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How To Use Idealism In A Sentence

  • A similar attempt at reconciling Absolute Idealism and monadism had been made by Lotze, and in both cases it remains an open question whether this is not pre-established harmony in disguise. Francis Herbert Bradley
  • Surely, no flame of piety, idealism, or self-sacrifice could burn in the cold hearts of its citizens.
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, if they can find the right balance between idealism and realism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clash of idealism and realism. Christianity Today
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  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hope you will consider the use and practice of non-violence in a more creative and positive way, rather than dismiss it as mere idealism.
  • His idealism runs full pelt into entrenched interests and ends with mysterious forces ousting him. Times, Sunday Times
  • We study theory in classrooms but we have to implement that theory and the essence of that theory to resolve problems in practice, without falling into idealism or extremist or equalitarianism. 53D PLENUM OF CTC WORKERS PLENUM
  • They were animated by the postwar idealism of ex-service personnel, a deep-seated fear of socialism, and a commitment to free enterprise.
  • Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism
  • Foreign policy exists on a spectrum from idealism at one end to realism at the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism
  • Escaping to Italy, she sets her sights on the newly married Robert Windermere, whose wife Meg is about to turn 21 and is still charming with the naivety and idealism of youth.
  • But adults often say that idealism is for dreamers.
  • It would have saved me the pain and heartache, but it would also have left me in my little bubble of idealism.
  • It was a case of realism versus idealism. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • It is above all to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism that American foreign policy has marched since his watershed presidency, and continues to march to this day.
  • The two are at one in privileging democratic change over narrow national interest: the idealism of the centre leftist meets that of the right wing liberals.
  • Tough times did not diminish their idealism but made them even more determined that to transform lives you have to transform society.
  • And that is idealism: a belief that good can triumph over bad, that principle can defeat expediency.
  • His greatest strengths - the uncompromising determination, sharp-tongued irreverence, and unblushing idealism - turned out to be critical flaws.
  • Tila baga walang muwang idealismo Tanabe ay contrasted sa mistulang pangungutya Hachi's. »2,007» Hunyo
  • She blasted away at his false idealism.
  • Subsequently they become embroiled in the future of the country - through love, money or political idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Idealism has no place in modern politics.
  • Everywhere I've been I've found a deep well of energy and idealism.
  • He could now move from cultural idealism and aesthetic values to political commitment.
  • It emphasizes the initiative of human spirit, becomes the forerunner of idealism and transcendental philosophy, and finally results in a type of theology.
  • Her generation of Irish people knew all about sacrifice and were a noble people with a fine sense of community and idealism.
  • His idealism runs full pelt into entrenched interests and ends with mysterious forces ousting him. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the development of metaphysical Idealism in the post-Kantian philosophers, the notion of abstraction becomes very general, so general in fact that the origi - nal meanings of the term seem almost lost. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Dynamism in general may be adapted to and modified by such philosophical systems as determinism or freedom, substantialism or phenomenalism, idealism or realism, monism or theism, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • There are theists in all of these categories (don't know about transcendental idealism or logical positivists), so they all allow for divine intervention of a kind.
  • While such toe-curling confessionals may grate with some, they nonetheless fill its forty-five minutes with a world-weary warmth and idealism to match the boundary-breaking beats.
  • The various offshoots of Kantian philosophy are incorrectly regarded as developments of idealism; it is more accurate to describe them as "illusionism" or The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The idealism and incorruptibility of "Ransom Stoddard" is embedded in Stewart's iconic role as the idealistic young senator in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and other movies like You Can't Take It with You, from his pre-World-War-II career, particularly his Frank Capra movies, yet also inflected with the toughness and desperation he brought to his own post-war Westerns such as The Naked Spur. Mira Schor: Will Obama Shoot Liberty Valance?
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • The rural vernacular, for example, is appropriated not for its romantic idealism but for its structural and economic efficiency.
  • Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism?
  • They're there to tell us that our political idealism is naive. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the moment, drug education is based on idealism, not realism. Times, Sunday Times
  • My desire to continue my career in the Marines was bumping up against my political idealism and I was unsure of what to do.
  • Actually, the reason for liberal pessimism is idealism. Matthew Yglesias » Where Are the Obama Boosters?
  • Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism
  • But can lofty idealism actually worsen the suffering of those whom activists wish to protect? The Times Literary Supplement
  • In curing speech of specters and ghosts, analytical philosophy claims to cleanse the mind of a dreamy fondness for every sort of idealism, vitalism, Platonism, and transcendentalism.
  • The detailed work we did in those classes was admirably complemented by the broader brushwork of Patrick Gardiner's lectures on German Idealism.
  • ÂSome stalwart grad student could write quite a paper on the undertones and resonances of a paragraph like this one: "Through British veins runs the poisonous fake idealism of "human rights" and "sensitivity," of happy-clappy multicultural groveling and sick, weak, deracinated moral universalism -- the rotten fruit of a debased, sentimentalized Christianity. Richard (RJ) Eskow: England's Ashes - America's Future?
  • The Quiet American is a thoughtful film about what ensues when cynicism, both personal and political, collide with idealism.
  • First one must register his anti-Idealism, his antipathy toward the idea becoming metonymical litotes for such.
  • Edwards 'occasionalism, idealism, and mental phenomenalism provide a philosophical interpretation of God's absolute sovereignty: God is the only real cause and the only true substance. Jonathan Edwards
  • There were others who, in perhaps the first act of political idealism in their lives, renounced MAD in protest over its editor's departure.
  • Rejecting the poor and wanting by denying them health care because of cost, or idealism about democracy, is just selfish. mattie Kennedy death may bolster health reform, analyst says
  • What is clear but usually overlooked is that Bradley himself saw Leibnizian monadism as the greatest challenge to his own brand of idealism: Francis Herbert Bradley
  • Most are decent, hard-working people who retain at least some of their idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scientific realist, though no Kantian, may be ready, by way of making his maximum concession, with a reply modelled on Kant's combination of empirical realism with transcendental idealism.
  • Suffice to say, China will tax both the group's idealism and its stamina.
  • Many times while going to school have I grasped at a wall or tree to recall myself from this abyss of idealism to the reality. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge
  • Kant's transcendental idealism should not be confused with subjective idealism which makes the physical dependent on the mental.
  • It is most evident when he refers to the middle class - especially those members of it who, through idealism or voyeurism, decided to slum it with their social inferiors.
  • The position Professor Fodor is attacking, which associates reality with true belief, sounds like idealism, not pragmatism.
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • The idealists planned and strove and shouted that their city should become a better, better, and better city—and what they meant, when they used the word “better, ” was “more prosperous, ” and the core of their idealism was this: “The more prosperous my beloved city, the more prosperous beloved I! Chapter 28
  • Love songs are reprised to peel away idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has vacillated between contradictory approaches to leadership: realism and idealism.
  • Political idealism is cruelly betrayed by successive waves of political oppression.
  • No significant distinction would then remain between Kant's position (that we can have knowledge of phenomena) and the empirical idealism that he claims to reject.
  • It is an idealism without respect for ideals; a system of dialectic in which a psychological flux (not, of course, psychological science, which would involve terms dialectically fixed and determinate) is made systematically to obliterate intended meanings. The Life of Reason
  • His work, though far from didactic, is full of moral implications; his example of aesthetic idealism, set by abnegation and artistry is a standing rebuke to facility and venality, callousness and obtuseness. James Joyce
  • To some extent, it has something of conservatism complying with reality, and rejects idealism and transcendentalism.
  • We learned about the three ‘major’ sets of political beliefs - idealism, liberalism and realism.
  • His idealism runs full pelt into entrenched interests and ends with mysterious forces ousting him. Times, Sunday Times
  • What he wished to avoid was a materialism that saw mental states as only epiphenomena, and an idealism not open to scientific investigation.
  • I think politics is intrinsically about idealism colliding with raw power.
  • But no version of idealism survives uncorrupted, and the end of the novel raises the question of whether idealism can survive at all when brought up against the everyday horrors of warfare.
  • Beneath the allegedly young idealism of Occupy Wall Street are very cobwebbed assumptions about societal permanence. Notable & Quotable
  • Today, these notions all sound like a naive echo from the era of idealism, manual typewriters, and rotary phones.
  • What realism cannot do is offer the same kind of millenarian hope that is the essential DNA of idealism.
  • Yet the idealism implicit in his project, which, I have suggested, runs parallel to dandyism, is complicated by the awareness that the Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • He could now move from cultural idealism and aesthetic values to political commitment.
  • Thus the realism/idealism controversy can be reconfigured as the controversy over whether the so-called ˜real world™ has the real or purely intentional mode of being. Roman Ingarden
  • On the one hand this is an enormously generous, inclusive and warm-hearted book, but, on the other, it carries these qualities to the point of vagueness and idealism.
  • Even so, you'veprobably also run up against people who love your idealism, but warn you tolower your sights, to scale back your ambitions a bit, to settle for somethingless.
  • Indeed, those parents of an age to have had to put up with the abuse, ranting, demonstrating, and phony political idealism of the sixties will at last be getting some kind of return from their children.
  • It has the energy, youthful idealism and cinematography of that era. The Sun
  • Berkeleyan idealism is the view, propounded by the Irish empiricist George Berkeley , that the objects of perception are actually ideas in the mind.
  • Thompson expertly unravels a tangled tale suffused with Victorian mores, millenarianism and frontier idealism.
  • ‘So good to see that your romantic idealism hasn't faded,’ Noelle murmured.
  • I admire the idealism and I hate to be a cynic, but these plans never take human motivations into account.
  • If you can get to see Black Box Germany doco this puts a more human face on both sides of the story. .the shooting by the GSG9 police of Wolfgang Gramms outside of Berlin 93/94 and the assasination of the Deutsches banker by the RAF. It was a war of idealism. .so both sides have to brought into question. The Baader Meinhof Complex Movie Trailer | /Film
  • There was a sort of guarded idealism of the need to promote democratic values, coupled with the tragic acceptance that such sacrifice would always be misinterpreted and caricatured.
  • Even the ridiculous decor in the Central Lobby reinforced this idealism.
  • Idealism has no place in modern politics.
  • The view from the top is epistemologically crippling, and reduces its subjects to the illusions of a host of fragmented subjectivities, to the poverty of the individual experience of isolated nomads … This placeless individuality, this structural idealism which affords us the luxury of the Sartrean blink, offers a welcome escape from the ‘nightmare of history,’ but at the same time it condemns our culture to psychologism and the ‘projections’ of private subjectivity. Matthew Yglesias » Time to Play This Video Again I Guess
  • But do not make the mistake of turning that advice into a euphemism to disguise your own comfort, calculation, lukewarmness, easygoingness, lack of idealism and mediocrity. Latest Articles
  • The Liberal Party has always been a mix of idealism, pragmatism, opportunism and low cunning.
  • Arguing that idealism, like the belief in heaven, makes us impractical, insensate, and out of touch with this world, Levis fuses tropes of religion with tropes of riding horseback.
  • Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism
  • It is therefore not surprising that commentators have wanted to show that properly understood his phenomenology is realist or at least neutral with respect to realism and idealism.
  • She never lost her respect for the idealism of the 1960s.
  • This is not to say that Americans have lost their idealism or their belief that international relations should be dictated in part by moral principles - hardly.
  • W idly compared those divisions to the one that people had long used to make sense of Percy Shelley, the opposition between idealism and skepticism that received its own categorical shake-up with the 1980s stress on Percy's language, which did not so much sublate idealism and skepticism as reorient the discussion around a deconstructive figuring of tropes preceding either of those terms. The Sorrows of Young Wieboldt
  • Part of the problem with the parliament is, as commentator Iain McWhirter says, naive idealism and, after a 300-year break, unreal expectations.
  • Ilsa too is fresh-faced, much less mysterious in her motives; only Victor's storybook idealism is chiefly unaffected by the full lighting.
  • Was the idealism practiced by Nehru therefore impractical?
  • Paradoxical, the spectacle of this disciple of Kojève, fed on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and on the prosopopeia of the Idea, reproaching others for their excessive idealism. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)
  • Secondly, Glock defends Strawson's dismissal of transcendental idealism and transcendental psychologism.
  • It is that idealism and sweet sentiment which make Barrichello so endearing and were he able to usurp Schumacher Senior this season, there are few who would begrudge him the title.
  • The clash of idealism and realism. Christianity Today
  • That type of theory, rooted in the tradition of 19th century German Idealism, mystifies freedom by seeing it as an esoteric result of ideas or ideals alone.
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.
  • In returning idealism to the question of embodiment, Schelling unavoidably confronts the concomitant question of sexual difference; but he also holds the question away, and economizes it to the degree that his argument is itself complexly interpellated into the patriarchal structures of the Symbolic order. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • It must be said however, that materialism as a philosophy is largely developing through science, while idealism is sort of married to religion.
  • The quenching of idealism in the pursuit of monetary gain and world domination were among the core theories at the heart of John's case.
  • Marvin Harris was a brilliant, formidable critic of everyone who flirted with neo-Kantian philosophical idealism and mentalist definitions of social phenomena, from Hegel to Weber and Parsons.
  • As Abbott has since admitted, this was done not through any sense of public duty or political idealism.
  • I felt trapped within a stupid, rotten, dishonest system which brutalised people too naive to know any better, consumed our idealism.
  • The decade of the Sixties was a time, in short, when the old foundations of national confidence, patriotic idealism, moral traditionalism, and even of historic Judaeo-Christian theism, were awash. American Grace
  • An idealism akin to impossibilism ran down the ages parallel to all its political compromises. A Short History of England
  • Only rarely can poetry aid us in communing with others; that is a beautiful idealism, except at certain strange moments, like the instant of falling in love.
  • But the reason why this objection is so unanimously brought against our doctrine of time, and that too by disputants who cannot start any intelligible arguments against the doctrine of the ideality of space, is this -- they have no hope of demonstrating apodeictically the absolute reality of space, because the doctrine of idealism is against them, according to which the reality of external objects is not capable of any strict proof. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • In the mongrelized USA, Duke could say whatever he wanted, but here in the cradle of National Socialist romance and idealism, there was no First Amendment. The Lampshade
  • The main enemies are psychologism, reductionism, idealism, and the distortion of the phenomena by philosophical systems.
  • ÂSome stalwart grad student could write quite a paper on the undertones and resonances of a paragraph like this one: "Through British veins runs the poisonous fake idealism of "human rights" and "sensitivity," of happy-clappy multicultural groveling and sick, weak, deracinated moral universalism -- the rotten fruit of a debased, sentimentalized Christianity. Richard (RJ) Eskow: England's Ashes - America's Future?
  • The basis of the aesthetic-ethical movement was Kant's transcendental idealism.
  • Yes, if they can find the right balance between idealism and realism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out of misplaced idealism and humanitarian concern, many governments and organizations will condemn these new conditions as neocolonialism or undue interference in the internal affairs of another country.
  • Such idealism as Singer allows in the novel is given to the few revolutionaries who appear in its pages, but theirs turns out to be a naïve revolutionism. A Yiddish Novel With Tolstoyan Sweep
  • The Founders welded idealism to realism. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • From its beginnings in the 1970s, the personal computing revolution has been suffused with countercultural idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among international law academics, there is far less division — there is not much of a realist wing, a power wing, for international law academics to contend with inside the legal academy itself, nor is there much of an “alternative” sovereigntist position based in democratic sovereignty idealism — although in each case, realism and idealism, more than there used to be. The Volokh Conspiracy » Idealism and Realism in International Law and Relations:
  • The philosophy, to which Leibniz thus ascribed irenics as one of its chief aims, is a partial idealism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Midpoint between dismissive and dumbstruck is the objective mindset to appreciate how pragmatic idealism shaped Federico's leadership and patronage. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • In the context of the pervasive nineteenth century idealism of Hegel, Kant and their epigones, this axiomatic statement was anything but banal.
  • For Canning, foreign policy was about projecting political idealism and democratic values. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • In the 1900's, a new political idealism took hold of Russia.
  • The first generations of immigrants knew this was a historic opportunity and they were infused with a tremendous sense of idealism.
  • Meanwhile, he wages a low-level campaign of civil disobedience in the tax office where he works, destroying evidence of fraud - more, it seems, out of bloody-minded laziness than idealism.
  • They shared an openly expressed idealism and a belief that their jobs mattered - especially to the future of other women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Idealism, integrity, austerity, sacrifice; these were the signatures of the middle class to which they belonged.
  • Lesley Cormack is resolute in trying to resolve the contradiction between Dee's textual idealism and social pragmatism, to the disadvantage of the idealist text.
  • To add to the discussion about reasonable, I think it is also interesting at how the term varies in the amount of idealism that is attached. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cool Forthcoming Article:
  • He identified two factors that marked the development of philosophy during this period: the empty space left by the decline of speculative philosophy and of German idealism during the first half of the nineteenth century; and the remarkable development of psychology and the physiology of senses during the second half of this century, thanks to the works of physiologists and physicists such as Fechner, Weber, Hering and Helmholtz. On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
  • Writing in the Conservative National Post, commentator Kevin Libin said: "I have yet to see a satisfying explanation for what sparked that Quebec stampede to the NDP, but my best guess is that it was one of those generational swings: young people in that province voting in their first federal election this week were babies when the Bloc was created and probably grew up watching with bafflement and amusement their parents' sovereigntist idealism. The New Democratic Party: the rag-tag alliance that became Canada's official opposition
  • The middle-aged author decries his generation's ditching of radicalism idealism for a quick buck. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both are narcissistic outsiders who profess idealism while behaving un-idealistically. Carlos And Zuckerberg: The Men, Myths, Movies
  • The first edition of the Critique contained a lengthy exposition of the theory of transcendental idealism.
  • But behind the alpha exterior lies a sharp scientific mind, along with a surprising streak of idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • If my family or any of the beardy artisans they hung out with had found my diaries, overheard the nightly phone conversations with confidantes, or worse still, mind-read my fantasies – a cartoonish swirl of novice sex scenes, stalking plans and romantic heroine delusions – I have no doubt they would have been shocked out of their idealism. Joanna Briscoe: Mr A, my unattainable love god
  • But perhaps her most important legacy was in divesting the public culture of political language and political idealism.
  • In Manchester period, Engel thoroughly transferred from revolutionary democratism to communism and from idealism to materialism.
  • i love this: thixotropy the melting and melding and healing all the way to the ivory cusp of idealism that's like sex i guess that's when i truly realize that Foryourtime Diary Entry
  • I admire their idealism, but wish it could be tempered with a little pragmatism, and also that their science was more sound.
  • These men's idealism has a happy simplicity barely comprehensible to the young today. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was an outburst of instinctive American idealism.
  • To some extent, it has something of conservatism complying with reality, and rejects idealism and transcendentalism.
  • The spiritual nature of matter as the Alma Mater, which serves as the alchemical framework of Hegel 's dialectical idealism, is the sublation (Aufhebung) of raw inchoate matter by which it becomes what it always already potentially is: Geist or Spirit. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • The film doesn't simply say that money doesn't buy happiness; rather, it explores the complex nature of power, wealth, idealism and youth.
  • The idealism of the China Youth Daily is actually very practical.
  • These forms of conjunction are as much parts of the tissue of experience as are the terms which they connect; and it is a great pragmatic achievement for recent idealism to have made the world hang together in these directly representable ways instead of drawing its unity from the 'inherence' of its parts -- whatever that may mean -- in an unimaginable principle behind the scenes. Pragmatism
  • To many, the modern rock festival has evolved into a well-oiled commercial machine, far removed from the laissez-faire hippy idealism of its infancy.
  • Bauer's ethical idealism resembles what Kant calls perfectionism, or Vollkommenheit, a form of rational heteronomy, one of whose meanings is that action is validated by its contribution to historical progress. Bruno Bauer
  • Indeed, it is more a work of hopeful multicultural idealism than a dictionary in the lexicographer's sense.
  • Focusing on something larger is not necessarily a starry-eyed idealism.
  • Jacobi's basic thesis is that Fichte's reworking of Kantian transcendental idealism leads to an impoverished egoism which has no knowledge of objects or subjects in themselves.
  • Inevitably, however, the movie does not have the courage of its cynical convictions and in the final reel reverts to a soupy and unconvincing idealism about the system's essential decency.
  • In the film, the young novice Viridiana does her utmost to maintain her Catholic principles, but her lecherous uncle and a motley assemblage of paupers force her to confront the limits of her idealism.
  • The vast spaces inspire expectancy and ardour and idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plato's idealism regarding perfect Forms is linked to a type of instrumentalism.
  • Love songs are reprised to peel away idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • To compare their republic's democratic idealism to Rome, with its conquering legions, subjugation of peoples and universalist claims to law and order ignites a simmering anger.
  • Foreign policy exists on a spectrum from idealism at one end to realism at the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps, but what else besides idealism, belief in humanity's potential for good, would keep anyone in a business with such a paltry reward system?
  • His shrewd assessment of political reality was wedded to a belief in the necessity of moral idealism in human affairs.
  • It joins friendly hands with the agnostic part of kantism, with contemporary agnosticism, and with idealism generally. Meaning of Truth
  • It is for taking this "universalist" position that Zik and his cohorts have been accused and crucified for idealism, for trying to import an "American solution" to a uniquely African problem, and for an inability to perceive the true nature of the reality in Nigeria - Nigeria being a colonial creation from multi-national entities, and former empires. Vanguard
  • As the kibbutzim grew prosperous, the idealism faded.
  • Her grand central doctrine of the "allness" of mind and the unreality of matter is a true copy of the "fantastic idealism" of the Gnostics. The Revelation Explained
  • But it is worse it's also a history of mechanical idealism excusing criminal stupidity.
  • They shared an openly expressed idealism and a belief that their jobs mattered - especially to the future of other women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism
  • Like the wolf or the deer, travellers' actions are dictated by practical necessity rather than political idealism.
  • I hope you will consider the use and practice of non-violence in a more creative and positive way, rather than dismiss it as mere idealism.
  • Even when people are motivated by challenge and idealism, pay and recognition remain important.
  • The film is a myth about idealism and adulthood.
  • It's a Paris of the '60s - that most tumultuous and sentimentalized of decades - and comes with all the requisite anger, anxiousness and idealism.
  • He posited that Durer's work represents a synthesis of naturalism and idealism that offers an example to contemporary artists.
  • It's in our youth when idealism burns strongest.
  • Of all the answers assembled by Watson, the clearest comes from the American philosopher John Dewey in 1915, who summed up German civilisation as a "self-conscious idealism with unsurpassed technical efficiency and organisation". The German Genius: Europe's Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific Revolution and the Twentieth Century by Peter Watson – review
  • Whatever happened, it's clear that Saint John's has forgotten the principles that once informed the idealism of Eugene McCarthy, who believed that a university is to be an arena for the free expression of all views and that even those ideas which do not comport to orthodoxy must be heard in order to be understood. Kitty Kelley: Smudging a Senator's Legacy
  • The vast spaces inspire expectancy and ardour and idealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • American idealism with its unrealistic expectations led many to assume the master was above vices.
  • Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism?
  • The country had been emancipated from thirteen years of middle-level Conservative rule of reasonable efficiency, modest dynamism but small-power idealism.
  • The intern visibly suffers as idealism clashes with professional goals.
  • They shouldered responsibility, faith and idealism along with muskets, carbines and courage.
  • It's only when he leaps into the wild blue yonder of compassion, or idealism, or altruism, that he makes these hilarious mistakes.

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