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id est

  1. that is to say; in other words

How To Use id est In A Sentence

  • Nullum esse hyemali solstitio diem, id est, tempus quo sol supra horizontem conspicitur in illo tantum Islandi� angulo, si mod� quis est, fatemur, vbi polus ad integros 67. gradus attollitur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Nullum esse hyemali solstitio diem, id est, tempus quo sol supra horizontem conspicitur in illo tantum Islandiæ angulo, si modò quis est, fatemur, vbi polus ad integros 67. gradus attollitur. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • It is a splendid establishment which has won him international fame. A Passion for Food
  • Cylindrocarpon radicicola (ATTC 11011) [1, 2] 3 Reaction and Specificity Catalyzed reaction ketosteroid + NADPH + H+ + O2 = steroid ester/lactone + NADP + H2 O Reaction type oxidation reduction 499 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The claimant states that it called evidence which in its view did establish a clear and, if those adjectives are considered appropriate, an immediate and pressing need for such facilities.
  • Islandiæ terrestribus agens, è Tantali; vt aiunt, horto fructus colligit, id est, ea consectatur, quæ nunquam reperiuntur, nec vsquam sunt, dum miracula hinc inde conquirere, terram et pelagus verrere, ad Historiæ suæ supplementum studet: Vbi tamen nihil nisi cotnmentitia tantum venari potest. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Churches by John while he yet remained in the body (adhuc in corpore constituto); as (one) Papias by name, of Hierapolis, a beloved disciple of John, has related in his exoteric, that is, in his last five books (in exotericis, id est, in extremis quinque libris); but he wrote down the Gospel at the dictation of John, correctly (descripsit vero evangelium dictante Johanne recte). Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 3.1 Has Smoother Drawing And Usability Tweaks | Lifehacker Australia
  • They wanted state authorities to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act to avoid establishing new precedents for national intervention in state affairs.
  • Tria sunt praecipua quae nominantur oecumenica, sive universalia et authentica, id est, habentia auctoritatem et non indigentia demonstratione aut probatione, videlicet Symbolum Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
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