How To Use Icky In A Sentence
After a bit of a stickybeak at the Queen's Scottish residence of Holyroodhouse, we made the most of the remaining daylight walking the length of the Royal Mile through the Old Town back to the castle, stopping by the Heart of Midlothian. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
The engine on the X-51, called a supersonic-combustion ramjet, or "scramjet," pulls off a couple of especially tricky tasks.
When Supersonic Is Just Too Slow
Using wire transmission, with long service life, and not sticky paste, silk or nylon thread transmission can be equipped with water-hao to justice system.
The only use he serves as a coach is that his nose just about crosses the touchline when he's sat in the dugout, so there's every chance he'll be able to trip up a tricky winger with his conk.
The boracic powder was lifted in my absence from the _Pharmacie_ to try and get the first glimmerings of a slide on that sticky creosoted floor.
Fanny Goes to War

However, some patients seek help late in the season, when their symptoms have progressed from a runny nose to sticky yellow mucus with red, hot itchy and swollen eyes.
Tracking sports 'online cacophony is tricky enough when just focusing on league websites.
NBC's Michaels making Olympic Games comeback
Daniel - yeah, now suffering post-wedgy issues - let's just say get them to do a full harness check instead of a "quicky" becuase you an in a chair. oh that sounded rude too
Wheelchair indoor rock climbing? Beth pays to get a wedgy.
If you don't know my husband I should mention here that he's what you'd probably call a picky eater.
Scribbit | A Blog About Motherhood in Alaska
However this game can be tricky at the best of times and lo an behold the favourite was crowded out at this stage being put back to near last.
He might be 900 feet tall, and gentle as a lamb in real life, but Micky Clarkskies has got a manic look in his eyes that reminds one of the bulging diabetical look Biggie used to charm the ladies.
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Let me start by saying sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but I couldn't find it in the sticky and I'm not sure how to search whole questions.
Presented with a series of tricky problems, the Scud decided to play safe and run like the clappers, and just belt the ball for all he was worth.
We believe that eventually every major consumer-oriented company will need interactive programming - sticky content - for their Web sites.
The second set also starts of in a rollicky jamming way with a Stranger and a Cumberland to write home about, but then the band slows down and you get a sleepy Gloria and a communally weird Do It In The Road where "everyone" sings.
Street vendors sell bundles of sticky rice bound in banana leaf.
Times, Sunday Times
My fingerboard gets sticky and I get fed-up and want to sit in the garden.
Bynes, who recently announced her retirement from acting on Twitter only to 'unretire' a week later, simply axed her @chicky account last week without going public about her decision.
Starpulse Entertainment News
Using her pole as a staff, her temporarily lamed left hand useless at her side, she turned, beginning her hunt for the tricky sorceress and a place to camp once more.
The panicky reaction of players at the US Open betrayed their lack of resilience in the face of adversity.
But it is a tricky lesson to teach when the banks and building societies are paying barely any interest to savers.
Times, Sunday Times
One reason TB-control programs are so important is that antitubercular drugs are such tricky instruments.
Tuberculosis: A Deadly Return
The sour cherry atop this icky sundae is todays announcement that that the U.S.
Balloon Juice » 2005 » May
If I were to wait until some kind of separate road system for cycles is introduced, a dicky heart would have taken me to my grave before I managed to get on my bike.
The adrenalin rush speeds your heart up and can make you feel panicky, too.
The Sun
And despite its sweet taste, sticky toffee pudding is often the saltiest.
The Sun
Right after we came ashore, we felt the sticky, humid air of the land hit our faces.
Another area where the electronic brain is clueless is when you want to take tricky shots using the flash.
In the moralistic atmosphere of 1950s Hollywood, it was tricky to present Colette's account of the risqué demimondaine, and its glorification of the courtesans who relied on wealthy playboys and aristocrats to live in a state of opulence.
France's Courtesan Queen Returns to the Silver Screen
I can still remember biting through the coconut-studded chocolate shell into the gloriously sticky, snow-white goo within.
No wonder her work is cutting through the stale, stodgy world of Scottish desserts like a red hot knife through a wodge of sticky toffee pudding.
While there are plenty of party girls still sporting low-slung bell bottoms, the hippest in the crowd are swishing around in kicky full skirts, miniskirts and skirts with dipping hemlines.
Shall I tie the parcel or use sticky tape?
Vicky Fox, a towering transwoman with yellow hair and brown skin, hurls herself dramatically onto the floor and begins contorting about on the weathered tile when I ask to take her picture.
Down and Delirious in Mexico City
And with billions and billions served helpings of the lardaceous potato strips, it's a sticky moment for JamesSkinner'sJames Skinner's Golden Arches, which last October boasted of its initiative to print nutritional data on its packages to help consumers make informed choices about what to eat.
Skinner's McDonald's Comes Clean On Fries' Fat
Suddenly, Fashion Bug didn't seem like a fun place with cute, kicky, affordable clothes and plentiful opportunities for advancement.
Jackson and three companions plan to climb K2 without bottled oxygen, but it is the descent that is most tricky.
Grill skewers of lemon-and-thyme-marinated lamb, and then serve them atop a garlicky Sardinian couscous full of cauliflower, currants, and pine nuts.
The reason for hospital admission was severe colicky pain in the right upper abdomen for two months.
Now the opposite seems to be happening: a panicky rally.
Teriyaki salmon was seared to a questionable degree of firmness and sat on a dais of tepid mash potato with a nastily commercial sticky teriyaki sauce.
I think -" "I've a pretty little mare, pure Arab - bought her for breeding, but she's proving deuced picky, altogether unamenable.
It was very tricky business, as one wrong move would result in the loss of the fish.
It is next to impossible for a fruit bat to avoid the grit, which adheres to the sticky fruit it eats as well as to the animal itself; even as a bat grooms itself, it gets a mouthful of the ash.
But when the adrenaline is pumping to your brain, the hot, sticky blood coursing through your veins, who could resist?
Did Charity lure him into her sticky web?
The Sun
When cooked, the mescal is a fibrous, sticky, syrupy substance with a flavor similar to molasses.
The date for the appearance of "kvell" in the English language is tricky to pinpoint exactly.
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Ricky Ricardo is a famous orchestra leader and singer working out of the Tropicana Club in New York City.
I wanted to find out whether it was possible to have an option to 'minimise' the sticky section on any given thread?
She got us to make posters advertising our search and marched us up and down the village streets with our posters and sticky tape.
Times, Sunday Times
It's that time of year when gimmicky wines with daft labels burst upon us in the supermarkets.
Of course, it would be open to ultra-picky fault-finding customers or even malicious postings.
Times, Sunday Times
It also helped that the plate was huge - so big, in fact, that Vicky and I could barely finish half of it.
The other woman sighed; Vicky's view of her was obstructed by a circle of three guards that surrounded her.
At dinner with Marc, Vicky talked about Frank's urging her to elevate Adam's place in the company.
She is embarrassed by everything and accordingly cursed in her ownership of Theo, a tricky little shih-tzu.
I was rather taken aback, because it raised some tricky theological and metaphysical questions.
Times, Sunday Times
Artists have, of course, been sticky-fingered for ages, long before the term "appropriation art" was ushered into the lexicon to describe the Pictures Generation.
The New Yorker
There was an erroneous assumption that the sticky foam would be used as an anti-personnel weapon, and visions of an agitator with his head covered with a blob of foam prevented a more careful analysis of the intended use of the foam.
You've criticised your debut for being a bit gimmicky.
The Sun
The students use this technique today to master the most complex and tricky footwork.
This old stamp isn't sticky any more; I shall have to gum it down onto the envelope.
I lately had occasion to justify an action to a man," went on Clowes, "but, no, the scurvy fellow would put no faith in my words, insisting that the person I sought to clear was covinous and tricky, and wholly unworthy of trust.
Janice Meredith
Carly Flynn, who managed to be "the nice one" without being insipid, which is a tricky balance to manage (not that I've ever tried). - Stuff
While the writers in my fandom are definitely interested in craft matters, almost all of them are much more picky about the feedback I give them than my mentees are.
Yes, Donne's tricky and ingenious and he's enjoying his ingenuity.
You sense that, like any obsessive, he must be tricky to handle at times.
Most workers yearn for a tea trolley stacked with sticky buns.
Times, Sunday Times
The paper was too damp, or the ink too sticky, or the gods too angry or something, and it stuck solidly to the acetate that I was printing it from.
IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives.
State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
She said: 'I got a bit panicky.
The Sun
Being the incurable stickybeak that I am, I went back thru the archives ’til I found the thread you mentioned.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Newly renovated Ladies Lounge.
I knew that the biotechnology industry had been pouring money into opposing the initiative with slick advertisements and tricky sound bites.
It has taken a practical, sensible approach to what is a tricky issue.
Times, Sunday Times
The Pan of the universe drives people panicky, that is they lose speech.
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
A person with cystic fibrosis produces thick, sticky mucus that provides a perfect breeding ground for bacterial growth.
These recordings are museum pieces, pulled up from the sticky earth, their crazy-diamond shine still winking through the clay after thirty years
The designers have a tricky job balancing the editorial page elements around the fixed advertising positions.
Times, Sunday Times
Vicky's mother has warned parents to get rid of any dog they are dubious about.
But then the film attempts to jar the viewer with gory scenes like one around a bonfire wherein roasted marshmallows turn mouths and faces into sticky goo.
Weekend Weirdness: Animal Collective’s ODDSAC Premieres in NYC; Chuck Norris Does Actionfest; Actor David Sherrill on The Wraith (and a Sequel?); Melvins Versus The Shining; Stussy’s J. Dilla Documentary | /Film
The thing about Ricky is - I mean, I'm not just trying to slag him off - he's a nightmare to work with.
Whoever coined the term tricky-dicky must have sensed that the combination would hit hard.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
Minyip (n) - A female bunyip, difficult to distinguish from her male counterpart, the Mickyip.
This gimmicky attempt to kindle some public warmth for the nation's art is missing the point.
Followed by sticky toffee pudding with malt whisky ice cream.
Times, Sunday Times
The tricky part is the valuation of the bitcoins, which, in 2013 alone, has been as low as $15 and as high as $200.
What was really tricky was magnetizing the computers without messing them up.
Eventually, though, it became difficult to get in and out of my car, which is tricky when you're the host of a television programme that mostly involves getting into and out of cars.
It has taken a practical, sensible approach to what is a tricky issue.
Times, Sunday Times
Picky Penny proceeded to order the chipotle chicken wrap with no onions, no peppers, light on the shredded spinach, cheddar instead of pepper jack, and the chipolte dressing on the side.
This may feel tricky because it could also challenge your relationship with your husband.
Times, Sunday Times
Junk bonds roared back into favour in the USA during the 1990s but the market has since hit a sticky patch.
Then I added two herbs used by American Indians: the rich, dark-green leaves of plantain for relieving irritated skin and sticky grindelia flowers, or “gumweed,” with their light, fresh scent, to treat the itch of poison ivy and poison oak.
The Last Chance Dog
The tricky bit is that you will need proof of purchase.
The Sun
To get the downsides out of the way first, our test sample was very picky with the hard drives we used.
Gradually mix in to form sticky dough.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the tricky aspects of diagnosing food intolerance is that some people are sensitive not to the food itself but to a substance or ingredient used in the preparation of the food.
And then there was CityTime, the gargantuan $700 million looting of the city treasury by sticky-fingered outside consultants hired to build an automated payroll system.
Dan Collins: Mayor Bloomberg's Handling of Stephen Goldsmith Firing Not the Problem
The watertight seals over structural joints tend to deteriorate over time as the caulking becomes less sticky and dislodges.
For some months a range of vital but exceedingly tricky matters have been on your mind.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Well, I, uhm, don't know what I'm going to tell Ricky,’ I admit, shamefaced.
Micky Conlan would roll the ball in front, then run, pick it up, baulk an imaginary opponent, run close to the boundary, kick the goal then scuttle back, laughing.
Truffle: The surprise center in every cake is a thinly coated truffle made from two textures of caramel: a sticky-salted caramel and a caramel bavarois mousse as in Bavairan—the recipe adds eggs in addition to the usual cream.
A guilt-free, low-calorie, low-fat cake
So now you're going to play tattletale and report everything to icky Snapey?
It's a tricky one; we don't know Aethelred wasn't a snake.
Sword Song, by Bernard Cornwell. Book review
Any unfancied teams remaining in the competition by that stage have done well to get that far, and can expect to meet a sticky end rather soon.
Add powdered milk until dough feels soft, smooth, and not sticky.
Well, the way I see it, butter either comes melted and all oily and sticky or unmelted and thick and tasting so plain, it's disgusting.
Apparently, Ricky's made-up rumor turned out to be true.
And it was in France, dear reader, that I learned to swallow the bitter pill best known as endive-not a life lesson, perhaps, in the strict sense of the term, but a promising turn for a palate. picky than pleasant at the dinner table.
Then he tried to be a trendy DJ by mixing it up on a record deck, before landing a smacker on 13-year-old Vicky Hopson.
Amy's trousers were made of a light white cotton and seemed kicky and free.
Remember when I was a disco dangle with a spangle sweating in my sticky pocket caning pop and disco dangle darling watching you?
Bone Dust Disco
Make one a free-range chicken, another a good piece of ham or pancetta and the third some kind of garlicky sausage, then everyone will have something they like.
Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
Not so happy dealing with the tricky little fellas.
The Sun
The only down side is the nice blue cover shows finger prints, though they wipe off easily, and the mousepad is a little tricky for me but I have never liked mousepads so that's just me.
Kombor's Life Hacks and Reviews
My clothes were caked in hot, sticky washing powder.
Times, Sunday Times
The large buds of mountain ash and poplars have a sticky, resinous covering that partially protects them from hungry animals.
Like so many fashionably modernistic productions, this one comes across as gimmicky, born of a desire to shock in order to shake up conventional morality.
He even overtook Denmark's Mickael Rasmussen, who had started out six minutes before him but had a disastrous ride on the tricky and technical route's sharp bends, fast downhills and tiring uphills.
When sticky, add hot stock one ladle at a time, stirring until absorbed and the rice creamy with a bite at the centre.
Times, Sunday Times
It is on account of this tricky instinct of the rhea that the gauchos say, "El avestruz es el mas _gaucho_ de los animales," which means that the ostrich, in its resourcefulness and the tricks it practises to save itself when hard pressed, is as clever as the gaucho knows himself to be.
Far Away and Long Ago
In fact, I think it is this admiration for contraptions - for tricky pieces of apparatus that do this when you push that - which often attracts people to the field of conjuring.
The cravat is a bit tricky to get looking right and the white cotton gloves are slightly too small.
August 18th, 2008
In real life, my family and I were shuffled off to a cramped, airless, plasticky holding area and offered cheap pastries and instant coffee.
I think the former group needs our help, and the second group needs a big frosty glass of chill-the-hell-out with a kicky pastel umbrella.
I do hope you won't have that same kind of a phthisicky ketch in your breath that you had the other night after you overdone.
The Wizard's Daughter and Other Stories
I started off with the roast veal sweetbreads with collop of foie gras and morel jus, while Vicky opted for the roulade of duck fois gras cooked in truffle stock with cherry brioche.
a wickyup and for the first time realize that our first home was to be wiped off the map.
The Prairie Wife
We drank and partied with my parents, the other new lecturers, the German lector, Klaus, the French lecteur, Patrice, Russell a student and poet with long, thin hair, Vicky, a German student, and Andy who ran the hall of residence.
It's so muggy and sticky and every time I breathe in, the air feels disgustingly warm and damp.
This starkly produced single combines a sultry female vocal with hypnotic electronics and shows Tricky at his subtle best.
The Sun
It sat on the breadboard; someone had used our breadknife to cut part of it into neat, sticky slices... I pressed my palm to my mouth.
This can be tricky when juggling home life with a demanding career - unless an employer is able to be flexible.
Times, Sunday Times
Nicky returned from washing his hands and sat gingerly on the edge of the sofa.
Admittedly a lot of those are basic Roman characters with diacritics but the exact positioning of the diacritic can be tricky - and it can sometimes modify the basic character shape.
He used to get quite tensed up and panicky about things, but that is all in the past now.
About the tricky song ‘makes me wanna die’ which is ruined by a vague hip hop beat.
If the weather is sticky, it is humid and not particularly pleasant.
A heavy, damp wind blew from the north, leaving a film on my skin sticky as pinesap.
No Mercy
Some are tricky and talky bargainers.
While Nicky watched and marvelled, his father Paul, rating Rio the finest place he has been, was struck by the bold attitudes towards poverty.
Don't get alarmed, don't get peevish, don't get panicky, don't be a wicked old flutterer, Ham, my boy!" he said.
Bones in London
The tamandua feeds on ants and termites which it catches with its long, sticky tongue.
This hardly seems the ideal time to reorganise certain already tricky arrangements.
Times, Sunday Times
We also found amazing things like the original sticky toffee pudding recipe.
The Sun
Women enjoy the attentiveness of Shanghai men but can't stand their being fussy and ‘picky’.
When sticky, add hot stock a ladle at a time, stirring until it is absorbed and the rice is creamy with a bite at the centre.
Times, Sunday Times
While shopping malls aren't known for their creative floral displays, these plants certainly won't look as fake and plasticky in your home as they do in the food court.
Ricky's grin of recognition revealed a healthy complement of gleaming white dentition, all the more albescent in contrast to his swarthy visage.
Vicky ordered the king prawn and salmon laksa with noodles, while I went for the cod fillet with chorizo, garlic, spring onion mash and thyme.
The use of Flash technologies saves production time and makes the site more interactive and sticky.
The Minnesota GOP has already released an ad that drills down on all of this, recalling Dayton's flight from DC because he was worried about the threat of terrorism, calling him "panicky" and "erratic.
Mark Dayton, Minnesota Gubernatorial Nominee, Assailed By GOP For Being 'Panicky...Erratic' (VIDEO)
In a market economy, finicky customers have the upper hand in choosing products and services.
Teeth whitening kits can be tricky so seek advice from your dentist before picking one to do at home.
The Sun
The grandedame gestures of the late fifties had gone, the overblown and icky sentiment had gone.
Its oysters with a raspberry shallot vinegar and lemon and mussels in a garlicky white wine sauce are renowned.
Times, Sunday Times
Make your own sticky trap by smearing Vaseline or Tanglefoot on a yellow surface and hang it up close to where the adults congregate.
‘Now, I get very panicky at the sound of a loud explosion caused by a tire blowout or the sound of a car backfiring in the parking lot,’ he said jokingly.
That's why last year's Latin rock poster boy Ricky Martin is working extra hard to establish himself as more than just a bonbon shaking phenom with his second English language album, " Sound Loaded.
This was a quicky two parter created to fill some studio time and make up the weeks which were left on some of the actors' contracts.
The web isn't sticky, but slows prey down long enough for the spider to grab dinner and drag it to the den.
The design is ageing and the interior plasticky, but this is the most fun and rewarding to drive of all these small, sporty hatchbacks.
Desperate for a wee, he did two laps of the living room barking his shins and becoming increasingly panicky before finally locating the light switch and making good his escape.
And imagine the uproar when we discover the standard issue boot doesn't come with a kicky little heel.
Pakistan has had another attack of the 'butterfingers', costing the tourists the chance to put Australia, and captain Ricky Ponting in particular, under severe pressure on the opening day of the third Test at Bellerive Oval.
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As a contrast, I follow them up with Nigella's Finger Lickin' Ribs, from her book Feast, a deliberately quick recipe designed, apparently, for eating "oozy and sticky" in bed, which cooks at 200C for an hour.
How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
The asphalt is sticky black licorice and the traffic lights pulse to a blind man's marching tune.
To be sure," says Sister Biscoe, a little hystericky, but very cheerful; "ain't that what I'm here for?
Dialect Tales
Surprised, Cody looked up from his sticky bowl of poi to find a pair of blue-uniformed legs on either side of him.
‘It got rid of my frizz but didn't feel gooey or sticky like other products I've used,’ reported one tester with hard-to-manage locks.
At first, I thought it was a bit "gimmicky" - usually camera manufacturers 'tack on' video as a bonus feature just because they can.
The main room is so huge it kills atmosphere and the floor was dirty and sticky.
Ricky Gervais is a much better presenter than some I've seen in recent days.
Golden Globe Awards 2010: The MTV Live Blog! » MTV Movies Blog
Resolving to have his fun first, and to look over the brickyard afterward, he rode on up the hill, prospecting for a way across country to get to the knolls.
Chapter VIII
Don't be left on a sticky wicket.
Times, Sunday Times
Gary led Vicky from the handsome Chesapeake & Ohio-Seaboard Air Line depot on Main Street in Richmond to the waiting Cadillac.
It's a tricky place, treated unremarkably, yet nonetheless shadowed by the highest drama.
Times, Sunday Times
As to the scientific element in this compromise, De Angelis holds, in his general introduction regarding meteorology, that the main material cause of comets is "exhalation," and says, "If this exhalation is thick and sticky, it blazes into a comet.
A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
The usual migraine triggers were cut out from Harriet's diet: chocolate, cheese, orange juice: but to no avail, says Nicky.
His book calls on its audience to return to ‘spirit, love adventure, poetry, incense, kicky language, and rock and roll’.
Questionless, there was many a serviceable brick wasted in Nineveh because finicky persons must needs be deleting here and there a phrase in favor of its cuneatic synonym; and it is not improbable that when the outworn sun expires in clinkers its final ray will gild such zealots tinkering with their "style.
The Certain Hour
Today's deal is a tricky 6?
Times, Sunday Times
Ziggy 4 - yep, he's the fourth Ziggy-pup Meldrum has owned - made his fame by going completely berko when Dicky Knee appeared during the Molly's Melodrama segment. | Top Stories
What will also nettle Waugh is Ricky Ponting's success as Australia's new one-day skipper.
The building up of ink is one of the best things about the ballpoint, and who cannot remember the smell of the ink as you build up sticky, rich layer after layer.
Ricky stepped forward to the front of the stage and began to sing.
He would become very panicky when put on his back while his nappy was being changed.
Caring for your Unborn Child
Her nails are short and not in the least scary, there is no electric tan, deathly blonde hair or sticky lipstick.
Trying to look powerful with your gob taped shut is a tricky thing.
The Sun
After that came the mistletoe to smear the blade, whose sticky sap would ensure free, unstaunchable bleeding ... and the great, thick-bladed steel knife with which to take the trophy skull ...
Ripping Time
Fearnley-Whittingstall’s occasional efforts to explain butchery, like boning a leg of lamb (encouraging his readers not to bother with a professional but to do the 'hatchet job yourself — it’s quite easy to improvise'), reveal a tolerance for chaos ( 'It’s a bit tricky to explain') that may be without precedent among people who make
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
They've even got one of those icky photos of themselves on the bedside table.
Ricky kept his arm round her waist.
Physiotherapy helps clear the thick, sticky mucus from the lungs.
This is probably the most meat-centred restaurant in London and not advised for your picky vegan friends, but perfect for a Sunday.
One could well imagine an urgent gathering of the ` The Royal & Ancient Order of Sticky Fellows’ with fresh candles in their billycocks, lit and mining tools akimbo; being convened before the Miner in Chief within minutes of my departure.
You will take no nonsense today and this helps you sort out a tricky cash situation.
The Sun
Once they have been out at sea for a while and it is time to head inland, they are decidedly picky about a river's condition.
Times, Sunday Times