How To Use Idea In A Sentence

  • While the site focuses mainly on their environmental concerns, they're also up in arms about the Bush administration's general abuse and disregard for science - including the idea that abstinence is some kind of cureall. News from the House of Sticks -
  • The speech was brimming with ideas for rewarding work and reducing dependency. Times, Sunday Times
  • A substantial element of the system is the set of physical exercises performed in pairs and again based on the idea of the power of co-operation.
  • Some of my remarks here are directed toward conventional scientists, who generally refrain from commenting critically on the wild ideas of a few of their colleagues because it is bad manners.
  • For a very long time I loved the idea of writing but did very little - I published a few stories, and workshopped myself into submission.
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  • We're going to work freehand as well as with a few stencils - we might try the idea in the book of using chalk dust, or we may just use the chalks as-is.
  • The idea is to give them a bit of puppy love. The Sun
  • She was obviously a little startled at this idea.
  • It seems to embrace a lot of our speculations here about the willful nature of ideas, and works well for things within our conscious realm, from babies to ballpoints.
  • Thus, the power of drawing iron is one of the ideas of the complex one of that substance we call a loadstone; and a power to be so drawn is a part of the complex one we call iron: which powers pass for inherent qualities in those subjects. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • Station improvements are being considered for Shenfield while Gidea Park, Harold Wood and Brentwood are in line for platform extensions and station revamps.
  • It's really weighing her down because she's not living up to her ideals any longer.
  • We're looking at some idea that it might be a colder than normal winter in the Northeast and Midwest.
  • The centre is ideally located within easy reach of many historical sites and venues for practical and outdoor activities.
  • Ideas for friends to run a restaurant seem like wishful thinking but they may just work. The Sun
  • Or is the idea of foreign policy beyondmilitary commitmentsso far off the radar that when the polls open, everything will hinge on the pitch-and-toss of national concerns? And Now, The Choice « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
  • However, I have no idea where this phrase originated and why we use it.
  • There is much to ponder in Evans's paper that resuscitates many ideas from Arthur Holmes of a generation ago.
  • Have a design idea ready with exact specifications about the piece that you want.
  • So there is a perennial temptation to appeal to the idea of arbitrariness when discussing the alleged informational nature of some biological causation. Biological Information
  • He comes to be disgusted by all abstractions and ideas.
  • Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
  • I think it frustrates adults when they cannot instill their ideas into teens.
  • He always insisted that it was a girlfriend's idea: he had been planning to become a tiler.
  • The 886 Professional thermostat/reactor is said to be the ideal complement to the system for any kind of derivatisation. Laboratorytalk - laboratory industry news
  • I have returned to campus enlivened by a sense of professional renewal, and I have developed course syllabi, assignments, and activities that incorporate many ideas from my fellowship experiences.
  • The portrait, reputed to be the most widely reproduced photograph in the world, has come to symbolize not just the ideals of the Cuban revolution but of revolution in general.
  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • The jobs are ideal for stay-at-home parents as you can earn from 150 per week working just three hours a day. The Sun
  • Finally, a political party is the convergence of a group of people based on their political ideals and ideologies.
  • To struggle in sweat pooled rivers, will cause the boat to the other side of the ideal sail.
  • He allegedly discussed with them the idea of detonating a nuclear or radiological bomb in the United States. The Missing Padilla Video
  • Times when the range is not used are increasingly infrequent and rarely coincide with ideal surfing conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • What screwball idea would they come up with next?
  • The idea was that the content server was responsible for providing a daily reverse-chronologic list of pages that had changed. Scripting News for 4/13/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • The Latin American brotherhood was a pretty awful in general, coming out of some deranged ideas of Simon Bolivar, and it was an extraordinarily awful thing during the Cold War. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • With that comes a complete frame of concepts and ideas.
  • Providing measurements of birds in both inches and centimeters was a very good idea.
  • In this high opinion of his own rank, he was greatly fortified by his ideas of the military profession, which, in his phrase, made a valiant cavalier a camarade to an emperor. A Legend of Montrose
  • McCoy had fully embraced the idea of belated fatherhood his declarations to the contrary notwithstanding. The Better Man
  • Physical and mental energy return so you turn vague ideas into bold action. The Sun
  • A similar attempt at reconciling Absolute Idealism and monadism had been made by Lotze, and in both cases it remains an open question whether this is not pre-established harmony in disguise. Francis Herbert Bradley
  • The reports of thefe pra&itioners are certainly favourable, in fome degree, to the idea of diluting the variolous contagion; however, many more fa&s are wanting deci - sively to edablifh the fuperiour advantage of this mode of inoculation.. The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan
  • Christ's central idea was that a truly Christly life is a richer and more abundant life than what "those who are in darkness" are experiencing. Rob Asghar: How Gandhi-Hating Kills Christianity
  • An important story, the CD is ideal for history buffs, or anyone interested in the Sally Hemings-Thomas Jefferson story.
  • An ideal culture is one that makes a place for every human gift. Margaret Mead 
  • Advertising was forbidden, and the idea that one master guildsman might produce a better product than his colleagues was regarded as treasonable. The Worldly Philosophers
  • They asked image specialists for their ideas on how to freshen the legion's image.
  • I thought, "Wow, what a good idea".
  • The established idea that granitoid magmas ascend through the continental crust as diapirs is being increasingly questioned by igneous and structural geologists.
  • Her breadth of experience makes her ideal for the job.
  • Heat the oil in a casserole dish, ideally one that fits the meat snugly (or use a large frying pan and then transfer the joint to a casserole dish).
  • However, experts don't yet know what constitutes an ideal microbiome. Times, Sunday Times
  • He expanded this idea to the propose the ‘deep, hot biosphere’ which both generates methane and adds biogenic signatures to inorganic petroleum, and that part, at least, is looking more correct every year.
  • We have also seen that these ideas have not gone unchallenged. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Well, I guess we can scratch that idea.
  • The men and women did not differ in the duration of their ideal scripts for foreplay.
  • This has caused many theoreticians to adopt a philosophical approach that mirrors the ideas of Plato.
  • Is that anger enough to overturn governments and rattle the founding idea of Europe? Times, Sunday Times
  • And the idea that this book helped Diana in her life, I think, is quite the reverse of the truth.
  • One of the most significant concerns presented by opponents is that suicide ideation is most likely a symptom of psychopathology.
  • I wrote it early in 1945 and it was published in Wireless World in October, just after the war had ended, and it laid down the principles which now determine the world's communication system, the idea that you'd have satellites poised at such a height above the earth that they remained stationery in the sky and so-called synchronous, or geostationary, orbit. Great voices of science fiction
  • Because it improves digestion but does not heat the body, Amla-Berry is ideal for calming mild to moderate hyperacidity.
  • She might be more amenable to the idea if you explained how much money it would save.
  • The Mater zealots have created an ideal opportunity for change.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all code is untested slanter - lol, I didn't think of doing it that way. great idea. AutoHotkey Community
  • The idea has to be written down, and a document has to be created defining all the requisites for the new quest.
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • Pelling's central idea is that the value of this concept is variable and its use needs care.
  • Settlers brought with them the idea of land as a partible, bounded commodity, owned by an individual (or self-selected partnership), transferable, and exclusive in perpetuity. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • “Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.” — The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • But a moment's reflection shows the absurdity of this idea.
  • But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for. NYT > Home Page
  • He also derides M-theory - the idea that we live in multidimensional space.
  • Firstly, they contain the sources for many of the ideas, themes and plots of the operas. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the city nixed both ideas, which sent everybody back to the drawing board.
  • The hero of philately became an immortal, but all he really invented was the idea of the glue on the back.
  • Barmy idea - and I was too expensive? Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether we take the signified or the signifier, Saussure argues, language has neither ideas nor sounds that existed before the linguistic system, but only conceptual and phonic differences that have issued from the system.
  • It is necessary to have lived in the depths of the French provinces to form an idea of the four brutifying years which the young fellow spent in this fashion. The Fortune of the Rougons
  • Drug companies encourage the idea that people can diagnose and medicate medical conditions themselves.
  • I have seen human bathers acting just like the birds, though from a different cause, bobbing down towards the water, but afraid to dip their heads, and the idea of comicality arose, as it does in most of the ludicrous actions of animals, from their resemblance to those of mankind. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • Think about it that way and the end of the world is quite a comforting idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • I never kept a diary when I was growing up but I did receive them as Christmas presents and loved the idea of documenting my daily and dull doings.
  • Still, on watching the movie a good couple of decades since I last read the book, as much as I found it enjoyable enough, I couldn’t help but start to think through just what Lewis is saying here, in allegorical terms, just how it all turns on the idea that, by the rules of Deep Magic, Edmund must die. Thoughts on Narnia
  • The way you mix creative ideas with a meticulous attention to detail is the key to success. The Sun
  • I was talking about people who aspire to have their ideas influence the public debate.
  • This attention to detail only enhances the beauty and warmth of the voice itself, the ideal instrument for the part.
  • The addition of the peppery radishes is a new twist on the classic idea of using baby turnips.
  • The idea may or may not work. Times, Sunday Times
  • A launch angle of about 12 degrees and a spin rate of 2,000 revolutions per minute is ideal for an above-average swing speed.
  • Love the idea of a cake stand but can't spare the shelf space? Times, Sunday Times
  • The babel of languages used in science by the late 19th century was a good argument for a universal, ideally neutral language.
  • I did some Coca-Cola ads for South America and they wanted a tango, samba and cha-cha-cha music, and all of the basic ideas came from CDs I'd worked on for WMN.
  • Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.
  • The idea of going grey doesn't bother me, but I'd hate to go bald.
  • lunger" out here, and I didn't relish the idea of sleeping in a tuberculous bed. The Prairie Wife
  • Yield the title of the website, for example the thread that IT myna makes whole story, become a story to move toward the core element of ideal outcome, make graven one part.
  • In the course of this article I have chosen to focus upon ideas of the self and identity.
  • These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form.
  • The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
  • There are parallels with Preston Tucker, the idealistic American inventor.
  • The company is ideally placed to win the contract.
  • He scorns the idea that he has sold out to commercialism, feeling instead that it is his mission to make an art form he loves loved by others.
  • So my idea is that we need these shining knights from the castle to journey forth on a quest.
  • The animating idea remains curiously unplumbed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You can become imbued with the idea that there's no point. Times, Sunday Times
  • This seemed to add weight to the idea that bodies in motion had their own force.
  • Surely, no flame of piety, idealism, or self-sacrifice could burn in the cold hearts of its citizens.
  • For creative individuals, the siesta proffers a gift basket of ideas with which to consume an hour or so, the least spirited of which, to put it delicately, is the nap. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • Early ideas had envisaged a mobile linear defence. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • [FN#114] I do not translate "beckoned" because the word would give a wrong idea. Arabian nights. English
  • I gave my ideas on "playwriting" again at Philadelphia, and was told just before I began that there were several dramatists in the room, including the author of Madame Butterfly. Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
  • The idea seemed eminently feasible. SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • Does she buy into the idea that those born with a silver spoon are morally bankrupt? Times, Sunday Times
  • Some savoury recipes also use rhubarb, as its tanginess makes it an ideal accompaniment for fatty meats or oily fish.
  • Ideas are like the stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. 
  • But, just in case you get the idea that all was pretence and subterfuge, I feel I should let you know just how the mother of a friend of mine described the communist years.
  • What's interesting about the idea of an anonymous e-mail search engine is that you could search on content keywords and probably get your mail without even remembering your account name.
  • For example, one of IBM's patents is on the idea of marking text in a word-processor in different colors for correcting.
  • Such a contrast to the generation that came before, with their big ideas, their insatiable appetites and their blithe disregard for the rest of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. George Carlin 
  • And daft ideas and practices receive no opposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The obscurity of the pleading which is, if I may so with respect to the drafter of it, exceedingly clever, because the pleading is in terms always of a duty of care to do something and it is there the elision of two very separate ideas.
  • Regardless of whether those pessimistic readings of the debate are correct, and of whether the zombie idea itself is sound or incoherent, it continues to stimulate fruitful work on consciousness, physicalism, phenomenal concepts, and the relations between imaginability, conceivability, and possibility. Zombies
  • Not sure backstage before a sell-out show is the time to jot down ideas though. The Sun
  • Alifabs Ambassador extruded aluminium fascia gutter and rainwater system is the design ideal for both new and existing buildings.
  • But queuing at a car park for an hour to slog around the shops is not my idea of the perfect weekend. The Sun
  • This is precisely how astrological ideas cross-fertilise each other and grow.
  • The idea was to talk to survivors of life's hardships, from concentration camp victims to cancer sufferers.
  • Had it not been cold and wet it would have been a kinda fun day, if your idea of fun is standing still by a roundabout for nine hours.
  • He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.
  • Your imagination will burst out, no matter how hard you try to contain it so get in first and showcase your ideas. The Sun
  • To say the word god in American public discourse is to conjure up a number of images and ideas that serve to undermine democracy in name of religious freedom. Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou: 'Gods, Gays and Guns' (EXCERPT)
  • The two in fact are related: the ideas resonate differently in different parts of the world, exemplifying with remarkably clarity the issues introduced in the previous sections.
  • Unroasted nuts such as almonds, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts make an ideal snack food.
  • Sometimes his ideas appal me, but they excite me too, because they are new. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness. Henrik Ibsen
  • Alan Clements also gave the idea a positive reception.
  • It is a silly idea and he has botched it.
  • PROS: Very interesting sci-fi ideas about life at extremely low temperatures, includes facts based on the very latest science available in biology and planetology, characters were very interesting and well managed. REVIEW: The Sunborn by Gregory Benford
  • The film quite plausibly suggests that her interpretation makes the wrong things of the right ideas.
  • The idea of being a farmer had lost its charm for me by this time.
  • Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • This kind of apsidal (or elsewhere even oval structures) houses ideal for thatched roofs were especially quite common during the Geometric Period (e.g. in the oldest Greek colonies at Old-Smyrna, Miletos, Ephesos; in many sanctuaries or houses on the Greek mainland, such as at Eretria, Perachora, etc). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Tepe Duzen Report 2
  • But when it's the sole story-telling medium, as here, I also think it has a slight distancing effect on the reader, robbing the action of some immediacy and urgency, which for modern sensibilities is perhaps not ideal when dealing with such dramatic events. Brian Ruckley - News & Views
  • This is called a volta or literally a "turn" in ideas. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • The idea that s. 8 protects an individuals’s privacy in garbage until the last unpaid bill rots into dust, or the incriminating letters turn into muck and are no longer decipherable, is to my mind too extravagant to contemplate. SCC: No Privacy Interest in Things We Throw Out : Law is Cool
  • It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice.
  • Surely this would be the ideal place to locate these stall holders - still in the town centre but not causing obstructions.
  • While many parents do not appreciate the idea of promoting these collectible items with snack items, some do not think it is such a bad idea.
  • The so-called audience learns about the proposer herself, measures her credibility, considers her ideas, and deepens her understanding of the current exigency as the rhetor sees it.
  • People are repulsed at the idea of limiting the amount of children someone can have, despite the fact that our schools, health care, and planet itself simply cannot support us.
  • Many of the events are informal and unscripted, and can afford glimpses of public figures talking unguardedly about their ideas, their life, and their convictions. The Story Behind the Story
  • I find the fetishization of hairlessness strange… I wonder sometimes if it is not the result of the idealization of adolescent body types. The Most Hairiest Man in the World? » Sociological Images
  • Oregon is regarded as the ideal location for a factory full of computer processors. Times, Sunday Times
  • This idea is strongly embedded in the Constitution.
  • His escape meant that he had to be figuratively executed, with the result that the people, ideas, and culture associated with him were outlawed and destroyed in his stead.
  • A parallel argument is put by contemporary feminist writers when they discuss Freud's ideas regarding relationships between parents and children.
  • The idea of demons in New York was therefore fundamentally absurd. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • At work your interesting ideas and your keen eye for detail impress the bosses. The Sun
  • That was not an impossible ideal but it did require a subtle mind to grasp it.
  • In recent decades, though, especially sine the end of Soviet tyranny, the safe-haven idea has lost cogency like an unwound watch running down.
  • First, peoples' idea affects their propensity to save and consume and invest, and difference attitude on risk, which are impacted on the economic situation.
  • There is some disagreement as to whether phenomenalists should be labeled "idealists."
  • He said it was unlikely the proposals would be put to a vote because ideally unanimous acceptance would be required. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have always had a phobia about pregnancy and childbirth, the whole idea of it repulses me beyond belief.
  • Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosms.
  • It's ideal if you are selling something browsable.
  • In the early nineteenth century Greece was the focus of a cultural movement, an idealizing "Hellenism," and international political involvement in the War of Independence against the Ottoman Note: Greece
  • This guy, this kid, teaches his dog, a mongrel, to be a pointer, and his father hates the idea because he breeds pure-breeds.
  • A talented winemaker whose drinking wine of the moment is Shiraz, Debbie has a clear idea about the wine that she likes to produce and the wine she likes to drink.
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
  • And the idea of the wind chimes, oiled, wrapped and protected in rolls of aromatic hessian sacking, lying up in the dark of the garage loft against some future need, is pleasing enough.
  • The idea is to allow them to have more time doing other things - they will be beeped for the rides when their turn comes.
  • Not so long ago, the major film critics in the U.S. fancifully tossed around the idea of the ‘death of cinema.’
  • He said the idea would let mom-and-pop stores buy their licenses "on a payment plan," allaying fears that the only big businesses would be able to afford to get into the market under his proposal. McDonnell will count votes before calling special session
  • What kind of twisted logic was used to make that look a good idea? Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though sociobiology never became exactly fashionable, many biologists eventually warmed up to the ideas, albeit tweaking and interpreting them in a new and modern way.
  • The debut in spring 2006 of HBO's television series, Big Love, which featured a fictional and in some ways likeable polygamous family in Utah, propelled polygamy to the front pages of American newspapers and put the idea of legalized polygamy "in play" in some surprising quarters. Elizabeth Marquardt: Get Ready for Group Marriage
  • Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas. A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
  • This dynamic is the focus of the section of the exhibition titled "Ideas Not Theories: Artists and The Club. Mark Wiener and Linda DiGusta: Reunion -- "Abstract Expressionist New York" Opens @ MoMA
  • It can be subdivided to create custom compartments for the ideal organization of tools, sets, kits and outfits.
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ideas put forward yesterday for future use of new technology included allowing parents to check online whether their children are truanting, increasing online tax payments and more use of computers in the health service.
  • Jay snuggled back down into his goose down pillows and picked up a tennis ball to ideally throw at the ceiling, then he looked at Chris who was still fumbling with his words.
  • I haven't pitched this idea to my boss yet, but I think it will be received well.
  • The tape has the advantages of heat resistance, insulation and heat shrink, becoming ideal insulating binding materials for manufacturing and repairing of electrical machinery, transformer and so on.
  • Any fool could tell you its a bad idea to let a destructionist play with nukes. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The alternative for me is to say that each time the market drops and throws up some of these bargain basement ideas, I'll deploy some capital as long as I have some capital left.
  • Can't quite imagine yourself with your hair gathered loosely at the crown with tousled waves flowing down your neck… but like the idea?
  • These immortal ideas, things barely perceptible are the most precious things of life.
  • For observe: this love of what is called ideality or beauty in preference to truth, operates not only in making us choose the past rather than the present for our subjects, but it makes us falsify the present when we do take it for our subject. Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • Travellers changing from train to bus at Southend Victoria rail station could soon have a better idea of when their bus will arrive.
  • This statistic will give you a good idea if your content is interesting and if your visitors are staying on your site for a long time and surfing.
  • My writing coach then turned me on to the idea of blogging earlier this year – he made me realize that being a blogger is also a way to be “published.” How to Get a Book Deal: Part 1 – Printasauraus Rex Vs. The Blog: Publishing 2.0 | Write to Done
  • This procedure is a form of critique: the photomontage provides us a critical distance to reflect on what we had been prompted to desire, whether it was a luxury product, an ideal of feminine beauty, a racial superiority, or an entire way of life. Merrill Cole: WikiLeaks and David Wojnarowicz: A Perspective from Berlin
  • These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movement.

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