How To Use Ice wagon In A Sentence
Or I might be on the shady sidewalk with my contemporaries when an ice wagon clattered up.
She hates listening to the gunshots that echo from Fairmount and Gilmor at night, wondering if the ambo siren is for DeAndre or if the police wagon racing around the corner has been called for her son.
Bearing the pain, Oscar sent the criminal to the police wagon with other associates.
All the cars must go along the safety-check, including police wagon.
In this paper a design scheme about realtime inspection of police wagon based on the technologies of Geography Information System (GIS) and Global Position System (GPS) is presented.
Police wagons and fire wagons were not moving.
Christianity Today
But when two of your man-gods, arrayed and beautiful, get their eyes, set on the same woman-god, still more beautiful, arrayed or unarrayed, you'll hear the rattle of the police wagon in the streets of Heaven, with the ambulance close behind.
The One Woman