variegated army of eco - warriors and anarchists takes to the streets on Tuesday, most will be idealists; others will be misguided, even criminal, but youth is their currency.
  • He seems increasingly to distrust the idealistic visions of humanity that typify his early works.
  • Combining a depressing ending and austere realism with an idealistic, descriptive story is one of Hemingway's particulars of style.
  • We are idealists, anarchists, guerrilla tacticians, pranksters, neo-Luddites, poets, philosophers and punks.
  • Such is the nature of our intimate, carking, rueful relationship with William Holden, on the surface one of the Hollywood century's typical all-purpose leading men, but beneath it the keeper of poisoned secrets, and a living embodiment of America's postwar self-doubt and idealistic failure. William Holden--noir hero?
  • Yeah, the idealist is still alive, somewhere deep under this calloused skin.
  • This philosophy derives its name from the fact that it was a combination of the romanticist theory of truth with the idealist conception of the universe.
  • It is hard to square the idealistic hardman with the fear and loathing he commanded at the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the absolute idealists, the world is one gigantic mind, or - to put it more impressively - the Absolute is experience.
  • These are not idealistic people, hungry for elections and free speech. Times, Sunday Times
  • Call me an idealistic peacenik, but I don't see the difference: If you don't want to have your soldiers killed, don't send them in the first place.
  • I suppose I have been guilty myself of expediency, in being less than idealistically all-embracing of the boat-people issue!
  • His stepfather's brand of Islam accommodated elements of animism and Hinduism, but Obama understood in retrospect that the overthrow of Sukarno in 1965, and the massacre of Communists and ethnic Chinese, had changed his stepfather from the idealist his mother had met at the University of Hawaii to an incommunicative man intent on surviving in the new regime. Dreams from Obama
  • Almost single-handedly, he reconnected with the positive and idealistic instincts of middle-class Americans.
  • She's young, naive and an idealistic dreamer. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean, there is, I think a sense in the country that promoting liberty is the right place for America to be both idealistically and practically.
  • The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable.
  • It is this sort of overblown idealistic rhetoric that makes me worry - and the evidence that people are gullible enough to swallow it. The Sun
  • He had begun to elaborate an idealistic policy of service to the world, not unreminiscent of the altruistic schemes of Clay and Webster for assisting oppressed republicans in Europe during the first third of the nineteenth century. Woodrow Wilson and the World War A Chronicle of Our Own Times.
  • By bribery - all men are corruptible - and by removing permanently any so-called idealists who stand in our way.
  • The series follows idealistic teacher Will as he takes over a school's ailing music club. The Sun
  • Does this mean that active learning is, as Mattson characterizes it, an idealistic sham perpetuated by Pollyannaish administrators and workshop facilitators?
  • Idealistically believing we could usher in an Aquarian Age of Love was perhaps naive, but was not, and is not now, irresponsible.
  • Seidl has been described as a sadist, but underneath all the gloom and doom and constant cruelty is obviously a disappointed idealist crying out for people to care for one another. GreenCine Daily: Cannes. Import/Export.
  • As for Isaac Erter himself, his ashes are buried in a cemetery near the kibbutz where he spent his idealistic youth. LOADED QUESTIONS
  • Suggestions about how to resolve this impasse fall into three main categories, which I shall call the extremist, the idealist and the accommodationist.
  • I idealistically said that money was not a factor.
  • He thought that he had created a generation of anti-imperialist idealists massing to his rallies. Times, Sunday Times
  • An idealist tempered by realism, Holland was a doer, not a doubter.
  • For everything else you might say about Sun, this is a noble idealistic and inspiring aspiration.
  • Yet the claims made by the two administrations were the result of distortion of intelligence findings, not their purblind acceptance by idealistic politicians.
  • But Bush's main logic is that war is necessary, and I think more and more we'll hear the accompanying claim that it can also be beneficial in the idealistic ways that Bob Kaplan described. Proceed With Caution
  • utopian idealists
  • He was a craftsman in metalwork from Dresden, fed up with life in West Germany and something of an idealist. KARA KUSH
  • Like, the ones where some idealistic young couple moves to a creaky old New England house from the Midwest and they thing everything's gonna be awesome and countryfied but actually they're about to get chomped. The Big Photo Post of Moving DOOM
  • This sounds idealistic, of course, but voting isn't something that should take one day.
  • If so, an “in-dividual” historical event has to be reduced to an “individual” manifestation of the objective process of history, a conclusion that essentially implies that Rickert returned to the German Idealist faith in the meaningfulness of history and the objective validity of the diverse values to be found in history. Asthmatic
  • His vision attracted adventurers, idealists, freeloaders and a few people of practical skills who quickly grew disillusioned with the attempt to create a cashless society.
  • These new schools have been set up by idealistic people who are determined to give parents the kind of choice that only the rich can currently afford. Times, Sunday Times
  • However toplofty and idealistic a man may be, he can always rationalize his right to earn money. - Raymond Chandler
  • The party has steadily moved on from its days as a bunch of sandal wearing idealists and is transforming into an organised political force.
  • Lesley Cormack is resolute in trying to resolve the contradiction between Dee's textual idealism and social pragmatism, to the disadvantage of the idealist text.
  • You are not an atheist, of course, you are antitheist, and your inability to understand the difference is precisely what makes intellectual life for nonbelievers like myself such an exercise in guilt by association. pragmatic idealist A “God-Shaped-Hole” Shaped Hole
  • An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup. Blog De Ganz | Archive | June
  • Parable of the Talents starts in a peaceful religious community led by Lauren Olamina, an empath who founds a faith called Earthseed; Jarret's troops turn this idealistic village into a concentration camp for "heathens" and "witches. MIND MELD: Bad Guys We Love to Hate: The Best Literary Villains in SF/F/H
  • In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne becomes coolly exceptional in her idealistic determination to lie beyond the common ground of social expectations, unlike her betrayer, the Reverend Dimmesdale who wallows in self-recriminations, guilt and discomfort, as if he had taken the conventional female role in relation to illicit passion. And Again, Love « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Both are narcissistic outsiders who profess idealism while behaving un-idealistically. Carlos And Zuckerberg: The Men, Myths, Movies
  • Sort of like the scene early in the movie where everyone's young and idealistic and swears they'll never abandon their liberal principles, then one of them gets kind of shifty-eyed . . . When Legends Gather #546
  • Smith was realistic about human nature and idealistic about the necessity for the exercise of conscience in the marketplace.
  • Daisies is a prime example of a film that typifies the Czech New Wave - anti-authoritarian, joyous, idealistic and brilliant.
  • ‘It sounds idealistically trite now,’ she says.
  • Without pragmatists, idealists have no idea how to get there.
  • Furthermore, its conceptual vocabulary stems mainly from German idealist philosophy and this causes problems when translating into materialist and associationist traditions, even regarding some of the most elementary features, such as the I, or the subject. Psychology in Search of Psyches: Friedrich Schelling, Gotthilf Schubert and the Obscurities of the Romantic Soul
  • These groups and leaders are neither idealistic dreamers nor neo-hippie do-gooders.
  • The idealistic theatre troupe travels to Sarajevo, and its fate confirms the impotence of art in the presence of ammo.
  • My thinking was skewed by idealistic dreams rather than realistically assessing the situation. Christianity Today
  • I've been asked my opinion, then called a woolly-minded idealist, an economic ingenue.
  • I guess being an idealist, I often think that things are often not the way they should be.
  • She is young and idealistic, with a naive belief that she can save the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The socialist idealist turns into a prissy schoolteacher heading for embittered spinsterdom; the dreamer and future novelist becomes a hack journalist; the golden boy back from World War I ends up a drunk, and so on. Epic Theatre Travels Into Past, Present and Future
  • Why aren't young people more idealistic and pacifistic than others? Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to thank our stars that we are coevals of such starry-eyed idealists who are prepared to stake their lives on something that is not their immediate concern.
  • It is almost pedestrian at this point to wonder why Palin (rather than the equally deserving Obama) was chosen as representative of a "fairy tale" - one presumes that, were they intellectually consistent or idealistically coherent, women's studies profs or feminist English profs at Metro would have located misogynistic assumptions in the choice of assignment material and would have launched their own critiques of Mr Hallam - but that kind of interdepartmental fighting is trivial when, in the larger sense, the object of scorn is a political opponent worthy of criticism. Protein wisdom
  • Idealist and romanticist that I was and always had been in spite of my analytical nature, yet I had failed till now in grasping much of the physical characteristics of love. Chapter 27
  • The Savage Detectives is a rumbustious account of idealist anarchist poets which drew an international audience. The Skating Rink by Roberto Bolaño – review
  • Students, passionate idealists by nature, but in a different camp from the old-school utopians, were most sensitive to the faults of their society.
  • Graham Summer, the term acquired a harsher and altogether less idealistic significance. TYPES OF INDIVIDUALISM
  • For Rorty, an idealist is someone who accepts a coherence theory of truth.
  • As much as Tocqueville owes to Enlightenment insights, his work belongs, as well, to the counter-Enlightenment strain of the liberal tradition — impressionistic and exhortative, idealistic in its use of types and fatalistic in its approach to history, sentimental both in its portrayal of a declining aristocracy and in its invocation of the turbulent United States as a manner of natural order. The Visitor
  • While we thus lightly dismiss sensual love as unpoetical, we must remember that Burns, in some of his accounts of inspiration, ascribes quite as powerful and as unidealistic an effect to the kisses of the barmaids, as to the liquor they dispense. The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years
  • A materialist may have no more difficulty with idea or pattern than an idealist has with hardware.
  • The common-sense centrists, the idealistic environmentalists and the blue-rinse wranglers had a rare moment of political concord.

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