- the branch of art history that studies visual images and their symbolic meaning (especially in social or political terms)
How To Use iconology In A Sentence
- Bustling iconology notwithstanding, Ji's pictures are not exclusively literary or even representational.
- As formulated by the critic and poet Larry Neal, the black aesthetic "proposes a separate symbolism, mythology, critique, and iconology.
- While iconography is a descriptive and classificatory discipline, iconology is an interpretative method, which aims to contextualize works of art culturally and explore their possible meanings.
- This colonial propagandist iconology was equally exploited in media such as postcards, posters, paintings, advertisements, newspapers, magazines, cartoons, and film.
- In iconology, creating becomes a liturgical offering of works of art to God, but the artwork offered is not separate from its author.
- In other words, the window may have a localized iconology as well as a universalized iconography.
- The word means image, but also copy, and the iconology of 9/11, unlike the real thing which was utterly singular, drew on past images to guide instinctive response.
- As formulated by the critic and poet Larry Neal, the black aesthetic "proposes a separate symbolism, mythology, critique, and iconology.
- This treatise is based on the analysis of the philosophical fundamental of Iconology which has been scrutinized in purpose on an open critical platform of Visual Culture.
- This thesis studies on transformation of dogs figures of Su Wong-Shen s artworks from 1988 to 2006. We interpret his artworks in cultural and social ways by using iconology .